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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 45

by K E Osborn

  Kyle, our apprentice, rushes in with Dad by his side. Dad opens his eyes wide taking in the scene before him. “What the ever-loving shit?”

  “Vince tried to strangle Ayla. We all saw it. Even from inside the garage workshop,” Kyle defends before any of us even need to.

  “He bloody what?” Dad almost screams and then his throat catches, and he lets out a loud cough.

  Even though I’m still having issues trying to pull in oxygen, I wince and look to Dad who rushes over moving his hands to my throat and running his fingers over the welts and bruising I know will be forming.

  “You. Fucking. Little. Shit. I only kept you on because you’re fucking good at your job, but now not only are ya bloody fired, but I’m calling the fucking cops on your ass, ya arrogant little son of a bitch,” Dad bursts out.

  “You can’t fire me, I’m the best there—” Vince is cut off while Heath smooshes Vince’s face further into the floor.

  “No one is irreplaceable, you mongrel. You’re gonna rot in jail for this. Come near my daughter again… I’ll fucking kill you myself. And if I don’t, my boys will. Then if they don’t succeed, I know a certain biker club that won’t hesitate to fucking come after ya. You’re safer in jail, lad.” Dad looks at me giving me a slight nod, and I smile.

  So he really is on team Sensei.

  Dad must have known about Sensei early on, but I haven’t had a chance to talk to him about it before this morning. I need to let Dad know I really like Sensei, and I’m hoping it goes somewhere, and that for me, this isn’t a fling. I don’t know how Sensei feels about it, of course, and I guess maybe I should find out, but for now, I’m happy with how our relationship is progressing.

  Vince seems to quiet down now that Dad has threatened him. Whether it’s from the threat of my family or of the motorcycle club coming after him, I’m not sure. But either way, I think Vince knows now that I’m a protected woman, and he realizes he can’t mess with me.

  There’s sounds of sirens in the distance, and I’m happy that someone in the garage called the cops on him. It gives me joy that the rest of my team backs me. There’s always one idiot, but now we’ll be removing him from our workplace, and it will be all the better for it. Vince will be gone, and I will feel one hundred percent comfortable at work. This, even though my throat is hurting, my head is pounding, and I feel weak, it will be a good thing.

  The squad car pulls into the yard and two officers, a man and a woman, stride into the garage. They step into the office to see Vince on the floor and raise their brows.

  “I’m going to guess this is the man who did the assaulting?” the male officer asks as he bends down with handcuffs and places them around Vince’s wrists behind his back.

  “This is bullshit! Fuck! Shouldn’t I be innocent until proven guilty?” Vince calls out.

  “We need to take you in for questioning,” the officer tells Vince.

  Heath stands while the officer pulls Vince to a standing position, his eyes instantly meet mine. My hard glare obviously rattles him because within seconds, he shakes his head and his eyes move away from mine.

  “You’re nothing but a worthless whore, Spanner, throwing your pussy around to anything that will take it. You disgust me.” He spits at my feet as the cop escorts him out of the office.

  I inhale sharply in anger as the female officer stays in the room with us. She looks at my throat and points at it with her pen. “My name’s Officer Olivia Grier. I need you to be honest with me, Ayla. Those marks on your throat, are they from him?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I splutter out in hoarse sounds. “He attacked me when I turned down his advances.”

  She nods and lets out a heavy breath like she was expecting that answer. “Okay. I’ll need you to come to the station to make a statement, if you’re able. Are you feeling okay, or do you need to be looked over medically?” Her face gives off a hard edge, but her tone is actually caring.

  I wave my hand through the air. “I’m fine. I’d like to make a statement and press charges.”

  Wow! It really hurts to talk.

  It sounds breathy, raspy, and strained, and my throat feels scratchy.

  Heath and Bowie both shake their heads folding their arms at the same time like twins.

  “Ayla, you need to be checked out first, just to make sure you’re okay.” Heath’s eyes are determined, and Bowie’s are the same but show compassion.

  Dad steps in beside me and wraps his arm around me. “I would like to take my daughter to be checked out first. She’s stubborn, and won’t go of her own accord, but I want to make sure she’s okay and then bring her to the station. Is that acceptable, officer?”

  I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth in disapproval, but the officer nods and smiles. “I think that’s the best option, too. Best to be safe. We’ll see you at the station later.” She turns and walks out.

  Letting out a huff, I turn to Dad with a stern face. “I’m fine. Honestly! A little sore, a croaky voice and a killer headache, but I’m fine.”

  “Ayla, ya mean too much to us to simply let this go. Heath and Bowie will take ya to the hospital to have ya checked out, and then to the station if you’re okay. No arguments.”

  I groan. “You can’t be without three of your head mechanics today. No, sorry, I mean four because Vince is gone now, too.”

  Dad rubs the back of his neck with a slight cough. “Fine! Heath, you take Ayla. Bowie, you stay behind.”

  Bowie nods and leans in kissing my cheek, and I give him a smile. He walks off to get on with his work.

  Dad turns to Heath and gives him a stern glare. “Don’t let them talk her out of pressing charges.”

  Heath nods and wraps his arm around my shoulders. “Got it. Vince is going away. I’ll look after her, Dad. Don’t worry.”

  “Good, now get her to a bloody hospital,” Dad demands and then starts coughing.

  Now I know what it’s like not to be able to breathe, and even though I was compassionate before now I really feel for Dad even more. I hate he’s going through this. I wish I could help him, but then again, if he won’t help himself, there’s not much I can do.

  Heath loops his arm around my waist and helps me walk out to his truck. He opens the door and carefully guides me into the passenger seat. I don’t need the help, but I appreciate it, and as I sit here, I take a moment to really think about what happened.

  Vince choked me.

  If Heath hadn’t come in when he did, this might have had a very different outcome.

  If Heath had taken even a little longer to reach me, Vince might have succeeded in choking me to death. A shudder runs down my spine as Heath jumps in the driver’s side.

  He looks at me raising his brow. “You okay?”

  I nod, and he places his hand on my knee supportively with a squeeze, then puts the truck into gear and heads off out of the garage to the hospital.



  The wait at the hospital took forever, but eventually I was seen and given the all clear with the notice that if my throat starts to feel like it’s closing, I need to come back. The bruising is intense, and the hoarseness should go quickly, but the scars of this happening will be with me for a while.

  The whole time I was at the hospital all I wanted to do was message Sensei. But I knew the minute I did, he would come to me, and I’d have to try and dissuade him from going after Vince, and I didn’t have the energy to deal with that. As much as I didn’t want to, I had to keep Sensei away from Vince until I was sure things are safe. I didn’t want Sensei sharing a cell with Vince because I know regardless of what I said to him, he wouldn’t be able hold himself back. I need Sensei right now with me.

  After giving my statement to the police, along with Heath who witnessed the whole thing, I was put at ease when they told me Vince had been placed in custody while they were filing charges. Heath and I were relieved to know that at least he was being held, and for the moment, I am safe.

ere’s hoping the thought of him doing time in jail, and also a biker club coming after him, is enough to deter Vince into not coming after me again when he’s released.

  Heath’s now driving me home after a freaking long day, and he glances at me sideways and sighs. “Are you really okay?”

  I weakly smile at him and nod. “Yeah, just been a long day…” I lie trying to ease my sore throat, it doesn’t work. “I haven’t thanked you for coming in when you did…” I pause, a tear rests on my bottom lid, but I don’t let it fall. “If you hadn’t… I don’t…” I pause again not knowing how to finish that sentence.

  He moves his hand to my knee and squeezes. “Hey, luckily the guy’s an idiot and did it in Dad’s office where there’s a big-ass window, so I saw the whole thing. I could see him cornering you by the desk, so I knew there was an issue and started to make my way over. He was always checking you out creepily, and I hated watching him watching you.” He shakes his head with a curled-up lip. “I knew something was up with him, I just never thought it would be this… dramatic.”

  I run my hand through my hair. “I didn’t think he was capable of this either, and I didn’t see it coming. Vince was always nice… he said he liked me. I don’t understand why you would strangle someone you like.” I sigh. “I’m glad we’re heading home.”

  He squeezes my knee then moves his hand to the gearstick and shifts down a gear driving along the highway to our home. A knot forms in my stomach knowing when I get home, I will have no excuse not to call Sensei and let him know what’s happened today, and if I know him like I think I do, he’s going to be pretty annoyed I didn’t call him sooner.

  Not long later, we pull into the driveway. Bowie’s car’s already here, he must have left early for the day. I smile as we hop out of the truck and walk to the door. The usual sounds of blasting music doesn’t assault my ears as we enter, but the sound of a vacuum cleaner does instead.

  I raise my brow to Heath as he does the same to me, and we walk inside to see Bowie tidying up the place. He’s wearing an apron with a woman’s body wearing a bikini painted on it as he sweeps the vacuum back and forth over the carpet in the living room. The beer cans are all gone, and the place actually looks really nice for a change.

  Bowie looks up from the vacuum as Heath and I stand in shock and awe. Turning off the vacuum, Bowie smiles and throws his arms out wide like he’s welcoming us here for the first time. “Welcome home. I wanted to surprise you with a clean house, but it took me longer than I thought to clean everything.”

  A sense of warmth flows through me for my baby brother. He can be a real idiot sometimes, but right now, I could squeeze him. “You cleaned? For me?”

  He nods. “Yeah, just wanted to do something nice for you.”

  Heath chuckles, and I step forward and grab Bowie pulling him in for a hug. “Thank you. This is so nice of you. Actually, who are you? ‘Cause I know my brother, Bowie, wouldn’t do this for me.”

  He chuckles shoving my shoulder as I slide my hand down him and pretend to grope the boob on his apron making him laugh. He shakes his head wrapping his arm around my shoulder and holding onto me. “Seeing you zoning out like that today…” Bowie’s eyes flicker with fear. “Shit, Ayla! It scared me.”

  Sinking into myself, I sigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “God no, it’s not your fault. It’s fucking Vince’s, the little fucking asshat. Knew the guy was a freaking jerk.”

  “Well, he’s locked away for now, and we don’t have to worry about him. But thank you so much for caring and doing all this for me, I do appreciate it.”

  Bowie leans in pressing his lips to my temple. “Now, go get changed, I’ll make you some tea.”

  I snort. “Tea?”

  He nods. “Yeah, because you can’t have beer with the painkillers you’re taking for your throat.”

  Heath smiles, and I scoff as he nods in agreement. “Wait! You’re on his side?” I ask, and he grins wide.

  “I think maybe less of the beer tonight, sis. Gotta let your body relax on more natural stuff,” Heath advises.

  “Yes, your body’s been through a traumatic experience. You need to let it rest and give the painkillers time to work. No beer,” Bowie states.

  “When did you become the expert,” I tease, and he smiles.

  “Because I’m the one who’s always accident prone and having to take painkillers, and I’m always being told the same shit by you. Rest and recover,” he says the last part in a higher more feminine voice trying to imitate me. I let out an unladylike snort at his attempt to mimic me.

  Heath laughs while Bowie points to the hall. “Go! Get changed into something comfy, and you can relax all night. We’re doing everything for you. No arguments.”

  I smile and give him a nod. “Okay. Thank you both for today. I kind of love you.”

  They both scoff as I turn and head for my room.

  Letting out a small huff, I know there’s a call I need to make. It’s not going to be a good one, but I need to do it nonetheless. I just don’t know how he’s going to take the news.

  Deciding to get changed first, I make my way to my room. I want to be comfy for this. So I strip down into my boyshorts and a simple white tank top. Easy and comfy. I haven’t done any work today, so I’m not greasy or in need of a shower. Even though I want one, I’m not sure if I can actually tolerate the energy it will take to step under the water right now. Maybe later.

  For now, I need to focus. So I grab my cell, take a deep breath, and press his contact to make the call. My stomach leaps into my throat as nerves wrack through my body. It rings a little too long, and I’m beginning to think he might not answer when suddenly I hear his voice.

  “Sass… I was going to call you later on tonight.” His tone is friendly, calm, but it sounds like he’s distracted.

  Smiling at the simple sound of his voice, I feel at ease just hearing him. Maybe all I needed was to hear his voice. How strange is that? “Oh, I can talk to you later if now isn’t a good time?” I ask my voice hoarse.

  Sensei hesitates and exhales down the line. “That’s not a typical Sass response. Normally, I get some witty retort or some crazy one-liner, but not a woman who sounds husky and vulnerable… are you okay?”

  Closing my eyes, I sink into my bed and let out a long sigh.

  Am I okay?

  I haven’t really had a moment to myself to process what happened today.

  Vince strangled me.

  Then I was whisked to the hospital.

  Then to the police station.

  I’m home and safe, and it’s hitting me now that I have a moment to think about how epically huge this really is.

  “Sass?” his deep voice echoes through the line, and I swallow hard with a weak smile trying to fool myself more than anything.

  “I’m okay, I need you to know that.”

  He goes quiet as a tension fills the air. “I need you to be very clear on what that statement means, Sass.”

  Rubbing the back of my neck, I clench my eyes shut, the memory of Vince lunging at me comes into my mind. His hands around my neck as they tighten makes my breathing quicken. I flick open my eyes to lose the vision from my mind. My bottom lip trembles as I take a deep breath. “There was an incident at work today.”

  “What kind of incident?” he asks as quickly as I finish saying it.

  With a moment’s hesitation, I try to think of how to word it. “A worker… Vince, he’s always had a thing for me—”

  “Did he make a move on you?”

  I tense. “Kind of—”

  “Do you need me to tell him to back the fuck off?”

  I sigh and clear my throat to remove the lump forming in it. “It’s not that simple.”

  “What are you not telling me, Sass?”

  Just spit it out!

  “He cornered me in my Dad’s office…” I cough a little, the harshness in my throat makes me rasp. “He made a move on me, and when I didn’t reciprocate he…” My pause must be
too long because Sensei’s deep breathing becomes quicker as he impatiently grunts. “Sass! What did the fucker do?”

  Closing my eyes, I see it.

  I feel it.

  His hands around my neck.

  His smell invading my lungs.

  My breathing quickens, and I have to open my watering eyes before I panic too far, and I lose myself. My hand grips onto the bedsheets tightly, my knuckles turning white as the other clings to the cell like it’s my lifeline needing to be closer to Sensei.

  My voice comes out strained, hoarse, breathless barely a whisper. “He lunged and… he strangled me.”


  Deathly silence.

  My heart races in my chest as I wait for him to say something, anything, but nothing is coming. I breathe frantically trying to figure out what’s happening right now. I think the silence is scarier than what I was sure I was going to hear—swearing, maybe throwing things around—but there’s just—silence.

  Tensing, my muscles go ridged. The threat of my demons invading imminent, but the idea that the devil is clawing and scratching at the barrier of Sensei’s defenses makes this even worse. Fear seeps and creeps into my bones, the silence a deafening reminder that evil lives in this world, not only in Sensei’s, but in mine too, and at any time it can pounce and attack.

  It’s not only those who hide in the shadows—it can be those who hide in plain sight.

  Those you trust.

  Sometimes the devil wears a friendly disguise.

  The thought sends a shudder through me, his silence is sending my anxiety into overdrive. My head pounds as my heart beats frantically. I can’t wait for him to react anymore.

  “Sensei?” I huskily whisper.



  “I’m trying extremely hard to remain… calm, right now. Though it’s… very difficult. Are you at home?”

  My tension isn’t released at the sound of the pure anger in his voice. “Yes,” my voice comes out almost pleading with him.

  “Stay. There.”


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