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Secret Puck (Campus Nights Book 1)

Page 15

by Rebecca Jenshak

Rauthruss is the kind of guy who doesn’t care who hears his conversations with Carrie, so he doesn’t even bother putting in headphones.

  “Hi, baby.” She answers. “Congrats on the win.”

  I’ve only met Carrie a couple times. Seems okay. I don’t get why Rauthruss is so hung up on her, but he didn’t ask my opinion, so I don’t give it.

  “Thanks. How’s your editorial coming?”

  She sighs and goes into a long explanation. Rauthruss listens intently with his mhmm and oh yeah at all the right times. He’s good at listening. Has to be, apparently. She barely takes a breath between sentences.

  I doze off and when I wake up again, we’re pulling off the freeway to Valley and the dude is still on the phone and she’s still doing most of the talking.

  I sit up with a wince and check my phone, but only have a couple of texts from my mom and Nathan congratulating me on the game and checking in on my wellbeing. I tap out responses to both of them in the time it takes Carrie to get out a single run-on sentence.

  How do two people have so much to talk about? It isn’t like they haven’t talked in weeks or something. She was at Valley visiting just last weekend.

  As the bus pulls into the campus lot, they say their goodbyes with promises to talk later tonight before bed. When he hangs up, I ask, “Seriously? You’re going to talk to her again later?”

  His hard, steel-blue eyes study me and then he chuckles. “You don’t get it, but someday you will.”

  When I don’t respond, he clarifies. “Some girl is going to make you so crazy that you’ll want to talk to her all day, every day.”

  “What in the world do you have to talk about after being together so long? Not even Scott talks on the phone as much as you.” I look across the aisle to where Scott is staring out the window.

  “It’s different for him. He’s going to get off the bus and go see Taryn. I gotta take what I can get for now.”

  “Sounds pretty awful,” I say truthfully. What’s the point of being in a relationship if you have to do it through an electronic device?

  We file off the bus, me much slower than the rest of the guys. Mav’s got an energy drink in hand as he steps up beside me. “Hey, buddy, how ya feeling?”

  “Like I got hit really fucking hard in the ribs.”

  He grins. “Need me to drive?”

  I toss him the keys and manage to get myself into the passenger seat with a lot of wincing.

  “Text Ginny,” I tell the Bluetooth once Mav is headed to the house.

  When prompted for the message, I say, “Back. On our way” and send.

  Her response pings over the speakers and the feminine British voice asks if I’d like her to read it aloud. I glance at Mav. “Earmuffs.” And then, “Yes.”

  “Already here,” the British voice reads the text, but I hear it in Ginny’s bubbly voice.

  I blow out a breath. Tired, but excited to see her.

  “Ginny’s at your place waiting?” Mav asks. “How’d she get in?”

  “Her brother gave her a spare key.” I grin. Wasn’t that nice of him? And super convenient for me.

  “I hate to be the one to rain on anyone’s parade, bro, but don’t you think you oughta tell him?”

  “What? No. Why would I do that?”

  “Look, at first, I understood you guys wanting to keep it from him while you figured out what it was, but it’s been weeks and you’re spending a shit ton of time together. He’s going to figure it out.”

  “Ginny doesn’t want to. Besides, he won’t understand. You know what he’s like in relationships. All in. Balls to the wall.” I squeeze the phone in my hand. “He won’t understand,” I repeat.

  “Maybe not. I still think it should come from you.”

  “Hey, Scott, guess what? I’m hooking up with your sister, but don’t worry, it isn’t that serious.” I glance at Maverick with an annoyed glare. “That what you had in mind?”

  He laughs. “Maybe work on the delivery.”

  A bead of sweat has formed on my forehead by the time I make it into the apartment, and that’s with Mav carrying my bag.

  “Just set it there.” I point to the spot in the living room where our bags usually end up. “I’ll get it tomorrow. Thanks, buddy.”

  He grins, knowing exactly why I don’t want him to bring it to my room. Adam went straight to Taryn’s, and Rauthruss heads to his room while I limp to mine. The light’s off, and I wonder how she’s handling the dark. I push open the door and find her sitting on my bed with her laptop; the screen is dimmed but providing a decent amount of soft light.

  I flip on the overhead light and she closes the laptop and sits up. As I walk, her eyes narrow in concern. “What’s wrong with you?”

  “Bruised ribs.”

  She gets on her knees and lifts her hands to touch me.


  “Why didn’t you tell me you were injured?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Lay down.” Bossy. I can dig.

  Gingerly, I sit and then fold over. “I’m pretty sure I’m stuck this way.”

  I kick off my shoes, and she lies beside me.

  “Shit, I forgot the ice pack.”

  “Where is it?” she asks, angling like she’s about to grab it for me.

  “I left it in my car.”

  “I can get it.”

  “Nah, I got it. There’s another in the freezer.” I inch up, but not before Ginny is to her feet and padding to the door.

  “Be right back.” She opens it and peers out into the hallway.

  “It should be all clear,” I tell her, knowing Rauthruss is almost certainly still on the phone.

  She nods and smiles back at me. “Okay. Be right back.”

  I manage to get out of my jeans although I think the shirt’s going to have to stay because raising my arms hurts too damn much. I’m adjusting the pillow behind my head when she returns.

  She hovers over me, lifts my shirt up to reveal my stomach, and gasps at the angry red and purple skin.

  “Don’t think I’m gonna be able to follow through on the hat trick tonight.” I try to laugh, but my ribs dislike that a lot.

  “It’s fine. I’ve got my laptop for porn. Can I borrow your hand though?” She holds a serious gaze long enough that my dick starts to get ideas. “Oh my god, I’m kidding.”

  “Not a terrible idea though,” I say and then have to clear my throat a few times. Not a terrible idea at all.

  However, when she settles the ice on my skin, those ideas disappear pretty quickly.

  “Want to watch a movie?” she asks as she gets up and takes her pants off.

  Dammit, now I’m getting hard again. My body is so confused. She settles next to me and opens her laptop between us.

  “Which one?” She scrolls between two. I’m starting to feel the exhaustion for the day, so I let her pick.

  Once the movie is going, she places her head on my chest. Her hair smells like apples and tickles my face. This is nice, I’ll admit. Maybe I can kind of see Rauthruss’s point about wanting to talk to Carrie all the time. Though I can’t really picture having an entire relationship through a phone. For Ginny though? My mind starts to conjure all types of ideas for phone sex.

  Hanging out with Ginny is always nice. I’m not even disappointed we didn’t have sex. Okay, I’m not too disappointed. When I finally get inside of her, I want full range of motion. Especially knowing her past experiences were blah. Seriously, what the fuck? How is that even possible?

  There’s so much passion in Ginny. Kissing her is a trip. Just lying next to her, there’s an energy that flows through my veins that doesn’t exist when she’s not with me. Sex with Ginny blah? If I weren’t so tired, the thought would be laughable.



  Thursday night, Heath and I ride over to The White House with Maverick and Dakota. We’re in the backseat and Heath’s big palm is stretched out over my knee. He’s texting with his other hand.

“Sorry, he’s getting married next summer, and for some reason, I need to decide what kind of tux I want right this second.” His fingers keep flying over the screen as he and his brother text back and forth.

  “A tux. Hmmm.” The image of Heath in a nice suit or tux does not suck.

  He glances up and winks. “Tuxes do it for you, huh?”

  “You do it for me.”

  Mav groans. “You two are a real buzzkill. Should have stayed home and boned, left the party to the single people.”

  “Don’t be a dick to my girl,” Heath tells him, still staring at his phone.

  Maverick turns in his seat. “You are ruining it for the rest of us. Girls see you two together, and you give them hope and ideas about what the rest of us want. And all I want is a good blow job.”

  “I hope that’s not your best pickup line,” I tell him.

  Heath and Dakota laugh. Maverick shakes his head but smiles.

  “You’re such a liar,” Heath says, finally putting his phone in his pocket. “Some girl gets her mouth anywhere near your junk and you’ll be proposing marriage.”

  “Probably true.” Mav sighs. “I’m a romantic at heart.”

  From the front of The White House it looks like a nice, respectable family home, but one foot inside the door, and it’s college madness. Though, thankfully, not quite so mad as the pool party. I can actually see two feet in front of me tonight.

  As we walk through the entryway, I look around to take it all in. The last time I was here it was so packed, it was hard to appreciate.

  “I know, right?” Heath takes my hand. The other two have already gone ahead of us. “My brother lived here.”

  Since my interactions with Heath have mostly been limited to the hockey team and the dining hall, I didn’t realize just how many people he knows. Guys on the basketball team call out to him, “Baby Payne!”

  They ask him questions about Nathan and a few girls ask about Chloe, his brother’s fiancée. With each group of people we talk to, Heath introduces me, we chat, and we accept drink after drink. Heath more so than me.

  The end result is a very Gumby-like drunk Heath by the time we’ve made it outside where the main party is happening.

  He wraps an arm around my shoulders and leans into me. “I think I might be drunk.”

  I stutter step my way to where our friends are sitting. Dakota’s found Reagan and they’ve pulled lounge chairs together. They’re sharing one and facing Maverick.

  When they spot us, more specifically me desperately trying to unload a very heavy Heath, Mav moves to sit with Reagan and Dakota, and I manage to get Heath and I seated.

  “The Oversharer is here!” Maverick lifts his cup with a smile. “How ya feeling, buddy? Feeling good? Feeling like you want to tell all your deepest secrets?”

  Heath makes a motion like he’s zipping his lips and tossing the key, nearly loses his balance and falls off the back of the chair.

  “How do you get so drunk when you’re this heavy?” I groan as I pull him upright.

  “I wanna take you to The Olive Garden.” He sways a little, staring at me. “You deserve The Olive Garden.”

  Our friends are laughing, but even drunk and out of his mind, I can’t take my eyes off Heath.

  “I’m pretty sure they’re closed right now, but food isn’t a terrible idea.” I look to Reagan. “What do you have in that purse of yours to soak up the alcohol?”

  As she pulls out snacks, everyone suddenly gets very interested in eating. I manage to snag a granola bar and a mini bag of pretzels for Heath.

  “I think you might be my dream woman,” Maverick says to Reagan as he opens a peanut butter cookie and takes a bite. He finishes that off and then downs two granola bars. “Let’s go eat. We can hit IHOP or get Jack in the Box and head back to the apartment. Ooooh Jack in the Box tacos.” He closes his eyes and moans.

  “Can’t,” Heath interrupts. “I’m showing my girl a good time.” He throws his arm around me again.

  “You can show her a good time back at the apartment. Naked.” Maverick stands and everyone else follows his lead.

  “It isn’t about sex,” he says and looks at me dreamily. My stomach does a thousand backflips.

  We aren’t having sex, so even though our friends are reacting with a series of “aww” and laughter, he’s only stating facts. It isn’t about sex, but I think that needs to change soon.

  I get to my feet and pull him up. “Come on.”

  “Are we going to The Olive Garden?”

  The next morning, Heath wakes as I’m getting dressed to sneak out of his room.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He pulls me down and hugs me against his chest.

  “I have to go to class.”

  “In three hours.” His eyes are barely open, but apparently he knows the time.

  “I want to get out of here before the guys wake up.”

  The apartment is still silent, but it’s game day, and I know the guys will be getting up soon to go skate.

  “It’ll be fine. Go to sleep,” he murmurs against the top of my head.

  I turn so we’re facing one another and trace tiny circles on his chest. “You have to get up in thirty minutes.”

  I decide to try another approach. Sliding a leg over him, I scoot on top of him. He makes a strangled sound between a groan and a sigh. I pepper him with kisses—his jaw, his neck, his chest. His hands move to my back, and one comes up and fists my hair. He pulls back just hard enough to lift my chin.

  “Whatcha doing, Ginny?”

  Instead of answering, I close the space between our mouths and kiss him hard. I can feel him smiling, that is until I roll my hips against the bulge in his sweatpants.

  In one smooth motion, he has me on my back and he holds himself over me. He dips his lower body to brush against me.

  “This what you want, Genevieve?”

  My cheeks flame. It is, but suddenly, I feel really shy about it.

  He tips my chin up with a finger. “No need to be embarrassed. You can feel how much I want you, but what do you want, Genevieve?”

  I’m having a hard time finding my voice.

  “There’s no rush.” His sweet words comfort me, but man, do I wish I were ready. It isn’t that I don’t want to have sex with Heath. I do. Very much. But it’s a big deal to me, more so maybe because I know in the past it hasn’t been to him. And because of my previous experiences.

  I nod and his thumb glides across my lower lip before he kisses me again. My head may have reservations, but my body does not. Fifteen minutes later, we’re basically dry humping when Heath’s palm slides up my leg. His fingers brush against the lacy material between my thighs and a shiver wracks my entire body.

  His thumb rubs the tiny bundle of nerves over my panties while one finger slips underneath. I cry out and then slap a hand over my mouth.

  Heath pries my hand away. “I want to hear how good I make you feel.”

  He pumps in and out of me a few more times before he decides my underwear are hindering him too much and he yanks them down to my ankles. I think he’s moving to free them and toss them to the ground, which he does, but then his large shoulders nudge my legs farther apart and he wraps an arm around me to open me wide.

  I arch into his mouth, wanting more as his tongue flattens against my throbbing core.

  He gives it to me, sucking and licking. Slow at first, but as I get louder and the orgasm draws closer, he pushes my legs wider and increases the pressure. As I start to go over the edge, I fist his hair in my hands and ride his face.

  When one ends, another builds. He rumbles something that vibrates against my pussy and clamps down, sucking on my clit as the second wave hits.

  My body melts into the mattress. Heath’s head is still between my legs and he places chaste kisses along the inside of my thighs and along my hips. I reach for him, pushing my hand under his sweats.

  He’s not wearing any underwear which means I have easy access to wrap my fingers a
round his hard shaft. He hisses a breath and moves his hips. A slow pace that quickly turns into him fucking my hand, hips pumping fast. He growls out as his release fills the inside of his pants.

  We lay shoulder to shoulder as we catch our breath.

  “Shower with me?” he asks, brushing my hair away from my neck and kissing me there.

  We pad down the hall to the bathroom quietly. He starts the shower while I stare at my wild hair in the vanity mirror.

  He turns back and drops his pants. I’ll never get over seeing him naked. My throat closes and I just stare. He steps forward and kisses me then pulls the T-shirt I’m wearing over my head.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  I reach out and touch his once-again-hard dick. “You’re huge.” I swallow.

  He chuckles. “Come on.”

  He lets me get in the shower first and then follows and pulls the curtain.

  I wash and condition my hair and then Heath covers the both of us in his body wash. It’s somehow fun and silly showering with him. He looks adorable with his hair matted down. His very hard penis keeps poking me, but he doesn’t make any move to do anything about it.

  We dry off and get back to his room before I hear other people in the house starting to move around.

  I sit on the bed and finger comb my wet hair while I watch Heath pull on a gray Coyotes hockey T-shirt. “What was it like when you got drafted?”

  “It was cool.”

  “Cool? That’s the best you’ve got?”

  He flashes a sexy smirk. “Really cool?”

  “I’m serious.”

  “It was incredible and surreal. Easily one of the best days ever.”

  “I’m jealous that you have it all figured out. I can’t even decide what classes I want to take next semester.”

  “I think you’re missing the best part of college.”

  “And that is?”

  “Having fun and not thinking too hard about the future.”

  I snort. “Says the guy who knows his future.”

  “Maybe, but there’re no guarantees that when the time comes, I’ll play. A million things might happen between now and then to fuck it all up.”


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