Book Read Free

Designed by Desire

Page 10

by Pamela Yaye

  “Brianna, you’re not going to believe this.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked, her curiosity piqued by Nelson’s unusual behavior. He looked happier than a Jehovah’s Witness with a box of new Bibles and was so excited he was bouncing around like a toddler on a jungle gym. “I’ve never see you this animated before.”

  “I’ve just been cast in a hit reality show, Dating in the City!”

  “That’s awesome, Nelson. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you.”

  Nelson slanted his head back, touched a hand to his sculptured, square jaw and struck a pose. “The casting director was so impressed by my audition tape, she’s considering me for other projects.”

  “I told you it was just a matter of time before you got your big break,” Brianna said, returning his smile. “And come Thursday night, I’ll be glued to my TV, watching you charm your way into the hearts of every woman in America.”

  Chuckling good-naturedly, Nelson introduced Brianna to the brunette standing behind him with the plump peach lips. “This is the show producer, Josepha Alvarez.”

  The producer was a tall, thin Hispanic beauty with delicate features and designer eyeglasses. She seized Brianna’s hand and embraced her in a tight, suffocating hug. “Brianna, how wonderful to finally meet you!” she gushed. “I’m a huge fan of your work.”

  “Thank you, Josepha. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Brianna wrestled out of the producer’s iron-clad grip and slid her hands into the pocket of her belted coat, fearing the brunette would try to grab her again.

  “I’m going to show the crew around the office,” Nelson announced, gesturing with a flick of his head to the cast-iron building behind him that housed RHD. “Brianna, is there any way I can persuade you to shoot some footage with me?”

  “Sorry, Nelson, I have plans tonight, and I’m pressed for time as it is.”

  “No worries, cousin. The crew will be following me around three or four days a week, so there will be plenty of opportunities for us to film together.”

  “Any chance we might run into Bailey while we’re inside RHD?” Josepha asked. “She’s my favorite supermodel ever, and I’d do just about anything to interview her.”

  Brianna ignored the question and asked Josepha one of her own. “Have you cleared taping inside RHD with our attorneys?”

  Josepha wore an innocent smile, one Brianna was convinced charmed babies and fools.

  “We’re still waiting to hear back from your legal team,” she said, “but in the meantime I figured we could just get some shots of Nelson in his office. That’s okay, isn’t it, Brianna?”

  “I’m afraid it’s not. You can’t film inside or around the property until you receive the proper clearance. But I’m sure you know that, being an big producer and all.”

  “Yeah, but this is New York. If you have the right connections, anything goes!”

  Brianna wore an apologetic smile, but she wasn’t sorry. Annoyed yes, but contrite no. “That’s not how we operate at Roger Hamilton Designs. We always do things by the book.”

  Nelson gave a shaky laugh, his gaze bouncing nervously between the two women.

  “Can Nelson give us a quick tour inside, or is there a rule against that, too?”

  The producer’s smile was as fake as the tote bag with the faux Gucci label dangling from her wrist, but Brianna didn’t let Josepha’s snarky tone bother her. She had a date with Collin tonight, and she was so excited about seeing him again, nothing could ruin her good mood.

  “I don’t see a problem with that.” Brianna fished her cell phone out of her purse and fired off a quick text to the office receptionist. “Leave your camera equipment and your cell phones at the front desk, and sign the visitor’s book before and after your visit.”

  “This sounds worse than a TSA security checkpoint,” Josepha quipped, her lips puckered in distaste. “Are they going to make us remove our shoes and belts, too?”

  As Brianna watched the group climb the steps of the RHD office, she overheard Josepha question Nelson about Bailey’s whereabouts. Brianna was contemplating whether or not to follow the group inside when she saw a taxi pull up and her brother step out. Kyle looked undeniably cool in his Ray Ban shades and leather jacket, and every woman on the street was gawking at him.

  “I haven’t seen you all day, and now you’re skipping out early. What gives?” he asked, strolling around the hood of his car wearing a jovial expression. “Are you avoiding me?”

  “I’m not skipping out early,” Brianna replied, shaking her head. “I’ve been here since 5:00 a.m. Where have you been, Johnny Come Lately?”

  “In meetings. Our vendors and suppliers are concerned about RHD’s negative press. Since Mom and Dad are in Miami getting ready for next week’s show, I had no choice but to stand in their place.”

  Brianna heard a burst of loud, animated laughter and glanced over her shoulder into the RHD lobby. Through the window, she saw Josepha Alvarez throw her arms around Daniel’s neck, as if they were long-lost friends, and kiss him on both cheeks. Her brother was suspicious of everyone and always had his guard up, but Brianna feared the bubbly, flirtatious producer would use her womanly wiles to penetrate the walls around his heart.

  “What’s going on inside RHD?”

  “Nelson got a deal with the show Dating in the City, and he’s showing the crew around the office.”

  “Mom gave the show permission to film inside?” Kyle arched en eyebrow, an incredulous look on his face. “Wow, I knew she liked Nelson, but I didn’t realize she liked him that much.”

  Brianna filled Kyle in on her conversation with Josepha Alvarez and warned him to be careful around the producer with the flattering lips and bodacious body. “I don’t like her,” Brianna confessed. “She tricked Nelson into bringing her to the office today and was fishing around for information about Bailey.”

  “I’m not surprised. Everyone on the planet wants to know where Bailey is.”

  “Just keep your eye on her, and give Daniel a heads-up, too.” Brianna turned away from the lobby. “How did yesterday go? Did you and Zoe finally decide on a venue?”

  “Don’t ask,” Kyle grumbled. “How was your meeting with Cameron Childs?”

  Brianna hid the smile that rose to her lips at the thought of Collin and faked a frown. “He never showed up.”

  “Damn, B, I’m sorry you wasted your time going over there, but I had no idea Cameron Childs was going to be a no-show.” Kyle released a deep sigh and scratched the back of his head. His eyes were narrowed in concentration, and his lips were set in a firm, hard line. “That’s really not like him to blow off a meeting. I hope he’s okay.”

  Laughing, Brianna pointed a finger in her brother’s face. “Got ya! I’m just kidding. Cameron Childs didn’t stand me up. He arranged for his brother, Collin, to take his place instead.”

  “Did you convince him to go continue with our sponsorship deal?” Kyle asked. “This partnership deal is huge for RHD, and it would be a disaster if the Childs Corporation backed out at the midnight hour.”

  At the thought of Collin and the quiet stroll they’d taken through Central Park yesterday, a smile warmed Brianna’s heart and crossed her lips. For the past twenty-four hours, Collin had been blowing up her phone. Brianna didn’t know how he’d gotten her cell phone number, and although she suspected he’d bribed her assistant for it, she didn’t make a fuss. She was flattered, touched that he had gone to the trouble of finding out more about her. Receiving his sweet, flirtatious text messages was the highlight of her day, and every time her cell phone buzzed and Brianna saw his number on the screen, she grinned from ear to ear. His words brought back memories of the time they’d shared together in Paris making love and licking chocolate syrup off each other’s naked bodies.

  “Do you think I should meet with Collin Childs?”

/>   Brianna blinked, deleted the explicit, X-rated image in her mind and returned to the here and now. “I don’t think that’s necessary, but I’ll let you know for sure after our date tonight.”

  “You’re going out with Collin Childs?” His eyes popped out of his head, and his voice was loud enough to shatter glass. “I can’t believe it.”


  “Because the last time you went on a date, velour tracksuits were in style!”

  Brianna playfully swatted her brother on the shoulder. “Shut up, Kyle, or I’ll show Zoe your hideous prom picture.”

  Kyle chuckled and threw an arm around his sister’s shoulders. “I’m just kidding, Brianna. I’m glad you’re going out. You deserve a break, and from what I’ve heard, Collin Childs is a stand-up guy who loves to have a good time.”

  “I like that he’s outgoing and spontaneous and doesn’t take life too seriously.”

  “You garnered all that about Collin Childs from your meeting yesterday? Wow, you’re talking about the guy as if you’ve known him all your life.”

  That’s because we spent a glorious weekend in Paris, sightseeing by day and making sweet love at night.

  “I just hope Collin Childs is worthy of you. You’re special, and you deserve to be treated with the utmost respect at all times.”

  “Kyle, relax, don’t get all Steve Harvey on me,” she joked, rolling her eyes. “We’re just having dinner. I’m not marrying the guy and having his babies.”

  Brianna laughed, but the thought made her warm and fuzzy inside.

  “I just want you to be careful.”

  “Don’t worry, I will be fine.” Spotting a taxi, Brianna stepped out onto the street, raised a hand in the air and gave a quick flick of her wrist. The cab came to a screeching halt, and she yanked open the back door. “I’ll see you later.”

  “Text me when you get back home tonight so I know that you’re safe and sound.”

  “Okay, Dad, I will.” Brianna rolled her eyes as if she was annoyed, but she wasn’t. It felt good knowing that her brother was looking out for her. “Remember what I said about Josepha Alvarez. I have a feeling she’s trouble.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m on it. I’m not about to let anyone screw our family over.” Kyle smiled. “Have a good time tonight, but don’t do anything crazy!”

  Explicit memories and images returned, flooding Brianna’s mind for the second time in minutes.

  Too late, Kyle, she thought, I already have.

  Chapter 11

  The second Brianna stepped out of the elevator in her apartment building and spotted Collin through the front window, leaning casually against the hood of the gleaming white, chauffeur-driven BMW idling at the curb, she knew she was in trouble.

  Serious trouble.

  The kind of trouble that could land her behind bars.

  Brianna tried to squelch the tingling sensation in her chest that left her breathless, but her body had a mind of its own. And it wanted Collin Childs bad. Any way it could have him. He looked good enough to eat and her mind was overrun with thoughts of sexing him on the hood of his luxury car.

  This is not Paris, her inner voice chided. This is New York. You will get arrested.

  Brianna’s mouth dried and every cell in her body quivered. For a moment all she could do was stare at her handsome date. Collin was that appealing, that flat-out sexy. One look at his drool-worthy physique left her weak in the knees. In his jacket, white dress shirt and slim-fitting slacks, he was the model of a young, urban professional with the world at his feet. He radiated a cool, laid-back vibe and was wearing a grin so devilish it could make a good girl go bad.

  Is that why I want to do him, right here, right now? Brianna shook off the thought and ordered herself to knock it off, to get her act together. I can do this. It’s just dinner. I will not throw myself at this man, no matter what.

  Collin stood and squared his shoulders. All the blood drained from Brianna’s head and rushed to her most intimate parts, places he’d once teased with his skillful tongue. Lust pooled in her stomach and filled her body with a strong, aching need that threatened to devour her. Her nipples hardened under her cropped jacket, straining against the soft material of her pink dress.

  “Good evening, Ms. Hamilton.” Ray, the night doorman with the warm smile and easy disposition, scrambled to open the front door. “I hope you have a real nice time tonight.”

  “Thank you, Ray.”

  The doorman was staring at Collin so hard Brianna knew he just couldn’t wait to tell the rest of the staff about her date. Or that he’d picked her up in a chauffeured car with personalized license plates that read LUVLIFE. She was going out with Collin Childs, a man who thrilled her in every way, and Brianna was so excited to see him she practically floated out the door and into the starry October night.

  “Hi.” Brianna stood inches away from him, her heart hammering so loud in her eardrums she couldn’t hear herself think. “How are you?”

  Stepping forward, he offered his hand. “Brianna, you’re a vision of remarkable beauty,” he praised, his tone a husky whisper. “You take my breath away.”

  His words stunned her, left her reeling. For a second, Brianna thought he was teasing, but there was no mistaking the heat in his eyes. It was as real as the stars glittering in the deep blue sky.

  “You’re wearing my favorite color.”

  Brianna grinned and quoted him. “It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month, and I wanted to show my support for all the brave, courageous women out there battling the disease.”

  His smile was proud, touched with a hint of amusement, and playing broadly on his thick, full lips. “Is this a Brianna Hamilton original?” he asked, touching a hand to her waist.

  Feeling strangely shy, Brianna fiddled with the strap of her thin, bejeweled purse. “Kyle thinks it’s the best dress in our new collection, and I think he might be right. It flatters every shape and size, and if it can look good on me it can look good on anyone.”

  “The dress doesn’t make the woman, Brianna. The woman makes the dress and you are without a doubt the most exquisite creature my eyes have ever seen.”

  Brianna swallowed a gasp. Her heart fluttered like a butterfly in a meadow.

  “I couldn’t imagine you looking any more beautiful than the day we met in Paris, but you really outdid yourself tonight.” Collin sniffed the air. “And you smell like cinnamon. Yum.”

  Excitement filled Brianna as a smile overtook her face. Like a song stuck on repeat, his words played over and over in her mind. You’re a vision of remarkable beauty....You take my breath away.... You are without a doubt the most exquisite creature my eyes have ever seen.

  Brianna felt like doing pirouettes up and down the street.

  Gazing down at her, his deep-brown eyes piercing her flesh, he reached out and pulled her to his chest. Brianna wanted to kiss him, to taste the pleasure of his lips one more time, but didn’t, couldn’t. She didn’t want Collin to know how much he aroused her or how much his words pleased her. Speaking her mind, here, now, could lead to disaster. They were standing in front of her apartment building—the building her family lived in. Her parents were still in Miami, but her brothers were around, and if Daniel saw her with Collin Childs he’d probably lose it. He was suspicious of everyone and unbearably overprotective. “We should go,” Brianna said, stealing a glance down the street. “I’m curious to see what you have planned for us tonight.”

  “I could stand here staring at you forever.”

  “Collin, quit teasing, you’re making me uncomfortable.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to.” He stood there as if he was appraising a Van Gogh painting. Eyes lit with awe and unspeakable wonder, he reached out and slowly drew a finger down the length of her cheek. “When you left Paris, I didn’t think I’d ev
er see you again, and now that you’re back, all I want to do is bask in your beauty.”

  “I wish you didn’t say things like that.”

  “Brianna, I enjoy admiring you. Is that a crime?”

  “No, I’m just not used to men showering me with compliments.”

  Confusion wrinkled his forehead. “I find it hard to believe that a guy could look at you and not want to give you the world or at least die trying. You’re every man’s dream.”

  “You obviously don’t read the fashion blogs,” she quipped, wearing a sad smile.

  “Everyone has critics, Brianna. Even yours truly.”

  “I know, but critics and industry insiders have been bashing me ever since I filled in for Bailey at our show last month, and the insults sting.”

  Collin shrugged his shoulder. “Who cares if a few people didn’t like the show?”

  “A few people?” Brianna gave a bitter laugh. “You mean a few hundred thousand people. Industry experts crucified me, calling me everything from inept to hopeless, and you know what? They were right. I hated being on the runway and it showed.”

  “I think you care too much about what people think.”

  “I have to. I’d never want to do anything to embarrass or humiliate my family.”

  That’s why I married Rick, even though I knew we were wrong for each other, and why I stayed in the marriage even after...

  Brianna pressed her eyes shut to ward off the memories that threatened to take her back to the dark day that haunted her dreams at night.

  “I don’t care what the media says about me, and neither should you.”

  “That’s easier said than done.”


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