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STARGATE ATLANTIS: Secrets (Book 5 in the Legacy series)

Page 31

by Scott, Melissa

  But at least that hesitation might save his people. He had not wanted to move so quickly, needed time to bring the wavering hives under Death’s sway, but if the Lanteans had the weapon… They must attack now, before the humans decided to betray their alliance with Guide.

  He glanced at his reflection in the sliver of mirror the ship obligingly provided. He had never been a beauty, but he had his pride, and Highflight had done well by him, brought his thin hair into decent order. The cut of his coat was good, gave an illusion of height and strength that he no longer fully possessed. It was possible, he supposed, that he would eventually age further — but none of them would live that long, if he did not act. He snarled at his reflection, and turned back to the console to summon the master of Death’s household.

  *Tell the queen that I request an audience, on a matter of great urgency. With her alone.*

  Death admitted him at once, Mist shooing out a bevy of clevermen, and following them out without complaint when he was not invited to remain. The zenana was otherwise empty, just Death standing beside her throne, her back to the door, one hand resting on the high wing of bone that flanked her seat. In the moment, she looked as young as she was, barely out of her girlhood, bold and strong and desperately inexperienced. An older, wiser queen might have dissembled with her enemies, the Old One thought, might have drawn them in first, made sure she had them all, wrapped them up for the kill, but such a one could never have united so many disparate hives under her banner. Death was what she was, and there was no going back.

  *My queen,* he said, and made his deepest bow.

  Death turned, her head lifting, but he had seen the moment of exhaustion in her golden eyes. Still, her tone was light, almost caressing, and she relaxed gracefully into her throne. *My Old One. What is it that requires a private audience?*

  *No good news, I fear.*

  She was still for a moment, and then shook her head with a smile. *And when was it ever? Say on.*

  And that was what he had loved in her from the moment he had met her, that willingness to face all dangers head on. *My queen,* he said again. *I asked to meet with you alone because this involves the history I have shared with you and no other, how we who are Wraith were made.*

  *It is well, then, to discuss this privately,* Death said.

  *Before we escaped, the First Mothers and their men, the Ancients had already begun to fear us,* the Old One said. *They had begun work on a weapon that would act against us and us alone, targeting those of us who carried the genetic markers they had used to change us. They had built a prototype, and that prototype — we stole it when we escaped.*

  *And did not destroy it, or you would not be here now,* Death said. “Fool —*

  *We could not,* the Old One said. *Believe me, I tried. I and all our clevermen, and nothing we did even scratched its surface. Nor could we open it, to destroy its works, and we did not dare abandon it, for fear the Ancients would find it again and turn it on us.*

  *They could not rebuild it?* Death asked. Her anger had faded, he saw; she was listening with care.

  *We killed Hyperion who built it,* the Old One answered. *And destroyed his records. There was no other who could duplicate his work.*

  Death nodded. *Go on.*

  The Old One took a breath. *My queen, the weapon has been found. It is in the hands of the Lanteans.*

  Death snarled, showing all her teeth, her hands closing on the arms of her throne. *How has this been allowed to happen? Why did you not tell me of this, so we might recover it, protect it from the humans?*

  *I believed we were safest with it lost and unknown,* the Old One answered. *What only one man knew to exist could not, I thought, be searched for.*

  *You were wrong,* Death snapped. *And do you suggest we simply sit and await our destruction?*

  *No, my queen,* the Old One said. *The Lanteans do not yet know how to use it, and I do not believe they will use it immediately. Thanks to — certain experiments in the past — there are humans who carry our DNA, and the Lanteans are tender of such. If nothing else, there is McKay to consider. They will wish to spare him if they can. It is my belief that if we act now, attack in strength and in concert, we can take them unaware, and destroy them before they have a chance to learn to use the weapon.*

  Death leaned back in her throne again, her face like a mask of stone. *You said before we did not have the ships or the men for such a venture.*

  *I don’t know if we do,* the Old One said. *But, my queen, we cannot wait. Our hand is forced.*

  She nodded slowly. *I cannot say I am entirely sorry. Better to put it to the trial than wait and maneuver. Very well. Summon my commanders and my hivemasters. We will attack Atlantis immediately and take them unaware.*


  More STARGATE SG-1, STARGATE ATLANTIS and STARGATE UNIVERSE novels are available for your Kindle. Based on the hit TV series from MGM, the novels capture all the excitement and drama of the TV shows that we have come to know and love.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: Lifepod

  Chapter 2: Down

  Chapter 3: Queen’s Return

  Chapter 4: Traveling

  Chapter 5: Proving Ground

  Chapter 6: Hunger

  Chapter 7: Home

  Chapter 8: Suspicion

  Chapter 9: Isolation

  Chapter 10: Acceptable Risks

  Chapter 11: Prisons

  Chapter 12: Christmas in October

  Chapter 13: Passages and Pomegranate Seeds

  Chapter 14: Osprey

  Chapter 15: Hidden Things

  Chapter 16: The Skies of Sateda

  Chapter 17: The Old One’s Tale

  Chapter 18: Bloodtainted

  Chapter 19: First Mothers

  Chapter 20: Pilgrims

  Chapter 21: A Door Into Summer

  Chapter 22: Underground

  Chapter 23: Osprey’s Daughters

  Chapter 24: Fair One

  Chapter 25: A Winter’s Night

  Chapter 26: The Brotherhood

  Chapter 27: Reunion

  Chapter 28: Children of the Ancients

  Chapter 29: In From the Cold




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