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Gangsters In Time: Good Gangster, Crazy Good Gangster (A Leo and Capone Book, #2)

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by Stanimir Mirov

  “Tell me that this is not a mirage!” the Italian pushed Cassis.

  “I see it too. Wake up, we’ve arrived,” yelled The Sock cheerfully. “It’s time to sleep!”

  Without even noticing "the customs officer", they directly boarded the plane. Only one "Burdjan sini" was heard behind them.

  “Ivan, start the plane and let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Without anything else to say, the gangsters lied on the seats and went into a deep sleep. The trip was long, but unlike the last time, this time no one woke up during landing, and for some was hard to even after that. Leo paid two thousand dollars to the pilot, and they all said goodbye to him. The mobsters got in the cars, returned to the hotel to get a massage and then they all went back to sleep.

  The next day…

  “Wow, we slept a lot!”

  “It is time to activate the last part of the plan.”

  Danielo knocked at the door of the hotel suite.

  “Come in!” shouted Capone.

  “Good morning.”

  “Exactly who I needed. Tell your brother to find an electric machine for cutting and processing diamonds. And you find me a Jew who can keep his mouth shut and knows his job. Bring them into the old warehouse and call me when you’re ready.”

  “Yes, Boss,” Peruzzi looked at Leo.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “The others are wondering when they will get their shares from the robbery.”

  “Okay, let them in.”

  Everybody sat around the table and Capone poured the bag of money.

  “Divide it in five.”

  Each received nearly fifteen thousand dollars.

  “I have one advice for you. I urge you to collect all the money you can, keep together and leave the city so you can live to spend it. What I will tell you will make you filthy rich in twenty years, but if you wait, even more, your children will be millionaires. There is a town in the Nevada desert named Las Vegas. Buy as much property as you can in the central area or wherever you can lay your hands. One day you’ll thank me!”

  The gangsters contentedly rubbed their hands and gathered their money. In the evening, Leo and Capone came with the diamonds in the warehouse and left them to the Jew to process. The little man trembled at the sight.

  “I’ve been doing this all my life, but I’ve never seen so many diamonds. I’ll need at least a week to do the job.

  “Do your job well, and you will get your money!” Leo patted him on the shoulder. “At the corner, there is a toilet and a bathroom. Two men who you already know will change in every twelve hours and will bring you food. You will not leave until you finish, so there are no problems. I think you know that you have to keep your mouth shut, or the newspapers will write conspiracies!”

  The man reluctantly agreed and got to work.

  Our guys took advantage of the free time and distributed the business in the organization. Everyone got a piece of the cake, and nobody was dissatisfied.

  The week passed, Leo and Capone took the diamonds, went home and said goodbye to everyone. They got into the car and headed towards the machine. The farewell with Ernak was long again. Then it finally came, the expected moment: September 20, 2011, just months after they had escaped from Singapore.

  Chapter VIII

  The two friends came out of the cave and sat down to watch the stars.

  “Crazy things,” Galfonino broke the silence first.

  Leo shook his head, “Who would even believe what we have experienced? It was better than a fucking movie...”

  “It is a big action with this machine, there is no doubt about it. It is crazier than your old laptop that was powering on itself...”

  “You are absolutely right. We cannot leave her this way.”

  In the cave, they found their old baggage. The gangsters took several grenades and lined them up at the entrance. Seconds later, a roar was heard and the entrance of the cave disappeared. The machine was properly buried, but not forever.

  “Oh, you naughty tin,” spat Capone and laughed. “With these clothes from the nineteen twenties, we look like aging communists.”

  Leo laughed with light hints of nostalgia. They grabbed the luggage and headed for the illuminated city of Varna, Leo’s hometown. They decided to walk to town. A lot of things had to be discussed.

  It was already about seven o’clock when the time travelers arrived at the old apartment of The Sock near "Red Square" neighborhood. It turned out that the key was sitting in the girl next door. Both already pretty tired, they leaned on the walls in the narrow hallway, and a piercing communist ringing of the doorbell was heard.

  A minute later, somebody opened. At the door showed a dry, tall about a meter and ninety bastard, with a big belly tattoo "Thug Life", a shaved head and at least 45 centimeters biceps. His boxers were slightly transparent, and on one side his head could be seen. Gamin stared blankly at the two bearded men wearing clothes from the time of his grandfather Costa. He clicked through his teeth, “Who do you seek, la?”

  Leo smiled in reply after the peasant speech, “Mariela!”

  “For what?”

  “Important work!”

  The bastard with tattoos, slightly nervous, tried to look scary, “What is this important work?”

  Suddenly a gun reclined on his left cheek and one on the right side of the nose, making the grimace on his face impossible for drawing.

  “As we said: IMPORTANT!”

  “Marcheee, it’s for you!” yelled the unknown man to Mariela.

  In the doorway appeared a young girl with long blond hair and blue eyes. Beautiful, tall no more than a meter and seventy, with a white cut shirt and tight shorts.

  The girl was quite puzzled when she saw The Sock, “Well, well, well. I told the neighbors that you were too stubborn to be dead. What brings you here after all this time and after you disappeared without a trace in the middle of the night without calling me?”

  “You know very well what I did. It became too dangerous. I didn’t want to involve you in any way.”

  “Pretty selfish of you. You could have asked me what I wanted?!”

  “I see you’ve moved on.”

  She laughed, “This is my cousin. But even if it wasn’t, what do you care?”

  There was an awkward silence, and both looked at each other for some time.

  “Old love, huh?” split the silence Galfonino. “They say that it does not rust. And you obviously need to talk. I will ask you to give me the key for the apartment. I have an urgent need for a bath and bed...”

  The girl brought him the key and Capone immediately disappeared.

  “You got what you wanted.”

  Leo approached her and gently took her hand.

  “Years ago, I made a mistake. But if you give me a chance, I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Not until you bathe,” smiled the girl

  The beauty passionately embraced him and after a few kisses and a quick shower, two hours of rough sex followed. After he had taken a breath, Leo told her everything from the day he fled to the day he returned. The story was long, even when said briefly. Once he was done, Leo smiled. He didn’t think she would believe him.

  “What are you going to do now that the CIA and DEA are after you?”

  The gangster expected anything but this, “So you believe me?”

  “Perhaps!” The beauty laughed and kissed him.

  “We intend to go back with Capone in New York and to "deal" with them. During this time, we will sell the diamonds for millions and disappear forever.”

  “Sounds good. But what makes you think you will be able to live peacefully after it’s over?”

  “Honey, Galfo and I are a great pair. Even Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker cannot equal to us! And whether we will get involved in something or not is as surely as the dollar rate.”

  Huddled in each other, both continued to laugh after the last words. But Leo was considering things, “Do you want to come with me?” />
  The blond girl cuddled even more in his arms, “Of course.”

  In the morning, the doorbell rang. Her cousin went to open the door and heard in English…

  “Is he here? I’m dying of starvation.”

  “Mariela, are you alone?” cried the man.

  Leo showed in his boxers.

  “She isn’t. Capone, enter.”

  Fifteen minutes later, everybody was eating breakfast. The Sock explained vaguely that his girlfriend would come with them and Capone silently ate.

  “We need false documents. At least you and me. Your girlfriend can travel with her regular passport.”

  “My name is Mariela. I hope you don’t mind that I’ll be coming with you?”

  “Do I mind?” wondered Capone. “If you are Leo’s family, you are my family. I’m Italian. I guess you know what family means to us!?”

  “I know someone who can help us, but we need a few thousand euros. Not to mention that we will need a lot more for traveling. Any ideas, because we cannot sell the diamonds here?”

  “You can sell the apartment,” Mariela proposed.

  “Clever girl,” said Galfonino.

  The next day, already dressed from Leo’s old wardrobe, they sold the apartment for twenty-five thousand euro to a loan shark. For a two-bedroom apartment in downtown, it was a straight robbery, but who cared, given that they had nearly three hundred million in diamonds.

  In the evening, the gangsters went out to settle the documents. It’s hard to find an undetectable person, but not impossible. Kadios, also known as "Kadema", the best in the business for years, never did business from home. Because of that, no one knew where he lived. Some suggested that this wasn’t even his real name. Few people knew what he looked like. The only connection that Leo had was a local strip club. The owner Kiro "The Mutant" was getting some portion of the money for the fake documents. But to get to him, someone had to recommend you. Leo’s connection was Mitko "The Garlic". Known around the restaurant business as MakGarlic since he offered a new kind of sandwiches to McDonald’s. In the evening time, he usually stayed in his favorite brothel. That’s exactly where the gangsters headed.

  The brothel was located in an old house, and the outside was always quiet. The doorbell rang and a blonde, seventeen years old slut, dressed only in a thong opened, “How may I help you, gentlemen?”

  Leo handed her twenty euros, “Take us to Mitko...”

  The young prostitute made them a sign, and they followed her to the room. Capone and The Sock rushed directly. It’s hard for a person to describe what position The Garlic had taken and even more the whore. Mitko without any worries continuеd to have sex, but with slightly narrowed eyes, trying to identify the strangers.

  “Jesus Christ, lightning to strike me if this isn’t Lalo. If you came for the two hundred euros that you loaned me, I have them.”

  “Hold them! I have work for you.”

  The Sock reached in his pocket and left ten green banknotes on the table. Seeing the money, the man pushed the whore and pulled on his pants as if his life depended on his speed. He grabbed the money, sniffed them and grinned, “What do you need?”

  “False documents, but only the best.”

  Mitko dialed some phone number, “Boss, I got customers.”

  On the other side of the phone was heard only an “Okay”.

  They left the brothel on Zimmerman Street and went into his car. A few minutes later, the vehicle stopped in front of a striptease bar. At the entrance, The Garlic just nodded to the guard and went down the stairs.

  At the bottom, on a big table sat three men with two muscular guards near them. At the sight of the gangsters, the guards moved. Mitko’s boss recognized him, and the other two from the table moved away. The gangsters were seated and a waitress brought them a large Jameson, each.

  “Boss, this is Lalo. He wants documents for him and his buddy.”

  The boss smiled upon hearing the name, left his cigar in the ashtray and leaned toward the newcomers, “Do you guarantee for them?”

  “Of course. He is an old friend. Once upon a time, he was in the business too.”

  “What documents do you need?”

  “ID cards and red passports.”

  “It will be arranged. I take a twenty percent commission. A thousand euro for me, and another five for Kadema.

  “Your rates have doubled since the last time!”

  “Em, it’s crisis bro!”

  Leo took a bundle of money and handed seven thousand euro.

  “The additional thousand is if you do the work by tomorrow evening.”

  The Mutant cheered and nodded to the man at the next table. Kadios approached, “Are we in business?”

  “We are.”

  The gangsters entered the small room behind the leather sofa. Kadios took pictures of their faces, wrote their phone numbers and told them to expect a call within 24 hours.

  On the next day, around four o’clock in the afternoon, Kadema called.

  “The Turk seemed nervous. We better be prepared in case something happens. Marche...”

  “For the last time, I’m telling you not to call me that!” Mariela pushed him.

  “Anyway,” Leo continued. “Be ready in an hour. Once we get the documents, we head directly for the airport.”

  Mariela came and sat on his knee. She wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him.

  “What was that?”

  “In case I don’t see you anymore...”

  “Wow,” Galfonino smiled. “These women will finish you.”

  “These?” the beauty spitefully glared at him.

  “Aaa... He meant you, honey. You know you are the only one!”

  They fixed themselves in a hurry, grabbed the guns that were already antiques and left.

  “Pfff, this one was close. Do not mention other women before her, or she will cut my balls while I sleep,” smiled Cassis.

  Soon the gangsters arrived at the club. Leo said to the taxi driver to wait for them. At the door, one of the guards nodded to follow him. Inside was empty. Only a dubious bartender, three goons, the boss, and Kadios.

  “Well, are they ready?” asked Smith.

  “They are!” placed them on the table, the Turk.

  “However,” interrupted the boss, “the price just went to fifteen thousand.”

  Leo took out a wad of money from his pocket, counted eight grand and slapped them on the table.

  “You didn’t understand me correctly. Another fifteen thousand.”

  Cassis took out another wad from the other pocket and counted another seven thousand.

  “Now the documents,” hissed The - already slightly annoyed- Sock.

  Kadios pushed them, and Cassis took the envelope quickly.

  “Good job,” said the boss.

  The gangsters slowly walked out when Leo heard the strip club owner saying, “If such chumps come once a week, we may retire early.”

  The Italian stopped, squinted his eyes and looked at his friend, “They said something bad in Bulgarian, right?”

  Leo shook his head. Directly turned, pulled the old relic and put a bullet in the head of the Mutant. Kadios crouched on the floor face down, and the guards reached for their weapons. But too late. Capone had taken his and was shooting in all directions. All thugs fell dead. Behind the bar, the bartender showed with a shotgun, as in an old Mexican movie. After the second shot, one of ours stood up and shot him like a dog. Smith approached the Turk, “Yo Mufti, who is the chump now, huh? Do you know that from all the scum in the world, I hate Turks the most?”

  “But I am a Jew, sir.”

  “Jew? Unfortunately for you, I hate Jews even more.”

  There was a loud noise, and The Sock shot him in the ass. He took his money from the table, and the gangsters ran outside. Security at the entrance had left a long time ago.

  “What was that?” asked Capone.

  “I heard that line in a movie!” smiled Leo.

  The time
travelers got into the taxi and headed to Mariela’s apartment. Along the way, Leo called her and told her to get down in front of the building without luggage. After thirty seconds quarrels about baggage, The Sock shouted that he would build her a mall if she wanted, just to get down on time.

  Once she arrived, the girl entered the car sullenly…

  “Did you order tickets online?”


  “Did you get your documents?”


  “Did you say goodbye to your parents?”


  From Varna Airport boarded a direct flight to London. In England they stood a few hours before catching a flight to Mexico. They were with new identities, and their visas to the United States did not apply, and there was no way to enter. For that, the group decided to enter illegally from the Mexican border.

  Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean…

  “We should contact Arnie and Macony!”

  “Absolutely! They will help.”

  “And what’s the plan?” asked ostensibly sleeping Mariela.

  “Leo,” urged him Galfonino, “you told her.”

  “A-ah-hm-m,” Cassis scratched his nose, “the plan is to find Arnie and Macony. Once we set foot on our territory, we will decide how to act.”

  “Pretty crazy plan,” Capone shook his head and added. “I completely agree!”

  Chapter IX

  The Americans skillfully kept the information about the new super dope. Only certain people knew about Leo and Galfonino - Agents of the DEA and CIA, who were searching for them abroad. Among them were Arnold and Macony. But "somehow", there was a leak and Russian agents appeared here and there. For three months, the gangsters had vanished without a trace. Hackers were looking for them around the clock through satellites, cameras, etc., but without success. Just after Singapore, their tracks disappeared from sight. After the second month, the search stopped. The DEA was using the services of only one stubborn hacker, apparently for a larger fee, known for his detective flair. The two days in which Leo and Galfonino had appeared, the hacker had urgent work. But once he finished the job, he continued searching. Three hours later, the phone of his Boss rang, “I’ve found them. An hour ago, they had arrived in Mexico. They traveled with a girl.”


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