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Goddess: The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe

Page 61

by Anthony Summers

  Death in a bottle: The bottle above … Photo file.

  Marilyn in death: Confidential source.


  A | B | C | D | E

  F | G | H | I | J

  K | L | M | N | O

  P | Q | R | S | T

  V | W | Y | Z

  ABC News 20/20 programme, 525-33

  Abernethy, Ralph, 461, 467

  About Mr Leslie (Delmar), 227

  Acuna, Ross, 319

  Adams, Cindy, 26

  Adler, Buddy, 221

  After the Fall (Miller), 242-3

  Ajemian, Robert, 206

  Allan, Rupert, 55, 78-9, 82, 85, 282-3, 318

  Allen, Angela, 282

  All My Sons (Miller), 83, 203, 228-9

  Anna Christie (O’Neill), 212

  Antonovich, Mike, 531-2, 581-2

  Arledge, Roone, 528-30, 531

  Armstrong, Lieutenant Grover, 480, 487, 552

  Arnold, Dorothy, 101

  Arvad, Inga, 527, 577

  Asphalt Jungle (film), 51, 70, 75, 148

  As Young as You Feel (film), 82, 84

  Avedon, Richard, 257

  Bacall, Lauren, 128, 130, 172

  Bacon, James, 54-5, 71, 85, 127, 133, 166-7, 324, 421, 452, 472

  Balletti, Arthur, 381

  Barr, Candy, 340n

  Barragan, Jorge, 370

  Barris, George, 413

  Barsochinni, Reno, 138, 155

  Bates, John, 439, 457, 502

  Beaton, Cecil

  on Monroe, 257

  Beatty, Warren, 490, 548

  Belser, Lee, 136-7

  Benny, Jack, 327-8, 393, 518

  Berle, Milton, 183-4

  Berlin, Irving, 147, 162

  Bernheim, Alain, 74, 81-2, 311

  Bernstein, Walter, 390-1

  Bessie, Alvah, 228

  Billings, Lem, 308

  Bishop, Norman, 134

  Blakey, Robert, 347, 541

  Bodne, Mrs Ben, 48

  Bogart, Humphrey, 129, 172, 176, 452

  Bolaños, José, 422, 448-9, 576-80

  affair with Monroe, 369-70

  Boyar, Mark, 329-30

  Brand, Harry, 87, 154

  Brando, Marlon, 151, 176, 189, 213, 222, 267, 284, 317, 436-7

  affair with Monroe, 211-12

  Brough, Shirley, 484

  Brown, Finis, 503

  Brown, Thad, 458, 473-4, 485, 503

  Bruun, Dr Ruth, 29

  Buchwald, Art, 271, 321

  Buñuel, Luis, 369

  Burke, David, 528, 529, 531

  Burns, Laurence, 384

  Burnside, Bill, 70

  on Monroe, 43-4

  poem from Monroe, 46

  Bus Stop (film), 220-6

  Byron, Sergeant Robert, 479-80, 551-2

  Cahn, Robert, 77

  Campbell, Johnny, 88

  Campbell, Judith, 341-3, 346, 374, 380, 422-3, 507, 527, 538, 540-2, 577

  Capell, Frank, 567-8, 570

  Capote, Truman, 148, 188

  Cardiff, Jack, 238

  Carmen, Jeanne, 33-4, 320, 421, 425, 428, 441, 448-9, 467-8

  on Monroe and drugs, 297-8

  on Robert Kennedy and Monroe, 327-9

  Carnovsky, Morris, 45

  Carnovsky, Mrs Morris, 43, 45

  Carroll, John, 50-1

  Carroll, Ronald, 476

  Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 279-80

  Castro, Fidel, 317, 341, 345, 422-3, 542, 579

  Chaplin, Charlie, 47, 211, 522

  Chaplin, Charlie, Jr., 62, 125, 312, 378, 413

  romance with Monroe, 47-8

  Chaplin, Sydney, 47

  Charisse, Cyd, 226, 390

  Chase, Sylvia, 527-30

  Chasin, George, 55, 281, 422

  Chekhov, Michael, 76-77, 258, 322

  Chenoweth, Doral, 109, 438

  Chissell, Noble ‘Kid’, 109, 114-15

  Churchill, Randolph, 51

  Clash By Night (film), 78, 88

  Clay, Tom, 350

  Clemmons, Sergeant Jack, 451, 494, 568, 570

  Clift, Montgomery, 189, 257-8, 278, 296, 521

  Cohen, Mickey, 338-40, 380

  Cohn, Harry, 53, 340

  and Monroe as contract player, 65

  Colin, Saul, 214

  Collier, Constance

  on Monroe as actress, 188

  Connelly, Ed, 553

  Conover, David, 18, 24

  Corday, Dr Elliott, 215

  Cordova, Sam, 532

  Corsaro, Frank, 191

  Cottrell, Dr Richard, 295

  Coward, Noël, 212, 237, 240

  Cowles, Gardner, 210

  Crabtree, Virgil, 485

  Craft, Roy, 72, 78, 98-9, 151, 154, 160

  Crawford, Cheryl, 189

  Crosby, Bing, 374-5

  Crowther, Bosley, 226

  Crucible, The (Miller), 203-4, 229, 268

  Cukor, George, 267, 389-90, 396, 399, 511, 518

  Curphey, Theodore, 362, 458, 462, 465, 476-7, 479

  Curtis, Tony, 259

  Dangerous Years (film), 52

  Daniels, Bebe, 41

  Danoff, John, 379-80, 544, 546

  D’Amato, Paul ‘Skinny’, 333, 380-1, 424, 431

  D’Antonio, Henry, 504n

  Darrach, Brad

  on interview with Monroe, 224-5

  D’Aubrey, Mary, 60

  Davies, Marion, 319

  Davis, Glenn, 114

  Davis, Sammy, Jr, 242-3, 320, 516, 519

  Day, Eddy, 460

  Death of a Salesman (Miller), 83, 203

  film version, 229

  de Dienes, André, 68

  affair with Monroe, 22-5

  De Humani Corporis Fabrica, 45

  Dennison, Virginia, 407

  DeSapio, Carmine, 378, 546

  Dexter, Brad, 148-9, 157-9, 279

  Dickerson, Nancy, 307

  Dickey, John, 503

  Dickinson, Angie, 308, 324, 538

  Diebolds (neighbours), 254

  Dietrich, Marlene, 117, 257, 308

  DiMaggio, Joe, 13, 90, 110-14, 116-17, 122, 130-2, 135-7, 182, 206, 270, 341, 346, 367-8, 439-40

  aftermath of marriage, 160-72, 175, 177-8, 208-9, 211-13

  courtship, 97-106

  divorce, 146-60

  marriage, 138-60, 247-9, 279, 312, 332, 402

  and Monroe’s death, 362, 428-30, 454, 456, 501, 515-19

  and Monroe’s drug use, 215-16

  Monroe’s protector, 288, 293-4, 353, 379-80, 385-6, 544

  trip to Japan, 140-4

  wedding, 138-9

  and ‘Wrong Door Raid’, 167-9, 332, 338

  DiMaggio, Joe, Jr., III, 185, 248, 430, 446

  DiMaggio, Marie, 136

  DiMaggio, Mike, 131

  DiMaggio, Zio Pepe, 100

  Dobish, Grace, 311

  Dolan, John, 380, 430

  Don’t Bother to Knock (film), 254

  Dougherty, Jim, 34-6, 48, 50, 90, 103, 116, 133, 454

  marriage, 14-20

  marriage breakdown and divorce, 21-6

  and sex in marriage, 29-33

  Downs, Hugh, 529-30

  Duncan, Isadora, 18-252

  Durgom, George ‘Bullets’, 490, 494, 534, 537, 548-9

  Duse, Eleanora, 78

  Dye, Marjorie, 363

  Dye, Peter, 363-5, 537

  Ebbins, Milt, 81, 323, 394, 479, 492-3, 498-9

  Eddy, Mary Baker, 25

  Eden, Anthony, 236

  Einstein, Albert, 80

  Elizabeth II, Queen, 241

  Enemy Within, The (Kennedy), 372-3, 383, 424, 485

  Engelberg, Dr Hyman, 284, 411, 425, 447-8, 450-1, 464n, 550-2, 568

  Epsy, Freddy, 360

  Evans, Courtney, 331, 348, 564-5, 570

  Ewell, Tom, 150, 152-3, 189

  Fairchild, Peter, 344

  Fancher, Elizabeth, 439

  Farberow, Dr Norman, 362, 477-8, 489

  Feldman, Charles, 74, 8
1, 84, 311-12

  Feury, Peggy, 28, 191

  Field, Fred Vanderbilt, 356, 368-9, 422, 573-4, 576-80

  Finck, Captain, 474

  Firestone, Dr Sanford, 109-10, 113, 427

  Fischetti, Joe, 158

  Fisher, Eddie, 335, 538

  Flanagan, Agnes, 414, 443

  Fletcher, Adele, 68, 216

  Fore, Jet, 148

  Foster, Dr Christopher, 462

  Fowler, Gene, 48

  Fowler, Will, 48-9, 114, 116

  Frank, Bruno, 58

  French, Hugh, 74

  Freud, Sigmund, 30, 49, 273, 294

  Freud (film), 294

  Funk, Dean, 482-3

  Gable, Clark, 7, 43, 172, 278-81, 283, 295

  his death, 286

  Gable, Kay, 286, 455

  Garbo, Greta, 308

  Gardel, Bunny, 127

  Gardner, Ava, 158

  Gardner, Hy, 87

  Gargan, Ann, 457

  Garland, Judy, 44, 126, 161, 177, 308, 319, 359, 517

  Gates, Police Chief Daryl, 474-5, 503, 525

  Gehman, Richard, 421

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (film), 116, 119, 121-2, 125, 162, 176, 181, 515

  Giancana, Sam, 331, 333-4, 340-3, 345-7, 372-4, 380-1, 411, 422-4, 428, 431, 476, 508-11, 527, 538-44, 546

  Giesler, Jerry, 154

  Gifford, Stanley, 6, 91

  Gilels, Emil, 196

  Goldburg, Rabbi Robert, 235

  Goldwyn, Samuel, 172, 211

  Goodman, Ezra, 218, 421

  Gottlieb, Dr Milton, 215

  Gould, Deborah, 504-5

  Gould, Milton, 539

  Gould, Stanhope, 526, 529

  Grable, B etty, 128-9

  Graham, Sheilah, 52, 148

  Grandison, Lionel, 475-6

  Grant, Cary, 92, 99, 267

  Gray, Bud, 453

  Greene, Amy, 30, 34, 55, 72, 91, 126, 142, 144, 148, 153, 175, 177-9, 181-2, 184, 188, 192, 210-11, 214, 217, 421, 455, 467

  Greene, Milton, 81, 127, 153, 287, 332, 390, 455, 503

  business relationship with Monroe, 175-9, 182-4, 188, 192, 210-11, 213-14, 216-17, 220-2, 224, 233-4, 239-40, 242-3, 249

  Greenson, Danny, 230-1, 300, 355, 393, 398, 537

  Greenson, Dr. Ralph, 29, 32, 284, 317, 360-1, 367, 375, 387, 389-90, 398-9

  and Monroe’s death, 431, 443-53, 455, 468, 477-8, 489-92, 494-7, 504-5, 509, 510, 531, 549, 551-2, 557, 560

  and Monroe’s sexuality, 351-2

  therapeutic relationship, 273-7, 281, 294-5, 299, 300-2, 335, 351-4, 392, 411, 425

  Greenson, Hildi, 7

  Greenson, Joan, 299, 317, 322, 360, 393, 398, 425, 516-17, 549

  Grey, Lita, 47

  Guilaroff, Sidney, 448-9

  Guiles, Fred, 243

  Gurdin, Dr Michael, 398-9

  Guthman, Ed, 330, 359, 535

  Haddad, William, 530

  Hall, Harry, 341, 362, 429, 454, 501

  Hall, James, 550

  Halsman, Philippe

  on photographing Monroe, 26-7

  Hamilton, Emma (Lady), 180

  Hamilton, Captain James, 473, 484-5

  Hammett, Dashiell, 228

  Harlow, Jean, 40, 105, 257, 268, 435

  Harris, E. Dennis, 571

  Haspiel, Jim, 200, 209, 252, 280, 289-90, 404-5

  meets Monroe as fan, 185-7

  Heaver, Gordon, 109, 302

  Hecht, Ben, 15, 21, 25, 35, 51, 60, 62

  interview with Monroe, 13-14

  Hefner, Hugh, 89, 397

  Henaghan, Jim, 92

  Henry, Lee, 109, 438

  Hesse, Paul, 44

  Hockett, Guy, 453

  Hoffa, Jimmy, 331, 372, 378, 381-5, 421, 423-4, 509, 542, 546, 568

  Hogan, Tilford, 7

  Hohenberg Dr, 216

  Holiday, Billie, 123

  Holt, Bill, 560

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 231, 331, 356, 368, 373-5, 422, 424, 480, 483-4, 511, 538-9, 542, 564-7, 572, 577-8

  Hope, Bob, 182

  Hopper, Dennis, 406

  Hopper, Hedda, 271

  Houser, Sherry, 456

  Howard, Jean, 81

  How to Marry a Millionaire (film), 127-30

  Hronek, Frank, 305-6, 339-40, 476

  Hughes, Howard, 39, 119, 545

  Hunter, Ken, 497, 550

  Huston, John, 70, 80, 127, 237, 278-9, 281-2, 285-6, 294, 455

  Hyams, Joe, 155, 452, 472, 481-2, 505-7, 510

  Hyde, Johnny, 75, 79, 82, 84, 93

  as Monroe’s agent and lover, 69-72

  Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 49

  Irwin, Philip, 167-9

  Jacobs, Arthur, 225, 414-15, 486, 495-6, 498, 511, 549, 578

  Jacobs, George, 456

  Jacobs, Natalie, 415-16, 496

  James, Arthur, 47-8, 125, 312, 378, 386, 413-16, 437, 441, 546

  James, Sherry, 363

  Janiger, Dr Oscar, 407

  Jaycox, Earl, 381-2, 543, 547, 561

  Jean-Louis, 24, 392

  Jeffries, No rman, 364-5, 408, 411, 425, 442

  Johnson, Erskine, 92

  Johnson, Nunnally, 70-1, 73, 128-9, 389-90, 429

  Jones, Jennifer, 406

  Josephine Empress, 179

  Josephy, Bob, 241, 253

  Kane, William, 347-8, 577

  Kanin, Garson, 71

  Karger, Anne (Nana), 60-3, 156, 313, 362, 437

  Karger, Anne, 61, 65, 208

  Karger, Bennett, 61

  Karger, Elizabeth, 437

  Karger, Fred, 68-9, 72, 104, 156, 208-9, 319

  affair with Monroe, 60-5,

  Karger, Mary, 154, 208

  Karger, Patti, 64, 157, 209, 319, 341

  Karger, Terry, 61

  Karnes, Robert, 90

  Kazan, Elia

  relationship with Monroe, 80-4

  Kelley, Tom, 87

  Kelly, Gene, 313, 317, 435

  Kelly, Grace, 210-11

  Kelly, James, 383

  Kennedy, Edward, 512, 531, 546

  Kennedy, Ethel, 310, 409-10, 502, 529

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, 394, 405

  Kennedy, John F., 4, 108, 230, 285, 307-8, 341-7, 404-6, 413-16, 422-4, 439, 456, 458, 491, 495, 500, 539-41, 577-9

  birthday salute, 392-5, 539

  and the Lawfords, 305-10

  relationship with Monroe, 302, 306, 311-25, 330-1

  and scandal threat, 372-87, 469-71

  and tapes, 483-4

  and 20/20 programme, 525-33

  Kennedy, Joseph, 307, 309, 319, 358, 456

  Kennedy, Robert F., 4, 108, 302, 307-8, 333, 344, 347-8, 368, 404-6, 409-24, 430-1, 437-40, 444-6, 449, 460, 475-6, 495, 519, 522, 539-42, 577-80

  affair with Monroe, 306, 325-31, 355-65, 378, 533-7

  and the Lawfords, 305-10

  and Monroe’s death, 454, 456-8, 483-5, 490, 500-12, 555

  and Monroe’s telegram, 409-10

  and scandal threat, 372-87, 469-71

  and tapes, 477-8, 483-4, 542-8, 557-71

  and 20/20 programme, 525-33

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 265

  Kilgallen, Dorothy, 112, 439

  Kimmel (child molester), 28-9

  Kingston, Kenny, 436

  Knef, Hildegard

  on Monroe’s appearance, 74-5

  Kotz, Florence, 167-9

  Krasner, Milton, 152

  Krekes, Tibor, 65

  Krim, Arthur, 395

  Kris, Dr. Marianne, 291-3, 316n

  Krohn, Dr Leon ‘Red’, 93, 170-1, 298, 342, 436

  Ladies of the Chorus (film), 61, 65, 184n

  Lange, Hope, 226

  Langford, Joe, 426

  Langford, Ray, 426, 428

  Laughton, Charles, 80, 452

  Lawford, Lady, 309

  Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 305, 308-9, 313, 335, 352, 411-12, 427, 438, 516

  Lawford, Peter, 305-6, 308-10, 312-14, 317, 319, 328-9, 333-4, 340n, 354, 374-5, 393-4, 400, 405-6, 409, 415, 425, 427, 438,
476, 500-6, 509-10, 516, 518, 533-4, 537, 539-41, 573, 578

  and Kennedy tapes, 544-5, 559-61

  and the Kennedys, 305-10

  and Monroe-Kennedy affairs, 313-14, 363-4

  and Monroe’s death, 411-12, 443, 456, 479, 487-92, 494, 496, 498-9, 548-9, 553-6, 557

  Leary, Timothy, 406-7

  Leib, Murray, 497, 550

  Leigh, Vivien, 244

  Lembourn, Hans Jørgen, 24

  Lemmon, Jack, 259

  Leon, Jean, 440

  Leonardi, Peter, 34, 205, 217

  Let’s Make Love (film), 55, 222, 267-72

  Levathes, Peter, 399, 521

  Lewis, Jerry, 338, 343-4

  Lieto, Barbara, 426-7

  Life and Curious Death of Marilyn Monroe, The (Slatzer), 108

  Lincoln, Abraham, 45, 84, 205, 247

  Litman, Dr Robert, 361, 483, 491

  Little Prince, The (SaintExupéry), 206

  LoCigno, Sam, 340

  Logan, Joshua, 84, 213-14, 220-4, 226, 237-8, 265, 308, 455

  Love Happy (film), 67-8

  Lovell, Gloria, 342

  Luce, Clare Boothe, 307

  Luciano, Lucky, 158

  Lyon, Ben, 40-1, 43, 52, 69

  Lytess, Natasha, 39n, 64, 67, 70, 72-3, 76, 84-5, 91, 121, 127, 132, 161, 176, 178, 212, 221

  relationship with Monroe, 58-61

  McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 203, 228

  McCarthy, Kevin, 190-1, 249

  McCauley, Inspector Kenneth, 473-4

  McDonald, Hugh, 503

  McGuire, Phyllis, 345-7, 381

  McIntyre, Alice, 280

  McKee, Grace, 14, 33, 127

  McMillan, Dougald, 374, 424

  McMillan, Priscilla, 311

  Mailer, Norman, 4, 36, 469-71

  Mann, May, 227

  Manning, Dorothy, 214-15

  Mansfield, Jayne, 287

  March, David, 98-9

  March, Fredric, 246

  “Marilyn” (song), 117-18

  Markel, Lester, 314-16

  Marquand, John, 360

  Martin, Dean, 310, 335, 338, 343, 391, 397, 399

  Martin, Jeanne, 310, 335-6, 445, 521, 539

  Martin, Ralph, 404

  Marx, Groucho, 67

  Marx, Harpo, 67

  Masters, G., 132, 296, 334, 336, 367, 370, 391

  memories of Monroe, 296-7

  Mayer, Louis B., 308

  Melson, Inez, 8, 11, 90, 254, 463-4, 515-16, 519, 535

  Meredith, Judy, 343-6, 542

  Meryman, Richard, 521

  last interview with Monroe, 401-3

  Messick, Hank, 470

  Metty, Russell, 285

  Meyer, Mary, 405-7

  Miller, Arthur, 8, 80, 94, 114, 145, 257, 261, 263-71, 275-6, 278-9, 281-2, 284-9, 318, 320-1, 332, 334, 338, 346, 436, 572, 577

  After the Fall, 242-3

  All My Sons, 83, 203, 228-9

  and Committee on Un-American Activities, 228-32

  courtship, 202-8

  The Crucible, 203-4, 229, 268

  Death of a Salesman, 83, 203, 229

  divorce, 278, 285

  marriage, 232-5, 241-56, 263-4

  meets Monroe, 80-5

  and Milton Greene, 239-40

  and Monroe’s death, 454, 518


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