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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

Page 18

by Hailey Turner

  “Can you come like this?” Jamie growled. “From just my cock?”

  Kyle’s mouth dropped open on a gasp, eyes squeezed shut as his trembling arms kept him braced against the window. Jamie was a relentless force at his back, taking his pleasure twice over just because he could. Just because Kyle would let him, any way he wanted.

  Jamie licked a stripe up Kyle’s spine before he twisted his hips in such a way he felt the muscles in his lower back burn. “You can, if you want.”

  That was all it took. Kyle came untouched with a wail, body writhing on Jamie’s cock, his own hands still pressed to the smudged window. Thick ropes of cum erupted from where his cock bobbed in the air, the sticky white fluid falling onto the window and the floor between his legs. His body sagged and went momentarily limp as his orgasm hit, muscles going loose. Jamie braced him with a hand on his chest and hauled Kyle down onto his cock, still fucking into him with sharp thrusts that had Kyle crying out.

  Kyle panted for breath as he arched into Jamie’s hands, twisting his head to weakly bite his way into Jamie’s mouth. Jamie could almost taste himself on Kyle’s tongue.

  “Fuck me harder,” Kyle gasped out. “Fill me up like I know you want to.”

  With a curse, Jamie hauled Kyle off his cock and shoved him face down and ass up onto the hardwood floor. Kyle managed to get his elbows underneath him, his triumphant little laugh breaking apart on a moan as Jamie slid between his legs again and slammed his cock back into Kyle’s messy, cum-splattered hole. Kyle cried out at the intrusion, letting his knees slide a little wider as he sank that much more on Jamie’s punishing cock.

  “Is this what you want?” Jamie asked in a deep voice, holding on tight like always, fingers finding familiar spots to bruise on Kyle’s pale skin. “Like this?”

  “You know it is,” Kyle moaned.

  Kyle skidded forward on the mess he’d made when he came until he slammed his hands against the windows to stop his forward momentum, bracing them both against Jamie’s relentless motion.

  “Yeah. I do.”

  Jamie kept up the brutal speed of his thrusts for several more minutes, feeling sweat drip down his spine and forehead, stinging his eyes as he took his pleasure in Kyle’s body. Kyle still kept them braced, but his entire body began to shake, head hanging low as he let Jamie pound into him.

  Orgasm didn’t so much creep up on him as ambush him. Jamie ground his cock into Kyle’s well-used hole with a harsh groan, spilling his load for a third time that night into familiar heat. His hips jerked off rhythm as he came, body slowing down from chasing his orgasm.

  Breathing heavily, Jamie grasped Kyle’s ass and spread his cheeks wide, stretching his hole just that much more as he slowly pulled out. Cum dribbled out around his cock, the sticky mess dripping down Kyle’s thighs. Unable to help himself, Jamie leaned down to lick a broad-tongued swipe over Kyle’s leaking, puffy hole. He tongued at the rim before dipping in further, the way made easy and open by the hard fucking they’d just finished. Jamie lapped up the taste he’d left behind in Kyle for a second or two before pulling back, idly slipping two fingers into the mess there. He leaned over Kyle as he did so, kissing him slow and filthy with the taint of both of them on his tongue.

  “All right?” Jamie asked when they broke for air.

  Kyle’s hips twitched against Jamie’s fingers, cum slowly leaking out around them. He pillowed his head on his arms, sighing when Jamie slipped a third finger in beside the first two, but he didn’t pull away.

  “Yeah,” Kyle murmured, looking fucked out and happy. “You got a plug in that closet of yours?”

  Jamie went still at the question before a slow, filthy smile curved his mouth. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

  Kyle gave him a lazy, half-aware smile as he licked his lips. “Then you should go get it.”

  NCOs had the best ideas.


  No Rest For the Wicked

  Kyle awoke from a sound sleep to the bone-deep signal of his comms notifying him of an incoming call. The preset tone meant it could only be one person.

  “<>” he muttered in Russian.

  “<>” Alexei demanded. “<>”


  The heavy silence on the other side of the line made Kyle burrow his face into his pillow for a few seconds, biting back a yawn. He was lying on his stomach, sheets pooled at his waist, and didn’t really want to move, but he recognized the stressors in Alexei’s voice as something that needed to be dealt with.

  “<>” Alexei asked, sounding both furious and worried at the same time.





  Kyle felt the bed dip a little beneath him as Jamie shifted position. A strong arm slid over his waist and Kyle wasn’t at all surprised to feel warm lips press a surprisingly chaste kiss to the skin between his shoulder blades.

  “That your brother?” Jamie asked sleepily.

  “Yes,” Kyle said. “He wants to meet up.”

  “Tell him to come here.”

  “You sure?”

  “If he’s with Katie, she knows the way. If not, I can give you the address.”

  Kyle ended up passing along the address before Alexei cut the line in his usual brusque way, leaving silence in his wake. Kyle seriously thought about going back to sleep, food and his brother be damned. He rolled over onto his back instead, slinging an arm over Jamie’s shoulders so he could pull him down into a lazy good morning kiss, despite their morning breath.

  “If I’m any judge of older brothers, being one myself, Alexei is probably breaking the speed limit to make it here, so we should get up,” Jamie murmured against his mouth.

  “It’s too damn early to be logical.”

  “It’s almost 1200. I’ll get the coffee started before we jump in the shower.”

  Kyle narrowed his eyes. “Real coffee?”

  “Pretty sure I have some beans around here.”

  “Coffee.” Kyle kissed Jamie again. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted that stuff before.”

  “Go start the shower. I’ll join you in a couple of minutes.”

  They’d fallen asleep well after dawn after a long, fantastic night of sex. He’d come out of it aching for once and exhausted in a way he hadn’t felt in years. Even though his body had set itself back to rights, the memory was enough to put Kyle in a good mood despite Alexei’s call.

  They slid out of bed and briefly went their separate ways. Kyle went into the bathroom, the space reminding him of the resort spa he, Alexei, and their younger sisters had saved up money to send their parents to as a New Year’s Eve gift.

  White tile gleamed across the floor, differing from the pale gray sandstone tile that lined the walk-in shower, which was big enough to fit two people. Beside it stood a large, free-standing tub that had startled Kyle when they finally showered off their exertions sometime after dawn. The amount of water needed to fill something that large would have eaten away at a person’s water bill. Most people couldn’t afford to waste water like that. Then again, Jamie’s family weren’t most people.

  “Computer, shower at eighty percent heat,” Kyle ordered.

  The shower turned on automatically at his verbal request, water falling from multiple shower heads a soft background noise as he took a piss and brushed his teeth. Jamie wasn’t back yet before Kyle ducked under the spray, letting the warm water wash over him even as the steam built up. A small bench curved outward from each interior corner while soap and other items lined an embedded shelf on a wall beneath a showerhead. The warm water felt fantastic against his skin and Kyle reveled in it.

  The glass door opened and Jamie stepped inside, warm hands sliding up Kyle’s torso to rub at his shoulders before turning him around. Jamie crowded him against the wet wall between
the two benches with easy strength. Kyle shivered at the cool contact of the tile against his back but didn’t think much of the temperature difference, not when Jamie took up all his attention. The taller man was content to hold him there between the multiple sprays of water, kissing Kyle slow and deep, his cock pressed against the jut of Kyle’s hip, warm with arousal.

  “Thought we were on a timetable?” Kyle rasped when Jamie finally broke the kiss.

  “We are. Doesn’t mean we have to rush.”

  They cleaned up with lazy touches and even lazier kisses, neither of them in any hurry to get off. It took actual effort for Kyle to keep his desire banked, but he managed, despite Jamie’s wandering hands. Jamie didn’t push Kyle and didn’t demand anything for himself, seemingly content to share time and space with Kyle like this rather than default to sex. Jamie was the first person he’d stayed with after sex in a long, long time. Monday night didn’t count since they’d both parted ways after getting off. They hadn’t slept together, woken up together, not how they had last night. It was new and heady, everything he didn’t know he wanted, leaving Kyle feeling uncertain about how they would make this work.

  Eventually, they left the shower and dried off using the towels hanging from the wall hooks, the material almost decadent in its softness. Like the sheets and duvet on the bed, the pieces of luxury mixed in with the practicality in Jamie’s condo was enough to remind Kyle of the societal rung he’d started at compared to the older man.

  Namely, at the bottom.

  But he wants me, the same way I want him. That has to count for something, Kyle thought to himself.

  With Jamie’s background, he could have literally anyone in the world. That he was risking his career to be with Kyle was humbling. He wanted to be worthy of that risk.

  They got dressed in the clothes they’d scattered on the floor last night and never picked up, Kyle trying and failing to smooth out the wrinkles in his shirt. The smell in the air that eventually coaxed them out of the bedroom was delicious. Kyle followed his nose to the kitchen where a sleek silver beverage maker kept a pot of coffee warm. Jamie poured them both a mug full of the stuff, not wasting a drop, before leaving the pot in the sink.

  Kyle inhaled the scent of the dark brew before taking an exploratory sip. The taste of it was far better than synthcaf, with a nutty, roasted flavor that exploded through his mouth. He went still where he leaned against the island, staring down at the mug in his hands as if it were his ticket to winning the lottery.

  “I hope you realize I would kill for this stuff,” Kyle said, sounding almost reverent. “Fuck, this is good.”

  “You’ll have to fight the rest of the team for it,” Jamie warned.

  “Sniper. They’d never see me coming.” Kyle gulped down another mouthful of the rich brew. “Are you going to tell them?”

  “Katie already knows and I don’t like lying to my team. So yes, at some point I will tell them if she hasn’t.”

  “Good, because I like you in my bed even if you’re a little too much like Alexei in the field.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You jump out from behind cover way too easily for my liking.” Kyle paused to take another sip of his coffee, already almost halfway done with it. He wished he could savor the drink, but Alexei would be here soon. “Are you really okay with this? With us?”

  Jamie set aside his coffee mug before hooking a finger through one of Kyle’s belt loops to haul him close. The kiss this time was easy and quick, tasting like the smooth bitterness of coffee Kyle didn’t want to give up.

  “The thought of someone else touching you in bed could probably incite me to violence, and then Katie would have to bail me out of jail. She’d never let me live it down, to say nothing of the rest of the team,” Jamie said when he finally pulled away. “We’ll make this work. We’re both professionals in the field. Outside of the field, we’ll see where this takes us. But I want you however you’ll let me have you, Kyle. I’ll fight for us. Don’t ever doubt that.”

  Kyle leaned up to steal another kiss. “Okay.”

  They could have probably made out in the kitchen for who knew how long before moving back to the bedroom, but a pounding on the front door broke them apart.

  “Sorry if Lyosha bypassed your security,” Kyle said with a sigh.

  “I let the concierge know earlier I was expecting someone,” Jamie replied as he went to open the door.

  Alexei strode inside with a scowl on his face and carrying a packed military duffel bag that wasn’t his. He dropped it on the floor and Kyle watched him take in the condo for a few seconds, looking patently unimpressed, before focusing on Kyle.

  “You fuck him?” Alexei demanded flatly in English, glaring first at Kyle, then at Jamie.

  Kyle sprawled on one of the leather armchairs and stared his brother down. “Is this you asking for details?”

  Alexei scowled. “No. But he is CO, Kilyusha. What are you thinking?”

  “We’re both aware of the regulations we’re breaking by choosing to be together, Alexei,” Jamie said calmly as he headed for the couch. Kyle eyed it surreptitiously, but it seemed Jamie had cleaned up their mess from last night while he’d been starting the shower.

  Alexei glared at them both before reverting to Russian to more freely express himself without tripping over the words in English. “<>”

  “<>” Kyle replied.



  Alexei pointedly flipped him off before shaking his head, still scowling. “<>”


  Alexei sighed heavily before taking a seat on the other armchair. “<>”



  Kyle slid his gaze over to Jamie, the other man unabashedly watching the two of them even if he couldn’t understand them. “<>”

  Alexei followed his gaze and glowered unhappily. “<>”

  “Thanks,” Kyle said, pointedly switching back to English. “I appreciate it.”

  “You still make stupid decision, but if it make you happy, I keep quiet,” Alexei grumbled.

  “Being with Kyle isn’t a stupid decision,” Jamie interjected.

  “You captain. You supposed to know better,” Alexei snapped.

  Jamie met his gaze without blinking. “Yes, and I’m willing to risk the consequences if we’re found out.”

  “We both are,” Kyle said.

  Alexei’s expression softened ever so slightly, enough for Kyle to know he’d cut through some of his brother’s protective anger to reach him. “Fine. You both be idiots together.”

  Kyle rolled his eyes and flipped his brother off. “Thanks for the support.”

  Jamie shook his head as he got to his feet. “I’ll make some lunch. Feel free to watch something.”

  Alexei promptly turned on the flatscreen and switched it to a Russian-language stream playing a movie. Kyle side-eyed him as he got up to deal with his duffel bag. “<>”

  “<>” Alexei said, getting comfortable.

  Jamie prepared them all a tray of heaping sandwiches and a bag of chips they demolished over the course of an hour. Alexei seemed to
thaw a little throughout his stay, deigning to answer Kyle’s questions on how he was doing without too much attitude. They hadn’t had much time together since returning from the mission, and Kyle worried about Alexei’s head space, probably as much as Alexei worried about his. Alexei’s anger might still burn beneath his calm surface, but that didn’t mean he didn’t care.

  In point of fact, he interrogated Jamie for most of the hour, much to Kyle’s annoyance and Jamie’s amusement. When it was time for Alexei to leave, Jamie gave them some privacy and disappeared into the rear of the condo.

  “<>” Kyle grumbled as he showed Alexei to the door.

  Alexei rolled his eyes. “<>”


  Alexei gripped him by the shoulders, studying his face. “<>

  Kyle shrugged. “<>”

  Alexei gave him a little shake. “<>”






  “<>” Alexei replied grudgingly.

  “<>” Kyle wrapped his arms around Alexei in a tight hug. Alexei returned it without hesitation, squeezing his arms tight enough Kyle felt his spine pop.

  When Kyle had been taken in by the Dvorkin family as a kid, their boisterous way of speaking and affectionate ways inside the house weren’t very different from his own family on the good days. They’d been sure to lavish him with love after the tragedy, and Alexei had been the one to hold on the tightest and never let go. Kyle couldn’t be angry with his brother for being worried. If their positions were reversed, he knew he’d feel the same way.


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