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Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star Series: Box Set 1

Page 76

by Charli B. Rose

  He began to strum, and the other guys joined in.

  As soon as he played the first few notes, my breath caught in my chest. Brittany turned to me. I knew that melody. It had played in my head and heart for over a decade, a song in my soul.

  “Are you OK?” she asked.

  I nodded, unable to take my eyes off Dawson as he stared in my direction.

  “This is actually the first melody I ever wrote. I played it on my first guitar while hanging out in a treehouse with the girl who would become my forever. It was a song without any lyrics at all until recently. I’m sorry I don’t have a full song to give you tonight. It’s a love song still being written. But this was the perfect chance to show you guys what you all inspired when you encouraged me to make a grand gesture to win back the heart of the only girl I’ve ever loved. So, this is for you and for her,” his voice cracked with emotion.

  I listened intently as he sang of the beauty of love’s song. By the time he hit the chorus, my eyes were filled with tears.

  You are my love

  My life

  I don’t know why

  We had goodbye

  But now to you

  I promise, I vow

  My heart forever sings

  Love’s lullaby

  He strummed some more without singing as the song shifted to a song that wasn’t theirs.

  “It is our greatest honor to welcome to the stage the winner of Artist of the Year and our friend, Ed,” Dawson said, turning to the left as a well-known star strode out with his guitar in hand.

  The screen behind the band flickered to life. I couldn’t believe that Dawson was sharing the stage with him. I was in shock. The notes to “Perfect” filled the air.

  ♪ Perfect by Ed Sheeran

  Dawson started singing the first verse. I was enamored as Dawson crooned about diving in and following his lead.

  Brittany nudged my shoulder. “Did you see the screen?”

  “What?” I asked as my eyes drifted away from Dawson to the screen behind him. A slideshow was playing with images of me and Dawson growing up and falling in love.

  When I looked back at him, his smile was so bright, it was nearly blinding. He pulled the guitar from where it rested on him like an extension of his body and propped it in a stand. With sure steps, he moved to the edge of the stage then hopped down to the main floor. As he made his way to me, he flicked on the wireless mic pack he wore and began singing about dancing in the dark. When he reached my side, he held his hand out to me.

  “Dance with me?” he whispered.

  “Always,” I mouthed back.

  He swayed me in his arms as Ed continued to sing. As the award-winning musician sang of seeing the future in his love’s eyes, Dawson dropped to one knee and pulled out a black velvet box.

  “Flutterby, you are the beat of my heart, the notes in my mind and the song in my soul. Will you marry me?”

  The tears I’d been fighting to hold in spilled over. I tugged him to his feet.

  “Yes,” I whispered in his ear.

  “She said yes,” Dawson announced in his mic and slid the ring onto my finger.

  The crowd erupted. The band continued to play with Ed.

  Dawson took off the mic pack and dragged me behind him in the direction of backstage. He thrust the mic pack at someone we passed.

  “Where are we going?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Follow me,” he said.

  Finally, we came to a closed door. He threw it open and pushed me inside. It was a small office. He clicked the lock behind us.

  He turned around to face me. The heat in his gaze nearly incinerated my insides. Everything narrowed to me and him and the energy crackling between us, pulling us closer to each other.

  “Just so you know, I never needed a grand gesture from you to fall back in love with you. I never fell out of love with you. My heart is yours and has been since the day I watched you throwing a ball against the fence separating our yards,” I murmured as he closed the distance between us. “I only ever needed you.”

  He leaned his forehead against mine and breathed deeply. “You deserve a million grand gestures. And I’ll spend every day of my life trying to find big and small ways to show you just how much I love you, flutterby.”

  I leaned forward, connecting our lips. Fireworks exploded behind my eyelids as my heart took flight, fluttering off to burrow itself into his, where it would live forever. He pulled back, our breaths mingling between us.

  Taking my face in his hands, he said, “Sorry you’re missing the end of the show. But I couldn’t do this in front of everyone.” His mouth descended on mine and kissed me with a bruising intensity. I gave it back as good as I got.

  “If you don’t like the ring, we can exchange it. I actually bought it over two years ago. I almost gave it to you after the concert in Amsterdam, but I hadn’t asked for your parents’ blessing, so the timing wasn’t right. I was waiting for the perfect moment to ask you for your forever. That moment was tonight,” he spoke against my lips.

  I peered down at the glittering stone on my left hand. “I love it. It’s exactly what I would’ve picked for myself. I love you.”

  “I love you too. Forever.” His eyes showed so much relief at my stamp of approval. He pulled me flush against him and kissed my neck.

  “So, did you ask my parents’ permission?” I asked with a smile.

  “Yeah. At your art show, they were leaving when I arrived. I asked them then,” he answered with a wink.

  “Why didn’t you ask me that night?” I asked, confused.

  “Because I was afraid you’d say it was too soon. So, I decided to be patient.”

  He kissed a scorching path from my ear to my jaw.

  “I need you,” I panted, fumbling with the button on his jeans. I reached in and freed him from the tight denim and cotton boxers. He groaned as I stroked his velvety length.

  His nimble fingers began gathering silk and satin, shoving up yards of it around my hips until it was high enough he could reach under it. With both hands, he ripped my new lace panties then stuffed them into his pocket.

  Leaving my dress bunched around my waist, he hoisted me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips. With my back pinned to the door, he thrust into me. The angle caused each forward motion to drive his pelvic bone against my clit. Our skin shone with a sheen of passion. Our eyes were glazed with love and lust.

  We were frantic as we chased bliss. The chase was short. We fell off the cliff together.

  “I love you, future Mrs. Anderson.”

  “And I love you, Mr. Anderson. Always.

  “I can’t believe we’re hanging out here,” I shouted to be heard over the cacophony of sound filling Skinny’s Lounge for the AMA afterparty.

  Dawson laughed as Brittany squealed and squeezed my arm where she clung to me. She shifted to stand in front of me and Dawson. Her eyes grew wide as her gaze traversed the room. It was wall to wall celebrities, and a lot to take in. A scowl covered her face when she glanced behind me.

  Before I could turn to see who was the object of her ire, Dawson said, “Thanks for coming tonight, Britt.”

  “Did you know what he had up his sleeve?” I asked, eyeballing her.

  The huge smirk now on her lips confirmed my suspicions. “Then why did you act like you didn’t want to come?” I asked, perplexed.

  “Oh, I didn’t want to come at first. A call from Dawson explaining the plan changed my mind,” she retorted.

  “Why didn’t you want to come? I mean look around. How could you even think about missing this opportunity?” I was still dumbfounded.

  She glanced behind me again and said, “Well, if you must know I had plans with a hot guy who was only going to be in town this weekend.”

  “You were going to miss this for a hookup?” My brows shot up into my hairline.

  She stood up straight. “I’ll have you know he is dynamite in bed. Just amazing with his fingers, tongue and c
ock,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “I thought you didn’t do repeats,” I said.

  “Hello, amazing fingers, tongue, cock. Need I say more?” She looked around before turning back to me. “But the good news is he’ll be back in town in a couple of weeks, so I got a raincheck,” she said with a wink.

  I just shook my head at her antics. I glanced around to see what the other guys were up to. Maddox was leading Gina to the bar. Jett was talking with the drummers for Warning Sign and Oblivion. In typical Brooks fashion, he had his arm around two scantily clad models. Wilder stood to the side looking rather sullen.

  The music shifted to a low, throbbing bass. Brittany tugged my hand. “Come on, let’s go show these A-listers how it’s done.”

  As she pulled me in the direction of the dance floor, I gave Dawson a flirty wink. “You gonna dance with me?”

  “Always,” his voice was a deep rumble in my ear, sending goosebumps skittering across the exposed skin of my neck, shoulders and back.

  “Wait.” I tugged Brittany’s hand, forcing her to stop her trek to the open space, filling with gyrating bodies.

  Her eyebrow shot up when she turned around.

  “Go grab Wilder. He’s not talking to anyone. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind dancing. And the boy’s got rhythm,” I said to her.

  She glanced at him warily at first. Then she smirked. “OK. Maybe he can fill in for the one I’m missing out on back home tonight.”

  With that she was off to recruit Wilder as her dance partner.

  Moments later, she rejoined me and Dawson with Wilder in tow. We carved out a little section of the dance floor.

  Thankfully, Tansy had gotten me and Brittany club appropriate dresses to change into after the ceremony. These short, sexy numbers really let us move. Dawson and I slid and grinded against each other. Even though I’d just had him less than two hours ago, I was desperate for him again.

  He grabbed my wrists and draped them over his shoulders as he thrust his knee further between my thighs. Strong fingers gripped my hips as he moved me in an erotic dance that was serving as a catalyst for an explosion building inside of me.

  “One hour,” he growled in my ear. “That’s all we’re staying. Then we’re going straight home, do not pass go, collect two orgasms on the way.”

  Heat spread like wildfire along my limbs. “How about thirty minutes?” I panted in his ear.


  By the time our thirty minutes were up, I was a sweaty, needy mess. I turned to Britt who was laughing and dancing with Wilder.

  “We’re about to head out. You want to come back to the house with us?” I offered.

  “Hell no. There is no chance I’m staying at your house. You two just got engaged. I don’t need to hear how you celebrate. That’s why I insisted on my own hotel room,” she said with a laugh.

  “I’ll make sure she gets there safely,” Wilder said.

  “Thanks,” Dawson said and patted him on the shoulder. “See you eventually,” he continued with a laugh.

  “Yeah. We won’t look for you tomorrow,” Wilder answered with a wink.

  We wasted no time finding Joe and getting out of there.

  Joe barely stopped the car before Dawson threw open the door and drew me from the cavern of the SUV.

  “See you later,” Joe yelled out the lowered passenger window.

  Giggling, I waved and followed Dawson’s hasty steps up the porch and into the house. He’d barely shut and locked the door before I was pinned against it. His mouth was hot and wet against my skin. His pelvis rubbed against me creating a torturous, teasing friction.

  With fumbling fingers, I tugged his shirt over his head. I needed him naked now. I needed me naked now.

  “So, when do you want to get married?” he said against my lips.

  His hands gripped my thighs and lifted me up. I wound my limbs around him, hanging on tightly.

  “I’d say tomorrow. But I don’t think my parents would forgive you if we didn’t have a wedding and include them,” I teased.

  “You’re probably right.” He rested his forehead against mine. “We’ll give them a couple of months then. I can’t wait longer than that for you to be Mrs. Anderson.”

  “Me neither. It might not be official yet, but our forever starts now,” I said, planting my mouth on his.

  “That sounds heavenly. Forever starts tonight,” his words flowed between my parted lips, filling my heart to overflowing.

  “Now, take me to bed or lose me forever,” I commanded with a smirk.

  “We’ll never lose each other again. Promise.” He smacked my butt then darted for the stairs.

  “Let’s make a love song,” he said as he lowered me gently to the bed.

  And we did.

  ♪ I’ll Never Let You Go by Steelheart


  Melody of the Heart

  Short Story from Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star Series

  More of Dawson and Izzy’s story

  Charli B. Rose

  Cover design by Susan Garwood

  Cover photo edit by Elora Kiefer

  Copyright © 2019. Charli B. Rose.

  First Edition. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referred to in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Created with Vellum

  Note from the author

  This little bonus was written for my readers who fell in love with Dawson and Izzy and simply wanted more. This bonus material that I’ve collectively titled Melody of the Heart includes a few deleted scenes from Dawson and Izzy’s story that you’ve already read. Things many of you were curious about that happened during the two years between the end of Beats of the Heart and the beginning of Notes of the Heart. I hope you enjoy these extra glimpses. After the deleted scenes the true short story titled Melody of the Heart starts. It takes place after Songs of the Heart.

  This bonus material has not been officially edited, so forgive any typos you find. I have no plans to actually sell this material on its own, so I didn’t want to add a ton of expense to its creation. Also because of the increased work that integrating a playlist entails, I didn’t do that for this part of the book. I apologize for that.

  Dizzy deleted scene 1


  Izzy’s Doctor Appointment - Before Chapter 15 in Beats of the Heart

  With clipboard and pen in hand, I took a seat in the corner of the waiting room. Most of the seats were filled. Self-consciously, I tugged my beanie down lower over my hair. I’d dressed in a baggy, grey sweatshirt and jeans. I tried to keep my gaze averted.

  After filling out all the information needed on the forms, I waited for my name to be called. It seemed like forever before the door opened and a nurse called, “Isabelle Clark.”

  Several heads turned my way. I should’ve asked them not to use my last name. Keeping my head tucked low, I hurried toward the open door.

  The woman dressed in purple scrubs took the clipboard from me. “I’m Kathleen. Come on, let’s get your weight and vitals,” she said, leading me to a curtained area.

  I stepped onto the scales. The numbers didn’t tick up as high as I expected. Guess the stress and nausea had served as a form of dieting.

Kathleen wrapped a blood pressure cuff around my arm. I winced as it inflated. I’d always hated this part of any medical exam.

  “Hmm. It’s a little elevated. Your chart doesn’t indicate that you’ve ever had a problem with your blood pressure before. So, I’m not worried yet. Based on the media lately, I’d say a little high blood pressure is probably to be expected,” she said as she jotted down the numbers. “Open up,” she said, waving a thermometer at me.

  I complied and positioned the thermometer under my tongue. Then she put the pulse-ox on my finger. A few seconds letter, a beep sounded.

  Kathleen plucked the thermometer from my mouth. “Temp’s normal. So’s your pulse and blood oxygen level.” She recorded all my stats. “Now we need a urine sample.” She handed me a cup with my name on it and pointed to the bathroom. “Follow the instructions taped to the door. When you’re done, put the cup in the metal cabinet.”

  Thank goodness I’d drank a whole bottle of water before I arrived. I hastened to take care of business. Guys had no idea how lucky they were to be able to point at the cup and piss. Trying to hover over a toilet, while contorting my arm to make sure I actually collected enough urine without pissing all over my hand was no small feat.

  Once I was done, I washed my hands and the outside of the cup. Then I dried everything off. The metal door creaked on the cabinet, alerting everyone that I was making my deposit. Staring at the floor, I shuffled back to where Kathleen waited.

  “Right this way.” She turned on her heel, leading me down a tiled corridor to an exam room. “Hop up on the table and tell me what brings you in today. You’re not due for a checkup for a few more months yet.”


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