In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1) Page 17

by Hailey Turner

  “Ah,” Kyle said. “That scientist rescue op.”

  Jamie grimaced. “Wasn’t much of a rescue.”

  Kyle didn’t press for anything more, and Jamie was grateful for the respite. They were on the last few bites of pasta when Kyle spoke up again. “What’s it like for you now?”

  “The MDF?” At Kyle’s nod, Jamie offered him a shrug. “Same type of chain of command as in the rest of the military, for us at least, even if the missions tend to be weirder than a straight up firefight. The director’s a good CO, helps that he came from the Army and isn’t a civilian, our support is top-notch, the red tape is horrendous, and the pay is better.”

  “The pay is shit,” Kyle said dryly.

  “All government pay is shit. The hazard bonus pay marginally makes up for it.”

  Kyle poked his fork at the last little bit of pasta on his plate. “You’re still my CO, Jamie. Captain of Alpha Team. I don’t want to ruin that for you.”

  “But you still want to be with me.”

  Kyle nodded without looking at him. “Yes. I know it’s not fair, but I don’t regret asking.”

  Jamie set his empty plate on the low glass table in front of the couch. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he thought about his answer. “Then we’ll figure it out. Katie said she and the rest of the team would help cover for us. I’m not sure if Dvorkin will be a problem. You know him better than we do.”

  “Yeah,” Kyle said slowly, dragging out the word. “Lyosha won’t be a problem.”

  “And if he is?”

  “Then I’ll put him in a headlock and knuckle his head like when we were kids until he begs for mercy or yells for our mom. Whichever comes first.”

  Jamie blinked in surprise at that revelation. “Your mom or his mom?”

  “Our mom. Alexei is my adoptive older brother. His family took me in when I was a kid. I have the files to prove it and everything, even if I didn’t take their last name.”

  “Does he do shovel talks? I feel like he’s one of those types.”

  “Alexei’s a possessive bastard when it comes to his family.”

  “At least we’ll have one thing in common.”

  Kyle barked out a laugh and set his plate aside, finishing off his beer in a couple of swallows. Then he moved across the couch to straddle Jamie’s lap, bracketing him in with his body. The baseball game suddenly ceased to matter. Jamie settled his hands on Kyle’s hips, thumbs stroking small circles over warm skin. Kyle stared down at him with unblinking green eyes, the intensity of his gaze startling. The stillness in his body came from long hours waiting for a target to settle between the crosshairs of his scope.

  Jamie found he didn’t mind being on the receiving end of Kyle’s deadly focus.

  “What do you want?” Jamie asked in a low voice. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Good. I don’t want you to.”

  Kyle closed the distance between them to bite hungrily at his bottom lip even as he sinfully rolled his hips against Jamie’s. The drag of their clothed cocks was warm and easy, a curl of pleasure unfolding through his body from the friction. Kyle licked his way into his mouth, tasting bitter from beer, dinner an acidic hint beneath it. Jamie let his head fall back against the couch, dragging Kyle closer against him as they rubbed against each other in languid little motions, slowly getting hard as they explored each other’s mouths with lazy kisses.

  Kyle kissed his way over Jamie’s jaw and down his throat, nipping at warm skin. He closed his mouth over a nipple and Jamie let out a heavy breath as Kyle sucked on it before moving on. His lips were warm when he spoke against Jamie’s skin.

  “I could blow you again.”

  Jamie slid a hand between them, skimming it over Kyle’s ribs to tweak at a nipple. He thought about the way Kyle had looked sprawled across his bed, mouth stretched wide around Jamie’s cock, literally choking on it for almost half an hour as Jamie worked his hole open with fingers and a dildo. His green eyes had been glazed over by the end, awareness literally fucked out of him. Jamie’s own cock twitched just thinking about it and he rolled his hips a little harder against the body pinning him to the couch.

  “You do look good with your mouth occupied,” Jamie said.

  Kyle chuckled against his throat. “Yeah, don’t even try to deny you like fucking my mouth.”

  “I like fucking you any which way you’ll let me,” Jamie admitted, sliding his fingers beneath Kyle’s borrowed boxers. He groped Kyle’s firm ass, squeezing harder than he normally would with a different partner, enjoying how Kyle pushed back eagerly into his touch. “I like how you feel around my cock.”

  Kyle shivered against him, one hand shoving between them to slide beneath Jamie’s sleeping pants. Long fingers wrapped around his half-hard length and started to stroke him. Jamie hissed at the friction, pushing up against that determined touch.

  “So how do you want me?” Kyle asked, mouthing at his skin. “Because you can have me. I’ll let you have me however you want.”

  And oh, the carte blanche offer was enough to white out Jamie’s mind. He ran one hand up Kyle’s spine to grip his hair and pull his head up, staring into Kyle’s lust-filled eyes. Kyle flicked his tongue over his bottom lip and Jamie’s gaze was drawn to the motion. He caught Kyle’s mouth in a deep kiss, fighting him for control all the way before Kyle finally yielded with a soft sigh. He felt Kyle’s hands working between them to free both their cocks from the confines of their clothing, and Jamie lifted his hips a little to help, easily carrying Kyle’s weight with him. Kyle’s touch was warm and dry as he slowly stroked their erections together for a few seconds. Then Jamie heard the click of a cap snapping open and he grinned against Kyle’s mouth.

  “Brought the lube?” he asked.

  “You thought I wouldn’t? Your bed’s nice and all, but I kinda want to try out your couch,” Kyle said with a smile Jamie kissed away. “Give your cleaning company something to really earn a bonus from.”

  Jamie chuckled before shoving him back a little, putting some distance between them. Kyle took the silent hint and moved off Jamie long enough for both of them to discard their minimal clothing. Jamie snagged Kyle’s wrist and pulled him back onto his lap, spreading his legs wider as Kyle settled over him again so that his ass dipped a little between Jamie’s thighs. Jamie stroked his hands up and down Kyle’s back, tugging him closer so he could bite at a nipple.

  “Get me hard. You can use your mouth if you want, but I like your hands,” Jamie ordered, tonguing at the hard nub.

  Kyle licked his lips again as he wrapped lube-slicked fingers around their cocks in a strong grip. “Yes, sir.”

  Kyle kept it easy and slow at the start, their cocks rubbing together against Kyle’s firm fingers. Jamie kept his hands and mouth on Kyle’s body, enjoying how Kyle felt in his arms. Kyle fit against him perfectly, a sleekly honed body Jamie couldn’t get enough of. Kyle rolled his hips in slow motions, dragging his hand over their cocks and squeezing gently from time to time. The delightful friction made Jamie moan softly, licking his way up Kyle’s throat even as he reached for the lube. Kyle shivered as Jamie slid one slick finger into his hole up to the first knuckle, catching his mouth in a kiss.

  “You’re always tight,” Jamie muttered against his lips.

  Kyle ran a hand through Jamie’s hair and gripped the back of his head, keeping him there, deepening the kiss even as he rocked into the circle of his hand. They panted harshly into each other’s mouths when they finally broke apart.

  “Don’t tell me you’re complaining?”

  Jamie wrapped one of his own hands around their erections, fingers tangling with Kyle’s. The extra pressure made them both groan. “Does it look like I’m complaining?”

  “I don’t know. You officers always complain about everything. Hard to tell when you’re not.”

  Jamie smacked him on the ass before sliding his finger back into that slippery hole, startling a low laugh out of Kyle. “And you NCOs need to be put
in your place.”

  “Yeah? That your plan?” Kyle panted as he rubbed his cock against Jamie’s, fingers tightening.

  Jamie bit down on the side of his neck, feeling Kyle lean into his teeth with a whine. “You’re goddamn right it is. Gonna fucking keep you there.”

  Kyle’s soft moan went straight to Jamie’s cock. He bucked up into their combined grip, watching as Kyle ran his thumb over the heads of their cocks, smearing precum over sensitive skin. Jamie slid a second finger into Kyle’s hole and moved them in and out in a lazy motion, skittering over Kyle’s prostate every now and then, but not seeking it out. Kyle moaned into his mouth, jerking between their hands, as if he couldn’t decide what touch he wanted more. They kept that lazy pace for a while, trading messy kisses when they weren’t leaving bite marks scattered across each other’s chests as the sky outside the surrounding windows began to darken.

  When he was three fingers deep in Kyle’s ass, his own cock beginning to throb with the need for release, Jamie nosed his way up Kyle’s throat to bite at his ear lobe.

  “Wanna fuck my cum out of you,” Jamie muttered.

  He felt Kyle jerk at his words, the motion tugging against his fingers as Kyle clenched down around him. Kyle wrapped his arms around Jamie’s shoulder and kissed him so hard their teeth scraped together. “Then what are you waiting for? An engraved fucking invitation?”

  Jamie pulled his fingers free and spread his hands over Kyle’s ass, hauling Kyle off the couch with him. Kyle stumbled a little when his feet touched the ground, but Jamie didn’t let him fall. The bedroom was too far away and the couch didn’t have nearly enough room for maneuverability, so Jamie backed him up against the nearest window, the D.C. skyline lit up neon against the night sky. Jamie had seen it all before, but he’d never seen it like this, with Kyle facing the window, arms braced against the heavy duty plas-glass to hold himself up, his back one long lean line beneath Jamie’s eager hands.

  Jamie hooked his fingers over Kyle’s hips and kicked his feet farther apart, watching as Kyle made to drop one hand to his cock. Jamie snagged his wrist, pressing Kyle’s hand back against the window. He leaned against Kyle, his cock sliding against the cleft of Kyle’s ass and the dip of his lower back.

  “Don’t move your hands,” Jamie told him.

  “So long as you hurry the fuck up we won’t have a problem.”

  Jamie laughed and took a step back, dragging one hand down Kyle’s back. He smacked that pale, upturned ass several times, hard enough to redden the skin. Kyle jerked from the blows, tossing a heavy-lidded glare over his shoulder, which Jamie ignored. He opened the bottle of lube and poured some of the slick at the apex of Kyle’s ass, watching it slide down into the cleft. He helped it on its way, stroking the wetness into Kyle’s hole, the sound of his fingers moving through that ring of muscle obscene. Kyle flexed his fingers against the plas-glass, letting out a soft moan.

  “You know I can take it without wasting a bottle of lube,” he said.

  Jamie shook his head before he snaked one hand between Kyle’s thighs to fondle his balls. “Think you can hold off from coming until I tell you to?”

  Kyle rubbed his nose against his arm, mouth dropping open a little as Jamie teased his balls with one hand and pressed the fingers of his other right against his prostate. “Yeah.”

  Jamie’s grin was slow and filthy. “Yeah?”

  “Did I stutter? Yeah, I can do whatever you want. Now shut up and fuck me.”

  Jamie removed his fingers and slicked up his cock some more, breathing sharply against the tug of his fingers. He knew he could stay at this slow-built pleasure for a while yet, but Jamie allowed himself to be selfish because Kyle was a demanding little punk who really liked taking cock and Jamie really liked giving it to him.

  Jamie dug his hands into Kyle’s ass, pulling his cheeks apart to reveal that wet hole. He pressed the tip of his cock against the furled opening and rocked forward, watching as it closed around the dusky head. The constricting pressure there made him hiss, and he chased that wonderful clenching heat with a single hard thrust that shoved Kyle onto the balls of his feet, hands scrabbling at the plas-glass for support.

  “Fuck,” Kyle gasped out, warm breath fogging the window.

  Jamie grabbed Kyle’s hips, anchoring them at an angle which forced Kyle to curve his spine just that much more, ass at the perfect height for Jamie’s pleasure. He looked good like this, the lights outside haloing his body through the window, sweat glistening on his skin, impaled on Jamie’s thick cock. Jamie licked a drop of sweat off Kyle’s shoulder, and kissed his way up Kyle’s neck.

  “You got an exhibitionist kink I should know about?” Kyle asked, swallowing around the words.

  “No one can see in. Besides, I don’t normally like sharing,” Jamie admitted.

  He really, really didn’t when he could get away with it, but there were always exceptions. Maybe that had to do with growing up stupid filthy rich before embarking on a military career where no one cared about his name, just that he could get the job done.

  Jamie was very good at getting the job done.

  He slid out of Kyle, riveted by the way his cock looked coming out of that slick hole. Then he snapped his hips forward again with the same unforgiving strength as before, feeling his balls smack against the bottom curve of Kyle’s ass. Kyle swore, trying to brace himself against the window as Jamie anchored him there with heavy hands and fucked into him with increasing speed. Kyle moaned with every thrust, soft little uh, uh, uhs falling from his kiss-bitten mouth. Jamie kept his feet planted wide as he fucked into Kyle with abandon, relishing the sound their bodies made when their skin slapped together, his balls tight and getting tighter.

  Jamie gritted his teeth and didn’t deny himself the orgasm building at the base of his spine. When it hit, he felt it shudder through his entire body, hips snapping forward in a jagged rhythm, grinding up against Kyle so hard he almost lost his footing. Kyle writhed against him, a keening whine coming out of his mouth as he clawed at the window, bracing them both against falling. But Kyle didn’t lift his hands away, didn’t try to touch his own erection and get himself off, mindful of Jamie’s order.

  Jamie felt his release loosen his body and he leaned forward to press an openmouthed kiss to the back of Kyle’s neck, hands stroking up the sides of his ribcage. He could feel Kyle heaving for breath, see the reflection of Kyle’s erection in the window, the jut of it hard and curved toward his abdomen. Jamie could feel his own cock soften a little inside Kyle and he shifted closer, staying nestled inside that tight heat, the burn of desire nowhere near close to being banked. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt like this with someone, if he ever had.

  Kyle tentatively clenched his ass around Jamie’s cock, and Jamie groaned, tugging at his hair in order to pull him into a kiss. The angle wasn’t the best, but neither cared, striving toward the connection with eager lips and tongues. Jamie tweaked one of Kyle’s nipples, holding him still when he attempted to move, and did it again.

  “Wait,” Jamie said. “Just wait. Give me a minute.”

  “Jamie,” Kyle got out through clenched teeth. “I want—”

  He reached up and casually wrapped his hand around Kyle’s throat, tilting Kyle’s head back at a sharp angle that cut off his words. “Wait.”

  It didn’t take much for Jamie to get hard again, not with a warm and willing body pressed right up against him, soft little whimpers reminding him that Kyle hadn’t come yet. Jamie’s refractory period was negligible if he paced his body just right during sex. The slow buildup at the beginning drawn from Kyle’s hands and the sense memory of earlier in bed, swallowed by Kyle’s mouth, was enough to get Jamie going again, the pleasure from his orgasm having dropped to a simmering burn rather than fading away entirely. His cock hadn’t quite softened all the way, and he could feel himself hardening again. Kyle felt it, too, judging by the sharp whine he let loose, hands still pressed against the window, eyes fluttering shut as Jamie
cradled his throat in a firm grip.

  “There we go,” Jamie murmured as he rolled his hips against Kyle’s ass in tight little circles, keeping his cock snugged up inside Kyle. “Just like that. I’m gonna make a mess of you.”

  “Please,” Kyle begged softly, entire body quivering with the need for release.

  Jamie curled an arm around Kyle’s waist, pulling him flush against his body as he guided them carefully to the floor on their knees. Legs spread wide, Kyle still kept his hands against the window, leaving smears on the plas-glass as he slid down. He pressed his forehead against the window, shivering as Jamie rubbed his hands up and down Kyle’s back, gentling him. On his knees, back arched, pinned by Jamie’s orders and Jamie’s cock, Kyle looked damn near perfect against the night skyline.

  Jamie pulled out slowly, and his gentleness was a lie, because when he thrust back into Kyle, it was with enough power behind the motion to make Kyle yell as the angle meant Jamie’s cock slammed right against Kyle’s prostate. Jamie didn’t stop, senses still a little raw from his earlier orgasm, and already on edge again. He paced himself with hard, even thrusts, picking up speed every minute or so until he was pounding into Kyle. His efforts produced a sight that made Jamie groan hungrily, eyes riveted on the sticky white cum he was fucking out of Kyle’s hole. White globs were forced out with every thrust, smearing over Jamie’s cock and dripping down to his balls.

  Jamie slowed a bit, prying Kyle’s ass cheeks apart so he could leisurely fuck up into him with deep strokes. More cum spilled out, slipping down Kyle’s thighs in sticky rivulets. Jamie dragged his fingers down to catch some before bringing his hand around to Kyle’s mouth. He slid his fingers past willing lips and swore as Kyle licked them clean, body quivering. Jamie thrust up hard into that welcoming heat, torn between watching the mess he was making of Kyle’s hole or admiring the desperate look on Kyle’s face.


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