In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1) Page 5

by Hailey Turner

  “You gonna fuck me anytime soon? I know you want to,” Kyle murmured, grinding up against Jamie. Their cocks slid messily against each other, the friction from dry skin rough and achingly good.

  “You don’t know what I want,” Jamie said. “Keep your hands there and don’t move them.”

  Kyle quirked a brow at him but played along. “Yes, sir.”

  Jamie ignored the smirk Kyle sent his way, idly thinking that the only probable way to shut Kyle up would be to occupy his mouth. As much as he liked Kyle on his knees, choking on his cock, Jamie wasn’t one to repeat himself in bed if he could help it. So instead, he grabbed the bottle of lube near his knees and slicked up his fingers. Kyle wasn’t anywhere close to being hard so soon after coming, but Jamie’s cock was a comfortable half-hard weight between his legs, something Kyle didn’t miss, even if he didn’t ask about it. Jamie watched the trajectory of his gaze for a few moments before focusing his attention on the slick slide of his fingers over the skin behind Kyle’s balls to the furled entrance to his body.

  Kyle twitched his hips against the fingers tapping at his hole and circling the rim, getting him wet. His hands flexed on the sheets above his head as he licked his lips, watching Jamie with surprisingly sharp eyes. Jamie teased the fingers of his other hand down Kyle’s cock, rubbing his thumb over the slit again and again. Kyle bucked up against the loose circle of Jamie’s hand, and when his hips came down, Jamie slid one finger into his hole all the way to the first knuckle.

  Kyle swore, squeezing his eyes shut as he rocked into and onto Jamie’s hands, shifting his legs wider so he could plant his feet against the bed for better leverage. Jamie let him, feeling Kyle’s cock slowly plumping up beneath his ministrations. He let Kyle use his hands for a minute more before Jamie slid farther down the bed, propping himself up on his elbows, mouth hovering over Kyle’s cock.

  “Remember,” Jamie said. “Don’t move your hands.”

  Then he swallowed Kyle’s cock, laving his tongue against the hard velvet feel of it in his mouth, breathing in the musk centered there. He slid two more wet fingers into Kyle’s hole to join the first, mindful of what Kyle had said before, feeling the way Kyle’s cock hardened in his mouth at the rough intrusion into his body. Kyle swore again in a voice gone thinner than usual, hips bucking away from the fingers in his ass and up into Jamie’s mouth. Jamie pinned Kyle with his other hand, using his enhanced strength to drive Kyle back down onto his fingers. He stretched them out in that warmth, curling and searching until he found the bundle of nerves that made Kyle yell wordlessly when Jamie pressed on his prostate and sucked hard at his cock at the same time.

  Jamie eventually lifted his head, dragging his tongue up Kyle’s cock as he did so, licking at the precum beginning to dot the tip. “You like that?”

  Kyle shot him a withering look ruined by the sweaty flush to his body and the white-knuckled grip he had on the sheets. “What do you think?”

  Jamie didn’t respond. He simply sucked Kyle’s cock back into his mouth and started to move his fingers in and out of Kyle’s hole. He stretched out his thumb across the curve of Kyle’s body as he finger-fucked him, pressing it down against the soft skin of his perineum on every other thrust, searching, and eventually finding, the soft inner bump he was looking for. Once found, Jamie shifted his hand for a better angle and kept thrusting his fingers into Kyle’s body, targeting his prostate both inside and out. The twitch of Kyle’s hips became erratic as he alternated between the relentless stabbing pressure of Jamie’s fingers and the wet heat of Jamie’s mouth.

  Jamie kept him pinned to the bed, relying on his enhanced strength to keep Kyle where he wanted him as the smaller man swore frantically and writhed in between Jamie’s fingers and mouth. The litany of curses falling from his lips were broken only by wet gasps as Jamie played his body to the brink of orgasm before stopping.

  “You…bastard,” Kyle choked out, heaving for breath as he glared wild-eyed at where Jamie lounged between his legs, no longer touching him. “If you don’t finish me off I will shoot you.”

  “Not the word I was looking for,” Jamie replied in a mild voice.

  Kyle made an inarticulate sound behind clenched teeth. “Don’t. Stop.”

  “Still not what I’m looking for, but it’ll have to do for now.”

  Jamie sat up, ignoring the heavy weight of his fully hard cock hanging between his legs. Jamie tracked Kyle’s gaze, watching as Kyle licked his lips when he caught sight of Jamie’s cock. If anything, Kyle’s pupils got even wider.

  “I could suck you,” Kyle offered, fingers flexing against the sheets.

  “You already did that. I have other plans.”

  “Which are what? Drive me insane by not fucking me?” Jamie snorted as he reached for the lube again. Kyle let his head fall back against the pillow with a soft thump. “If you don’t get me off, I’ll get myself off.”

  “I told you,” Jamie said as he easily slid four wet fingers into Kyle’s hole, flexing them just a bit against the rim, listening to the whine catch in the back of Kyle’s throat. “Stay put.”

  Jamie pressed his right hand against Kyle’s thigh and shifted his leg up and out, opening him up for Jamie. With his hips resting against the edges of Jamie’s thighs, arms over his head, Kyle was a tautly arched figure for Jamie to play with, and play he did. From the teasing strokes over his cock to the pinch and pull at his nipples, to shoving his fingers into Kyle’s mouth at the same time he shoved four fingers into his ass, Jamie toyed with Kyle’s body at his own pace, learning what touches brought which sounds out of Kyle’s mouth. He kissed and licked his way up and down Kyle’s chest, ignoring Kyle’s cock for a good five minutes even if Jamie never stopped rubbing his fingers against his prostate, lube and sweat slick on both their bodies as Jamie did what he liked, when he liked.

  He could feel the shivery tightness around his fingers from time to time when Kyle got close to the edge of orgasm and Jamie would stop, remove his hands from Kyle’s body, and wait for him to calm down. Sweat pooled in the hollow of Kyle’s throat and Jamie lapped it off, dragging his tongue back down his chest to his cock to start all over again, fiercely ignoring his body’s own needs. Kyle moaned when Jamie slid his fingers back into his hole, dripping with more lube to add to the messiness there.

  “Come on, come on, just let me—” Kyle gasped as he ground down on Jamie’s suddenly lax fingers, cock bobbing against his stomach. Jamie hadn’t stroked him in minutes and the wild-eyed look in his eyes was trending closer and closer to murder with every thrust of Jamie’s fingers. “Jamie, for fuck’s sake, please!”

  Jamie grinned, knife-sharp, at the word as Kyle shivered beneath his hands. “That’s it. That’s what I want to hear.”

  Jamie thrust his fingers into Kyle faster and faster, stroking Kyle’s cock with hard, punishing strokes of his other hand. It didn’t take long, not after the past however long Jamie had kept him riding the edge of orgasm with just his hands and mouth. Kyle came with a wordless shout, pressing his face against his upper arm and biting at the skin there as his body arched against Jamie’s hands, cum spattering across his chest in jagged lines as Jamie stroked every last drop out of him.

  Kyle lay there, a shivering mess, arching away from Jamie’s relentless fingers that still moved inside him and rubbed at the head of his cock, body over-sensitized if Jamie was any judge of the way he bit his bottom lip but didn’t tell Jamie to stop.

  Jamie finally pulled his hands free of Kyle’s body, fingers sticky as he rolled Kyle over onto his stomach before grabbing his hips and pulling at him. “Get on your hands and knees.”

  “Fuck,” Kyle moaned, but he did as ordered, shaky from a long orgasm and limbs not quite capable of holding himself up for the first few seconds.

  “Yeah,” Jamie promised in a guttural voice. “Been waiting to get my cock in you.”

  “Could’ve already done it.”

  Jamie slapped his ass, hard, leaving behind a reddened imprint that
made Kyle yelp and hang his head. Jamie gripped his ass and pulled his cheeks apart, revealing his loosened hole shiny with lube. Jamie slid his cock up and down the cleft of Kyle’s ass, the tip of it catching on his rim with every pass, making Kyle hiss out a breath. Jamie thrust a few more times against the wetness there before he poured the last of the lube over his cock and let it drip down to his balls and over Kyle’s ass. It made Kyle’s skin slippery, forcing Jamie to grip his hips harder, leaving behind fingerprint bruises that made Kyle moan.

  Jamie pulled back and gripped his cock, lining it up with Kyle’s hole. He didn’t go slow, not after how long he’d been working Kyle over. He pushed in and didn’t stop until he filled Kyle’s ass with every last inch of his thick cock. Kyle cried out as Jamie breached him, but since the only two words he spoke were “Fuck!” and “Yes!” Jamie didn’t bother to ask if he was all right. Only when his balls smacked against Kyle’s body did Jamie stop moving, hands like a vise on Kyle’s hips to keep the slighter man still as he savored the sensation of body warmth surrounding his cock.

  “You feel so fucking good,” Jamie murmured as he pulled his cock out until only the head remained inside, the fluttering hole sucking at the tip. “I’m gonna fuck you so good.”

  “Then fucking get on with it!” Kyle gasped out.

  Jamie slammed back into him with enough force to shove Kyle up the bed, his hands scrabbling for purchase as Jamie set a punishing pace. He yelled wordlessly, throwing his head back as Jamie fucked into him. Jamie didn’t think twice about making a grab for his hair and holding him in place like that, neck arched, spine arched, eyes closed, and mouth dropped open on a silent scream as Jamie drilled his prostate with a precision that came from learning Kyle’s body because that’s what he liked. He liked when he could get his partners to this moment, fucked out on orgasms already had while Jamie fucked them through his own.

  Jamie leaned forward, grinding short thrusts into Kyle’s ass as he kissed him, wet and messy, like where they were joined, tongues sliding over teeth even as Jamie’s cock slid in and out of Kyle’s fucked-open hole. Kyle was a line of hard heat beneath him, taking his cock so good, as if he’d been born for this.

  “You like that?” Jamie asked, sounding more than a little out of breath.

  Kyle moaned shamelessly as Jamie slapped his ass again. “What do you think?”

  Jamie couldn’t help but laugh at the way Kyle didn’t give an inch even as he offered up his body to Jamie’s every whim. Jamie dropped one hand to Kyle’s shoulder and gripped him hard, yanking Kyle back onto his cock to meet every thrust, prying a short, sharp cry out of Kyle’s mouth every time he did so. It hurt him, it had to, body over-sensitized from too much already, but he never said stop.

  He only asked Jamie to “Keep going.”

  As good as Jamie was at giving orders, he could follow them, too.

  Shifting his grip, he pressed his hand on the back of Kyle’s neck, shoving at him. “Down.”

  And Kyle went, easy as anything, arms sliding forward under the pillow, face pressed into its feather softness as Jamie spread his knees and forced Kyle’s legs further apart, fucking into his upturned ass with abandon. He held him there, one hand on the back of Kyle’s neck, the other on his hip to steady them both, as Jamie chased his orgasm into the depths of Kyle’s body. Jamie didn’t hold back as much as he normally would with a partner, trusting in Kyle’s spoken desire for rough handling and wanting to give it to him.

  And Jamie gave it to him.

  Sweat poured down his body, getting in his eyes as Jamie dug his knees into the bed for more traction and snapped his hips harder and harder, driving his cock into Kyle’s ass with escalating strength until Kyle was practically sobbing into the pillow, knees involuntarily lifting up with every single one of Jamie’s thrusts. Jamie reached around between one thrust and the next, feeling for Kyle’s cock, a little surprised to find him hard again.

  Jamie leaned over Kyle, pressing his chest to Kyle’s sweat-slicked back, still fucking into him—if Jamie could do this all night, he would, and it would be goddamn amazing—and said, “Think you can come again?”

  Kyle moaned loudly at the question, eyes screwed tightly shut, tears smeared across his face and the pillow. Jamie licked the salty wetness off Kyle’s cheek even as he moved his hand up and down Kyle’s cock, his fingers a tight, unforgiving circle. Jamie kept at it, kept fucking into him, kept stroking him off, until Kyle screamed, body heaving against Jamie’s as he came again, the orgasm punched out of him like a bullet punched through target paper. Jamie felt Kyle’s cock jerk in his hand, but nothing more than a faint dribble of cum leaked out. He briefly bit down on Kyle’s shoulder just to feel him shudder before hauling him up a little more by the hips, his own stuttering when he momentarily lost his rhythm as Kyle’s body tightened weakly around his cock.

  He thrust slower through the minor resistance, letting his cock glide easy and deep into that sloppy hole while Kyle rode out the endorphin high. Only when Jamie felt the tightness ease around him did he pick up the pace again, holding Kyle’s hips up since he was making no effort to do so on his own. He lay there beneath Jamie, head turned to the side, green eyes mere slits in his face, panting for breath as he clutched at the sheets and pillows. His body jerked and moved with every snap of Jamie’s hips, not fighting against Jamie’s need, held in place by Jamie’s hands and cock.

  “C’mon, don’t stop, I wanna feel it,” Kyle slurred, tongue licking at his bottom lip. “Fuck me.”

  Jamie had to close his eyes at the sight, at the way his cock kept disappearing into Kyle, the easy way he took it and wanted it, letting Jamie use him until they were both raw from it. Jamie grabbed the meat of Kyle’s thigh just behind his left knee and hauled his leg up toward Kyle’s ribs, opening up his body even more. Jamie took advantage of the extra space the new position gave him to slam his rock-hard cock into Kyle’s body over and over, mouth curved in a teeth-baring snarl as his considerable focus narrowed down to heat and motion and the wordless little sounds Kyle made and nothing else.

  Jamie’s orgasm hit without warning, racing through him like lightning. He let out a shout as he ground his hips against Kyle’s ass in quick rolling motions as he came, not wanting it to end. He rocked his hips slowly for the last few thrusts, feeling a burn in his muscles that he rarely experienced anymore during sex. He leaned forward as he heaved for air, pressing his sweaty forehead between Kyle’s shoulder blades. Kyle shook beneath him, little shivers Jamie could feel against his skin and against his rapidly softening cock still cradled in Kyle’s ass.

  “Fight or fuck,” Kyle gasped out, eyes closed, sweaty hair sticking to his flushed face. “See? Told you that you could do both at the same time.”

  Jamie let out a rough laugh before he pried himself away from Kyle, carefully pulling his cock free. Kyle jerked at the motion, biting his bottom lip against a moan that came through anyway, looking like the very picture of fucked-out bliss. Jamie’s fingers were gentle this time as he pulled his ass cheeks apart to check on him, seeing that Kyle’s hole was red and puffy, but not torn, and the only thing leaking out of him was Jamie’s cum. He pressed his thumb against that too-hot opening, gently pushing the fluid back inside, feeling the edges of the hole twitch around his thumb, and wondered how Kyle would taste.

  Kyle reached around and smacked Jamie’s arm with a fist, his aim surprisingly accurate even with his eyes closed in the exhausted state he was in.

  “Water. Food. Then round two,” he muttered.

  Jamie pulled his thumb free with a soft, wet pop, watching as his cum started to leak back out. His mouth went dry at the thought of getting to fill that hole again. “Yeah.”

  Definitely better than the gym.


  I Feel It Running Through My Veins

  Staff Sergeant Kyle Brannigan buttoned up his shirt and tried to smooth out the wrinkles, but they were a lost cause. At least the cum stain from last night had disappeared, courtesy of a tr
avel-sized bottle of stain remover in the toiletries basket. Fancy hotel rooms apparently came well-stocked for situations like this, with this being the best sex he’d had in years.

  Possibly ever.

  Just thinking about it threatened to get him hard in his pants again. Jamie had effectively ruined him for one-night stands from here on out. Kyle didn’t think he’d get lucky twice in his life next time he was Stateside to fall into bed with someone who fucked as well as Jamie did. Last night was almost worth Kyle going back on his firm rule of never trying for a relationship with anyone he picked up, no matter how much he liked them in bed. For the first time in years, he wanted to break that rule.

  After a two-month-long mission in Africa, fighting behind enemy lines in several countries, and a longer deployment elsewhere before that, Kyle had needed to destress. His usual approach to that task was to fall into bed with someone. Kyle had never been a big believer in love at first sight. Lust, sure, and he felt a hefty dose of that right now, but for all that Jamie had been relentless in bed, he’d done so while being exquisitely careful of Kyle’s needs and desires. Jamie had picked up on Kyle’s few verbal cues and even many of the non-verbal ones. It helped him reach the point where his mind got fuzzy in a good way quicker than he ever had before, the overriding pain that came from too much pleasure like a warm blanket over his skin for most of the night. Even now, Jamie’s skill in that area left him reeling a little from how good it had felt.

  Kyle looked at himself in the mirror and firmly told himself, “No.”

  It didn’t stop him from wanting.

  Kyle ran a hand through his damp hair as he opened the bathroom door, stepping back into the hotel room. He didn’t know the exact time, just that it was early, the gray light of dawn slipping around the curtain edges. The sound of the city waking up could be heard now that the room’s privacy mode with its sound dampeners had been shut off.

  Jamie was up, if only halfway dressed and shirtless, frowning down at his tablet where he sat on the edge of the unmade bed. Kyle took a moment to soak up the sight, knowing that the clock was counting down until he had to leave and he wouldn’t get another chance to see Jamie after this. Jamie’s broad shoulders and sculpted physique made Kyle’s mouth water with the memory of what that body had felt like over his, in him, last night. He swallowed a little, forcing back the heat of desire that was so quick to rise in him. He’d had his fun after a long mission. Now it was time to leave.


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