Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One Page 54

by K E Osborn

  With a curt nod to Mother, I look back at Aiko Ishikawa, his eyes brighten with fear as he shakes his head. “No. No. I can’t have penance… I need to be free. I need absolution to—”


  The squeeze of the trigger comes so easily to me as the smoke wafts up from the barrel of my Glock. The bullet flies straight between his eyes, blood oozes from his forehead as his eyes roll into the back of his head. Trax and Lift let him go as he falls face first on to the ground.

  I breathe out a long breath as Mother lets out a small giggle which makes me look to her. She looks lighter, free. There’s a glow in her eyes I’ve never seen before. I guess even though she’s been living in a different country, the threat of Aiko finding her has always been there, but now she can finally be truly free.

  We can all be truly free of Aiko.

  Mother rushes forward and pulls me into her arms embracing me tightly. She smothers herself in me, and I lean in pressing my lips to her hair. “I love you, Mother.”

  She lets out a soft whimper. “I love you, my son.”

  Torque slaps my back as everyone starts to move around me.

  Enzo steps up to my side. “I apologize for the confusion, Sensei. We were only doing what was needed to get to this end result.”

  I pull back from my mother and nod, putting out my hand to shake his. “Thank you, Enzo. You certainly had me fooled. Where’s Ayla?”

  “She’s fine. I’ve had my medics look over her. She’s been taken back to the clubhouse. She’s there waiting for you all to get back.”

  Tension rolls over me, and I exhale. “Thanks.”

  He grips my bicep and nods. “We’re a team now. Your women are under our protection, too.”

  I glance at Torque. “Enzo, I know you’ve already done us a massive fuckin’ favor today, but can we leave this for you to clean up? Sensei, Hiro, and Shinobu are needed back at the club.”

  Enzo laughs. “Torque, it was already on my list. Go! You go… be a brotherhood. We got this.”

  He nods calling out something in Italian to his men, and they all get to work running about as Torque signals. “Right, let’s all get back to the club. Vibe, you take Sensei, Hiro, and Shinobu in the van. We have a party that needs to happen.”

  Mother, Father, and I head for the van to return to the clubhouse.

  I need to see Sass. I need to make sure she’s all right.

  Because she’s been through terrible trauma, and as much as I need a beer, I need her more.



  As the van pulls up, I glance at my parents. Mother in Father’s arms as they embrace tightly. Warmth floods through me that we were all able to get through this. Without my father coming to our aid, who knows how this might have ended.

  Taking a deep breath, I bow my head to him as we all step out of the van. “Father, how did you manage to gain the Ikigai Syndicate’s help? What did you have to offer them?”

  Mother peers up to him as if to wonder the same question.

  Father stands taller. “I would offer them my life and my afterlife if it meant you and Shinobu were to live.”

  That’s his way of saying he paid a hefty price, but he won’t actually tell me what. Or maybe he will when Mother isn’t around. I will ask again at another time and place.

  “But this does not matter right now, son. Go! Find your Old Lady. She is what matters.”

  My heart swarms that he called Sass my Old Lady. It means he’s given his blessing. He is accepting of her as part of our family. Pride swarms through me as I nod then turn.

  My family is fine, now I need to make sure my woman is okay. I bolt through the yard then inside the clubhouse noticing Foxy sitting by the pool table. The unmistakable sound of bubblegum popping lets me know I’m heading in the right direction. I run, my feet sounding like a stampede as I race over to see her sitting on a chair, a bandage on her forehead and a beer in her hand as she cradles her other arm like it’s in pain.

  The sight sends a shudder through me. The thought that she’s in any pain, kills me, as I lunge forward and drop to my knees sliding to a stop in front of her.

  Sass’s eyes bug open, and she lets out an almost scream as she sees me, then pushes forward slowly wrapping her good arm around my neck while she embraces me as tightly she can. “Oh my God, thank fucking Christ, I had no idea if I was ever going to see you again.”

  I pull back looking into her watering eyes as I plant a heavy kiss on her lips. She kisses me passionately, the taste of her bubblegum making me smile as everyone else slowly filters into the room.

  After a short time, I pull back and look in her eyes. “There’s no way I would go anywhere without you.”

  Sass smiles as Foxy slowly walks away leaving us alone in a quiet corner of the clubroom. She brings her hand up cradling the side of my face and looking into my eyes. “I have no idea what the hell happened today. All I do know is that being with you means I’ll be in danger.” I go to talk, but she stops me by putting up her good hand. “I also know, no matter what the danger, I’ll take that chance because I’m fine with it, Sensei, as long as you come home to me in the end. As long as what you said to me was true.”

  Smiling, I know exactly what she’s talking about. “I mean it, Sass. I claimed you. You’re mine. I’m not letting any-fucking-thing get in the way of that… of us.”

  She grins wide wrapping her arm further around my neck, but then winces letting out a small groan.

  Immediately, I tense. “Where are you hurt?”

  “It’s my shoulder. Foxy says it’s just a strain, I should be good to go in a few days.”

  I lean in and kiss her softly. “I’m still going to get you checked over by Kline…” Sighing, I continue, “I’m sorry. I detest you got dragged into this.”

  She weakly smiles rolling her eyes. “Now I’m your Old Lady, you wanna tell me what’s actually going on?”

  I let out a small laugh and nod. “Yes, I’ll tell you all about it, but first I want to know if you are okay?” I ask, and she weakly smiles. “You have been through another trauma, first fucking Vince at the garage, and now this. I’m concerned for you.” I take the seat next to her as I look into her intense hazel eyes as they glisten.

  “The thing is, while it was scary seeing you being taken by Aiko and not knowing exactly how it would turn out…” my brows knot at the use of her word ‘exactly,’ “… and while the car accident wasn’t the ride of my damned life, Franky was actually quite the gentleman once he told me what the hell was going on.”

  Exhaling, I sit a little taller wondering how that went down. “Yes, I’m intrigued. Franky made you crash your truck to take you to Ishikawa… and then?”

  She smiles. “I saw him right after I crashed. Then the panic hit. But he quickly reassured me he was sorry. That it wasn’t meant to happen that way. He quickly took me from my truck and placed me in his where he filled me in on everything…. told me the entire plan. That Enzo was going to double cross Ishikawa. That your father was going to help, too. I just had to come along for the ride, play my part until everything… fell into place.”

  Reaching out I grab her good hand and lace my fingers with hers holding on probably tighter than I should. “You’re so brave.”

  She snorts as she looks deep into my eyes. “No. You are. You went with him knowing it would be the only way to save your mother’s life. I’m in awe of you. I’m so fucking lucky to be your Old Lady.”

  Leaning in, I can’t hold back any longer as I press my lips to hers. Not hard, I don’t want to cause her any pain, but not too damn soft either. I just need to taste her. To make sure she’s here, and we are both in this moment. Her tongue collides with mine while I run my free hand up and into her hair, the loose tendrils threading through my fingers as I hold her to me. That usual spark tingling inside of me making me feel all kinds of euphoria in the moment.

  I have my woman.

  I have my family.

  I hav
e my brothers.

  Hell, I even have the Italian Mafiosos at my back if I need them.

  And Aiko is dead.

  My life is full.

  I am perfectly… content.

  Pulling back, l look into her eyes as her lips turn up into a smile.

  “I will never get tired of kissing you.” She beams.

  Chuckling, I lick my lips. “That’s a good thing because there’s a lot more kissing in our future, Sass.”

  She leans into my side, and I wrap my arm around her. “You think now I’m your Old Lady we’re gonna have to do something about our living arrangements?”

  A chuckle erupts from my chest. “That’s a given. The moment I claimed you, the back of my mind was making room for your clothing in my closet.”

  She snorts, pulling back and shoves my chest. “You’re such a liar, Raiden! You were being held by the Yakuza at gunpoint, being told that they were taking you and your mother to Japan, and you were thinking about closet space?”

  I chuckle and shrug. “You can’t blame a guy for forward-thinking, Sass.”

  She rolls her eyes leaning close to me, her bubblegum-perfumed breath striking my senses as I smile at her. “Fuck it, I’m just gonna say it…” she pauses as she chews on her bottom lip, the look seductive and hot as fucking hell piques my interest. She exhales, her eyes looking into mine and something shifts. She looks more serious, more intent. “Raiden… after everything I’ve gone through, after everything we’ve gone through together, it’s shown me that with you by my side, I am even stronger and can overcome any fear, any obstacle… you’re my strength.”

  I smile and lean in closer, our lips almost touching as electricity sizzles through the air at her remarkable words. No one has ever spoken of me like she is now.

  “Getting to this point has been fucking rough, but you make it all worth it. Raiden… I know it’s quick, but… I love you.”

  My chest tightens, and a sudden rush of excitement runs over me. No one besides my family has ever told me they love me before. Honestly, hearing it from Sass couldn’t be any more fucking perfect if I tried. Seeing her tied up and bleeding only cemented my feelings for her too. Claiming her today might have looked like a desperate move in an attempt to stop Aiko’s advances toward her, but Sass would have been claimed soon enough either way. Aiko just made me realize what I’ve been wanting.


  She is my life.

  She may be my opposite.

  The Yang to my Yin, but she fits with me. Just. Fucking. Right.

  My heart is hammering in my chest as my mouth turns up in the biggest of grins, her eyes sparkling as she assesses my mood. My nostrils flare as I try to contain my emotion.

  This woman!

  “Sass, you are everything. I’ve made it my mission to protect you for the rest of my life. Harm will never fall on you again. I swear this to you. I too…” I pause as my chest swells never having said this to a woman before, “… love you.”

  She grins with a slight chuckle. “That was hard for you to say, wasn’t it?” She beams almost like she’s enjoying this moment.

  I roll my shoulders. “Not hard, as the words are true. Just… a first.”

  She leans in pressing her forehead to mine and sighs. “Thank you, for opening up to me. For letting me be the one you spend your life with.”

  I press my lips to hers tenderly, a spark shooting all the way down my spine as I pull back and look into her eyes. “There was never an option. The moment I saw you, I was fucking done for.”

  She nods. “Me, too, Raiden. Me, too.”

  I lean in kissing her, and this time I don’t hold back. I know we’re in a clubroom full of my brothers, but I don’t care. Sass’s going to be living here now, and so they’re going to have to get used to our public displays of affection.

  And right now?

  Right now, I need to let her know I am never letting her go.

  No matter what the cost.



  An alert sounds through the compound—the alert of an incoming, unknown vehicle making us break apart.

  “Shit,” I murmur as I look back to Sass, and she raises her brows.

  “What is it?” she asks, and I shrug.

  “Not sure. Go to my room and wait for me. There’s a gun in the top drawer of my bedside table. Don’t come out until I come and get you. Okay?”

  A look of apprehension crosses her face, but she doesn’t hesitate as she nods, then leans in and kisses me hard. It makes my cock ache as she pulls back then stands up walking off to my room without argument.

  She’s going to make one hell of an Old Lady.

  I stand and step over to Trax as we meet up with Torque and Ace and head for the compound gate to see who the hell is paying us an unexpected visit.

  Gatekeeper looks down to us. “It’s some chick with Crest from the Notorious Knights MC,” he calls out.

  I look to Torque who shrugs as he gives the signal to open the gate.

  Gatekeeper pulls the chain, and slowly the gate opens revealing a bike with Crest on board and a car behind him.

  Crest slides off his ride, and a woman steps out of her car. She’s beautiful, a curvy figure with wavy blonde hair. I feel like I’ve seen her before, but I just can’t place where. I can see the car is full of packed luggage, but it’s Trax’s reaction which makes me turn and look. He gasps, letting out a kind of gurgled moan as he stumbles slightly gripping onto my shoulder to stabilize himself. I furrow my brows as she weakly smiles and takes a deep, steadying breath while she looks at him and subtly waves.

  “Hey, Trax,” her soothing voice is silky smooth, and Trax seems to melt when he hears her.

  He shakes his head as he breathes rapidly like he’s seeing a ghost or something, and he takes a small step forward almost like he’s unsure of himself.

  I’ve never seen him like this around a woman.

  His face screws up, and he lets out a long huff.





  I opened my heart to a woman once.

  Then she left.

  The reasons she disappeared from my life were definitely not good enough. I could have helped her. Been there for her. Fuck! I would have done anything for her. Killed for her.

  But, she left anyway.

  It makes me think back to the time when I was just a prospect—a cocky little upstart shit—and the club was at one of those big meetups where motorcycle clubs from all over the country were in attendance. The Notorious Knights MC, our brother club—who help us out from time to time just like we do them—were in attendance too. We were all having fun, getting rowdy, me maybe a little more than the others. I’d gotten myself into shit when I went off alone. Nearly started a damn war with another club, but Crest, the President of the Notorious Knights, stepped in pulling me out of it.

  My dad, Guinness, was still alive and was beyond grateful Crest was able to cool shit before it had even begun, Dad telling Crest our club ‘owed him one.’

  My hot-head would inevitably get me into deep shit, and they all said I was from the wrong side of the tracks. Hence, when I patched in, my road name became Trax, but I digress.

  Crest from the Knights never did call in his favor, even when I started seeing his daughter, Mylee. I thought for sure Crest would intervene, tell me to stop, or rip me a new asshole. But even though I was a shithead, he thought I was good for her. She obviously didn’t see it the same way, though.

  Pain ripples through my chest thinking about her. We spent so long together. The good times were great. The bad times—I sigh—the bad times were eye-opening. It was hard, especially because she lived four hours away. Making time for each other was difficult, so when we did see each other, we would stay together for prolonged periods of time. Mylee here at my club, usually keeping to herself, or me at the Knights’ clubhouse. Either way, we stuck it out. I thought we were something. It
felt like we were something. Like we were heading somewhere. But she threw it all away.

  I still don’t fully understand why. It’s not like I wouldn’t have been there. Gritting my teeth as anger bubbles up inside me, I clench my fists. My knuckles turn white as I shake my head pulling myself out of my inner thoughts.

  Turning around, I notice Foxy walking toward Torque, and I let out a small groan. Seeing all these loved-up couples in here is doing my head in. First Sensei and Sass in the corner, now my blood brother and his Old Lady, Foxy.

  I glance behind the bar to see Cindi’s already pouring me another beer. “You know, Trax, you’ve had a long day, what with the club defeating the yakuza and all…” She pauses and smiles. “How ‘bout I help you through the long night?” Cindi waggles her eyes suggestively while leaning over, her tits almost falling out of her top.

  The idea of freeing some of this tension and letting loose between the sheets is appealing. “Fuck yes, I’m in,” I cheer as an alarm sounds through the compound—it’s the alert of an incoming, unknown vehicle. Letting out a frustrated groan, I roll my eyes and glance back to Cindi. “Rain check? I’m going to be looking for you whenever this shit’s done. You got me?” I demand, and her nose twitches in a cute way.

  “I got you, Trax. I’ll go wait in your room.” She winks then heads off down the hall. I gulp down the remainder of my beer, slamming my personalized German stein onto the bar. We all have one, it’s a club thing. I stand from my stool, looking around as I watch my brothers all beginning to move about the clubroom.

  Sensei catches up to me as we both advance to where Torque and Ace are standing. Without saying a word, we all head straight for the compound gate. We’ve only just gotten back from one hell of a war, and we don’t need anything new on our doorstep.

  We stare up at Gatekeeper as he looks down on us from his high post above the gate. “It’s some chick with Crest from the Notorious Knights MC,” he calls out.


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