Temporary Wife
Page 31
It was hard to tell my parents I was leaving. They weren’t supportive or encouraging. To them, I’d already thrown my life away by pursuing a liberal arts degree. It was their hope that I would go back to school and study something practical: business or law. Neither of those sparked my interest, but because it was important to my parents, I considered it. I thought about what they wanted for me, and I weighed my options.
I told them I’d think about it, but first, I wanted to explore the world. My wanderlust was out of control, and I was desperate to see the world. When I pitched my idea for this road trip, they said no. They were determined to keep me in the city, to forbid me from leaving. I didn’t listen. I left anyway, and their anger was swift and intense. We hadn’t spoken much since I left but they called every few days to check on me.
It wasn’t much, but at least they cared enough to do that. Still, each time we spoke, my mother found a way to express her disgust for my life choices. She stressed that painting was a hobby and nothing more. She insisted my wanderlust was simply immaturity, and she berated me about coming home to start my “real life.”
It was frustrating, but this trip was worth it. Seeing the things I’d seen, painting the things I’d painted, it was enough to make my parents anger worthwhile.
As I sat in that clearing, sweating bullets and running through my water, I wondered what my mom would say if she saw me now. Would she yell at me for being so impractical or would she enjoy this view as much as I did? Deep down, I knew the answer, but I still hoped that one day, she would come around.
I made my way back to my hotel room, eager to paint the scene that was still fresh in my mind’s eyes. As I walked, I heard a sharp buzzing coming from my back. I dug out my phone and saw my mother’s face flashing across the screen. With a deep breath, I pressed accept and held the phone to my ear.
“Hi, Mom,” I said.
“Olivia, where are you now?” she said.
“Just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico,” I told her.
“You haven’t much progress since we last spoke,” she said, disapproval in her voice.
“Well, I stopped to paint a few things,” I said.
“Of course,” she sighed. “When are you going to abandon that ridiculous hobby, Olivia?”
“Mom, it’s my passion.”
“Passions come and go,” she said. “You can’t build your life around them.”
“Some people do,” I argued.
“Some people,” she said. “Not us.”
“Listen,” I said, wanting to change the subject. “I’ll be stuck here for a few days. My Jeep broke down, and the auto shop can’t look at it until Monday morning.”
“What?” she asked. “What happened?!”
“I don’t know yet,” I said, keeping my voice level. “The mechanic said he’d look at it first thing Monday morning. Then we’ll go from there.”
“We aren’t paying for that, Olivia.” Her voice was cold and harsh. “You chose to disobey us by embarking on this little adventure of yours. Don’t think for one second that we’re going to bail you out of this mess.”
“I didn't think you would,” I said, though I had intended on putting the repairs on my emergency credit card.
“Then how exactly were you planning to pay for it?” she demanded. “Last I checked, you barely had enough money for gas and food.”
“I’ll figure something out,” I said softly.
“What, Olivia?” she said. “What are you going to figure out? How to grow money?”
“Mom, I can handle it,” I said. My voice was louder than I intended but I didn’t care. She was starting to piss me off.
“This is exactly why we didn’t want you to go,” she said. “You aren’t mature enough to handle this. You aren’t responsible. You’re just a spoiled little girl who doesn’t know the first thing about making it on her own. If you had listened to us, you wouldn’t be in this situation.”
“I’ll be fine.” I snapped. “I don’t need your money or anything else.”
“Your naïveté is going to be the death of you,” she said.
“Look,” I said. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you another time, Mom.”
“Olivia—” she began.
I hung up the phone, feeling anger welling inside my chest. Talking to my mom was never a pleasant experience, but her insults were unforgivable. Not only was she leaving me stranded in a strange place, she was berating me for being a spoiled little idiot, which I was not.
I sighed and threw my phone in my bag, stomping toward my hotel. When I made it back to my room, I tossed my bag to the ground and fell back on the bed. I was hot and sweaty from my walk, and my anger didn’t help things.
My mother’s voice was still echoing in my head, “You aren’t mature enough. You aren’t responsible. You’re a spoiled little girl…”
These words and more ran through my mind, making my head spin and my stomach churned. I hated her for saying them, but I mostly hated myself for believing them. Until our conversation, I had planned on using my parent's credit card to pay for my Jeep’s repairs. Now I knew that wasn’t an option. That only problem, I didn’t have enough money to pay for it myself.
As I stared up at the ceiling, I knew I was fucked.
Chapter 7
Monday morning arrived, and I flew out of bed before my alarm even sounded. I hadn’t been able to get Olivia out of my head since Friday night. She was by far the best fuck I’d had in a long time. I spent the entire weekend replaying that night in my mind, remembering every detail of her sexy body. She was intoxicating, and I was desperate to see her again, to be with her one more time before she left town.
When I made it to the shop that morning, Rex was already there. He’d come in early and was tucked beneath Olivia’s Jeep. I kicked his foot to get his attention. He slid out to look up at me, wiping his greasy hands on his rag and sitting up with a groan.
“You’re here early,” he said. “Bad weekend?”
“Just eager to get to work,” I said. “You?”
Rex shrugged and rolled his eyes. “The wife was a terror. She handed me a list of chores on Saturday morning and didn’t let me sit down until they were done. I swear, sometimes I think she’s trying to kill me.”
“Or she’s just trying to get some help,” I said with a grin. “Maybe if you got off your lazy ass from time to time, she wouldn’t have to.”
“Fuck off,” Rex said. “Talk to me when you’re married.”
“Never happening,” I said simply. “We both know I’m not the type.”
“Maybe one day,” Rex said with another shrug.
We both knew that wouldn’t happen. Ever since I got out of prison, my life had been all about me. I found a way to open this shop and threw myself into work. I barely had time to find the occasion release, let alone a lasting relationship. Still, as Rex spoke, my mind turned to thoughts of Olivia again. I knew she wouldn’t turn into a lasting relationship, but maybe I’d get a few more nights of fun from her.
Rex hopped to his feet and slapped my shoulder knowingly. He walked over to the hood of the Jeep and waved me over. I followed and looked down where he was pointing.
“See that?” he asked.
“Yup,” I said with a soft groan. Olivia’s Jeep was new, but she’d already worn it down. It wouldn’t be easy to get it up and running again.
“It’s a pretty difficult fix,” he said. “We can do it, obviously, but it’ll take a few days. Whose is this anyway?”
“Girl from out of town,” I said. “She broke down two miles down the road on Friday night. Someone gave her a lift here, and I towed the Jeep.”
“Yeah, I saw the New York plates,” Rex said, rolling his eyes.
I smiled and shook my head. Rex’s first impression of Olivia was the same as mine, and he hadn’t yet met her. He and I were a lot alike. We both escaped a life of crime, and we both had shitty childhoods. I hired him becau
se I knew how hard it was to start a new life once you’d been in prison. We’d been friends ever since.
“She’s not as bad as you think,” I said, shrugging. “She’s not a rich New Yorker.”
“No?” Rex raised his eyebrows. “That her?”
He pointed behind me, and I spun around. Olivia was walking toward me with a frown on her face. She was wearing a tight little sundress that highlighted her tits and showed off her legs. I swallowed hard and cleared my throat, quickly looking away.
“Serious?” Rex asked. “You hit that?”
“Shut the fuck up,” I said, shooting him a warning look.
“Man,” Rex said, laughing lightly. “Never would have guessed that one.”
“Are you trying to get yourself fired?” I asked.
“Like you’d ever fire me,” Rex said, clearly unconcerned. He was right, of course, I would never fire him, but still…
“Hey there,” Olivia said as she stepped into the garage. Her voice was light, and the sound of it sent waves of desire cascading through my body. When I turned to face her, my eyes traveled down her body. She blushed slightly, and I quickly got myself in check.
“Hey Olivia,” I said. “This is Rex.”
“Hello,” Rex said, waving politely.
“Hi.” Olivia smiled. “Am I too early?”
“No, not at all,” I said. “Rex has already been taking a look at your Jeep. He can walk you through everything that needs to be done.”
“Actually,” Olivia said. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think that will be necessary.”
I frowned. “Why not?”
Olivia shot Rex a nervous glance, then dropped her eyes to her feet. She was obviously embarrassed and didn’t want to talk about it in front of Rex. I cleared my throat and shot Rex a look.
“Um,” he said. “I’m going to grab some coffee. Anyone want any?”
“No,” I said.
“No, thank you.” Olivia smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
Rex hurried inside the lobby, letting the door swing shut behind him. I waited until he was gone before I turned back to Olivia, a silent question in my eyes.
She cleared her throat and locked eyes with me. Her expression was full of embarrassment, but there was a steely glint in her eyes that I recognized. Whatever was wrong, she was determined to get through it.
“I’m sorry,” Olivia said. “I thought I would have the money to fix whatever is wrong with my Jeep, but I don’t. At least, not yet. Of course, I’ll pay you for the tow and the inspection but… I won’t be able to pay for the repairs.”
My frown deepened as she spoke. I wondered why she was suddenly unable to afford the repairs. I knew she didn’t have a lot of money, she made that clear on Friday night, but this felt totally out of the blue.
“What happened?” I asked.
She blinked. “My parents cut me off. I’ve had their credit card for emergency use, but this weekend, they canceled the account. The only money I have it my own money, which isn’t much. I’ll have to find a job somewhere around here. Then hopefully I can get the car fixed later.”
I nodded while she spoke. Searching her face, I could see how upset she was. My head was spinning as I watched her shift nervously from one foot to the other. It was obviously a hard conversation to have, and I felt for her.
It didn’t help that my body reacted to hers without my permission. Just standing before her was enough to make my dick twitch. That little sundress of hers was unfair. I longed to hike it up and take her right there in my shop. Instead, an idea popped in my head. It wasn’t one I was proud of, but I couldn’t help but voice it.
“Listen,” I said softly. “I can tell you aren’t the type of person to run out on a bill. So, what if we start on the repairs and in the meantime, we just, spent some more time together.”
My words were innocent, but my intentions were not. I watched her eyes closely, gauging her reaction. From the way she flicked her eyes to my lips, I knew she understood my meaning. I’d fix her Jeep for free if it meant I could bury my cock deep inside her a few more times.
She obviously needed help, and I needed to feel that tight pussy of hers. It was a win-win situation. Not to mention, I could tell how badly she still wanted me to. From the second she stepped into the garage, her eyes had been locked on my body. There was an undeniable heat between us that I didn’t want to deny.
Besides, she would pay me for the repairs eventually. What did it matter if it took a little longer than normal?
My eyes stayed on her face while she considered my offer. She searched my face for a few seconds, trying to see if I was serious or not. I was. I was more serious about this than I’d ever been about anything before.
I enjoyed spending time with Olivia. She was sexy as hell, and her wit was unmatched. Our conversation at dinner on Friday night was easy and smooth. I could have spent hours just talking to her, listening to the rise and fall of her voice and watching those plump lips of hers curl around each word.
“I can tell you need help,” I said softly. “So, let me help you.”
She kept staring at me. I was afraid she would slap me and storm out, leaving her Jeep and me behind for good. Instead, she shuffled her feet and looked down at her hands. When her eyes met mine, I saw something that same fire burning behind them.
She was considering my offer.
Chapter 8
When Brad gave me that offer, I didn’t know what to think. He was essentially offering to trade sex for repairs. It was illegal. It wasn’t right. Morally, it was reprehensible and yet I couldn’t help but consider it.
As our eyes met, I lost myself in the blue depths. It didn’t take long for desire to pool between my legs. I remembered what it felt like to be with him, to let him take control of my body and slam into me with wild, passionate force. Just the memory was enough to send shock waves shooting down my spine. The orgasms Brad gave me were more intense than any I’d felt before. He knew things about my body that men I’d been with for months couldn’t figure out. It was crazy to even consider his offer but there I was, doing it.
My arousal was undeniable. Besides, I would find a way to pay him back eventually. I’d get a job to at least cover the cost of parts. What harm would it do to have some fun in the meantime? If Brad was willing to work for nothing more than a few nights of fun, was I really going to turn him down?
A voice in my head screamed at me to walk away, to leave the garage and never look back. But a louder voice took over. My eyes found Brad’s face again, and I felt myself tremble. I wanted him. God, I wanted him. If he grabbed me right then and threw me against my Jeep, I would have gladly participated in yet another round of mind-blowing sex.
I could already feel his fingers hiking up my skirt and tearing my panties from my body. His cock would feel so fucking amazing inside of me, of that I was sure. My face grew hot as my fantasy continued, and soon I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist my urges. If I didn’t get out of there soon, I would never leave.
“So,” Brad said. “What do you think? I won’t be offended either way.”
“Yes,” I said. “Yes.”
“Really?” Brad asked, his eyebrows raising and surprise crossing his face. I could tell he never imagined I would say yes.
“Why not?” I asked. “We’re obviously attracted to each other…”
“That we are,” Brad said, his eyes trailing down my body.
“So, why fight it?” I asked.
“Exactly.” Brad grinned, and I found myself grinning back. “Well, I have to get to work but…”
“Tonight?” I asked. “Come by the hotel?”
“Sure.” Brad nodded.
With one last hungry look, I spun around to leave. I could feel Brad’s eyes on me as I disappeared around the corner. I didn’t know where I would go, but I knew I couldn’t hang around the shop all day. Brad had to work, and if I stayed, I’d be a distraction. I could tell he was already itching to t
ake me.
As I walked toward my hotel, I took deep breaths. My desire for Brad was out of control. I’d never felt so physically drawn to someone before. It wasn’t just about his body. It was everything. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me, the sound of his voice. Just being near him was an erotic experience that left me craving more.
It took me a few minutes to calm down. I didn’t agree to Brad’s offer because of my Jeep. I agreed because I wanted him. God, I wanted him. I would have given almost anything to feel that kind of pleasure again. The closer I got to the hotel, the wider my smile became. Tonight, in just a few hours, I would have Brad all to myself again. That thought was enough to make my skin flush.
I was almost to the hotel when I decided to keep walking. Moving was good for me. It kept my mind focused on something other than my fantasies. As I walked, I slowly came back to myself. I thought about what I would do with my time now that I was stuck in town for a while. There wasn’t much to do, from what I’d seen, but I hoped I could find a job. I thought about the diner where I ate breakfast on Saturday morning. Were they hiring? Would they let me pick up a few waitressing shifts?
The idea seemed like a good one, so I decided to stop by the diner and check it out. On my way, I saw a shop that made me freeze. I hadn’t seen it before, and when I did, I thought for sure I was hallucinating. There was a small art gallery tucked away just off the road. I blinked and slowly made my way toward the front door.
I was shocked to see an art gallery in this town. We weren’t far from Santa Fe, but still, I never imagined finding something like this anywhere around here. When I pushed open the front door, a bell chimed loudly above my head. I jumped but quickly recovered as I took in the art all around me.
The walls were covered with painting and platforms stood in the middle of the room, each supporting a different sculpture. The art itself was magnificent. In the far corner were photographs that were so beautiful, I felt tears rise behind my eyes. Not only was I surprised to find this place, I was shocked by how talented the artists were.