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Lucas (Must Love Danger Book 5)

Page 9

by Emily Jane Trent

  Impatiently, Haylee pulled him closer. “Lucas…”

  Lucas straddled her, then cupped her breasts. He licked and kissed her nipples until she nearly came unglued. Haylee gripped his hips to pull him closer, and when he leaned down, she reached behind to hold his hard ass.

  Panting and breathless, Haylee rocked toward Lucas as he dipped inside her. He was so big he filled her up. She was wet, so he slid deep, making her cry out. She wanted it to last, but she craved him too much to hold back. Lucas stroked into her, slow and hard, then faster.

  Haylee’s body hummed with pleasure and she panted to keep up. While inside her, Lucas slowed to shower her with kisses, then he covered her mouth with his and slashed his tongue along hers. Stroking hard, Lucas fueled her arousal to the brink of explosion. Haylee gasped and moaned, then cried out his name.

  A powerful orgasm rolled through her, nearly painful in its intensity. She spiraled to the peak of arousal then drifted into a cloud of ecstasy. While Lucas continued to stroke in a steady rhythm, Haylee looked into his eyes. Then his body stiffened, and he went still, before climaxing hard.

  Haylee felt him pulse and throb inside her. She squeezed him tight, loving him, caught in the throes of pleasure with him. The look on his face during orgasm was one of love, and Haylee had no doubt about how he felt. She embraced Lucas, and it was as though the universe faded away. There was only the two of them…together and in love.

  Chapter 11

  Lucas cradled Haylee in his arms. He stroked her hair and touched her silky skin. Sex had been amazing, but it wasn’t just that. He adored her and had wanted her for so long.

  He tipped her chin up to look into her eyes. “I love you, honey.”

  Haylee gave him a dreamy smile. “I love you too.”

  Lucas had tried to convince himself to hold back, to put aside his feelings for Haylee. But he couldn’t ignore the power of the connection and was unable to resist her. He didn’t want to wait, so instead he’d followed his heart.

  In the heat of the moment, Lucas had wondered if he had taken advantage of Haylee when she was vulnerable. But the look in her eyes reassured him that Haylee wanted it as much as he did. Any barriers had dissolved in the strength of his love for her. Being together felt so right, and his feeling for Haylee was no longer confined to friendship.

  It was only a few hours before dawn. Haylee nuzzled closer and Lucas held her tight. He didn’t want to ever let her go. She closed her eyes, then her breathing grew steady as she slept in his arms. That was where she belonged, and he looked forward to holding her many more nights—every night, if he had his way.


  Haylee stirred next to him, and Lucas opened his eyes to sunlight. Glancing at the alarm clock, he saw that it was nearly eight. He’d only had a few hours of sleep, but he felt more refreshed than he had in years.

  Lucas ran his fingertips along her jaw. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Haylee’s lazy smile warmed his heart. She yawned and stretched, then reached over to run her palm down his chest.

  “You’re tempting me.”

  “I’m trying to.”

  Lucas lifted her hand to his lips for a tender kiss. “Did I take advantage of you last night?”

  Haylee moved her hand lower, dragging her fingertips over his erection in a teasing way. “I think it was the other way around.” Her seductive expression made any thought of self-control useless. “If you recall…I was on the verge of begging.”

  Lucas smiled. “I like the sound of that. But you don’t have to beg. I’m yours.”

  Haylee’s long, dark hair cascaded over her pillow, making her look like a dark angel. The siren look in her eyes spiked his arousal. Lucas threw back the covers then turned her on her back. “You’re a vixen.”

  Haylee raised her arms over her head, and her expression was an invitation. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Lucas spread her thighs and held her legs apart. He leaned up and licked her nipples until they stiffened, then he sucked each until Haylee writhed in agony. Then he kissed down her belly and across her hips, tantalizing her without giving her what she wanted.

  “Please…” Haylee whispered.

  “That’s better,” Lucas said, turned on by her need. He kissed lower, avoiding her most sensitive area until she whined and shoved her hips up. “What do you want, honey?” Lucas kissed in just the right spot. “This?”

  A moan of pleasure was his only answer.

  Lucas spread her with his fingers to taste her juices. She smelled so feminine and tasted so sweet. He licked along her wetness, enjoying making her squirm. But he wanted her pleasure as much as she did—maybe more.

  He slid two fingers inside her, going crazy over how hot she was. Then he leaned in to stimulate her with his tongue and mouth. When her body stiffened, he swirled the tip of his tongue around her tender spot then sucked until she cried out.

  Lucas kept his mouth over her, flicking his tongue against her until she relaxed from her climax. Then he rose to kiss her soft lips. Her cheeks were flushed, and her satisfied expression touched his heart. His cock was so hard that he thought he might burst.

  “I want to watch you,” Haylee said, in a throaty voice. She reached for his erection and began to fist him.

  Lucas straddled her, looking into her eyes as she pumped him. With each stroke, Haylee used more pressure and increased her pace, while she held his heavy balls in her other hand. Their gazes locked as his muscles turned to steel, then he groaned as he exploded in the grip of orgasm.

  It was damn sexy to have Haylee watch, and even more, that she had pleasured him so. When Lucas could catch his breath, he leaned down for a kiss. “You’re amazing.”

  Haylee put her palm on his cheek. “I think that’s you.”

  “I remember seeing a hot tub in the bathroom,” Lucas said. “Care to join me?”

  Haylee followed him, grabbing his ass on the way, but he couldn’t say that he minded at all. The tub was plenty big for two, so he filled it with hot water and started the jets. Haylee got in and dipped below the surface, and Lucas followed.

  Under the water, Lucas tickled Haylee’s thigh with his toes, and she smiled. Looking at her, calm and happy, it was easy to believe that this would never end. He didn’t want it to be over when the danger in her life was handled. But he wouldn’t think about that yet.

  For just a few hours, Lucas had Haylee to himself, and he was going to make the most of it. He took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. With his arms around her, Haylee leaned against his chest, and they relaxed in the hot water under the pulse of the jets.

  Lucas kissed the top of her head then closed his eyes. He was content just to hold her. He could barely keep his hands off her, but just being together meant everything. When hunger finally became overpowering, they got out and dried off.

  After dressing, Lucas ordered room service and they sat on the roof deck to eat breakfast. He was ravenous so ordered the works. Eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, pastries, and fruit were delivered on a cart, which he wheeled out to the terrace.

  Haylee was in a patio chair with her legs under her, sipping coffee. “Mmm, I’m starved. Don’t hog all the pancakes. I want some…with extra syrup.”

  “No need to worry,” Lucas said. “There’s more here than even I can eat.” He dished out a stack of pancakes and dowsed them in syrup as requested, then put them on her side table.

  Haylee set the coffee aside and dove in to the treat. It was a delight to watch her eat with such gusto. Lucas smiled, then scooped out a massive amount of eggs piled with bacon and went to work on his own breakfast.

  After the pancakes, Haylee had a bowl of fruit and more coffee. Then she leaned back with a Cheshire grin. “I’m stuffed.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Lucas said. “You nearly out-ate me.”

  With her hand on her stomach, Haylee said, “That’s not fair. You ate twice as much as me…at least.”

  Lucas grinned. “I’m a gr
owing boy.”

  “Don’t get me started,” Haylee said, with a twinkle in her eyes. “I’m too full.”

  Sipping coffee, they talked about anything and everything. Lucas felt like he’d known Haylee forever, and she seemed very comfortable with him. It felt good, an arrangement that he could get used to. Lucas wanted a loving relationship, and a family, but he hadn’t seen that in his future—until now.

  “When you’re out of danger,” Lucas said, “I don’t want us to end.”

  “I don’t either,” Haylee said. “It doesn’t have to.”

  “How will it work? I mean, what will you do when you retire?”

  Haylee looked out at the city cast in late morning light, and Lucas watched her—loving her more than he could say. “I’ve thought about that…a lot,” she said, then looked at him. “I won’t be a big star, travelling around. But I write my own songs. I’ve decided that I can do that for a living. Selling music is a lucrative business with the royalties and all. And my passion is the music.”

  “Will you miss all of this?”

  “I suppose,” Haylee said. “But not as much as you might think. I’ll be glad to get away from the pressures. Even if I do miss performing, it’s better than missing my son’s life. He’s growing up, and I’m not there enough. I refuse to take him on the road; it’s no life for a young boy.”

  “After our first encounter in the airport,” Lucas said, “I didn’t forget you. You’re special, and I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I have to confess that I felt guilty about it, because I was in another relationship. But the military was my life then, and I stopped thinking about anything permanent back home, especially after Anna ended things.”

  Haylee listened with a look of love in her eyes.

  “But when I heard your music,” Lucas said, “I think that’s when I fell in love with you. Your songs reach in and grab my heart. I feel as though I can see into your soul.”

  Haylee’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Sharing that with the world is a gift,” Lucas said.

  After coming over to sit on his lap, Haylee kissed him. “Thank you for understanding.”

  Lucas ran his thumb over her lips. “I love you so much.”

  “I can’t imagine my life without you,” Haylee said, then leaned her head on his shoulder.

  Lucas knew one thing for sure: he was going to get her out of the mess she was in. Right then, he didn’t know how it was going to go down, but he had no doubt that he would make sure Haylee came out on top.

  “What do you say we go out today?” Lucas said. “We can enjoy the sights.”

  “Kind of like tourists?”

  “Sure,” Lucas said. “You look good in hats and dark glasses.”

  Haylee giggled then slid off his lap. “I’ll race you to change clothes.”

  Lucas ran after her, only it wasn’t to change clothes. He swept her off her feet and into his bed, where they made love again. This time, Lucas took it slow, cherishing every second. He lavished her with touches and kisses, then leisurely stroking until they came in unison—sharing ecstasy that only lovers could.

  Eventually, they dressed to go out and enjoy their day together. Soon Haylee would have to prepare for her next concert, but not that day. For a short while, they could play pretend and ignore the outside world.

  Lucas took Haylee to the Bronx Zoo, and although he had been there before, he hadn’t predicted that they’d have so much fun. They went on a simulated dinosaur safari, saw a Komodo dragon, visited sea lions, and saw gorillas from the Congo. Even the monorail ride through the jungles of Asia was a thrill.

  It was Haylee that made the difference. Lucas realized that life was more exciting with her by his side. It didn’t have to be a chance to see exotic animals; he had more fun drinking Cokes and eating hot dogs than he’d thought possible.

  It dawned on him that he hadn’t been in love before—but that he’d fallen head over heels for Haylee. He didn’t care if he acted like a fool around her, grinning like a lovesick teenager. He only cared that Haylee was happy, and he realized how much her joy meant to him.

  Lucas hadn’t considered himself a romantic, but he figured that was what true love had to be. He put Haylee’s happiness before his own, and that felt good. He only wanted more opportunities to make her happy and care for her.

  Late in the day, they stopped at a pub for craft beer and burgers. Lucas looked forward to another night with Haylee, starkly aware that soon reality would set in. Loving Haylee didn’t make all her problems go away, and she still had one very big one to resolve.

  Lucas prayed that fate would shine on her, and her stalker would be taken out of action. One misjudgment on his part could get him picked up by the police. It could be that simple, and Lucas wished he could be sure that would happen.

  “What are you thinking?” Haylee said, dipping a French fry into catsup.

  “About you…about everything.”

  Haylee touched his cheek, and Lucas grabbed her hand to kiss her palm. “But now, let’s go back to the hotel.”


  The next morning, they packed then had coffee on the roof deck, taking one last look at the city view. The moment was bittersweet. Lucas wanted to be with Haylee on a permanent basis, but there was too much that could prevent that from happening.

  Lucas couldn’t allow himself to think of the worst, but the possibility nagged at him. Haylee was still at risk, as much as he hated that thought. Her stalker had been clever and evasive, which had given him an advantage—and it was time to turn that around.

  Their peace was interrupted when Adam arrived to escort them to the airport. Haylee’s next concert was at the Pavilion in New Jersey. The romantic interlude had come to an end, and she had to refocus. She still had obligations and fans waiting for her.

  When Adam came in, he looked very serious. He confirmed that the deception had worked as well as expected. Yet there was a new development. He handed a message to Haylee, who read it then handed it to Lucas.

  You’ve gone too far. I suppose I should have known that you wouldn’t sing our song like I asked you to. It was little enough, considering how much you mean to me. Your refusal was an intentional slight that I don’t take lightly. You’re playing hard to get, but we both know how this will end. Yet you persist in fighting me. Long ago, you destroyed my reputation, but even then, I remained loyal. Now you have the police on my tail. You want to ruin me. But sooner or later, you’ll be forced to give in to your destiny. Years ago, I made you mine in the most intimate way. You must stop resisting me. Even your new bodyguard can’t stop what’s coming.

  “He didn’t bother to sign it,” Adam said. “But there’s no doubt who wrote that. It was dropped off at the Gramercy. Amy picked it up early this morning.”

  Lucas didn’t ask how the message had been delivered, or if there were any fingerprints. Kuzmin’s methods were predictable, if infuriating. He looked at Haylee, who appeared stricken by the message. He wanted to whisk her away from the threat, yet felt helpless to do so.

  “He’s not going to let this go,” Haylee said. “He’s going to find me, and I dread to think what he will do if he gets his hands on me. That first time was only a taste of what he’s capable of.”

  Adam looked at her, unable to argue. He took the message and stuffed it in his pocket then started taking the luggage out. A couple of other security guards came to assist him, and to ensure that Haylee got to her limo without mishap.

  “We’re here to protect you,” Lucas said, and put his arm around her. “I promise that I won’t let you out of my sight.” He said it to reassure her, but the words sounded empty. So far, he had failed to put Kuzmin out of action. But it wasn’t a level playing field anymore.

  Lucas had a greater motivation to protect Haylee than Kuzmin had to possess her. His love was strong, and he would give his life to save her, without hesitation. Lucas had no doubt that beneath his tough-guy exterior, Kuzmin was a self-centered coward. He knew th
e type. Lucas just had to find the guy’s weakness then hit him where it hurt.

  Chapter 12

  Haylee’s world had turned upside down. She hadn’t expected to care for Lucas so much, but she was deeply in love. She’d seen the look of devastation on his face when he read the horrid message. Lucas wanted to save her, only Haylee wasn’t sure that he could.

  She trusted Lucas, but her stalker lacked mercy. She had looked into his eyes that time so long ago, and the hatred was something she hadn’t forgotten. She’d realized then that there was no limit to what a man with no conscience could do. The thought made her shudder, but she tried to push away the fear.

  Haylee had responsibilities. As much as she would like to hide away with Lucas, that wasn’t to be. The hours together seemed like a dream, and the peace she’d experienced contrasted with the turmoil of her real life.

  Once Haylee boarded the jet, she sat next to Amy. Her assistant had arrived with the security team for the trip to Jersey. She looked bright and professional, as though it was just another day in the entertainment business. But she knew what was happening.

  “How did it feel to be me?” Haylee said, buckling in for the flight.

  “Other than being confined to the room,” Amy said, “not too different. But I’m not sure that your stalker bought it. He didn’t try anything, and if he believed you were at the hotel, he might have.”

  “That’s a possibility,” Haylee said. “But staying out of sight hasn’t slowed him down any.” She lowered her voice. “I’m afraid of what’s coming.”

  Amy squeezed her arm. “The guy’s a nutcase. He’ll get picked up. There’s no way he can evade the police for much longer.”

  Lucas was back to being the professional. He sat with Adam, no doubt discussing security. No one would have known that he had a romantic interest in Haylee. The only sign that Lucas was thinking about her was a couple of glances at her that were charged with emotion.


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