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In the Wreckage: (M/M Sci-Fi Military Romance) (Metahuman Files Book 1)

Page 31

by Hailey Turner

  “Fuck, I wanna come,” Kyle moaned.

  “Then do it.” Jamie stole a kiss, quick and hard. “I’m not stopping you. I won’t stop you.”

  Jamie shifted his position, pulling out all the way, his cock shiny with lube, Kyle’s hole wet with it. Kyle knocked one knee against Jamie’s ribs, swallowing shakily. “I can’t get off if you’re not fucking me.”

  “I don’t know how you got to be a sniper when you’re so goddamn impatient.”

  Kyle kneed him in the ribs again. “Hurry up.”

  Jamie grabbed the dildo and slicked it up with lube before pushing it into Kyle’s hole in one single, nonstop motion. Kyle raised his hips against the intrusion, throwing his head back as he cried out. His hands clenched hard on the headboard but not once did he let go. Jamie pulled the dildo out before pushing it in a second time, going slow, making sure Kyle felt every single ridge as it went in. When it was tucked nearly all the way inside Kyle, Jamie turned the vibrator on without warning.

  Kyle yelled, twisting hard against the vibrating length filling his hole. Jamie used his strength to hold Kyle down, keeping him in place, forcing him to take it. Kyle heaved for breath as Jamie scooted forward, pulling Kyle’s legs over his thighs, opening him up even more, denying him any leverage he could have gained. Jamie nudged the dildo deeper into Kyle, angling it just so until he had it pressed right up against Kyle’s prostate.

  Kyle arched his spine, incapable of escaping the sensation, head thrown back against the pillow. “Fuck! Fuck, Jamie!”

  “I got you,” Jamie said as he pulled the dildo out a little before pushing it back in, finding that perfect spot again. “Gonna make you feel so good.”

  Jamie teasingly ran his fingers over Kyle’s cock before flattening his hand over Kyle’s stomach. Without warning, Jamie upped the vibration of the dildo to the next highest setting, holding Kyle down on it.

  Kyle’s scream wasn’t born of pain, but of pleasure as his cock jerked against the leather encircling it, the dry orgasm ripping through him with a suddenness that made Jamie groan just watching Kyle experience it. Kyle tried to close his legs, to pull away from the dildo, but Jamie kept him there, pinned to the bed and spread out beneath him, holding the vibrating dildo at the same unrelenting angle against his prostate.

  “Jamie,” Kyle gasped out, eyes a little wet, his entire body shaking. “Jamie, please.”

  Jamie flicked the setting one notch higher, watching with half-lidded eyes as Kyle tried to twist away from the overwhelming sensation, his hands still locked around the headboard, feet sliding over the sheets. “Please what?”

  Kyle lost his words, mutely shaking his head as he panted for air. Jamie twisted his wrist, sliding the dildo in and out of Kyle’s hole for a minute or two more before finally pulling it out completely. Kyle’s hole twitched around the emptiness and Jamie slid a finger inside him, rubbing against the slick walls of that inner heat. He nudged the tip of the vibrating dildo under Kyle’s balls, listening to him whimper.

  “You’re doing so good,” Jamie soothed. “So good, baby.”

  Jamie slid the dildo up Kyle’s cock, pressing down on it. Kyle swore, his voice high-pitched and shaky as his entire body shuddered. “Oh my God.”

  “Tomorrow I’m gonna fuck you over and over, any way I like. Gonna fill you up with my cum until you can’t take any more,” Jamie promised.

  “Please,” Kyle got out in a wrecked voice.

  Jamie slipped three fingers of his other hand into Kyle one at a time, the slow slide made easy from cum and lube. “I’ll keep you naked on your knees for me, would you like that?”

  Kyle licked his lips, still panting. “Yes. God, whatever you want.”

  Jamie pressed the tip of the dildo between the thin skin of Kyle’s balls, watching them shake from the vibration. Kyle’s mouth opened on a silent cry. “I’m gonna take such good care of you, baby. Gonna ruin you.”

  “I want that,” Kyle practically sobbed out, all the sass fucked out of him. “I want you. Jamie. Sir.”

  Jamie surged upward, kissing Kyle with a ferocity neither were surprised about. Jamie switched off the dildo and tossed it aside. He kissed his way down Kyle’s chest until he came to Kyle’s cock. The thick erection was blood warm, red against the pale flesh of Kyle’s stomach. Jamie licked his way down its length, sucking wetly at Kyle’s balls, rolling them over his tongue one at a time. He moved his hands down Kyle’s thighs to pry apart his cheeks again, trailing the tip of his tongue over the sensitive skin of the perineum. Jamie flattened his tongue and licked a broad swipe over Kyle’s fluttering hole, hearing him whimper at the touch.

  Jamie sucked at that wet hole, thrusting his tongue past the loose ring of muscle, nipping at the rim. Kyle jerked against his hands and mouth, Jamie’s strength keeping Kyle right where he wanted him. Jamie took his time, relearning the heady taste that centered there, burying his face against the musky scent as he fucked Kyle with his tongue. Only when spit was running down his chin did he pull away, wiping his face clean against Kyle’s inner thigh.

  He looked up the length of Kyle’s sex-flushed body, at where his hands seemed locked in place, his cock straining against the ring that denied him true release. Jamie pressed a last, lingering kiss to Kyle’s fluttering hole before sitting up. Kyle watched his every motion with eyes that were more black pupil than anything else, glazed over and shiny.

  “With me?” Jamie asked as he sat up, sliding back between Kyle’s legs, making room for himself.

  “Yes, sir,” Kyle answered in a slow, lazy drawl.

  Jamie grabbed the bottle of lube and poured some out over Kyle’s spit-wet hole, pushing it inside with easy strokes of his fingers. Kyle was stretched loose and open now, the furled muscle twitching with every touch. Jamie guided his cock back into Kyle’s hole, pressing forward in a slow, inexorable glide that dragged a deep groan out of him as he bottomed out. Kyle bit his lip until it went white, writhing and whimpering against the intrusion. Jamie hooked Kyle’s legs over his arms and leaned forward a little, rubbing one hand up and down Kyle’s trembling thigh.

  Jamie couldn’t resist Kyle like this, spread out and willing, waiting and wanting to take whatever Jamie gave him. It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and Jamie knew it was a privilege to experience it, to be trusted so deeply. Slowly, Jamie started a rhythm, thrusting in and out of Kyle without looking away from his face, from his eyes. Jamie couldn’t get enough of it: the way Kyle felt around his cock, the way Kyle looked beneath him, shaking from pleasure. A whine caught in the back of Kyle’s throat, making Jamie smile.

  “You like that?” he asked, breathing heavily as he snapped his hips forward again and again.

  “You know I do,” Kyle gasped out, voice breaking on every other syllable from Jamie’s hard thrusts. “I want it. I want you.”

  Jamie was never one to deny his partner anything. Kyle could ask for the world and Jamie would do his damnedest to give it to him. He spread his knees for leverage and started to fuck Kyle in earnest, settling into a rhythm that Jamie could keep up without tiring for long minutes at a time, holding his own desire in check in favor of Kyle’s. Sweat trickled down his face and neck, down his back. It made his hands slip against Kyle’s skin as he fucked into that willing hole, hitting Kyle’s prostate over and over until the man beneath him was screaming from it.

  The muscles in Kyle’s arms stood out tautly, his hands white-knuckled around the headboard that was pounding against the wall, probably leaving dents. Kyle was wild-eyed, practically sobbing around the thick oh oh ohs falling from his mouth. Kyle’s legs had fallen wide around Jamie’s hips again, leaving him open for Jamie to drill into him hard.

  “Please,” Kyle begged. “Jamie! Sir! Please!”

  Jamie grunted, leaning down to kiss Kyle deeply as he ground his hips hard against Kyle’s ass in relentless circles. “You wanna come?”

  Kyle nodded frantically, mouth moving, but no words coming out.

  Jamie pulled
back, shaking sweat out of his eyes. “Then come. I’m not stopping you.”

  Kyle sobbed wordlessly, writhing on Jamie’s cock, his own thick and red and smacking against his stomach with every single one of Jamie’s hard thrusts. Jamie couldn’t help himself and reached out to fist Kyle’s cock, unsurprised at the scream it pried out of him. Jamie knew Kyle had to be oversensitive from the attention Jamie was giving him, but he kept asking for more.

  Jamie stroked Kyle’s cock half a dozen times more before it throbbed in his hands and Kyle shook through a second dry orgasm, crying out. Jamie fucked him through it, relishing the way Kyle’s body clenched around his own aching hardness, the growing need of his own orgasm beginning to burn inside him.

  “You want me to stop?” Jamie asked as he kept fucking into Kyle.

  Kyle breathed out a wet sob, frantically shaking his head. “Don’t stop. Please, sir.”

  “Please what?”

  Kyle didn’t immediately answer him, crying out every time Jamie sank fully into him a few more times, lashes wet and clumped together. Jamie slid his hands up Kyle’s chest to pinch his nipples, still fucking into him with lazy circles of his hips.

  “I asked you a question,” Jamie reminded him as he twisted Kyle’s nipples, rolling the nubs between his fingers and thumbs.

  “Oh, God, Jamie!”

  “Please what?”

  “Fuck me,” Kyle begged.

  “Yeah, baby. Whatever you want. You’re beautiful like this, letting me have you,” Jamie said, meaning every word as he flexed his hips, nudging his cock a little deeper. Kyle swallowed thickly, twitching his legs wider around Jamie’s inescapable presence. He arched up into Jamie’s hands with a soft little whimper, plush lips parting on a gasp.

  Jamie let Kyle’s nipples go after one last pinch before leaning down to kiss him, openmouthed and deep. Then he snapped his hips forward, driving the breath from Kyle’s lungs. Jamie gradually picked up the pace again, fucking into Kyle with an intensity that almost hurt, that left the muscles in his thighs straining with exertion. Jamie could feel his climax building, could feel the way his balls drew up tight and hard. Kyle looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, mouth parted, sweat pooling in the hollow of his throat, momentarily beyond words. The skin around his hole was slick and shiny, both of them a mess where they were joined.

  Jamie kept moving, kept fucking into Kyle as deep as he could, chasing the heat building at the base of his spine. He didn’t try to fight it, not anymore. Jamie came with a groan, orgasm hitting hard enough the edges of his vision blurred a bit. He emptied himself into Kyle with tight, shuddering circles of his hips, licking his way back into Kyle’s mouth as he did so, sucking on his tongue. Kyle took it all, everything Jamie had to give him, all the while holding tight to the headboard, having never once let go.

  Jamie sighed against Kyle’s swollen lips before he shifted away and pulled out, his spent cock sliding out with an obscenely wet sound. He reached up to pry Kyle’s hands away from the headboard, bringing one toward him so he could press a kiss to Kyle’s knuckles. Kyle whimpered as he lowered his arms, immediately reaching for his own cock, but Jamie batted his hands away.

  “No,” he said in a low, firm voice that made Kyle’s eyelids flutter. Jamie pressed a kiss to Kyle’s cheek, licking at the salty residue there.

  “You’re a fucking bastard,” Kyle gasped out, shivering.

  Kyle gripped Jamie’s shoulders instead, arching upward to press his aching cock against Jamie’s chest, looking for some kind of friction. Jamie let Kyle rub against him for a minute or two before he rolled them to their sides, easily maneuvering Kyle until his back was against Jamie’s chest. He poured lube over Kyle’s cock and the seam of his thighs, slipping fingers between solid muscle to slick up skin that had lost the bruises from Jamie’s hands. Jamie pressed a kiss to Kyle’s shoulder, licking at a freckle there. Kyle moaned when Jamie caught his right knee and pulled his leg up a bit, opening him up.

  “I got you,” Jamie murmured. “You’re being so good for me, baby. So fucking good.”

  Jamie gave himself just enough room to slip his barely softened cock between Kyle’s thighs before letting go of Kyle’s leg. He held Kyle against him as he lazily thrust between hard muscle, hissing when Kyle weakly pressed his legs tighter together. Jamie rewarded his efforts with a kiss, the angle not the best, but it didn’t matter. Kyle bit at his mouth with desperate need, one hand coming up to grip the back of Jamie’s neck with shaking fingers to keep him there. Jamie indulged him, stealing all the air from his lungs until they were both gasping from the lack of it.

  Jamie propped himself up on an elbow and dragged a pillow closer so he could lean against it. He peered down the length of Kyle’s body, catching a glimpse of his cockhead as it slipped past Kyle’s thighs to nudge against Kyle’s balls. Jamie reached around to fondle Kyle’s cock, pinning him in place when the touch made him cry out and buck against Jamie’s hold, hands scrabbling against the bed and Jamie’s body.

  “I’ll get you there, just wait,” Jamie breathed into Kyle’s ear.

  Kyle heaved out a sob, reaching back to grip Jamie’s ass and pull him closer, fingers digging into firm muscle. “Fuck, I need…Jamie, I need—”

  “I know what you need, baby. I’m gonna give it to you. Trust me.”

  Jamie gentled Kyle into a state of pleasure-pain, slowly rubbing his own cock to hardness between Kyle’s thighs even as he teasingly touched Kyle’s fat, aching cock with unrelentingly fingers. Kyle was crying by the time Jamie worked his cock back into Kyle’s tight, wet hole, cum and lube easing the way inch by careful inch. He hooked a hand around Kyle’s knee and lifted his leg before Jamie half-rolled onto his back. Kyle stretched out against Jamie, one hand hooked behind Jamie’s neck to steady them both. Jamie rocked into him with slow, gentle motions, a marked contrast from the hard, frenetic pace of before.

  Kyle moaned, his whole body tight with a tension that came from needing release. He arched against Jamie, meeting Jamie’s slow thrusts with tiny rolls of his hips, the pace maddeningly slow. It took a bit for Jamie to fully harden up again, Kyle’s hole stretching easily around his girth. Lube and leftover cum slid over his balls, making a mess of both their thighs. Jamie slipped one hand between Kyle’s legs, nudging past his balls to press down on his prostate from outside as he rubbed against him on the inside. Kyle tipped his head back on a thin cry, hair sweaty and matted to his head, tears streaking his cheeks.

  “Tell me,” Jamie got out in a deep voice. He rolled his hips in slow, tiny circles, grinding his cock up into Kyle and didn’t stop touching him. “Tell me what you want.”

  Somehow, through the haze of pleasure Jamie was plying him with, Kyle managed to find his voice, the words falling in a slurred mess from his mouth. “I want you.”

  Jamie pressed his face against the sweaty curve of Kyle’s neck, licking at his skin. “You have me. You’ll always have me.”

  Jamie undid the cock ring with nimble fingers. The moment the leather restriction fell away, Kyle was coming with a broken wail, cum spurting from his thick red cock across his chest, splashing against the underside of his jaw. His entire body trembled through the orgasm, eyes squeezed shut as he sobbed for air, crying through it all. Jamie watched him come, stroking him through the long, intense orgasm until the last sticky drop was milked out of his cock. Jamie smeared his hand through the mess on Kyle’s chest and pulled him closer, still lazily fucking into him, in no hurry to come. They were a mess, an intimate tangle of limbs that refused to be separated.

  Kyle moaned weakly, sliding a hand between his legs to slip his fingers on either side of Jamie’s moving cock. Jamie swore at the feel of Kyle’s fingers pressing against the rigid length of his cock. He pinched Kyle’s nipple, rolling the hard nub between his fingers, listening for the whimper it earned him.

  “Want me to stop?”

  “No, sir,” Kyle begged, the words coming out mangled.

  Jamie took him at his
word and kept lazily fucking him, both of them losing track of time. All that mattered was they were with each other, their hands never leaving each other, mouths stealing kisses they didn’t mind giving up. Eventually, Jamie rolled them both over until Kyle was on his stomach and Jamie could stretch out over him, cock still buried in his ass. Jamie kissed the side of Kyle’s face, his shoulders, the back of his neck as he slowly thrust his way to climax. Jamie came with a soft groan, spilling deep into Kyle and wanting to keep him there like this, sticky and fucked out and drifting in his head, safe in Jamie’s arms.

  Jamie pulled out slowly before he fumbled for the butt plug, slipping it back into place. Kyle didn’t protest, just lazily stretched against the bed, eyes barely open as he clenched his hole around the cold plug. Jamie kissed the dip of Kyle’s lower back before getting out of bed and padding to the bathroom. He cleaned up at the sink, wiping away the exertions of their lovemaking with a damp washcloth. He wet a second one and carried it with him back out to the bedroom to clean Kyle up with gentle strokes before tossing it aside.

  Jamie turned off the lights and got them both under the covers, with Kyle using Jamie’s chest as a pillow. Jamie ran his hand over Kyle’s back for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow, thinking about the multitude of second chances that had brought them here, enabling them to be together.

  Sometime later, as Jamie was drifting off, Kyle’s voice roused him back to wakefulness.

  “Ya dumayu chto ya sumeyu tebya polubit,” Kyle murmured, nearly asleep in Jamie’s arms.

  Jamie knew enough bits and pieces of Russian from working with Katie all these years that he mostly understood what Kyle had said. Jamie kissed the top of Kyle’s head, holding him close with careful hands.

  “I think I could love you, too,” Jamie whispered in the dark of their bedroom, the demands of their life and a war that would always be waiting momentarily held at bay by the quiet pull of a dreamless sleep.


  Some words, acronyms and phrases used in the story weren’t readily explained in the text, so in case anyone is curious, I thought this list of short descriptions would be helpful. I also added a few of my own terms from the story.


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