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Designed by Desire

Page 15

by Pamela Yaye

  “It sounds great, Collin, but I was hoping we could rent a Jet Ski tomorrow.”

  “Have you ridden one before?”

  “Only a million times.” Feigning annoyance, she rolled her eyes. “Are you forgetting I have two brothers? Anything Daniel and Kyle can do, I can do it better.”

  Overcome with nostalgia, Brianna cranked up the volume on the radio and grooved as if she was on a nightclub dance floor. “Wow, I haven’t heard this song in ages.” Swaying her shoulders in time to the beat, she rapped with the confidence and fluidity of a hip-hop star. Stunned speechless, Collin stared incredulously at her.

  “How did you lean to rhyme like that?” Shaking his head, he released a slow whistle. “Damn, B, I didn’t realize you had that much swag.”

  “Boy please, I’m a New Yorker. We invented swag!”

  As they drove, the resort came into view. Brianna’s lips parted wordlessly, and a sigh escaped her mouth. Childs International Resort sat on six acres of vibrant, lush land perfumed with the scent of tropical plants, saltwater and hibiscus. Towering palm trees shielded the grounds from the unrelenting heat of the sun, but the moment Collin pulled up to the entrance, the baby-faced valet and bell boy descended on the convertible.

  “Welcome to St. Thomas, Brianna.” Opening the passenger side door, Collin smiled down at her and offered his hand. “Come on. Let’s go surprise your sister!”

  As Collin and Brianna climbed the cobblestone steps, the groundskeeper bowed at the waist, and the doorman tipped his cap in greeting. All the smiles and nods they received from the resort staff made Brianna feel like a member of the royal family. And the preferential treatment continued when they entered the lobby. The concierge greeted them heartily, his smile so broad it showcased every tooth, and waiters wearing yellow bow ties appeared holding trays of wine, cheese and fruit. “This is crazy,” Brianna whispered, glancing up at Collin. “Everyone’s staring at us.”

  “Not us,” he corrected. “You. And I don’t blame them. You’re stunning.”

  Brianna’s heart fluttered inside the walls of her chest. That’s why she loved being with Collin. He said the sweetest things and always made her feel incredibly special.

  On the second floor, in front of suite 219, Brianna fussed with her hair and straightened her clothes. She couldn’t help it. Her stomach was coiled in knots, and her striped, lightweight sundress was damp with sweat.

  “Brianna, you look great. Why are you so nervous?”

  Because I really want Bailey to like you, she thought. Her opinion means the world to me, and if she doesn’t approve of you, I don’t know what I’ll do.

  “Try to relax, baby. It’s all good.” Collin cupped her shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze.

  “You’re right, I’m being silly.” Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

  Seconds later, it slowly creaked open. When Brianna saw Bailey peeking out from behind the door, she cupped a hand over her mouth to smother a gasp. Her sister had always been slender, but it was obvious she’d lost a significant amount of weight since arriving in St. Thomas last month. In her faded T-shirt, cotton shorts and flip-flops, Bailey looked more like a high school student than a supermodel, but instead of scolding her for not taking better care of herself, Brianna pulled her kid sister into her arms and hugged her fiercely.

  “Brianna, oh, my goodness, I can’t believe it’s you! What are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you, silly.” Laughing, she lobbed an arm around Bailey’s shoulder and followed her inside the luxurious but comfortable suite. Brianna loved how the floor-to-ceiling windows offered views of the ocean from every corner of the room. She was already imagining sitting with her sister on the wraparound deck.

  “Let me tip the bell boy, and then I’ll show you around,” Bailey said, grabbing her purse.

  Feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment, Brianna shot Collin an apologetic smile. He looked amused, and she made the necessary introductions.

  “Bailey, this is my friend Collin.”

  “It’s great to finally meet you,” Collin said. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Her eyes bugging out of her head, Bailey glanced from Collin to Brianna and back again. The expression on her face was one of disapproval, but Brianna pretended not to notice her sister’s frosty glare.

  “Funny,” Bailey quipped, crossing her arms, “but I haven’t heard diddly-squat about you.”

  Seemingly unaffected by the dig, Collin put Brianna’s bags on the floor and touched a hand to her forearm. “I’ll leave you two lovely ladies alone to catch up. I’ll see you later, okay?”

  Brianna nodded and smiled. “Thanks for everything, Collin.”

  “Don’t mention it. It’s been my pleasure.” He strode across the room and closed the door behind him, leaving the sisters alone overlooking Coki Beach.

  “You came to St. Thomas with him?” Pointing at the door, her expression was one of stunned disbelief. “I don’t know what to say. I’m in shock. You haven’t dated anyone since your divorce, so that means you and this Collin guy must be serious.”

  God, I hope so.

  “Where did you meet? How long have you been dating? Do Mom and Dad like him?”

  Anxious to change the subject, Brianna linked arms with Bailey and dropped down on the wicker couch. “I didn’t fly over fifteen thousand miles to talk about my love life, Bailey. I came to spend quality time with you.”

  Her face brightened and a smile crossed her lips. “I’m so glad you’re here. Seeing you makes me feel a little less homesick.”

  “I’ve missed you a lot, Bailey. New York just isn’t the same without you.”

  “Have there been any breaks in the case?”

  “No, and these days we have more questions than answers.”

  Bailey raised an eyebrow. “What’s going on? Has something else happened?”

  Unsure of how much to share for fear of scaring her sister, Brianna chose her words carefully. “There have been a few other incidents that may or may not be related, but so far the police haven’t come up with any leads.”

  “Have the police questioned Jerry Prentice?”

  “Yes, and he has a solid alibi the night of your kidnapping.”

  Her shoulders sagged in defeat. “So, who do the police think attacked me?”

  Pausing, Brianna glanced out the sliding-glass door to avoid her sister’s gaze. Picnic tables topped with colorful umbrellas and hundreds of sunseekers in skimpy bikinis and straw hats dotted Coki Beach. The water looked so inviting, Brianna imagined herself diving in and leaving all of her problems far behind.

  “Tell me what’s going on,” Bailey implored. “I have a right to know.”

  “The police think a professional was involved.”

  “What?” The word echoed loudly around the room.

  The truth came out in one big rush, and as Brianna spoke she felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. “The crime scene was so clean the police weren’t able to recover any useful evidence or fingerprints. That leads them to believe your attacker was a pro.”

  “I only remember bits and pieces of that day, and the vague description I gave the police obviously wasn’t helpful.” Bailey hung her head. “This is all my fault. I should have been paying more attention.”

  “Bailey, stop. This is not your fault. You did nothing wrong.” Cupping her sister’s chin, she gave her a pointed look. “No one blames you for what happened at Lincoln Center. You did nothing to deserve being brutally attacked.”

  “I feel like such a failure, and...I...hate how my attack has caused Mom and Dad so much pain. That’s why they sent me here. They’re ashamed of me and—”

  “No, they sent you here because they love you and they want to keep you safe.”

an embarrassment to our entire family.” Her bottom lip trembled and her voice broke. “That’s why they won’t let me come home.”

  “Hush.” Taking her sister in her arms, she cradled her to her chest like a mother comforting a sick child. Brianna fought against her emotions. She had to be strong, had to show Bailey how much she loved her. Brianna had never seen her sister look so vulnerable, so fragile, and seeing the pain in her eyes cut her to the bone.

  Night cloaked the suite with darkness. The distant sounds of laughter, conversation and calypso music carried on the evening breeze. She didn’t know how long she sat on the couch holding Bailey in her arms, but when her sister dozed off, the tears she’d been holding inside finally broke free. And once Brianna started crying, she just couldn’t stop.

  Chapter 16

  Brianna opened the door to her suite, heard jazz music and double-checked the number on her key card. No, she was definitely in the right place. Before she could decide what to do, she heard Collin’s voice from inside the sitting room, and she released the breath she’d been holding.

  “I’d like to order the jerk chicken pasta, two pan-fried snapper entrées and...”

  The scent of jasmine was heavy in the air—all the decorative vases were filled with brilliant, colorful flowers. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply. The fragrance made her think of Paris and the romantic afternoon she’d spent with Collin at the Luxembourg Gardens. Upon returning to his suite, they’d made love—twice—in front of the wood-burning fireplace.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” Hanging up the phone, Collin leaned against the desk and crossed his legs at the ankles. “Where’s Bailey?”

  “She fell asleep on the couch, so I covered her with a blanket and tiptoed out.”

  “Room service should be here shortly. Would you like a glass of wine while we wait?”

  Brianna shook her head. “No, thanks.”

  His gaze fixed intently on her face, he crossed the room to her. “You’ve been crying,” he said, his tone tenderly soft. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  “Then, why do you look so sad?”

  Turning away, she willed herself not to cry. Brianna didn’t know if it was the heartbreaking conversation she’d had with Bailey hours earlier or Collin’s quiet inquiry that made her emotional, but she couldn’t stop her tears.

  “What is it?” he asked, his features touched with concern. “What upset you?”

  Embarrassed that she’d lost her composure, she stepped back, out of reach. “It’s nothing,” she said, wiping her eyes with her fingertips. “Please, just let it go.”

  “Talk to me, Brianna. I want to help.

  “There’s nothing you can do.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?”

  Silence fell between them. Brianna couldn’t think of anything to say and considered grabbing her purse and returning to Bailey’s suite. There, she could sulk and brood and cry without Collin hovering over her and bombarding her with personal questions.

  “Open up to me,” he pleaded. “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything!” she shouted, finally giving voice to her anger and frustration. “Someone’s out to destroy my family, the police don’t know who the lunatic is and then there’”

  Surprise wrinkled his brow and creased his forehead. “What about us?”

  “Things are more confusing than ever.”

  “I think the world of you. You know that.” Cupping her face in his hands he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You’ll always be safe with me, Brianna. I’ll never do anything to hurt you or to betray your trust.”

  Brianna swallowed. She might as well have been standing in the middle of the sitting room naked. She felt vulnerable, and exposed, and feared Collin could see the truth in her eyes—that she was terrified to love him and to let him love her.

  Brianna stared down at her hands. On the surface, she appeared to have it all, but inside she was a shaken, emotionally scarred woman. Deep down, she feared not living up to her parents’ expectations and worried that she would never have the child she so desperately wanted. But most of all, Brianna feared for her family. She worried that Bailey’s attacker would return to finish off her loved ones, the people she cherished and adored with all her heart.

  “We’re in this together, Brianna. I’ll help you get through this.”

  Taking her hand, he pulled her to his chest. Brianna willingly went into his arms and closed her eyes when he wrapped her up in the warmest, tightest embrace. Gently, with unspeakable tenderness and care, Collin stroked her hair, her neck and her shoulders. Brianna couldn’t remember her ex-husband ever showing her such care, such affection—not even that devastating night in the hospital.

  Brianna inhaled deeply. Driven by impulse, she raised her mouth to his and devoured his lips. Before she could have her fill of him, and fulfill her deepest, most intimate desires, Collin dropped his hands from around her waist and took a giant step back.

  “Brianna, we can’t do this. It wouldn’t be right.” Gripping her shoulders, as if to keep her at bay, he adamantly shook his head. “You’re upset and vulnerable, and the last thing I want to do is take advantage of you.”

  His words gave her pause. Taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to ask, “Is there someone else?”

  “How could I have time for someone else when I’m always with you?” Amusement twinkled in his eyes. “You’re more than enough woman for me. I don’t need anyone else.”

  His words made her feel sexy, and desirable, and gutsy. Imbued with self-confidence, she leaned over and brushed her lips against his cheek. Using her mouth, she playfully teased and tickled his hard, chiseled jawline. “Don’t you want me?”

  “Baby, you have no idea.”

  “You’re right. I don’t. Prove it,” she challenged, her voice a throaty, sultry whisper. Her words were a sensual taunt, intended to entice and arouse, but Collin didn’t respond. Brianna tried to control her need but her body betrayed her. Unable to resist the desires of her flesh, she pressed her body flat against his and traced a finger over his lips. “Don’t overthink things, Collin. Just do what feels right.”

  Collin stroked her face with loving tenderness, but his gaze was blazing with a need so ferocious Brianna couldn’t wait to get him inside the master bedroom.

  “I love when you quote me,” he whispered.

  “And I love when you do me.”

  Grinning from ear to ear, his pulse beating out of control, he lowered his head and savagely crushed his lips to her mouth. When Brianna moaned and hungrily stroked his chest through his dress shirt, his body revved like the engine of a sports car. Collin had an ache deep in his loins that only Brianna could satisfy, and tonight he wasn’t letting her out of his sight until he had his fill. In one swift motion he scooped her up in his arms and set off down the hallway, toward the master bedroom.

  Stretched out on the king-size bed, their hands and legs intertwined, they shared a kiss so deeply sensuous it took Brianna’s breath away. Feasting hungrily on her lips, Collin loved her tenderly and passionately. Want scorched her, consumed every cell in her body. Their groans only fanned the flames burning deep inside her.

  Collin sprayed kisses down her neck, along her shoulders, her forearm and wrist. Sucking her index finger into his mouth caused her body to shiver and tremble all over. Pleasure showed on her face and tumbled out of her lush mouth with each moan. His chest inflated, puffed up with pride. Brianna wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  “I can never, ever get enough of you,” he breathed, his voice a throaty, guttural rasp. Tenderly cupping her breasts, he reverently kissed each one. Tweaking her nipples caused her to pant and writhe beneath him. “You feel so damn good, I can’t control myself. I’m not even inside you yet but I�
��m ready to explode....”

  Feeling his large, strong hands stroking her naked, tingling flesh drove Brianna to the brink of delirium. She ached for him, desired every delicious square inch. Kissing, their tongues hungrily lapped and teased, licked and played.

  Brianna couldn’t remember ever feeling this free, this open, this comfortable with a lover. Being with Collin made her momentarily forget everything—the attack on Bailey, the fallout from her divorce, all her fears and insecurities and those vicious bloggers and paparazzi. It all just evaporated at the feel of Collin’s touch.

  Cupping her butt in his hands, Collin rubbed his throbbing erection slowly against her. Her body was perfection, a glorious work of art, and the more he caressed her curves, the more he ached to be inside her—moving, thrusting, pleasing her in ways he never had before.

  Her head was in the clouds, her body was quivering with need, her clit was on fire. Clamping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, she rocked her hips vigorously against his hard, muscled physique. Urgently, she sprayed kisses along his shoulders, down his neck and across his torso. Touching him made her unbearably wet.

  Collin slid a finger deep inside her. Feeling her wetness, he cradled her to his chest and positioned himself between her legs. One swift thrust and he was inside her, moving, stirring and plunging his erection deep within her tight walls. Collin branded her flesh with his mouth, his tongue and his hands. Brianna clung to him hopelessly, desperately, with every ounce of her strength. Craving more, she pressed her mouth to his lips and teased him playfully with her tongue.

  Seeing the pleasure on his face increased her need. Being with Collin was a heady feeling, one that imbued Brianna with a deeper sense of self, and tonight she refused to hold back. She gave as good as she got and took great pride in making her man groan and curse. Using her tongue, she bit each dark, erect nipple, and when Collin clutched the back of her head to keep her mouth in place, she sucked even harder.

  Collin’s brain shut down. He was running on pure adrenaline, and his body was a blazing, raging inferno he didn’t have the power to control. Brianna was manhandling him and he was loving every wicked minute of it. This was what every man secretly dreamed of—a beautiful, sensuous woman having her way with him in bed—and Collin couldn’t get enough of Brianna’s stroke, her kiss and her sweet, tantalizing tongue.


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