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Lucas (Must Love Danger Book 5)

Page 4

by Emily Jane Trent

  Leaving wasn’t an option, but Haylee wouldn’t forgive herself if anything happened to her son. She tossed and turned for hours before finally relaxing. Tyler had been right about one thing: she did need a bodyguard. The stalker was dangerous.


  The next morning, while Amy packed for the trip, Haylee had breakfast in the room. Then she did some yoga stretches while she had the chance, and thought about her next performance.

  “I saw Lucas talking with security,” Amy said. “He must have been up early. We’ll be fine on the plane, but the hotel is another matter.”

  “The security there is good,” Haylee said. “That’s one of the reasons that I like to stay there.” She chose Hotel Elysée whenever she stayed in Manhattan. It was a 1920s-era building with European furnishings, and it felt like stepping back into a more elegant time.

  “It’s only a few blocks from Fifth Avenue,” Amy said. “Maybe we’ll be able to fit in a shopping excursion.”

  When Haylee was dressed and ready to go, there was a knock on the door. Lucas arrived to escort her to the plane. He wore khakis with a deep brown blazer that made his copper eyes gleam. Haylee’s attention drifted to the cotton shirt under the open jacket, then to his muscled chest.

  Lucas smiled. “Are you ready to go?”

  Haylee nearly blurted out that she would go anywhere with him but held her tongue. She was ushered to the car and climbed in. Amy would ride in another car with security. It was good to have her along. Sometimes Haylee felt very alone surrounded by crew and security.

  Once they arrived at the airport and settled into the plane, Haylee looked out the window. She was excited about going to New York. The city was vibrant and busy. She loved the bustle of pedestrians and the sound of horns honking. It seemed like something was always going on, and people walked briskly down the streets with a purpose.

  The flight was smooth and uneventful, but Haylee didn’t cruise the streets after arrival. She was swept inside through the back entrance and taken up to her suite. During the trip, Lucas had been busy talking with security. There was a lot of planning that went into a concert at a large venue. Most of the planning had been done in advance, but safety measures were an ongoing concern.

  At a late dinner, Haylee met with Jeffrey. He was proving to be a good tour manager. Too bad the upcoming concerts would be her last, or she might have hired him again. Amy joined them, and Lucas was there too. But since he was the bodyguard, he didn’t sit and chat at the table.

  Haylee watched Lucas walk around and blend in with his surroundings. He didn’t stare at people, but she felt like he saw every move. Without appearing to, Lucas scanned the restaurant and kept an eye on the guests, as well as the entrance. It wasn’t likely that any threat would get past him.

  While Jeffrey talked about the upcoming concert, Haylee tried to pay attention, but she kept glancing at Lucas. It was difficult not to look. With his broad shoulders and square jaw, he was undeniably handsome, and the sight of him made Haylee feel weak.

  Haylee was in trouble, as she was falling for her bodyguard. She had thought that was a cliché, but it was very real at that moment. Maybe it was only infatuation, since any woman would ogle a hunk like Lucas. Yet she really liked him. That was the problem.

  Once dinner was over, Haylee sent the others away and motioned for Lucas to come over. “Please sit with me. You’ve been standing around all evening.”

  Lucas took a seat. “That’s my job.”

  “You’ll get to do plenty of that at the concert,” Haylee said. “Have you eaten?”

  “That’s not how it works,” Lucas said. “You are taken care of first. When you are securely in your room, I’ll have something brought up.”

  “You make me feel special.”

  The gleam in his eyes was the only answer Haylee needed. She looked away, lest she give away her feelings. With a trembling hand, she took a sip of her coffee. She really wouldn’t mind sitting there longer while Lucas ate dinner, but she could tell that he wouldn’t agree to that.

  Once Haylee was finished, Lucas escorted her to her room like a true gentleman. There was a separate elevator for VIPs, so they were able to get up to her suite without attracting too much attention. After they were inside, Lucas made his normal inspection.

  “You don’t take anything for granted?” Haylee said.

  “I try not to.” Lucas stood close to her. “That can be a mistake.”

  Lucas was close, and Haylee’s pulse raced. He smelled so masculine and was nearly irresistible. Then a knock at the door made her jump. Lucas motioned for her to move away then looked to see who was there.

  “It’s your security.”

  When Lucas opened the door, Adam stepped in. He had worked for Haylee for years, and she was glad to have him around. “I need to talk to you, and it can’t wait,” he said.

  “Sure, come in.” Haylee sat at the dining table and Adam sat across from her. Lucas hovered, pacing as though he knew something bad was coming.

  “I’ll get to the point,” Adam said. He reached into his jacket, withdrew several photographs, then handed them to Haylee.

  Lucas looked over her shoulder as she shuffled through the pictures. Haylee stared at the images, confused at first, but then she understood. “He’s been stalking me for a long time.”

  “So it appears,” Adam said, and handed her a letter. “A messenger service delivered this with the photographs.”

  Haylee read the note and felt dizzy. It was an accusation and claimed that she had been romantically involved with her stalker. He swore that she remembered, as she would not have forgotten him, but that she was denying it.

  The letter was signed Your Destiny. The last line was a threat. If you don’t acknowledge our relationship, I’ll be forced to take steps. I’d rather that you come to me willingly.

  “How would he have gotten those photos of you?” Lucas said.

  Haylee reeled with possibilities. “I don’t know. Some of these were taken at least thirteen years ago. Look how young I was.”

  “Do you recognize the pictures?” Lucas said.

  Haylee shook her head. “They aren’t photos from any of my concerts. I can tell by what I was wearing. But they aren’t of anything I recall.”

  “The photos aren’t something you posed for. They are candid shots,” Adam said. “And these are recent.” He tapped a couple of the pictures.

  Haylee looked at Lucas. “That means the stalker is following me. That picture was taken just before this tour, on an afternoon when I was walking in my neighborhood.”

  “Yes, he’s too damn close,” Lucas said. “He could have easily found out that your next concert was at Radio City, and it wouldn’t be difficult to figure out where you’d stay.”

  “I’ve posted about this hotel before,” Haylee said, “and how much I enjoy the accommodations. It’s creepy that he delivered these photos to this hotel.”

  “The delivery was from a messenger service,” Adam said. “We tried to trace that, but it was like the other times. He pays cash, and whatever name he gives turns out to be fake.”

  “This stalker has the advantage, since we don’t know who he is.” Lucas sat next to Haylee and examined the photos. “There has to be a way to track this guy.”

  Chapter 5

  Before Adam left, he shared everything that security had found out—which wasn’t much. The photos had been checked for fingerprints but were clean. The stalker was too smart for them.

  After they were alone, Lucas said, “The guy is careful.”

  Haylee frowned. “That’s going to make him hard to catch.”

  Lucas wasn’t about to admit failure. “It’s early in the game.” He was on bodyguard duty, but he had the team behind him. Further investigation would be done, and Black Swan had a history of cracking difficult cases. If any team could track the stalker, they could.

  Haylee closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, making Lucas want to hold her. He felt helpless to end
her torment. But once he discovered who was responsible, he would take care of things, although that might not be soon.

  “Your safety is my top priority,” Lucas said. “My team is working on tracking down this guy, and I’ll coordinate with your security. The stalker can only hide for so long.”

  “That’s what worries me,” Haylee said. “Am I in danger? I mean…the guy knows way too much about me.”

  “Just because the dude has some photos doesn’t mean that he can get through your security.”

  “I wish I was sure,” Haylee said.

  “Let’s talk about this,” Lucas said. “I hate to press, but are there any romances that went sour for you?”

  “I’ve been thinking,” Haylee said. “I’m sure that he’s making it up, because I don’t remember any connection that was likely to lead to this.”

  Lucas gave her a few minutes to think it over.

  “I just don’t know,” Haylee said. “I didn’t have a long-term relationship before Ryan. I realize that seems odd, but I was focused on my career.”

  “What about any flings?” Lucas said. “Any guy who couldn’t take no for an answer?”

  “I’m racking my brain,” Haylee said. “But I’m blank. I know that everybody thinks a star has ample opportunity, yet it has been tricky.”

  “How so?”

  “When I was first breaking into the music industry, I was immersed in my career.” Haylee sighed. “There was no time for relationships. The schedule was grueling. Sure, I went out with a few guys, but nothing stuck.”

  “Maybe not for you, but what about the guy?”

  “I just can’t imagine,” Haylee said. “My fans tell me they love me all the time. I get letters and presents, but I don’t know any of them personally.”

  “Well, somebody knows you.”

  “True, but it must be his fantasy,” Haylee said. “When I was young and reckless, I had some one-nighters. But it was hardly anything a guy would be heartbroken over.”

  Lucas could envision heartbreak over losing Haylee, but he kept quiet.

  “Even if I did rebuff a guy back then,” Haylee said, “I’m guessing he wouldn’t have waited until now to mention it.”

  “You have a point.”

  “When my songs became popular,” Haylee said, “I had lots of offers. But I had to be careful. Stardom was difficult to adjust to, and I was afraid of getting involved. I didn’t know if a guy wanted my money or to bask in the light of my fame. I didn’t meet anyone who seemed to care about me.”

  “Do you have any enemies?”

  Haylee shrugged. “Sure, who doesn’t? There is a lot of competition in the entertainment biz. It can get pretty cutthroat. But stalking? That’s a different thing.”

  “What about Ryan?”

  “I told you that’s impossible,” Haylee said. “He’s annoying, but he isn’t brokenhearted over me. When I dated back then, it was usually a man within my circle of influence. I figured someone in the business wasn’t as much of a risk, like they understood my life.”

  “I can’t rule out anyone,” Lucas said. “But I agree that Ryan is unlikely.”

  “Which brings me back to where I started,” Haylee said. “I can’t think of a romantic encounter that ended bitterly. And when I divorced Ryan, he had already left me.”

  Lucas pondered the situation. The review of Haylee’s love life hadn’t provided any clues.

  “Most of the time, I’ve been pretty lonely.” Haylee blushed.

  The thought of her alone sent a stab of pain through Lucas’s heart.

  “Fame is misunderstood,” Haylee said. “And the fans assume that I have my choice of men. But that’s not how it works. I’m famous, so most wouldn’t think of asking me out. Others only want something from me.”

  “That’s very unfortunate,” Lucas said, resisting the urge to pull her into his arms. “The way I see it, it’s their loss—because you are an amazing woman.”

  Haylee glanced away, looking adorably embarrassed. “You say the nicest things. And I feel like you really mean it.”

  “I mean every word,” Lucas said, wishing that Haylee was his to love. But he reined in his thoughts. He had a job to do and he needed to focus. Once he caught the stalker, he could listen to his heart—but not before.


  The next morning, Lucas called his boss.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” Hawke said.

  “I wish I had better news.” Lucas filled him in on what had transpired. “I’m no closer to finding out who this guy is than before. Has Jake made any progress in the background investigation?”

  “He’s digging, but Haylee is a star,” Hawke said. “The list of people who know her is long, and that’s before we get to the fans.”

  “I’d like to tell her that it’s going to be okay,” Lucas said. “But this dude is dangerous. When I took this assignment, I did my homework. An intimacy seeker like Haylee’s stalker suffers from a delusional disorder.”

  “Yep, it’s called erotomania,” Hawke said. “The guy has the mistaken belief that Haylee loves him.”

  “What worries me,” Lucas said, “is how he might react when frustrated. He has already gone beyond sending letters and packages and resorted to property damage.”

  “Since the verbal intimidation hasn’t worked for him, a physical attack could be next,” Hawke said. “If he gets close enough.”

  “Which he won’t,” Lucas said. “I won’t let that happen. Floods of letters and packages are one thing, but violence is over the line.”

  “Sometimes that’s not easy,” Hawke said. “You probably remember last fall, when that country singer was attacked after a concert while she was signing autographs for her fans.”

  “Her bodyguard blew it,” Lucas said. “The stalker shouldn’t have gotten that close.”

  “It’s more common that you think,” Hawke said. “A few months ago, a man obsessed with marrying one of the biggest stars in the country was arrested mere feet from the concert venue, where he allegedly planned to snatch her.”

  “If this is your idea of a pep talk, it’s not working.”

  “I’m just making a point,” Hawke said. “Don’t underestimate this stalker’s desire to get to Haylee. His actions constitute mental assault, the preface for greater threats. He wants Haylee and imagines that he will have her.”

  “Unfortunately for him, I don’t think Haylee will be saying ‘I do’ to this guy anytime soon.”

  After the call, Lucas thought about Haylee. He needed to stay sharp and make sure that the stalker didn’t get anywhere near her. It was bad enough that he had succeeded in terrorizing her; he must not be allowed in physical proximity of her. But the fact that the stalker was a fan, so might be in the audience that night, was unsettling.


  Haylee was rattled. Those photographs had been too personal. It was reassuring to have Lucas protecting her, but she had to wonder what other tricks the stalker had in store.

  The next morning while showering, Haylee thought about Lucas. He offered more than protection; he was a friend. She could tell that he was sincere. He had no reason to flatter her unless he meant it. In the business, she was used to false compliments. Too often, flattery was only a means to an end. With Lucas there was no self-interest. She sensed that he just wanted to make her feel better, and that he truly liked her.

  That was a nice feeling, and only fueled Haylee’s attraction to him. A handsome guy offering protection and who cared about her was a deadly combo. Lucas was the whole package. Haylee didn’t think she would have held back, except the tour demanded her attention. Plus, she had a stalker distracting her.

  Haylee tried to believe that she was safe. Lucas had assured her that the stalker wouldn’t get past him. But she had been in entertainment too long not to realize that things happened—no matter the precautions taken. She had lost friends to drugs, accidents, and even assault resulting in death.

  After Haylee dressed, she got a call fr
om Nina. It was wonderful to hear a friendly voice.

  “How are you doing, girlfriend?”

  “I wish I was better,” Haylee said. “But under the circumstances, I suppose I’m doing pretty well.”

  “Care to share?”

  Haylee told her about the recent developments. “You’ve known me for a long time. Can you think of any guy I went out with who can’t handle rejection?”

  “Hmm, that’s a tough question,” Nina said. “You’ve had so many.”

  Haylee laughed. “Be serious.”

  “Well, I don’t know who your secret admirer is,” Nina said. “But I’m not a fan of covertly photographing a woman, and even less of breaking into her home.”

  “It sounds so much worse when you say it.”

  “I’m sure Evan is fine,” Nina said. “But just for my peace of mind, I’m going to drop by Tyler’s to check on him.”

  “You are a true friend.” Haylee felt better knowing that her friend would see Evan. Her son loved Nina like a second mother, and the visit would be good for him.

  After a final check of her hair, Haylee went to have breakfast with Amy. The banquet room was closed off for her private use, providing a meeting place to coordinate with her assistant. Security hovered just outside the entrance.

  Once Amy had a few sips of coffee, Haylee gave her the bad news.

  “I can’t believe this guy,” Amy said. “He sure has a lot of nerve. Security had better nab him soon, because he’s getting on my nerves.”

  “You and me both,” Haylee said. She didn’t see the point in discussing her dating history with Amy. There wasn’t any ground that she hadn’t already covered.

  Over breakfast, Amy reviewed the schedule for the day and talked about the evening concert. She would handle as much of the details as she could, so Haylee could focus on her performance. It was their routine, and Amy’s support was especially welcome under the circumstances.


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