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Jaden's Heart

Page 8

by Melanie Jackson

  “So what did the Hunters get out of killing Immortals?” she asked.

  I turned the engine off. “Nothing,” I replied, and gave her my full attention.

  Her eyebrows narrowed in confusion and I smiled. “We were at war with them. They chose to call themselves hunters because they used guerrilla attacks.”

  “What started the war?”

  “Ivy, my weapons master, told me the long feud between our people started when the Egipcion King's daughter became ill. He brought her to the white City of Immortals and asked the Immortal King to heal her. He complied, turning the child immortal,” I said.

  “He turned a kid?” Alexis gasped.

  “And it was a terrible mistake. Several months after she was turned, she terrorized nearby villages, slaughtering everyone but the children, which she turned. They in turn slaughtered more villages and turned the inhabitants' children. They were uncontrollable, despite my people's best efforts. In the end, the King's own people killed him and his daughter,” I said.

  As we exited the vehicle, she asked, “They turned on their king?”

  “Yes. They thought him mad and blamed my people for his insanity. So began a long and bloody war between our two people.”

  I circled the car then took her hand into mine, overjoyed to be touching her. Her fire sent welcoming ripples up my arm.

  “What happened to the immortal children?”

  “Unfortunately, we had to eradicate them before they become a devastating plague,” I explained as we crossed the second-floor parking garage and entered the staircase.


  “Yeah, it’s surprising that a single ten-year-old girl could start a war between two people who were once great allies. This is the reason it is forbidden to turn anyone under eighteen years of age. Doing so carries a death sentence; the master and youngling are killed on the spot.”

  We descended to street level. “Harsh,” Alexis said softly.

  “But necessary,” I said, holding the outer door open for her.

  “It must have been very difficult for them,” she said sadly.

  “Who?” I asked, confused.

  “The ones sent to kill the immortal children. I mean, despite what they were doing, they looked like kids.”

  I took her hand and we began walking back to the apartment through the sun's early rays that lit our path. I had never really thought about the psychological impact it must have had on those sent to eradicate the children. “Perhaps it is why Ivy never spoke about it in depth,” I replied.

  “You weren't there?” she asked.

  I laughed. “I'm not that old.”

  She blushed.

  “I was turned shortly after the Immortal Civil War.”

  “But you said you fought the Egipcion Hunters,” she argued.

  “I helped Ivy clean up the last pockets of them throughout Ireland, Scotland, and England. Putting an end to the immortal children’s reign of terror was straightforward—they did not even attempt to conceal themselves,” I replied. “It took my people nearly a thousand years to kill off the Egipcion Hunters.”

  “That long?”

  “Yes. They looked like any other human. The only difference was their ability to use magic.”

  “Magic?” Alexis asked, her disbelief clear.

  “Yes, and it gave them a substantial advantage over us. Besides magic, they knew our feeding habits and how to hide from us. More importantly, how to kill us. Then the Immortal Civil War began and our armies quickly began to dissolve and attack one another.”

  “But why would they start another war right in the middle of a war?”

  “Our political system was a monarchy. Normally, the king would die and his son would replace him. This allows a society to grow and change, be it good or ill. Unfortunately, we do not die easily. Therefore, our society remained unchanged and subjected to the whims of only one king. He suddenly began a mass cleansing of our species, which led to the war and the fall of the Immortal City.”

  “Mass cleansing? Like an immortal Hitler?” she shuddered.

  I nodded. “He wanted a society comprised completely of pure demons. He believed humans were weak. Immortals began disappearing by the hundreds, killed by the King's personal guard or by his own hand. Despite countless searches, the bodies of the disappeared remain undiscovered to this day.”

  “Why?” Alexis asked, her voice low.

  I shrugged. “I'm not sure, but I do know it was the beginning of a dark age for my people. There were over fifteen thousand of us at the start of the war and by the end there were barely a thousand. Our people were fractured and scattered across the continents. If Prince Arron had not acted quickly and reestablished order by forming the Immortal Council, we would have been completely wiped out.”

  She pulled off her coat and leaned closer to me. “It was that bad?”

  “From what I've heard it was worse. I can carry that for you,” I offered.

  “Thank you,” she said, handing it to me.

  “No more questions right now. What do you want to do today?” I asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

  She looked at me and covered a large yawn.

  “One bed coming right up.”

  “I'm sorry. It was a long night. The good news is I don't have work for the next two days.” She yawned again.

  “In that case, would you like to go with me to the Electric Dusk Drive-In tonight?” I asked.

  Alexis stopped abruptly. “You mean on a date?”

  “That's the general idea.” I grinned at her startled expression.

  “A real date?” she asked, overwhelmed.

  I nodded.

  “I've never been on a date,” she said, brimming with excitement.

  We walked once again, hands intertwined. “I'm sorry about the walk. The building didn't come with parking.”

  “I don't mind. I like walking with you,” she replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  “Good morning,” a bundled up old man, sitting in an ancient rocking chair, greeted us as we entered the apartment building's main floor.

  I nodded to him. “Good morning,” Alexis replied kindly.

  The man smiled as the old bloodhound mix at his feet thumped his tail on the wood floor. “It's going to be a beautiful, sunny day, good day for fishing,” he called after us.

  “Have a good, day Mr. Valentine,” I said, hurrying Alexis up the stairs.

  I held my apartment door open for her. “He seemed nice,” she said.

  “More like nosy.”

  Alexis knelt to remove her old boots. “I was wondering,” she said.

  “Yeah?” I walked into the kitchen and Sophia followed me, meowing for breakfast.

  “If you don't sleep, why have a bed at all?” she asked.

  I put a can of cat food on the counter and pulled the lid open. “It's for sex,” I replied simply as I fed the noisy cat.

  She looked at the bed. “So you have...”

  “No. Well, not yet,” I said, setting Sophia's food on the floor.

  “Why?” she asked and then blushed.

  I crossed the room and took her into my arms. “Because I haven't met the right partner yet.”

  “Have you had many?” she asked.

  “I have,” I replied she looked away from me. “Does it bother you?” I asked.

  She shrugged.

  “Alexis?” I pressed and she looked at me. “I'm nine hundred years old. I've had hundreds of partners,” I explained gently.

  “I've never...” her voice trailed and her eyes were distant.

  “But you're not a virgin,” I said and immediately regretted it.

  She stepped from me, then turned ashamed. “How did you know?” she asked meekly.

  “A person's scent tells a lot about them.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself. “Oh!”

  I crossed the space between us and embraced her. “Alexis,” I said into her ear.

  Tears fell down
her cheeks. “He took everything,” she whispered.

  I gently turned her so I could see her face. “He hasn't taken your heart or spirit,” I said, and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

  “I'm sorry. I don't normally do this. You probably think I'm pretty silly.” She sniffed as she wiped her tears on the back of her arm.

  “I think you're beautiful and far from silly.” I smiled and winked at her.

  She eyed the bed. “Do… do you want to have sex with me?” Her low voice asked.

  My breath caught in my throat. “Alexis, I don't want to have sex with you. I want to make slow, passionate love with you,” I said, brushing her soft cheek with cool fingers. “And I will wait as long as I have to. There is no hurry and when you're ready, I will be waiting.”

  “Will it hurt?” she asked softly.

  “What? Gods, no! I would never hurt you. I will introduce you to a world of pleasure and bliss you have never known,” I promised.

  She stared at me for a long moment in silence. “I'm going to shower.”

  I laughed, releasing her; she kissed my lips tenderly then headed for the bathroom.

  “Once you're undressed, give me your clothing. I'm going to attempt to wash the laundry,” I said. “Hopefully they fixed the washer.”

  She seemed shocked. “What am I going to wear in the meantime?”

  “Nothing,” I offered then laughed when she scowled at me.

  “There’s a robe behind the bathroom door you can wear,” I said.

  “Okay,” she replied, disappearing.

  I collected the dirty laundry basket and waited. She emerged moments later in only my teal towel. “Here!” She handed me her clothing.

  “If you need help washing your back, just holler!” My eyes wandered over her exposed flesh.

  Her cheeks became a beautiful deep red as she quickly disappeared into the bathroom. I remained in the laundry room for the whole hour it took to wash, dry and fold all the clothes. Throughout the hour, I thought of ways to kill the human who had hurt her.

  I entered the apartment and set the now clean laundry down. She lay in bed, her eyes closed, breathing softly. Sitting on the floor next to her, I quietly pulled my suitcase from beneath the bed. Removing one of my favorite books, Under the Greenwood Tree, I settled in to read.


  halfway through the book, Alexis began to toss in her sleep. Glancing up, I found she was shaking, her brows drawn together.

  “Please!” she cried.

  I stood and gently touched her wet cheek. “Alexis, it's okay! Come back to me.”

  Her green eyes opened wide and her chest heaved as she drew in huge breaths of air. It was if someone had been holding her underwater. She gripped the silk sheets in tight fists. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” she repeated as tears dripped down the side of her face.

  Climbing onto the bed, I pulled her into my cool arms. “Shh... You’re safe, I promise,” I said, rocking her softly.

  “Don't leave. Promise me, Jade. Promise you won't leave.” Her words tore at my heart.

  I gently pulled away from her so I could touch her face. “Look at me, Alexis,” I said.

  She met my eyes, sleep and terror slowly draining from them as I spoke.

  “You never have to be sorry. No matter what happens or how far apart we are, I will always bring you out of the nightmares. I swear it. Alexis, you are my heart,” I said from the depths of whatever soul I still possessed.

  She kissed me then, a fiery kiss burning with desire. I closed my eyes and drowned. I was hers and would be for all time. After a long moment, we separated, both breathing hard.

  Looking into her longing emerald eyes, I whispered, “We don't have to.”

  “I know,” she said, pressing her lips to mine.

  I ran my tongue over her lips and they parted, allowing me to explore her mouth. I could taste, feel, and smell her hunger for me. Her fingers entangled themselves into my hair, pulling me deeper into the kiss.

  Gently, I pulled away and she released me. I uncovered her in one motion and straddled her small body. I could see her raw emotions laid out before me. The fire of desire was present, but also fear. I began to reconsider my intentions.

  “Love me, Jade,” she said, guessing the reason for my hesitation.

  Very slowly, I lowered my hands to the robe's ties, the only thing keeping me from her soft naked flesh. My fingers easily worked the knot loose and separated the two sides of the robe, revealing her to me. I took in every part of her, memorizing every curve and line.

  Alexis blushed. “You're the most beautiful sight I've ever seen,” I said before kissing her.

  Our kiss deepened and her small hands pulled at my shirt. I allowed her to remove and discard it onto the floor. Sitting up, I looked down at her as I removed my bra and dropped it to the floor. I watched her scan my naked flesh.

  She bit her bottom lip and blushed shyly when she saw me watching her. “You can touch me,” I said.

  Timidly, she slid her hand up my arm and across my right shoulder. Her gentle fingers ran over a fine round scar and circled it slowly.

  “It was a silver tipped arrow. I was fighting off several Hunters and it caught me by surprise,” I explained.

  Her hand moved along my neckline. “And this one?” she asked, her delicate fingers sending ripples of fiery pleasure through me as she traced the thin scar. It went from the base of my neck and disappeared over my shoulder.

  “I tried to run away from Annora when I was fourteen. It’s one of many scars I received after she captured me.”

  Her hand continued downward, but I could see sadness in her eyes. She lingered on a small round scar just above my left breast. “This?” she asked.

  Breathing hard now, my body was completely aroused by her delicate touch.

  I glided my fingers over the dip in her collarbone, gently brushing her blonde hair back. “A silver bullet, two inches from my heart. It nearly killed me,” I replied.

  Alexis's hand tentatively cupped my left breast while her other hand traced up my side tattoo until she held both of my breasts in her hands. She squeezed softly, exploring them. I gasped as waves of fire washed over my body. I closed my eyes, pleasure mounting within me.

  My eyes flew open and I gasped. Soft warm lips engulfed my right nipple and the most beautiful red rose color filled her cheeks. I moaned and she pulled away from me, embarrassed.

  I cupped her face in my hands. “My turn,” I said, breathing hard.

  My lips roamed across her delicate hills and soft valleys, feeling her muscles tremble beneath me as I made my journey downward. I looked up at her face as I gently separated her legs. She trembled and I could see fear mixed with need in her eyes.

  “Jade,” she breathed.

  I lightly kissed her stomach. “I won't hurt you,” I promised, my lips on her navel.

  She nodded and I dipped my head, disappearing between her legs.

  “Oh, God!” Alexis cried, bucking when my cool lips met her warm flesh.

  “Easy,” I said, resting my hand onto her abdomen. “Relax,” I whispered. She lowered back to the bed.

  I drew soft moans from her as my tongue explored her flesh. Her warmth was sweet, tangy, and I could smell the jasmine body oil she had used. My hands returned to her body, gently massaging. I felt her shudder and tighten, her climax nearing. Her hands were entangled in my hair, urging me onward.

  Alexis's back arched and her body shook. “Oh, Jade!” she cried, her climax pulsating through her.

  I savored the thick sweet syrup her body released in its passion before returning to her succulent lips, kissing them softly.

  Her beautiful emerald eyes refocused on me, a soft yawn escaping from her. Smiling, I rolled off her and pulled her into my arms and wiped small beads of sweat from her forehead.

  “Rest, my love,” I said, kissing her damp forehead.

  “But,” she protested sleepily, fighting the tiredness engulfing her.

” I whispered, gently stroking her soft, bare back.

  “It's okay, sleep.”

  The day moved by excruciatingly slow as I watched her sleep peacefully, her eyelids twitching delicately. Her beauty mesmerized me and my body burned for completion. As early evening fell upon the city, I could no longer remain in her arms, my need unbearable. I untangled us, climbed out of bed, and made my way to the shower.

  Not bothering to close the door behind me, I turned the water on and stepped in with a groan. I faced the wall and leaned my head against it. I wanted Alexis but at this point, any form of release would help. Slowly, I slid my hand between my legs and pushed my two longest fingers deep inside myself and shuddered.

  Fiery, delicate hands suddenly moved up my back. Alexis's fingers traced the numerous fine scars. I moaned when her warm lips met the base of my neck. Trembling, I withdrew from myself, turning to take in her striking form.

  “I didn't mean to wake you,” I apologized, breathing hard. The hot water cascaded over us.

  “Are you okay?” Her fingers traced my shoulders.

  “I need—” she silenced me with a heated kiss.

  I pulled her into my arms, our naked bodies entwining, our kiss deepening. Holding her against me with one hand, my other traveled the length of her body.

  Our lips parted. “Alexis,” I breathed. I could no longer resist; I wanted to make love to her, to feel her writhe beneath me. She watched me with curious eyes as I went to my knees before her, my goddess, my hands caressing her soft smooth skin. I pressed a cool kiss to her pelvis just above her light blonde silk curls. She trembled, placing her hands on my shoulders to steady herself. She gasped when my tongue found its goal.

  She moaned, her knees weakening. I pulled back just in time as she slumped into my waiting arms, breathing heavily. I positioned her under me and she shuddered as I traced the outline of her body. “I'm going to make love to you now.”

  Alexis nodded, her body trembling. Gently, I inserted my two longest fingers. She flinched but did not move away.


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