In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1) Page 16

by Hailey Turner

  Frustrated, Kyle removed his hand from Jamie’s cock and used it to pinch Jamie’s other thigh above the knee. That only caused him to chuckle and remove his fingers from Kyle’s hole. In revenge, Kyle sucked hard on Jamie’s cock, feeling the way it jerked on his tongue, growing harder by the second, the taste of him saturating Kyle’s senses. He loved the way it plumped in his mouth, slowly forcing his mouth open as it grew. He opened his mouth wider, relaxing his jaw as he tried to swallow more of Jamie but was denied yet again by the fingers pulling at his hair.

  “Wait,” Jamie said firmly.

  Kyle would have pinched him again if it weren’t for the feel of something cold and hard being pressed against his hole. He went still, breathing rapidly through his nose as Jamie pushed the dildo into him, the cold silicone length nothing like the warmth of the real thing, but just the sensation of being filled on both ends made Kyle shiver. He swallowed a moan around Jamie’s cock, mouth slack, saliva drooling past his lips to slide down his chin. Kyle spread his legs wider and dug his knees into the mattress, body arching against the breach of the dildo as Jamie pushed it into him in a single thrust that had him moaning louder around the actual cock in his mouth.

  The dildo settled in him deep, a faint ache sparking along his nerves, Jamie’s prep with his fingers not nearly enough to help him accommodate the toy easily, but that was the point. The burn felt good even as the flared base of the dildo came to a rest against the curve of his ass. He clenched his hole around it, the thickness at both ends making him dizzy. Kyle let his knees slide a little more, hips dipping toward the mattress, fully intending on giving in to the need for friction against his own erection, when Jamie tugged sharply on his hair.

  “I like you on your knees, so stay there.”

  Kyle rocked back up to his previous position with a shudder, eyes watering as he did so. He pushed his head up against Jamie’s hold, feeling Jamie’s cock slide out of his mouth as he breathed in quick and sharp through his nose. Jamie gave him just enough time to get a hard fought for lungful of air before pushing him back down again. The slide of Jamie’s cock going fully down his throat was the opposite feeling of the dildo being dragged back out of his ass until only the tip remained inside. Jamie rotated it against his rim in lazy circles, tugging at the delicate skin there. Kyle could feel the way his hole stretched with the motion and he absently tried to push back against it even as he swallowed down another few millimeters of Jamie’s cock, Jamie’s fingers still tightly gripping Kyle’s hair, holding him in place.

  Jamie started to tease him with short, shallow thrusts of the dildo, chuckling at the way Kyle rocked between the cock in his mouth and the dildo in his ass, muscles beginning to burn in the position he was holding. Jamie bent his right knee a little and braced a foot on the bed, getting the leverage he needed in order to lift his hips a little and shallowly fuck his cock up into Kyle’s mouth at the same time. Kyle let out a strangled sound that Jamie choked off with a rather deep thrust, hard balls slapping against Kyle’s face, grinding his cock deep into Kyle’s mouth even as he shoved the dildo into his ass at the exact same time.

  Kyle shuddered at the sensation, clawing at Jamie’s thigh with the hand that had yet to tap out the signal to stop. His face felt hot, jaw aching as he swallowed helplessly against the cock choking him, nose pressed to warm skin, his scalp stinging from Jamie’s controlling grip. Even with his eyes squeezed shut he could see spots bursting across the back of his eyelids. Then Jamie’s fingers relaxed and he settled back down on the mattress, easing his cock out of Kyle’s mouth until just the tip rested on his tongue. Kyle gasped for air around it, saliva and precum smeared across his mouth and chin in a shiny mess. He closed his lips over Jamie’s cock, whining as a hand splayed over the back of his head and pushed him down again.

  Kyle went down easy, the head of Jamie’s cock hitting the back of his throat and sliding deeper again. His awareness was getting a little fuzzy at the edges, the ache in his mouth and jaw and throat becoming a distant sort of hurt that almost soothed him. He could feel Jamie’s other hand resting against his ass, fingers tracing his hole where it was stretched around the dildo. The dildo slid that much more into him when Jamie pressed down on it with a strength Kyle knew he was becoming addicted to.

  “Watch your teeth,” Jamie warned almost lazily.

  Kyle had a second to wonder what the hell Jamie was talking about, because he always watched his fucking teeth thank you very much, when the dildo buzzed to life as if it were connected to a live wire. Kyle’s entire body jerked against the sensation and he tried to scream around the cock in his throat but couldn’t. He arched up against Jamie’s hands to no avail, feeling Jamie hold him there, hold him down beneath the rough pleasure coursing through his body from being filled and used at both ends. Jamie’s cock was thick and hot between his lips. Kyle’s jaw twitched as he reflexively swallowed against the hard length lodged in his throat.

  Just when he thought he couldn’t take it any longer, Jamie pulled him off his cock. Kyle barely had enough time to take in a ragged lungful of air through his nose before his mouth was sliding back down Jamie’s hard length at the same time as the dildo was pulled out of his ass. Jamie pressed it back in with a sharp twist, catching his prostate with the motion, and Kyle jerked his hips against the thrust. Jamie rocked his own hips upward and Kyle didn’t fight him, shoulders burning as he struggled to stay propped up at the angle required to let his mouth be used.

  When his cock was halfway out of Kyle’s mouth, Jamie angled the dildo against his prostate right before he upped the speed of the vibration. Kyle screamed around Jamie’s cock, vision going dark at the edges. Jamie fucked up into his mouth even as he kept the dildo buzzing against his prostate, a burning pressure that jolted up Kyle’s spine and down his legs, burning straight through his own neglected cock, making it jerk helplessly in the air.

  He felt the dildo slide in deeper, the vibration going up another notch without warning, and his vision went a little gray at the edges as Jamie’s cock choked the breath out of him. Kyle’s hand slipped over Jamie’s thigh as he fought to ground himself, fingers digging into the muscle there, his knuckles brushing against Jamie’s balls. Jamie’s cock pulsed against his tongue, but Kyle didn’t have the coordination to suck on it anymore, and could only cradle it in his mouth when he felt Jamie’s hand slide between his legs.

  All it took was one stroke to his aching cock and Kyle careened over the edge into orgasm, body shaking against the cutting explosion of pleasure rolling through him. Jamie pulled Kyle off his cock and let him press his forehead against one hard muscled thigh as his hips jerked helplessly between the circle of Jamie’s fingers and the still-buzzing dildo lodged firmly in his ass.

  He didn’t quite register when it finally turned off, too busy trying to suck air into his deprived lungs through an aching mouth, jaw sore and heavy, body shuddering from the aftereffects of too much sensation. Kyle licked at his puffy lips with a numb tongue, rubbing his face against Jamie’s thigh, smearing saliva everywhere. His ass throbbed around the dildo still buried in his hole but he didn’t have the wherewithal to pull it out on his own.

  “Oh my God,” he mumbled weakly. Fingers carded through his sweaty hair, no longer so demanding.

  “You did so damn good taking what I gave you.” Jamie gripped the dildo and slowly pulled it out, making Kyle shiver as it slid free with an obscene pop. He tossed it aside before tugging at Kyle’s arms. “Come here.”

  Kyle managed to sit up with Jamie’s help and crawl into his lap, hissing when his sensitive and spent cock rubbed up against Jamie’s firm stomach. He curved his body toward Jamie’s, resting his forehead on one firm shoulder, licking at the sweaty skin there. He didn’t fight it when Jamie hauled him higher with easy strength Kyle knew he’d never get enough of, hands splayed over Kyle’s ass, stretching his cheeks apart.

  Kyle reached behind without a word, grasping Jamie’s rock-hard, spit-slick cock and sliding it into his
hole. He shuddered at the intrusion, biting down on Jamie’s clavicle at the inescapable burn between his legs. Then Jamie met him halfway, thrusting up hard into his loosened hole without warning. Kyle yelled into Jamie’s skin, fingers scratching furrows across Jamie’s shoulders as the sudden intrusion jolted him, eyes squeezing shut.

  “Yes,” he gasped out unthinkingly.

  The feel of Jamie buried so deep inside him after being fucked open on the dildo felt so good it hurt, pleasure-pain biting along his nerves as he rolled his hips to meet Jamie’s thrusts, sloppily finding the rhythm. Kyle wrenched his eyes open when Jamie nailed his prostate again, bruised mouth falling open on a punched out cry, body bowed over Jamie’s. Jamie kept him from falling by holding him up by the hips, keeping him where Jamie wanted him with a strength that never faltered. Kyle dug his hands into Jamie’s shoulders, knees sliding that much more apart as Jamie drilled into him with enough force to shake the bed.

  Jamie’s blond hair was damp and spiked from sweat, face flushed red, but his eyes were dark with a lust that wasn’t even close to being sated. Kyle shook against the vise-like grip Jamie had on his hips, wordless little cries falling out of his mouth every time Jamie thrust into him, both feet planted for leverage as he held Kyle in place above him and took him apart.

  It reminded him of their first night together, the way Jamie had fucked him over and over, until he’d come so many times it hurt and he had nothing left to give. Kyle wasn’t hard, not after already coming, and his flaccid cock bobbed limply between them as Jamie took, and Kyle let him, and he rode the knife-edged high between pain and pleasure without a fight, loving every minute of it.

  Jamie finally came with a guttural groan and a snap of his hips that made Kyle throw his head back from the force of it, feeling Jamie grind up into him with several hard thrusts Kyle tried to meet, but he was more than a little fucked out by that point. He could feel Jamie’s cock pulsing inside him before Jamie finally went still, the grip on Kyle’s hips easing. Kyle stayed where he was, legs splayed wide over the rock-hard body beneath his, Jamie’s spent cock buried in his ass, the hot feel of bruises ringing his hips something he wished he could keep.

  Eventually, once their breathing slowed, Kyle weakly patted Jamie on the shoulder, face buried against his chest. “Ten out of ten. Would ride again.”

  Jamie choked out a laugh, the jerk of his body arching up into Kyle’s unintentionally. Kyle hissed at the sharp ache in his ass and legs, reveling in it for as long as he could. He braced himself against Jamie’s chest and pushed upward, wincing as Jamie’s cock slid free. Jamie’s hands were warm and gentle now against his waist as he guided Kyle over to lie down on the bed next to him, where he sprawled out on his stomach, ignoring the trickle of cum and lube sliding down his thighs. Kyle closed his eyes, twitching when Jamie’s fingers stroked over his ass, sliding carefully between his cheeks to brush over his hole. Kyle cracked open one eye, watching how Jamie critically studied his fingers for evidence he might have gone too far.

  “You didn’t hurt me,” Kyle murmured.

  “You heal,” was all Jamie said, not a shred of accusation in his voice, just honest truth.

  Kyle blinked at him slowly, tired and spent and not wanting to move, the pain in his body from a rough round of sex already receding, already missed. “And you know how to pull your punches.”

  Jamie settled his hand on the small of Kyle’s back, fingers tracing the knobs of his spine, quiet in the wake of that acknowledgment. The bruises spanning Kyle’s hips faded in minutes without Jamie’s fingers to keep forming them with insistent pressure. Kyle could feel the heat of them dissipate as they rapidly disappeared, but the heat of Jamie’s touch stayed against his skin, reminding Kyle he was there.

  Jamie stepped out of his bedroom barefoot and wearing only a pair of soft sleeping pants he’d pulled on after his quick shower. He caught sight of Kyle almost immediately, the other man having showered first and purloined a pair of Jamie’s boxers that hung low on his hips. Neither of them had bothered with shirts. Kyle stayed rooted in front of an accent shelf bolted to one of the inner walls sectioning off the other rooms from the large living area, eyeing the row of holopics on display showcasing Jamie’s family. Jamie left him alone and waited for the inevitable questions to start up as he opened the fridge to see what he could throw together for a late dinner.

  “Callahan,” Kyle said flatly in greeting a few minutes later when he came into the kitchen proper.

  “Yeah,” Jamie replied.

  “As in, one of the richest families in America.”


  “With a long history of dabbling in politics.”

  “That, too.”

  “And you joined the Marines?”


  Kyle snorted before claiming a seat at the island, watching as Jamie set a pot to boil to make spaghetti. The jar of organic pasta sauce was already open, its contents simmering in a smaller pot while Jamie expertly chopped up a couple of summer vegetables for a side dish. Two opened bottles of beer sat on the island and Kyle grabbed one, not looking a gift horse in the mouth.

  With water still heavily rationed in parts of the world, even with commercial-level desalinization plants running in every country that bordered an ocean or a sea, creating a drink with it became expensive. Mass-produced soda and alcohol fell by the wayside in the beginning of the twenty-second century when higher temperatures withered crops and turned former pasture land into parched earthen jigsaw puzzles. The cost of producing such a wide selection of beverages became too high as agriculture and farming spheres struggled to adapt to a changing climate and water became scarcer. Only the richest beverage corporations had survived, and even then they’d been forced to pare down their products to a limited, sometimes subsidized, selection.

  Food was grown in tall vertical structures now, regulated urban greenhouses that helped feed the masses, while some farms existed underground, warrens of cellars and small caves dug into hard earth to grow food in a cooler temperature. The ocean was warmer, more acidic, but certain species of fish and plants thrived in that environment. Ocean farms hugged coastlines with their clusters of cloned fisheries and carefully cultivated, manmade sea forests of kelp and genetically modified mollusks and crustaceans. Farmers no longer needed to feed seven billion people, but they still had slightly under three billion to keep alive on a warmer planet with reduced land availability and limited resources.

  Which meant for more exotic food, people went out to eat it at specialty restaurants, no longer able to afford it on a regular basis at home. Alcohol was near exclusively served at bars and specific dining establishments due to the water tax. Buying it for the home cost a lot of money and most people would never be able to afford it on a regular basis. Jamie wondered if Kyle had sniffed out the wine room his mother had insisted be built into one of the hallway closets.

  “When did you have a chance to even go shopping for food?”

  Jamie dumped the vegetables in the sauté pan before adding olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. The spaghetti was fresh, not pre-packaged, so it would take only a few minutes to cook. The vegetables needed a little longer in the pan.

  “A cleaning company comes once a week every Sunday. The chef service usually delivers around the same time. They bring a limited amount of food staples for me since I’m not always here.” Jamie glanced over his shoulder at where Kyle sat, watching him intently. “The services came with the condo.”

  “Ah.” Kyle took a swig of his beer. “Let me guess. Your mom insisted.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Does she think you can’t fend for yourself?”

  “She likes to remind me of what she thinks I’m missing. I’ve learned it’s easier for her to win certain fights than argue with her on all of them.”

  Kyle nodded, eyeing Jamie contemplatively from across the island. “Your bed isn’t exactly soft.”

  “The monstrosity my mother first bought me g
ot removed. I gave it to Katie’s mother years ago, back when we were in the Marines. I bought this one.”

  “I can tell.”

  The mattress was a little firmer than what most people preferred. Jamie had spent too many years sleeping on the ground or on thin cots in the field or hard bunks in barracks for him to feel comfortable sinking into softness. Even being based out of the MDF headquarters now still meant sleeping in the field for some missions. For all that money could buy luxury, Jamie knew it couldn’t stop the nightmares, so he’d outfitted his bed how he liked, despite his mother’s insistence to the contrary.

  Dinner came together quickly and Jamie portioned out a heaping serving of pasta and vegetables onto two plates. They carried their food and another round of beer over to the couch, where Jamie used a few voice commands to turn on the flatscreen and switch it to a sports stream that was showing a repeat baseball game from earlier in the day. They ate in silence for a bit, clearing half their plates before Kyle spoke up, his voice quiet.

  “How did you get here?” he asked.

  Jamie knew Kyle didn’t mean the obvious. Jamie had spent enough time with the shrinks on payroll over the years that the question and its implications for an answer didn’t immediately send him into a dissociative state. The first few months after being turned into a metahuman were some of the worst he’d ever experienced when it came to nightmares, but while they still existed in his sleep, he no longer saw them while awake. But trauma was inherently personal, and Jamie was willing to share only so much.

  “Tripoli. Three years ago,” Jamie replied.

  Whenever the military lost soldiers to the MDF, their identities were redacted from all after action reports linked to the incident in question. While their identities were relegated to Top Secret, people still talked, and rumors never died. Back when he’d been in the Corps, they’d all heard stories of men and women who supposedly survived a Splice bomb attack. The missions in question could easily be identified with just a few words, the rumors finding a way to spread through every branch of the military, everyone always glad they weren’t the poor sucker who made it out as something else.


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