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Cursed and Crazed

Page 23

by Sophia Stafford

  Gemma, who was sitting next to Jaycen spoke about the magically storing spell she had been looking into.

  “Do you think Benedict would let me use stored magic? You know, in class? If I do it right, It would make me ten times more powerful. I could get out of the thoery phase and get more involved in the physical side.”

  “Of course he would allow it, why wouldn’t he?”

  Gemma smiled, her face lighting up at the possibility, these simple spells would open up an entirely new magical world to her, and that was something Jaycen could get behind.

  “Jaycen? Jaycen, wake up we’re stopping for a break.” Gemma shook her arm until Jaycen opened her eyes.

  Finally, after hours of driving, they pulled into an old motel.

  “We should stay here tonight. Get some rest, some food, and we’ll carry on tomorrow morning. Is everyone okay with that?” Azrael looked back at both Jaycen and Gemma.

  Jaycen wondered what he’d do if she said no, she wanted to carry on. He’d probably ignore her.

  “Yeah, that’s fine with me. I need to get out of this car.” Jaycen got out first, stretching her arms and legs out, letting the cold air wake her up.

  Azrael lifted his phone. “You guys go and check-in, I need to make a phone call.”

  She watched him walk off to the side of the building, his head bent as he spoke. Then it hit her, they’d been traveling all day, and yet Azrael looked great. His face was fresh, his hair still so neat. She wondered what it would take for him to look bad. A war, maybe?

  “Azrael gave me his credit card; I’m going to get us a few rooms. Are you sharing with Thornton?” Gemma held up her black card and smiled. “We could get us some huge room with this card.”

  Jaycen looked back over her shoulder, the motel was at best, rundown. “Did it have any huge rooms?”

  Gemma shrugged, still wiggling the card in the air.

  “I’m surprised Azrael’s okay with staying here. He seems too classy for it.”

  Jaycen jumped as Azrael shouted across the parking lot. “Thank you. There isn’t a five-star hotel for another ninety miles.” Then he went back to his phone call.

  She turned back to Gemma and pulled a face. “How the hell did he hear us?”

  “I don’t know. But he didn’t comment on the big room thing, so I’m going to go big. We’re all going to sleep in the best room this motel has to offer.” Gemma headed to the reception just as Thornton walked out, his hands in his pockets, and his eyes focused on Jaycen.

  “Gemma’s getting the rooms for us,” Jaycen commented as drops of rain landed on her head. Oh, the rain. She loved the rain.

  “Oh great, rain.” Thornton jogged over to her, pulling a face as the weather got worse.

  “This is the best weather.” She grabbed his top, forcing him to stand with her. Back at the academy she used to make Thornton go outside with her every time the heavens opened, he’d refuse, and so they’d compromise and sit under the shelter, just watching the rain. It had been so relaxing to her.

  “I’m glad you’re with me.”

  Thornton grinned, wiping the water from his eyes as he weaved his arm around her waist. “We can be happy under shelter, come on. The last thing we need is for you to get sick.” He guided her to the side of the building where rain wouldn’t get them.

  Jaycen sat on the floor, resting her back against the building and smiled when Thornton did the same.

  “I made us a reservation in that restaurant.” He pointed to a burger restaurant next to their motel. “This is going to be our first date.”

  “Our first date, huh?” She tried acting cool with a smile, but inside she was a mess of excitement.

  “Yeah. It hit me that we’ve never actually been on a date. We’ve been together for months, and we have never got dressed up and gone out for something to eat. It bothered me.”

  Jaycen thought on that, them never having been on a date. She didn’t see it like that. She saw every time they ate lunch on the grass a date, every night where they used to go to one another’s room to watch movies as a date.

  “It shouldn’t bother you. I like our relationship.”

  Thornton looked over at her, his eyes boring into hers. “Me too. I love it. I loved it so much that I didn’t want to share it with anyone else. We were hidden away in our dorms, just the two of us because our relationship was my escape from the rest of my life.”

  Jaycen didn’t say anything at first, just kept looking up at him in confusion, and then when it was clear he was finished, Jaycen said, “We had dates. They were just private.”

  Thornton shook his head. “We should have been out there. Going to the movies, going for food. I feel like I ruined the beginning of our relationship because I just wanted you to myself. Every time we were out I’d get called away, or people would want to talk to you and I hated it, I hated it all.” He turned silently so his body now faced hers. “My future has been planned out for as long as I can remember, I’ve never loved that idea, but it was what it was. And then you come along and I see what it means to live. It’s like for the first time I can breathe, and I’m addicted to that feeling. The feeling of finally being free. And then I would have to go back to the life that I hate. Being with you became the only time that I was truly happy and I didn’t want to share that. It didn’t even occur to me you might not have been happy.”

  Without skipping a beat, Jaycen reached up, pulling his head to hers kissing him hard.

  She kept a tight hold of his head, so when she pulled back he couldn’t move away. “I was happy. I am happy. Our relationship was a bubble for me too. A place where I could just be me and not think about how my life was falling apart. It was perfect.”

  He leaned in, kissing her one more time. “It was perfect, but from now on we live our lives in the open.”

  She smiled. “I can do that.”

  He smiled back, taking her hand in his and squeezing it tight. “We should get the key from Gemma, then we can get ready to eat.”

  Jaycen nodded and stood, waving over at Gemma as she left the reception with a bunch of room keys.

  “Wow, it’s really pouring it down.” Gemma jogged over to them, getting under the shelter of the building as soon as she could. “They have premier rooms, but only two of them. So we’re going to have rock paper scissors for it.”

  Jaycen wasn’t sure if she was joking, but then she repeated it when Azrael joined them, so she guessed she wasn’t joking at all.

  Azrael looked down at Gemma, his face void of emotion as he plucked one of the premier room keys out of Gemma’s hand.

  “I’ll see you all down here at eight tomorrow. Don’t be late.” He turned and left, leaving them all standing there with one premier room key spare.

  A key which Gemma held on tighter. “Rock paper scissors?”

  Thornton pulled his jacket tighter around him, “You can have the room, Gemma. I’ll go and get our stuff from the car.”

  “I think we should rock paper scissors,” Jaycen interjected quickly, telling Gemma to hold on for just a second as she rushed after Thornton, letting the rain drench her as she said, “You have no idea what these rooms look like. You can’t just be throwing away the only good one.”

  He smiled, opening the trunk. “I don’t mind what the room looks like…”

  “Oh thank God!”

  Jaycen screamed, the reflexes taking over as she lashed out, hitting the body that just jumped up from the back of the car.

  “You hit me!” Suzie screamed, holding her bloodied nose.

  “What? You scared me! Why were you hiding back here?” Jaycen shouted back, grabbing her chest.

  Thornton reached out, helping Suzie out of the trunk. “Have you been hiding in here all day?”

  “Yes. Where have you all been? You stopped ages ago. Am I bleeding?” She lifted her bloodied face.

  “Yes, you’re bleeding. I can’t believe you snuck into the car, why? And how did we not see you?” Jaycen patted her pockets,
trying to find something for Suzie to wipe her face with.

  A steady hand reached past her holding out a handkerchief.

  Suzie took it from Azrael, tilting her head back. “I’m glad you found me, I was about to start shouting for help. Can you imagine what people would have thought?”

  Jaycen looked around then, making sure no one saw them pull Suzie from the back of the car, luckily they were alone.

  “Do your parents know you hid in our car?” Azrael asked, leaning and lifting out a few of the bags before closing it.

  Suzie snorted. “Oh yeah, because they would definitely agree with me running away to learn how to fight.”

  “Learn how to fight? Are you serious?” Jaycen gritted. “You can learn how to fight back home. We’re not just going on a road trip, we’re hiding from real dangerous people, and now we’re going to have turn back around to drop you off again.”

  “Then don’t drop me off, let me stay with you. My mom probably doesn’t even know I’ve gone anyway, she and Deacon were heading out, to meet their…” She pursed her lips, realising what she was about to say.

  “Off to meet the rest of their troops? Oh yeah, we’re aware of them.” Jaycen nodded vigorously and bluffing completely.

  Suzie thought on that for a second. “They thought you’d hate the idea of a magical movement outside of The Cure. You know, another army I guess. I love it, and when you’ve trained me I’m going to join it.”

  The word, army, seemed to make everyone uneasy. Suzie, however, didn’t notice.

  “I need to fresh up, get something to eat. This room for me? Thanks,” Suzie plucked a room key from Gemma’s hand and walked off. Leaving them all standing there, staring at the back of her head.

  It was Gemma that spoke first. “She took the last premier room.”

  Chapter 30

  Jaycen had tried calling Suzie’s mother, getting her answerphone message every time.

  Suzie was unfazed as she stuffed chips in her mouth. “She’s probably still traveling. Sampson’s probably with her. I’m telling you, they don’t even know I’m gone.”

  “That doesn’t mean we’re not taking you back,” Jaycen told her firmly as she left Suzie’s basic room. Gemma had kicked her out, taking the premier one for herself. At this point, Jaycen didn’t care where she would sleep that night, she was over it, what she wasn’t over was her date with Thornton. Her official first date. She was excited, and nervous all at the same time, the butterflies building as she got closer and closer to the restaurant where she and Thornton were meeting. Only slowing as Azrael stepped out of one of the rooms.

  “Benedict isn’t surprised Thornton’s here.” Azrael smiled at her while holding out a phone. “He wants to speak to you though, his number’s programmed in.”

  Jaycen took the phone while smiling, only when it was in her hand did she notice the room key with it.

  She held it up with raised eyebrows. “You’re giving up your nice room?”

  “The room’s yours. But only because I’m leaving now. Benedict has a few leads for Darius and McKenzie that seems promising. He’s chasing up one and I’m chasing up a few others.”

  “A few others huh? Are you telling me Benedict’s slacking?” She laughed, wanting to know more information on their leads. She hated being kept in the dark.

  “I’m leaving right now. A car is waiting for me at the nearest airport and then I’m off to Texas. Benedict seems pretty sure about this information. This whole mess could be cleared within the next few days.”

  Jaycen doubted it. She doubted this could ever be over, but she nodded and smiled all the same as Azrael walked around her. Leaving like he came, in an instant.

  Jaycen stood to the side, dialing the only number in the phone, Benedict answered almost immediately.

  “That was fast, I’ve just got off the phone with Azrael,” Benedict said, with a smile in his voice.

  “He literally just passed me before he left.” Jaycen looked back to where Azrael had just walked off, the parking lot now empty.

  “He’s gone already? Good. He wasn’t thrilled with where I’ve sent him. He would have got the closer lead if he’d answered his phone sooner. But he didn’t, so I’m going.” The defensiveness tone in his voice could not be missed.

  Even though he couldn’t see her, Jaycen still suppressed her smile. “Hey, you don’t have to justify yourself to me.”

  “I wasn’t justifying anything.” He was quiet for a second. “Are you okay after your attack? How’s Thornton?”

  She smiled. “Yeah I’m fine. And for the record, I didn’t know he was coming. But yeah, I’m happy. Really happy.”

  “Good. Is Gemma okay too?”

  “Yeah, Gemma is fine. I’m sorry I went behind your back to get her. I just felt like I didn’t have a choice.” She bit the inside of her cheek, her chest feeling tight as she waited for his reply. There weren’t many people whose opinion she valued, or whose praise she craved, but Benedict was one of those people.

  “People did come for her, so I suppose it all worked out okay. We still don’t know who exactly, we have ideas but nothing concrete. You might have saved Gemma’s life.”

  “I know right? Go me.” She fanned her face as she relaxed more into the conversation.

  Benedict chuckled down the phone. “Try not to sound too gleeful, okay? I’m furious that you went against everything I said to you. So angry, I hate it when you don’t listen to me. And I hate it more when you turn out to be right.”

  “I know, so let me just bask in this for a minute or two. It’s great.”

  “You’ve gone with your gut ever since we met, I suppose I should haven’t expected anything less. I hate when it’s against me, but I love that fire about you Jaycen. And now the dust has settled, I’m happy you have your friends around you. We don’t know how long this will last, you’re going to need your friends.”

  “Thank you for that. And Azrael thinks your leads are good and this could be over soon.”

  “It could be; it also could not be. Let’s just be prepared for both, okay?”

  Jaycen heard the start of a car engine and her eyes narrowed. “Are you driving while on the phone? That’s dangerous Benedict.”

  “For the love of… No. I’m not driving. I’m just about to, though. If that’s okay with you?”

  “Hey, I’m just checking you’re not breaking any laws. It’s dangerous.” She shot back, scrunching her face up.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not breaking any laws. Besides, I’m the teacher, I’m the adult. I should be checking on you, not the other way around,” he reminded her solemnly.

  “Not anymore it’s not. I’m no longer your student.” Even she could hear the lightness in her voice dim slightly.

  Benedict sighed. “You will always have a place at the academy, Jaycen. Magic or no magic. It will always be your home. It’s as simple as that.” His voice sounded so matter of fact, that Jaycen had almost missed the wonderful statement he had just made.

  “It’s as simple as that,” she repeated, smiling big and nodded slowly.

  “The address of the new safehouse is programmed into your phone. You might have to wait there for a few days, you okay with that?”

  “I guess so. Where are you? Or where are you going?”

  Thornton now stood in the doorway of the restaurant, his hands in his jeans pockets and a relaxed smile on his face.

  “Not too far from you, actually. Azrael told me that he thinks your new friends are part of a group we have been keeping an eye on for a while, a group I’m just about to see. They’re having a mass gathering, which is not too great with Darius still around.”

  “You going to break the party up?” The community that Sampson and his family were part of hated the thought of someone like Benedict, and yet here he was, traveling the country to try and save them.

  “Something like that. I’ll call you tomorrow on this phone.”

  “Okay. Stay safe.”

  “You too

  The phone went dead and Jaycen walked over to Thornton. “Azrael’s left, and Benedict says hi.”

  Thornton’s eyes widened as they flashed to the phone. “Where has Azrael gone?”

  Jaycen filled him in as they entered the restaurant, which was, unsurprisingly, empty.

  The waitress led them to a table at the back of the room, to a dimly lit table before taking their drink orders and left.

  “Honestly, this isn’t where I imagined our first date to be.” Thornton brushed the dusty tablecloth as Jaycen scanned the menu.

  “Doesn’t live up to your standards, huh?” The room itself was a bit full and dim, but the menu looked fine. Mainly because it had burgers.

  “A seedy restaurant just off the highway? This shouldn’t live up to anyone’s standards.” He laughed, his eyes scanning the menu. “You’re having the burger, aren’t you?”

  She smiled. “Oh yeah. I haven’t had one in ages.”

  Thornton smiled, resting his elbows on the table as he leaned forward. “We have so much to talk about, I have so much to tell you, I don’t even know where to begin.”

  Jaycen leaned forward too. “Start from the beginning,” she said sweetly.

  “I’ve been reading your diary, while you’ve been gone. I took it from Benedict’s office.”

  Huh. That was not what she had expected, back straightened as she said, “Excuse me?”

  Thornton carried on, unfazed by the tension that was in Jaycen’s posture. “It made me feel close to you, while you were away. And I learned a few things.”

  “Are you kidding me? My flipping diary?” She hissed, so angry that she wanted to flip the table up at him and storm out. How dare he!

  Finally, Thornton sensed the danger that was close, as he held up his hands. “I know it was wrong. But it was the only part of you that I had. I felt like it was the only way that I could help.”

  “That’s not right, Thorn, those are private thoughts. It should have been up to me if I shared them with you. You should have asked me first.” She pressed her hand over her chest, trying to remember exactly what she had put in the diary about him.


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