Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe
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270 Minardos: int. Nico Minardos.
270 List: Winters, 294.
270 Like DiMaggio: Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 142.
270 Affair begins: Graham, Confessions, 142; int. James Bacon and Wilson, 1983–84; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 143.
271 Airport meeting: Graham, Confessions, 143; Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 229; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 144; Guiles, Norma Jean, 324; Carpozi, 157.
271 Montand refuses calls: original wire service reports of Hedda Hopper int. with Montand, Aug. 31, 1960; Los Angeles Times, Sept. 1, 1960 and Aug. 7, 1962.
271 Buchwald: Los Angeles Times, Sept. 18, 1960.
271 Second reporter: Vernon Scott, UPI, Sept. 2, 1960.
272 Signoret on Marilyn: Los Angeles Mirror-News, Nov. 16, 1960; Signoret, 303.
Chapter 26
273 Greenson: Leo Rosten; notes of Dr Robert Litman, 1982; draft of Maurice Zolotow article from int. Dr Greenson, 1973; Medical Tribune, Oct. 24, 1973; Lloyd Shearer, ‘Marilyn Monroe, Why Won’t They Let Her Rest In Peace?’ Parade, Aug. 5, 1973; Curriculum Vitae of Greenson; corr. and int. Dr Greenson’s widow, Mrs Hildi Greenson, daughter Joan, son Danny, and secretary Susan Alexander, 1983–85; corr. with one of Dr Greenson’s professional colleagues, who cannot be named here; int. Dr Robert Litman, Dr Norman Farberow, and Dr Norman Tabachnick, Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center psychiatrists in Aug. 1962; conversations with Dr Maurice Lazarus and Paul Moor, 1983.
273 Greenson and Sinatra: int. Kitty Kelley, 1985.
274 ‘Best script’: New York Post, Nov. 20, 1959.
276 Greenson interim opinion: int. and documents at Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center, 1983–84; corr. Greenson.
Chapter 27
278 Misfits, Goode; Alan Levy, ‘A Good Long Look at Myself,’ Redbook, Aug. 1962.
278 Valentine: int. John Huston and Eli Wallach, 1983–84; Huston, 286ff.
279 Infidelity discussion: Weatherby, 13.
279 Dexter meeting: int. 1983.
280 Haspiel: int. 1985/6.
280 Cartier-Bresson: Goode, 101.
280 McIntyre: Esquire, March 1961.
280 Marilyn on Gable: Cosmopolitan, Dec. 1960.
281 Gable on Marilyn: int. George Chasin, 1983; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 145.
281 Nembutal intake: draft of Maurice Zolotow article, 1973; Int. John Huston and Whitey Snyder, 1983.
281 Row: Los Angeles Examiner and Mirror, Oct. 19, 1960.
282 Allan: int. Kathy Castle, 1984.
282 Makeup man’s room: int. Whitey Snyder, 1983.
282 Lugging typewriter: Kathy Castle int. Mary Malone, 1984.
282 Strasberg: Adams, Imperfect Genius, 278.
282 Allan: int. Rupert Allan, 1983.
282 ‘Dyin’ Speech: Goode, 122.
283 Suicide attempt?: int. Kendis Rochlen, reporter and friend of Gable, 1983; int. Eli Wallach, 1984.
283 Stomach pump: Esquire, March 1961.
283 Sheet: Strasberg, 135.
284 Brando and Sinatra calls: int. Rupert Allan, 1983.
284 Parsons: Carpozi, 163.
284 Suicide rumor: Cosmopolitan, Dec. 1960.
284 Ring into river: Redbook, 1962.
284 Wilson: int. Wilson, 1984.
284 Weatherby: Weatherby, 37–52.
285 Miller birthday: Goode, 245; Hamblett, 330.
285 Divorce: Los Angeles Mirror and Examiner, Nov. 11, 1960; New York Times, New York Journal-American, Nov. 12, 1960; New York Post, Nov. 14, 1960; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Dec. 26, 1960; Time, Nov. 21, 1960.
285 Chipped tooth: int. James Haspiel, 1985.
286 Gable death: New York Journal-American, Nov. 17, 1960; New York Post, Nov. 18, 1960.
286 Mrs Gable’s reactions: int. Kendis Rochlen and Ross Acuna, 1983.
286 Marilyn reaction: Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 230.
286 Misfits reviews: Film Scripts No. 3, edited by George P. Garrett, O.B. Hardison, Jr, and Jane R. Gelfman, New Appleton Century-Crofts, 1972, p. 203; Conway and Ricci, 157.
286 Miller: LaGuardia, 220; Goode, 300.
286 Marilyn ‘finding self’: Los Angeles Times, Nov. 30, 1960.
287 Slatzer: picture in possession of Slatzer, seen 1983.
287 Minardos and Greene: int., 1983–84.
288 Montand: Los Angeles Times, London Sunday Dispatch, Nov. 13, 1960; Los Angeles Mirror, Nov. 16, 1960; New York Journal-American, Nov. 18, 1960; Hollywood Citizen-News, Dec. 14, 1960; int. Pat Newcomb, 1983–84; Pepitone and Stadiem, 163.
288 DiMaggio: Mailer, Marilyn, 290; int. Marjorie Stengel, 1983; Pepitone and Stadiem, 165.
289 Will: Guiles, Norma Jean, 342.
289 Capsules: Guiles, Norma Jean, 344.
289 Strasberg incidents: Adams, Imperfect Genius, 264; Strasberg, 156.
289 Divorce: Hollywood Citizen-News, Jan. 21, 1961; El Correa-Ciudad Juarez, La Prensa, El Universal, Excelsior, Jan. 22, 1961.
290 Haspiel: int., 1984.
290 Misfits review: Anderson, 178.
Chapter 28
291 Payne Whitney: Carpozi, 174ff.; Life, Aug. 1966; Strasberg, 156; int. Pat Newcomb, 1983; Norman Rosten, 92; int. Gloria Romanoff, 1983.
292 Kris Sessions: Monroe files in Melson archives.
292 Marilyn letter: San Francisco Chronicle, June 1, 1984; Los Angeles Times, Jan. 6, 1984; facsimile in Speriglio, 248; Los Angeles Times, New York Post, New York Daily News, Feb. 9, 1961; New York Mirror, Aug. 6, 1962.
293 Hospital change: Hollywood Citizen-News, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 2, 1961; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Feb. 12, 1961; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner and New York Journal-American, March 6, 1961; Norman Rosten, 93.
294 DiMaggio: Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Jan. 11, 1961; Hollywood Citizen-News, Apr. 1, 1961; Newsweek, April 4, 1961; Los Angeles Mirror, April 20, 1961; Hollywood Citizen-News, July 25, 1961; Los Angeles Examiner, Aug. 10, 1961.
294 Rain: New York Post, Feb. 9, 1961; Guiles, Norma Jean, 348ff.
294 Freud: Los Angeles Mirror, April 20, 1961; Huston, chap. 27; int. John Huston, 1983.
295 Gynecological operation: Hollywood Citizen-News, May 25, 1961; Richard Cottrell, ‘I Was Marilyn Monroe’s Doctor,’ Ladies Home Companion, Jan. 1965.
295 Gall bladder: New York Post, June 29, 1961; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Los Angeles Mirror, New York Times, June 30, 1961; Ladies Home Companion, Jan. 1965.
296 Stengel: int., 1983.
296 Drugs: Marjorie Stengel, in LaGuardia, 197.
296 Masters: int. George Masters, 1983; and Masters and Browning, 75; Tierney, chap. 14; Bacon, Hollywood Is a Four-Letter Town, 259; Parmet, Presidency, 110.
297 Carmen: int., 1983; checks on Carmen’s press file, and at Doheny apartment.
297 Apartment: int. Joan Greenson, 1983; Greenson, 12.
298 Bust enlargement: int. Jeanne Carmen and Jeanne Martin, 1983.
299 Relationship with Greensons: int. Greenson family, 1983–84; Greenson, II ff.
302 Telegram: courtesy of Hildi Greenson.
302 Heaver: corr. and int. Gordon Heaver, 1983–84.
Chapter 29
305 District Attorney’s observation: int. Gary Wean, 1983.
305 Hronek: obituary, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 25, 1980; int. Frank Hronek’s widow, son, and former colleagues, 1983.
306 Kennedys and sex: Ralph Martin, 34, 94; Blair, 145–54, 166–70, 435, 631ff., 641, 645, 666; Ralph Martin, 43, 50, 54, 55, 77, 199, 313ff., 491; Sciacca, Kennedy and His Women, 156; Dunleavy and Brennan, 76ff.; Bryant and Leighton, 24; int. Milton Ebbin, 1983.
307 JFK on RFK: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 598.
307 Father of the Year: Los Angeles Times, Dec. 17, 1960.
307 Schlesinger: 1983.
308 Garbo: Michaelis, 177.
308 Dietrich: int. Joshua Logan, 1984.
308 Lawford background: Stephen Birmingham, Cosmopolitan, Oct. 1961; Helen Markel, Good Housekeeping, Feb. 1962; obituary of Lady Lawford
, Los Angeles Times, Jan. 24, 1972; Twentieth Century-Fox publicity sheet, undated, early fifties. Spankings: Lady Lawford, American Weekly; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, July 9, 1950.
308 Lawford home: Los Angeles Times, April I5 and June 8, 1978.
309 Lawfords and alcohol: Los Angeles Times, Jan. 9, 1984; Herald Tribune, Aug. 9, 1984; int. Deborah Gould and Peter Lawford, 1983. Pat L.: Saunders and Southwood, 118; int. Frank Saunders, 1984.
310 Jeanne Martin: int., 1984
Chapter 30
311 Kennedy surgery: Blair, 650ff.; Martin, 96.
311 Monroe poster: Priscilla McMillan, Collier and Horowitz, 204.
311 Feldman: Blair, 549; int. former Mrs Jean Feldman, 1983.
311 Dobish: int., 1983.
311 Bernheim: int., 1983.
312 Slatzer: int., 1983.
312 James: int., 1984.
313 Russell: int., 1983.
313 Gene Kelly: int. Alain Bernheim and Peter Lawford, 1983; Peary, 77.
313 Lawford denial of Kennedy affair: int., 1983; Star, Feb. 24, 1976; London Observer, July 15, 1973.
313 Monroe meets JFK 1961: int. District Attorney’s office, 1983.
314 Summers: int., 1983.
314 Markel background: New York Times, Nov. 27, 1968.
316 Markel: int. 1984, Helen Markel, who provided copies of Monroe–Markel correspondence. (Monroe letter of March 29, 1960, enclosed a partial letter written first — both are quoted together here.)
317 Joan Greenson: Greenson, 17.
317 Nehru: Skolsky, Marilyn, 60.
317 Castro: Monroe–Markel correspondence.
317 SANE: Valley Time, March 22, 1960 (culled by FBI Los Angeles office and kept in their files).
318 Nightmare: Redbook, Aug. 1962.
318 Allan: int., 1983.
318 Marilyn delegate: UPI, April 13, 1960.
318 ‘Attend convention’: Hollywood Reporter (undated), before convention.
Chapter 31
319 Joseph Kennedy: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 205–11.
319 Karger: int. Patti Karger, 1983.
319 Roberts: int., 1983.
319 Coliseum speech: Ralph Martin, 335; Parmet, Presidency, 31.
320 Acuna: int., 1983.
320 Carmen: int., 1983.
320 Summers: int., 1983.
321 Weatherby: Weatherby, 53, 55; int. W. J. Weatherby, 1982.
321 Buchwald: Los Angeles Times, Nov. 9, 1960.
321 Weatherby meetings: Weatherby, 86; int. W. J. Weatherby, 1982.
323 Carlyle: Ralph Martin, 402.
323 Shalam: int., 1984.
323 Wilson: int. Wilson, 1984; Show Business Laid Bare, 65.
323 Ebbins: int., 1983.
323 Strasberg: Paula Strasberg, in int. James Haspiel, 1983.
324 Skolsky: in Skolsky, 1983; (on his death) int. Steffi Skolsky; Skolsky, Don’t Get Me Wrong, 233.
324 Bacon and Starr: int., 1983.
325 Rosenfeld: int., 1984.
325 Newcomb: int., 1983–84.
325 Smathers: int., 1983.
325 Smathers’ background: Blair, 578–95; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 493.
326 Tretick: int., 1985.
327 Carmen: int., 1983–1986, following up int. with Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, 1982.
328 Marilyn and Benny: Los Angeles Daily News, Sept. 20, 1953; int. Whitey Snyder, 1983.
329 July and October visits: Los Angeles Times, July 3, 1961; confirmed in Fisher, 202; Los Angeles Times, July 7, 1961, and Oct. 4, 1961.
329 John Kennedy visit: New York Times, Nov. 17, 19, 20, 1961; Los Angeles Times, Nov. 19, 20, 1961; Santa Monica Evening Outlook, Nov. 20, 1961.
329 Watson: int., 1983; corroborated in details of Hilton reception in contemporary coverage.
330 Snyder (fn.): int., 1983.
330 Guthman: int. Edwin Guthman, 1985.
331 Evans: int., 1984.
331 FBI files: letter, David Flanders, Chief, Freedom of Information Division, Privacy Acts Branch, Records Management Division, to Robert Slatzer, May 29, 1980.
Chapter 32
332 Sinatra on Marilyn: Redbook, Aug. 1962.
332 First meeting?: int. Milton Greene, 1983.
332 Misfits company: Goode, 92; Sierra, 1960.
332 Cal-Neva: visit and int. Bethal van Tassell, local historian, and Wayne Ogle, former maintenance manager, 1983–84.
333 D’Amato: Exner and Demaris, 116 and 205; Blakey and Billings, 251–379.
333 Lawford: Star, Feb. 17, 1976.
333 Giancana ownership?: Giancana and Renner, 113–225; review of Assassinations Committee, investigators’ notes of FBI reports, 1982; New York Times, Feb. 2, 1984; Dallas Morning News, Feb. 20, 1981.
334 Sinatra withdrawal: Edward A. Olsen, official of Nevada Gaming Control Board, in Oral History contribution, 1967–69, held at University of Nevada; Arnold Shaw, 317ff.; Brashler, 261ff.; Gage, 86ff.
334 Kennedys and Cal-Neva: int. Wayne Ogle, maintenance manager, 1983–84.
334 Lawford and Cal-Neva: int. Peter Lawford, 1983; Lawford’s interview with Los Angeles Police Department, Oct. 10, 1975.
334 Dog: Guiles, Norma Jean, 343; Pepitone and Stadiem, 171 and 183; int. Lena Pepitone, 1984.
334 Use of house: Guiles, Norma Jean, 353.
334 Masters: Masters and Browning, 52; int. George Masters, 1983.
335 Greenson: corr. with professional colleague, obtained by author, 1984.
335 Sands: wire story of June 7, 1961, in Wilson, Show Business Laid Bare, 63; Fisher, 203.
335 Greenson: corr. with a professional colleague, obtained by author, 1984.
335 Yacht: int. Jeanne Martin and Gloria Romanoff, 1983.
336 Pepitone: int., 1984; Pepitone and Stadiem, 199ff.; int. Marjorie Stengel and George Masters, 1983.
336 Prowse: Arnold Shaw, 297ff.
337 Sinatra sees Marilyn till death: int. Gloria Romanoff and Norman Rosten, 1983–84.
337 Photographs: Murray, 25; int. Eunice Murray, 1982.
Chapter 33
338 Cohen: background: Reid, Mickey Cohen; Cohen and Nugent; Martin and Lewis: Cohen and Nugent, 113. Sinatra: Gehman, 178; Cohen and Nugent, 228.
338 Villa Capri: Cohen and Nugent, 190; Reid, Mickey Cohen, 107.
339 District Attorney’s surveillance: int. Gary Wean, 1983.
339 Recordings: int. Gary Wean, 1983; Morella and Epstein, Lana, 241.
339 Piscitelle and LoCigno (background): Los Angeles Times, Dec. 12, 1961 and later articles.
340 Corroboration: int. Jack Tobin, 1983; int. Virgil Crabtree, former Asst. Chief in California of Intelligence Division, U.S. Treasury Dept., 1983.
340 Cohen and Giancana: int. Jack Tobin; Blakey and Billings, 186ff., 195ff., 283, 303, 326ff., 377ff.; Cohen and Nugent, 39.
340 Cohen: Messick, 118.
341 Schenck: Messick, 120ff.
341 Karger: int., 1983.
341 Shimon: int., 1983.
341 Hall: int., 1983; checks on Hall’s reliability with senior law enforcement official.
341 Campbell: Exner and Demaris. Exner is Campbell’s married name today; Alleged Assassination Plots, 129; int. Prof. Robert Blakey, 1985.
342 Safire: Dallas News (New York Times News Service), Jan. 7, 1976.
343 Meredith: Exner and Demaris, 198; int. Fred Otash, 1982–83; Otash on ‘Tomorrow Show,’ NBC-TV, in Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Nov. 25, 1976; Anthony Cook int. Peter Fairchild, 1983; Vicki Loewy int. Judy Meredith, 1983; review of Assassinations Committee investigators’ notes of FBI reports, 1982.
344 Smith: Edward Tivnan int. Sandy Smith, 1983.
345 Roselli: Exner and Demaris, 206; Blakey and Billings references; review of Assassinations Committee investigators’ reports notes of FBI, 1982.
345 O’Hare: FBI report, July 18, 1961, files CG 139–105 & CG 92–349, released to Mark Allen, 1983; Brashler, 204; Giancana and Renner, 214; Blakey and Billings, 251.
345 McGuire: int., 1983.
br /> 347 Blakey: Blakey and Billings, 391.
347 Smathers: int., 1983.
348 Kane: int., 1983.
348 Evans: int., 1984–85.
Chapter 34
350 Clay: int., 1983.
351 Close calls: int. Gloria Romanoff, 1983.
351 Greenson: corr. with colleague, Aug. 20, 1962.
352 Newcomb: int., 1983.
352 MM promiscuity: int. Dr Norman Tabachnick, former member of Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Team, 1983; Maurice Zolotow int. Dr Greenson. Agent: int. Marty Philpott, 1984.
352 Greenson: continuation of Aug. 20 corr.
353 Doctors/nurses: Monroe’s address book, in Melson files.
353 DiMaggio visit: int. Mrs Greenson and daughter Joan, 1983; Greenson, 35.
353 House: Greenson manuscript, 44; Murray, 33ff.
354 House-hunting problem: Graham, Confessions, 148.
354 Purchase: Murray, 49; Redbook, Aug. 1962; int. Milton Greene and Henry Rosenfeld, 1983.
Chapter 35
355 Marilyn prepares for dinner: int. Danny Greenson, 1984.
355 Robert Kennedy visit: Murray, 85; Los Angeles visit confirmed by corr. John F. Kennedy Library, Oct. 17, 1984.
355 Habit of note-making: int. Billy Travilla, 1983.
356 Field: int., 1983.
356 Romanoff: int., 1983.
356 Melson: int., 1983–84; original document held by Melson, copied for author.
358 Kennedy Library: corr. of March 18, 1983, from William Johnson, Research Archivist, to Edward Tivnan.
358 Stephen Smith: int., 1984; corr., July 16, 1984.
358 Kennedy, Sr., stroke: New York Times, Dec. 20, 1961; Dallas, and Ratcliffe.
359 Novello: int., 1983.
359 Guthman: Maurice Zolotow int. Edwin Guthman, Chicago Tribune, Sept. 1973.
360 Joan Greenson: int., 1983; Greenson, 78.
360 ‘General’: Life, Jan. 26, 1962, 76.
360 Greenson interview: Chicago Tribune, Sept. 1973.
361 Litman: int., 1983; original notes and subsequent reports filed at Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center.
361 Tabachnick: int., 1983.
362 Curphey: Florabel Muir, New York Daily News, Aug. 6, 1962; Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Aug. 6, 1962.
362 Farberow: int., 1983.
362 Rosenfeld: int., 1983.
362 Roberts: int., 1982–84.
362 Anne Karger: int. Elizabeth Karger, Vi Russell, and Robert Slatzer (who had talked with the late Fred Karger), 1983.
362 Hall: int., 1984.
362 Sherman: int., 1983.