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Phish NET Stalkings

Page 11

by Denise Robbins

  On the screen, two cartoon puppies sitting on a teeter-totter went up and down until one puppy slid to the other side and they kissed. A big red heart covered the faces and written on the screen came the words “Your kisses are sinful delight. Wanting more! Until next time, Bob.”

  “Ugh!” Jane poked out her tongue at the monitor as if a doctor stuck a tongue depressor down her throat.

  A shudder ran up her spine at the memory of Bob’s tongue and mouth sliding over hers in what could only be described as the worst kiss in the history or kisses.

  “Thanks, but no thanks, Bob,” she muttered at the screen before hitting the Reply button. She paused, put her finger to her mouth and contemplated how to respond. She wanted to say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” “Not in this lifetime.” “Next time you kiss someone you should offer them a raincoat beforehand.” Instead, she settled for a polite rejection.

  “Dear Bob,

  Thank you for the greeting card. While I appreciate the compliment and the offer for another date, I think it best that I pass. I have enjoyed our dates,” she lied, “but believe we don’t have a lot in common. I wish you the best of luck and a happy ending to your search for love.”

  She hit the Send button, deleted the original message and then went to get some ice cream. She needed it, deserved it, knew she shouldn’t, but couldn’t help herself.

  Dressed in charcoal-colored sweats that bagged off her like a potato sack, Jane curled up on the sofa, tucked her feet up underneath her butt, and opened the container of Ghirardelli dark chocolate ice cream. No bowl, just the pint and a very large spoon. After the couple of days she had, oh yeah, she planned to eat the entire carton of ice cream. All by herself. In one sitting. “I might even lick the lid,” she chuckled to herself as she walked back into the living room.

  Spoon in hand, she dug into the frozen dessert, scooped out a heaping portion, and sighed as the cool treat slid down her throat. “Heaven.” The second bite was at her lips when a pounding sounded at the door, and almost caused her to spill the ice cream down the front of the grungy sweatshirt. After stuffing the spoon in her mouth, she checked her watch and noted the time.

  “Ten-thirty.” She scowled at the door. No one she knew would call on her at this late hour and she did not intend to disrupt her self-indulgence.

  She shoveled another scoop between her lips and whimpered in delight. The loud hammering came again. Jane cringed and ignored the rude and noisy intruder. “Go away,” she muttered and dug out another sinful spoonful. She popped it into her mouth. Before it slid coolly all the way down, the obnoxious beating rattled her door and shook her knickknacks.

  “Shoot!” She sprang up from the sofa, stormed over to the door, and flung it open intending to give the idiot on the other side a piece of her mind.

  “Listen—” Her words froze on her lips.

  A grinning police chief stood in her entry. Scratch that. Cooper, gray-blue eyes flashing, dressed in black jeans, maroon polo shirt, and leather jacket filled her doorway with his wide shoulders and strong presence. He looked her over without an ounce of repentance. His gaze traveled from head to painted toes and back up again.

  Jane licked her lips, blinked and swiped at her hair, not that it would improve her frumpy appearance.

  What did she care? He had interrupted her sulk. He should have called first if he expected a beauty queen to answer the door. Wait! He couldn’t have called her. She hadn’t given him her number and it was unlisted. Hold on! She hadn’t given him her address either and that sure as heck wasn’t public knowledge. How had he found her?

  Anger stirred in her belly and she slammed one fist onto her hip. “What do you want?” she barked, offering him a narrow-eyed glare. “How did you find me?”

  He strode forward two steps and she took a deep breath, backed away from the door inadvertently inviting him inside. He took the spoon and ice cream from her hand, and helped himself to a bite. Stunned, she watched when he put the spoon to his lips, stared transfixed as his beautiful mouth opened and the ice cream slid inside. Her heart kicked into overtime and heat traveled straight down when he licked the spoon. His gaze pinned on her, he handed the spoon back to her.


  Jane took the spoon and let it slip through her fingers and crash to the floor. She swallowed and wet her own lips. Then Cooper’s mouth was on hers and—oh, damn, if her toes did not curl. A cop, she told herself. He’s a cop, not to be trusted. But damn! His tongue delved inside her mouth and tangled with hers. Inside white athletic crew socks, her red-painted toenails curled even tighter. Why? Why did the one man who made her toes curl have to be a cop? A gosh-damn-cop.

  She put her hands against his chest to shove him away, but when her fingers met the hard muscles of his pecs, instead of pushing him away, her fingers curled, wrapped into his shirt and tugged him closer.

  When he broke the lip-lock, a groan of displeasure escaped from deep in her throat. Taking a step back, she wiped her fingers across her mouth and tried to slow her breathing, stop her chest from heaving in and out.

  The click of the door snapping shut and the deadbolt flipped into place had her brown eyes meeting his and retreating as he stepped toward her. His movement was catlike and predatory and had her heart pounding in her ears.

  The slant of his brows and the intense, glittering blue-gray gaze that he gave her told her no talking was necessary. He wanted sex. And he wanted it now. Damn! So did she!

  “You don’t really wear women’s panties, right?” she asked as she took a slow, cautious step backward.

  His eyes fixed on hers, a sly, crooked grin on his face, he shook his head.

  Thank goodness! At least she didn’t have to worry about him raiding her panty drawer.

  “You want more ice cream?”

  Ice cream? One brow lifted in confusion. Huh? Oh! Jane gave herself a mental head slap. His kiss had fuzzed her brain. “No. No ice cream.”

  Cooper very neatly popped the lid on the container and set it on the coffee table as they passed it.

  Clasping his wrist, Jane turned and headed for the stairs. Over her shoulder, she challenged, “I’ll race you to see who comes first.” She bolted up the steps, stripping her clothes off as she went with Cooper right on her heels.

  When the see-through tank top was tugged off and tossed behind her she would have sworn she heard Cooper growl. The idea made her giggle. As soon as she crossed the threshold to the bedroom, she spun around and backed up until her knees hit the king-sized sleigh bed. Her fingertips touched hot flesh. He was all hard, sinewy muscle and heat.

  There was no thinking involved. She wanted him. Hot, and hard, and NOW.

  When her hand grazed down his torso and hit the button to his jeans, she heard the sharp intake of Cooper’s breath. She loved the control, the power of making a man want her, want more. There was nothing like the heady sensation. It was as if she were drunk on sex. And she hadn’t even had it. Yet.

  When his hands cupped her breasts and the pad of his thumbs rasped against her nipples, she knew it was only a matter of minutes before she had him inside her. Deep inside. Mere seconds after that, she would be in orgasmic ecstasy. Hallelujah!

  He felt like a randy school kid on his first date where he knew, knew without a doubt, that he was going to get laid. He knew it would be hard and fast and over way too soon if he didn’t slow down. He wanted, needed this to last. After not finishing the first time, he wanted more, deserved more, and was determined to draw it out.

  When Jane scooted out from under him, her knee breezed by his secret weapon, and he thought for a moment it be over before it got started. Again. He shifted to his back and was still recovering from the close miss when she straddled his hips, bent her head, and lathed one of his nipples. That did the trick.

  Shit! If she didn’t stop rubbing against him he would— “Jeez!” He reached up and cupped her face in his hands. “Listen, as much as I want to be inside you, and I do.” A groan escaped his lips when
she wiggled and pressed her heat against the evidence of his desire. “But,” he said through gritted teeth as he released her face to grip her hips and hold them steady. “But if you don’t stop that wiggling I’m going to lose it before I ever get inside you.”

  He would have sworn her eyes gleamed with satisfaction before she tried to wriggle free. Or maybe she just wanted to writhe against him. Oh! That’s it! A man can only take so much. With swift movements, Coop lifted little miss playful’s hips, flipped their positions and pinned her hands above her head. Jane’s quick intake of breath and look of surprise was enough to make him laugh. If not for being so close to the promise land, he would have. Instead, he glided one finger down between her folds, tested her heat. Her escaping moan and the wetness that met his finger told him she was ready.

  “You want it fast? You want me now?” he growled out, poised at her opening.

  She nodded several times mussing her brown silk hair. “Yes. Pleeease.”

  “I don’t think so.” Without giving Jane a chance to speak, he bent his head and took her mouth in a kiss. When his tongue delved between her lips, he plunged a finger deep into her and swallowed her sharp gasp. He slid his lips down to her chin, nibbled up to her ear while his finger stroked in and out. With every stroke, she arched her hips to meet him.

  He paused at her neck, felt the pulse throb a rhythmic beat against his tongue. Then he trailed kisses down to her chest. When he took one sweet, puckered nipple into his mouth, held it between his teeth, twirled his tongue over it, he sensed her muscles clamp around his damp finger and the muscles in her arms slacken. As he suckled, he glided another finger into her heat and loosened his hold on her arms.

  When his thumb pressed against that special spot on a woman, Jane’s hands gripped his hair and tugged. The muscles in her legs quivered as he circled the pad of his thumb over the nub. He shifted, flitted his tongue against both nipples, first the left then the right. He lathed a path down her stomach. Before he reached her navel, she halted his downward movement by grasping his head in her slim, soft hands and holding tight.


  “Oh, honey, if you stop holding me, I will.” Against the resistance of her hands, Cooper bent his head and kissed her navel, circled it with the tip of his tongue, and blew cool air over the wet trail. Goosebumps rose on her creamy skin and her nipples puckered tighter, but Coop stayed his course.

  When he reached the juncture between her thighs, her hands slid from his hair to her stomach and he would have sworn she held her breath. With his fingers, he drove her closer to the peak, pushed them inside her again and when her hips lifted to meet his thrust, his tongue nipped out and slid between her wet lips.

  Jane sucked in a sharp intake of breath, reached out and curled her fingers into the silk bed covers. “Please, Cooper,” she begged as her back arched up and his tongue delved deeper.

  She smelled of lavender and heat. “You taste sweet and salty. Like a chocolate covered pretzel,” he told her and watched her face flush before a bubble of laughter escaped soft pouty lips.

  He wanted more. He wanted to be deep inside her, buried in that sweet heat. Feel her come loose in his arms, see her tough exterior slide away and expose the part of her she held back. He wanted to see what she was hiding. Oh, yes, she was hiding something. He just wasn’t sure what. Yet.

  Not yet, he warned himself. Not yet. Slow was better…this time. Take his time, get to know her. Let her get to know him. Cupping her cheeks in his large hands, Cooper maneuvered Jane closer and he pressed a chaste kiss to her mound.

  “Mmm,” she moaned and bit down on her lower lip. Her legs went a little limp against his arms. He opened her with his tongue, exposed her soft, pink center for his exploration. He moved his tongue in slow strokes, up and down. He flicked the little nub with the tip of his tongue. When he took that sweet spot between his lips and sucked, pressing heat against heat, her back arched so far off the covers he thought she was going to fly off the bed.

  Lifting her hips higher, he dipped his tongue inside her, glided the tip up the inside of her lips, tasted salt. He plunged his tongue deep inside and tasted sweet. Beneath the palms of his hands, the muscles of Jane’s thighs and buttocks tensed. Sliding a hand up her leg and back down again, he glided two fingers into her wet depth and used his tongue to drive her higher.

  When her hand let the covers loose and came down to grasp his interlocking their fingers, he knew she was at the edge. It was only a matter of seconds. She exploded in his arms, cried his name, and convulsed in aftershocks.

  Between pants, she reached for him, tugged his hair and pulled him to her. She kissed him as if he hadn’t just kissed her, as if this may be the last time she kissed him. That was so not the case. There was something about Jane East. Something that attracted him. Something that had taken root in the pit of his stomach and latched onto his heart. She was different, special. He had only scratched the surface.

  Her lithe legs wrapped around his hips and drew him forward to his elbows. Framing her face in his hands, Cooper peered down into chocolate velvet eyes and smiled. “You are beautiful.”

  She blushed and lowered her eyelids. “No. I’m just plain. Plain Jane.”

  “Hmm. Not so plain,” he murmured dipping his head and taking her lower lip between his teeth. He drew it in, sucked, and teased it with his tongue. He felt the shiver run up her spine.

  “Don’t you want to…you know…” She made this little hand gesture with her index finger on one hand and a circle on the other hand.

  He chuckled and halted the motion by grabbing her hand and pressing a kiss to the center of her palm. “Yes, I want to…you know. I also want to make certain you are sated, and completely ready for me.”

  “I am.” She bobbed her head with enthusiasm and added to her sexy mussed look.

  “Well, let’s just say I want to make doubly sure.” With that, he shifted those legs wrapped around his waist, lifted her and changed their positions again by setting Jane on his face.

  Oh-my-gosh! She was sitting on his face. How did she get in this position? Well, okay, she knew exactly how she got in this… “Ohh.” His tongue was soo good. He knew just where to—

  “Umm,” she moaned and held onto the headboard. Breathe, she told herself before you pass out.

  How had she lost control of the situation? One minute she was racing him upstairs to see who came the fastest— Ding! Ding! She was the winner on that score. The next minute, instead of having him deep inside her, he was in control and driving her on the slow fairy boat to Never Never Land. It was worth the trip, but damn. “Nnn.” She bit down on her lip when one of his fingers entered her and his tongue still played her like a bow, drawing her tighter and tighter. Until… Heat built into a tight ball in her stomach, her thighs started to quiver, and a tingling sensation tickled her nose.

  “Coop—” Before she could finish screaming his name he boosted her up one more time and slid her down his frame, her sensitive body parts brushing against his nose, mouth, chin, chest hair. She wobbled, grabbed onto his chest for balance and gasped as she felt something hard slide into her. Something warm, long and hard entered her, stretched her. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as he filled her. Sorry, boys. Don’t believe everything you hear. Size does matter.

  Now that she had his billy club, she was in control. And she wanted him now. She wanted one more release and she would have it when he came. She slid down him, wanting more, wanting all of him. Lifting her hips up, she took him in and out of her in rapid movements, riding him like a cowgirl, bouncing up and down.

  Why hadn’t he come yet? Jane glanced down and from the gleam in his light eyes she knew he was still in control. Damn him! Damn his sexy ass and that heart-stopping way he had of kissing her. Damn him for being a cop… Jane clamped her eyes shut and put the thought out of her mind. This was about sex. Nothing more. It did not require a resumé. Just good, very good, sex.

  Reaching behind her, she cupped hi
s balls in her hands and gave a little squeeze. He became harder, if that was possible. She gave another squeeze and felt him move inside her. Then his hands were in her hair and tugging. One minute his thumb rasped across her lower lip in a kind of caress and the next his mouth was on hers and his tongue danced with hers, mated, in a lazy tango. Just as her toes curled, a low groan escaped from somewhere deep in the back of her throat. His hands gripped her hips. He lifted her cheeks in a slow, calculated movement, easing the length of himself from within her. With every lift of her butt, he eased out then pulled her down and slammed into her. He did it again and again until the rhythm of the dance changed, and she was almost breathless.

  She didn’t think she could hold out for much longer when he slid a hand between their two bodies and his finger hit her most sensitive spot. She shot off like a rocket with him exploding right behind her.

  When he stopped convulsing, she let her arms collapse and she lay sprawled across Coop, their chests heaving in and out, gasping for air. While she basked in the glory of her lift-off, Jane realized she still came on Cooper’s terms.

  “Mmm,” she purred against his chest, her fingers swirling in the brown curly hair. She’d never been so pleasantly pissed, she thought as he stroked a finger up and down her spine to the cleft in her cheeks.

  “Isn’t it nice when someone lets you win?”

  Still trying to catch her breath, her chuckle came out in a wheeze. “And here I thought cops were only good for one thing.”


  She slipped out of bed early the next morning. Using the light from the hall to guide her, Jane located a pair of boxers and a tank top and silently dragged them on. She was searching for her wayward socks when her foot hit something hard and she bit back an oath. Shoving a few articles of clothing aside, she found the toe-stubbing metal. She saw the gun, a small .380 Taurus, tucked into an ankle holster.

  She knew about weapons, had experienced all manner of caliber handguns. One of the things Granny had taught her was to shoot. “No girl is safe if she can’t protect herself,” Granny Pearl had said on numerous occasions just before putting a weapon in her hand and pointing her toward a target. “Now shoot the bad guy.”


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