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Wolf Magic: A Fantasy of Werewolves and Witches in the Twilight

Page 5

by Illyvich, Sascha

  Selene loved Lukina, but she talked a lot. "Right. Marco will be brought back to me?"

  "I don't know. The elders are really funny when they talk about prophecy. I think they do it on purpose to…" Two fingers went over her lips.

  "I know. Confuse us. The hell with them. I am not one of their wolves to be toyed with."

  Selene studied Lukina's face. The girl had a puzzled look in her eyes. Gripping Lukina's shoulders, she shook the girl, "What do you know that I don't?"

  "Nothing. What are you talking about? No one said you were pregnant— Oh shit!" Lukina's eyebrows rose and she clapped her hands over her mouth when she realized what she'd said.

  Selene narrowed her gaze on the little girl. Standing straight, she poked Lukina in the chest. "I'm what?"

  Lukina looked around frantically. "Nevermind. I was wishing, hoping and projecting. That's it ... umm … you know me, stupid little girl!"

  "Lukina." It was a command.

  Lukina exhaled hard. "Okay. The Elders told me more about you. They told me Kiba had ordered Marco's banishment from the pack in order to fulfill some sort of prophecy about a newborn baby who would come to unite all the packs some day. Something about being impregnated before the stroke of midnight last night. You know Halloween is less than a week away, right? I actually thought they were kidding until I came in here and smelled the difference in you."

  Selene scoffed.

  "I swear it. Please don't be mad at me, I'm only the messenger and—"

  Selene hugged her. "Hush. It's okay. But he's a wolf and I'm human." Selene let out a long sigh. Pregnant? Obviously with Marco's child. Why now? She was used to her independence again. Damn the wolf pack's politics.

  "Are you going to keep it? I mean I've always wanted a baby but I'm such a klutz I'd lose it. You know, like you see on those talk shows."



  "Shut up."

  The other woman fell into Selene's arms, quieting as Selene stroked her hair. Lukina always had such beautiful hair, and stroking it was comforting to her.

  "Might as well reveal a little more to you." Lukina kicked an imaginary rock.

  Selene arched an eyebrow.

  "You have our blood running through you. The baby will be fine because of that. The Elders told me."

  Selene sighed in relief. "That explains a lot. I'm so glad. I was not looking forward to telling Marco I carried his child but…"

  Lukina hugged Selene tighter.

  Selene let herself feel the little girl's embrace to her core.

  "So, do you know where Les is hiding?"

  Selene nodded. "He's out in the open, probably right where the wolves left Marco. I figure he can hear me so I'll just show up and kill him quickly before returning home." The way she phrased it made it sound like she was going for takeout. Selene yawned, putting her hand over her mouth. "Excuse me. I'm still somewhat sleepy."

  "Can't you wish yourself awake?"

  "Don't be silly."

  "I don't know these things. I'm just a lowly wolf."

  "Never compare yourself to those lowlifes who don't know what they are. You may be young, but you are not just a lowly wolf."

  "Thanks, Mom." Lukina giggled.

  Selene's eyes widened. "Don't call me that!"

  "But you are like a mother to me."

  "I may be your mother's age but I am not your mother. Don't disrespect your mother like that."


  "I know. Pack law is hard. Trust me, I've been there before." Turning to the window, Selene waved a hand, splaying her fingers out. A window slid open.

  "That's still so cool!" Lukina beamed, her bright blue eyes shimmering in amazement.

  "Thanks. This is even better." Before Lukina's eyes, Selene began disappearing into a thin, fine red and gold mist. As if propelled by the wind, the dust coiled into a ball and flew out the window and into the city.

  "Take care of him for me," Selene called out. In her mind, she saw Lukina nodding as she struggled to get Marco out of the apartment to better heal him.

  With the wind carrying her high up into the sky, she could see the city below. The many office buildings, residential areas and trees scattering the land – it was a beautiful sight to her. She hated the thought of living solely in the forest with Marco under pack law. Kiba could kiss her round ass. She wasn't a wolf. She didn't have to play by their rules.

  She didn't want this. Yet, the goddamned prophecy had mentioned mates for all the Opeth pack. Her mother had told her she would find a mate who would balance her. Did Marco offer her that?

  His youthful energy certainly helped her not feel so old. She was only nearly forty.

  It didn't matter. The fact remained she'd grown fond of him over the past few days.

  Sending out waves of energy, feelers for Les's poisonous energy led her south on the high wind. The scenery changed, becoming less industrial. Treetops blanketed the ground, making the path difficult to see, but she sensed Les. Saw his evil green eyes light up the darkness, his smile a wicked challenge.

  She knew he sensed her too. Changing from mist to a large eagle, Selene spotted her prey below. Claws thrust out, she dove, at a high velocity until Les looked up and laughed at the sight of her. He morphed into a wolf and darted into the woods.

  He wanted a chase.

  This couldn't be good.

  * * * *

  Marco slouched against the wall, his hand on his forehead. He didn't feel warm, just annoyed. Still, his head throbbed from the attack earlier. His clothes were torn in places but it didn't matter. Lukina stood before him, sipping a cup of hot tea. Her red curls fell over her shoulders against the beautiful white cloak.

  Marco raised his head and looked at her. "Lukina?"

  "Yes, Marco?"

  Marco sighed and felt her arms around him, felt warmth in her healing energy. She was strong for a girl so tiny. "I want Selene."

  "I know. And she will be delighted to hear that." Lukina finished her cup of hot tea and picked Marco up and slung him over her shoulder.

  His body ached still and considering he was the reason she was here, he didn't complain when she carried him. Lukina didn't say another word for the duration of an hour before they stopped and Lukina dropped him on the ground.

  Standing to his full height, Marco towered over Lukina by a good six inches.

  "Where are we?" Marco noticed different buildings and smells, none of which smelled as rich as Lukina. Or nearly as nice.

  "A temporary place for you to rest before I bring you home."

  Tension filled Marco's shoulders. "I am not going home."

  "But Elder Kiba wishes you to return."

  Marco frowned. "Fuck that old bastard. I have nothing left to fear. I have nothing left to lose. The pack has rejected my manhood, Lukina. They sent you to bring me back, I must be a loser."

  "Hey!" Lukina put her hands on her hips.

  "No offense little girl but I am still four years older than you."

  Lukina glared at Marco, her red curls falling in front of her face. "I don't care. You can shove your age issues up your ass."

  "You can try to stop me, or you can let me go after the woman I love. Which is it, Lukina? What will you do?" Marco dropped his human illusion and reared up on his haunches.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, Lukina sighed and turned away from Marco. "If you love her, then go after her."

  Marco wagged his tail and barked a thank you before darting down the street. Ignoring Lukina's heavy groan, he tuned her out and began to let the noise in his own head run.

  You can't save her and she doesn't love you anyway.

  Get out of my goddamn head, Les!

  He had to. She was his mate, his life partner and lover. Without her, he realized he had nothing left. Nothing to lose. No one else could satisfy him. His heart beat quickly, pumping blood rapidly through his veins as anger surged within him.

  He would go after what was his, he would make her listen
to the words he had to say to her. He had so very much to say to her.

  She had to listen.

  And Les had to die.

  Fuck him if he was Kiba's brother. It didn't matter. The Opeth pack had turned its back on him, leaving him in America to die. Taking his choices away from him, they had put him in a position where survival or death, were his only options.

  Who was he living for, anyway? Pack law or himself?

  Prophecy be damned!

  Of course he could always walk away from this.

  Running down the streets of Seattle, he realized he could walk away from the entire mess, just like others had done. Just like Józsi had done to Lukina and Ilona.

  Just like Nicholaus had done to Katarina and Krystyna.

  Just like others had done to their mates, he could run away and be happy, free of this mess of prophecy and bullshit pack politics.

  He could let the darkness take Selene from him and be free of all the responsibility placed upon him by the elders and prophecy.

  What the fuck was that prophecy anyway? He ran quicker, wishing he could tear Les limb from limb for intruding on an otherwise heart-warming night between him and his lover.

  Selene was his damnit!

  Wasn't she?

  The pain Les left him with spread throughout his entire body, burning until the spell Lukina placed on him took effect, soothing him and cooling him.

  Who was ultimately in control of Marco's life?

  Lukina had his best interest at heart, but who else? Did Selene protect him?

  Selene did. She'd tried to heal him twice after Les barged in, and she'd tried to ameliorate a deeper pain within him.

  Did Kiba even recognize Marco as another in the pack with rights?

  Did any of the elders?

  Did it matter as long as he was with Selene?


  Running faster, he tried heading away from the city and into the suburbs where he might be able to pick up Les's scent. Or Selene's. He was certain he could scent her amongst everything after having fucked her once, made love to her twice.

  Hell, her scent still remained on him.

  Now he just needed to find his ability to breathe, to be strong in his own self.

  Strong enough to defeat Les and die with dignity, anyway.

  Something moved in the underbrush not far away from Marco. The scent of sickness and something vile wafted over his nose along with lupine.

  Who is there! Marco growled, bared his teeth.

  Nobody answered. Leaves rustled, drawing Marco's attention to the large presence near him.

  Then Marco saw his opportunity.

  * * * *

  Moving through the air seamlessly, Selene picked up on all the scents around her. The smell of forest, earth and dirt filled her senses as did the scent of burning vinegar.


  Selene rubbed her belly, aware that she was going to have to tell Marco at some point. Damn the prophecy and one careless night!

  She focused her thoughts on her quarry. You could stop running and face death, she grumbled on the mental telepath used frequently between non-humans.

  What a good game you're offering me. You would offer me better games if you would give in to your primal instincts.

  Passing through large trees was difficult and in mid-flight, Selene sought the image of an owl in her mind. Changing and flying upward, she imagined a tree in front of Les. Too bad he lunged at the tree, bursting through it, sending splinters and branches everywhere as he continued running, laughed maniacally. Sprinting past thick underbrush, Les dove into a foxhole and disappeared

  Fucker. She spat the word.

  An image of Les tsking her, waving a finger appeared in her head along with his silken voice. That's not very ladylike.

  Perching atop a branch above the foxhole, Selene changed back into a human, wearing jeans and a white poet's shirt that opened up at the wrists. Her neckline was visible, the top low-cut enough to reveal plenty of cleavage. She giggled. I do look hot if I do say so myself.

  Raising a hand, she snapped a finger and dirt shot up just a few feet away from the foxhole. She heard Les's laughter, an intrusion over her mind. She had to protect Marco. He was hers. She knew in her heart this was right. Had known it all along, but the knowledge she had wolf running in her veins made it clear. A man who would fight for her was worth fighting for.

  Get out of my head, she commanded, sending a red flame into the foxhole.

  Les's yelp alerted her to where he was hiding.

  Selene sent another wave of fire into the hole. Dirt and leaves scattered.

  A rock whizzed past Selene's head, nearly knocking her off balance. She gripped a thick tree branch to hold herself steady.

  You can't hide from me, Les. I'm through playing.

  Oh, but I've just started.

  He emerged from behind a tree, standing in all his glory. A large fern hid his nudity from Selene, but she saw more than she needed to, until she looked over his carved chest and saw the thin trail of blood trickling down his smooth dark skin.

  "You didn't kill me," he extended his right hand, stepping toward her.

  "Stay right there."

  "But…" his solemn expression changed to a sad, empathetic look. To any other human he would be beautiful. Selene knew he was a heartless shell of a wolf, at least for the moment.

  Selene raised a hand. "Stay away from me and mine, Les."

  Les smirked. "To kill me is to wage war on the Opeth pack."

  "To not kill you is to steal their peace. And mine."

  The leaves to her left rustled, and out jumped a beautiful gray wolf with bloodstained fur and a menacing look in his eyes.

  Les, leave her be.

  Turning to look at the new wolf, Selene recognized him. Les threw his head back in laughter.

  Marco, you don't have any idea what you're doing.

  Selene, you are mine to protect now. He is my enemy. I will kill him.

  "Stupid pup, I am your elder's brother. How dare you think you can challenge me?"

  To Selene's surprise, Marco sounded sure as though he'd been ten years older and gifted with the experience of a well trained hunter. This had to be a ruse. Marco wasn't capable of fighting for her. He was too young.

  A man appeared, his piercing gray eyes narrowed and focused on Les. His face was cut with angry slashes and his beard had bloodstains matching Marco's.

  Selene's eyes widened, her jaw dropping just a little. Marco looked her way, and she swore she saw him smile.

  "Brother, it's time to go home. You had your fun." Elder Kiba's face looked sad and old. Cuts marred his body, his hair appeared disheveled and dried blood was all over his neck and arms. His eyes narrowed, crossed then focused on his brother and Marco.

  Les lowered himself to the ground and changed shape, bones cracking and resetting into place as he became a wolf in front of them. He snarled, his eyes hot on Selene. When Kiba dies, I will have this pack. He snarled loudly, barking in Selene's direction.

  Kiba took a slow step forward, placing a hand on a nearby tree for balance. "Les," he extended a wrinkled hand.

  "I'm in the mood for war." Marco growled, ready to pounce.

  Les darted toward Selene but Marco sprang into the air, catching the other wolf by the throat. Both rolled several yards before slamming into a tree. Marco came out on top, Les's neck still in his jaw.

  You wouldn't.

  Marco snarled. I would. You attacked me, my lover, my pack. You aren't worthy of living, Les.

  You wouldn't kill me in front of my brother. Fear appeared in Les's eyes.

  I wounded your brother pretty badly in order to find out just what the hell is going on with this stupid prophecy. Don't think I won't kill you in order to fulfill it.

  "Les, let's go home." Kiba's eyes narrowed, his voice tired.

  I'm through with your Promised Land lies, Kiba. And Les, you waged war on me. I should tear your throat out now.

  Fear was eviden
t in Les's eyes, eerily so in the lime green one.

  Marco growled. I'm tired of being a pawn in the pack. He let Les free of his jaws but turned around and kicked him in the stomach.

  Les grunted, whimpered. His lime green eye opened all the way. A loud noise was heard throughout the forest. Birds flew away, leaves rustled. Other animals fluttered about and disappeared, hiding in fear.

  Les began to glow but Marco didn't hesitate. He lunged at Les again, catching him and slamming him into the large tree behind them. Don't try that shit on me, old man. Growling, he snapped at Les.

  Les flinched, slamming his head hard into the tree. He appeared human again.

  "Marco, get away from him. He's had enough." A female voice yelled from behind him.

  Selene's voice did nothing to distract Marco. No. I am not a puppy to be toyed with. I forced Kiba to rescind the banishment and let me come home. Now he must pay for mistreating me. So must Les. We are not a fair race, are we Kiba? Marco snapped at Les again, nipping him across the forehead. A claw dug into Les's chest.

  Les yelled in agony. Out of the corner of his eye, Marco saw Kiba flinch. Bastard.

  Another claw slashed marks down Les' chest and into his stomach.

  Les screamed.

  Marco let the rage build inside him. He found his direction, found his sense of being in killing. I am going to thoroughly enjoy killing you, Les.

  Selene look at Kiba, but his eyes revealed nothing. The small frown on his face was barely noticeable, but she swore he wanted to protect his brother. "Marco, stop! If you kill him, you won't fulfill your destiny as future ruler of the pack, Marco."

  * * * *

  Future what? Marco wasn't sure he heard that right. Did you say future ruler of the pack?

  Something clicked in his head, and he turned to Les and cold-cocked him.

  When had they both morphed to human form? Marco wasn't sure. He hadn't been keeping track – but he wasn't interested in Les any more.

  Unconscious, he wasn't a threat to Selene, and now Marco could get to more important business – like straightening out his life, getting to the root of the prophecy and getting his mate to admit ... well, that she was his mate.

  "What is this about me being a future ruler of the pack?"


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