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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 70

by K E Osborn

  Taking a deep breath, my chest fills with warmth at his words. “She does make me better, and I know this could be good. I just don’t know if it will get that far. She doesn’t want kids. I honestly can’t see this happening, Torque, and I don’t know if I can support what I think she’ll want to do.”

  He exhales. “I get it. Her fears are warranted. Her mother had it, now she has it, it’s fairly likely her children will get it, but… at least you can be prepared for that shitty outcome if it happens. You can watch for the signs. Medical shit changes all the time. You can get a handle on it before it takes over. If Mylee chooses to terminate, then it could ruin what you two have right now, which is working so well.”

  I exhale. “I would stand by her no matter what, but knowing I have a fight on my hands is hard.” I wince at the thought.

  “What about her medication? Will that affect the baby?”

  “Yeah, probably. I know this is something we have to talk about with Bex. Mylee coming off her meds is something I can’t even imagine right now. Shit! Her dad’s gonna fucking kill me.”

  Torque lets out a small chuckle in agreement. “Oh yeah, Crest’s gonna certifiably ream you a new asshole.”

  Tapping the bar to order another drink, I moan, the barman understanding my signal immediately as he begins to pour.

  “Look, I know this is gonna be a rough few hours coming up… I can stay, I can do whatever you need me to do, brother.”

  Sighing, I crack my tense neck. “Not sure what Mylee will be like when she wakes up. All I know is I’ll probably have a goddamn fight on my hands. Then I have to talk to Crest which, of course, is gonna be a shitstorm resulting in my balls being pulled out through my goddamn mouth. It’s going to be a hell of a fucking night.”

  “Well, I’m here.”

  “Thanks, man. Means a lot. Is Foxy coming to the hospital after school?”

  “Yeah, she’s working tonight. Why?”

  “Mylee likes her, might be nice to have someone around to lend an ear if Mylee needs a woman’s perspective other than Kline.”

  Torque pulls out his cell. “On it. I’ll fill her in, tell her to keep her eye on Mylee, talk to her if she thinks she can help. Maybe not as a medical professional but as a friend.”


  “Did you get a chance to talk to Cindi about Andretti and the Scarsi Dettagli?”

  He shakes his head. “Not yet, you’re more important right now. But as soon as I’m done here, I’ll be spending some quality time with a club girl.”

  I snort. “Don’t let Foxy hear you say that.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, never thought I’d say those words again. Lucky they don’t hold the same meaning anymore, or Foxy would seriously castrate me.”

  I sigh. “This shit couldn’t have come at a worse time.”

  He shakes his head. “We’ll get it done and look after Mylee. Don’t worry. We’re Defiance. We can handle anything. We’re family.”

  The door to the bar swings open, both of us turn, and to our fucking surprise, Cindi’s walking in. I raise my brow as she saunters over carrying a small gift wrapped box.

  “Speak of the fucking devil,” Torque murmurs as I exhale not really understanding why she’s here.

  She strides over to us with a weak smile. “Trax, I’m here on behalf of the club girls. We bought something for Mylee, it’s just chocolates to make her feel better, but when I went to the hospital Kline said she was… resting. She also told me I’d find you two lugs over here.”

  Warmth flows over me, this is why I love this club. Not just the brotherhood, but the family. Everyone looks out for everyone. The club girls may not have had a lot to do with Mylee, but they know she means something to me. She’s part of this club even if technically, she belongs to another club. Mylee’s family, and Cindi just affirmed that everyone believes exactly that.

  “Thanks, Cindi. Appreciate you coming all the way down here… means a lot.”

  She tilts her head, her empathetic eyes softening. “Trax, you know if there’s anything… anything I can do to help you or the club, I will always drop everything to do it. You guys have given me so much. I’d bleed for this club.”

  I glance to Torque as he lets out an exhale reaching out for her hand. “Actually Cindi, there is something you can do for us.”

  She smiles wide, nodding her head. “Anything, pres, you got it.”

  He rubs the back of his neck and signals to the barman. “I think you’ll need a drink for this.” Her beaming smile falters as she looks from Torque to me, a concerned gaze crossing her features. “A beer for the lady, thanks,” Torque requests. The barman nods and goes about pouring as Cindi gnaws on her bottom lip.

  “It can’t be that bad, can it? I mean, you’re not kicking me out of the club or anything, are you?” she asks, her tone cautious like she’s scared that might actually be the case.

  Torque grips her hand a little tighter. “Fuck, no, nothing like that. You’re an asset at the club, Cindi. The thing is, it’s Enzo—”

  She snorts out a laugh. “What’s he gone and done now? Are you guys fighting again?”

  I chuckle loving her way of thinking. “It’s fucking strange we haven’t had an argument with Enzo in so long, I see where you’re coming from.”

  “Shut up, Trax, this is serious.” I purse my lips raising my hands in surrender. “Enzo’s gotten himself in some shit with another Mafioso… he needs our help.”

  Cindi tilts her head taking a deep breath. “I’m a little confused… I’m a club girl. Why am I suddenly privy to this kind of information? I mean, I know Ruby is sometimes let in on some shit, but me? I’m a nobody.”

  I exhale taking her other hand. “You’re not a nobody, Cindi. You’re gorgeous, you’re talented, and you’re one of the smartest and most cunning women I know.”

  She grins wide. “Okay, so what’s going on? Why am I being let in on this?”

  Torque cracks his neck to the side. “The Scarsi Dettagli Mafiosos… they have Enzo’s daughter, Zia. They’re known women traffickers.”

  Her eyes widen as she gasps. “Shit.”

  “Yeah… for Enzo to get her back, we need to make a trade, his eleven-year-old daughter for another female.”

  Her eyes narrow. “Me?”

  My muscles tense as Cindi looks Torque straight in the eyes.

  “You’d go into their system. Be placed up for bid. Be sold to the highest bidder. Whoever bought you would get you…” he pauses running his hand through his hair. “You know we’ll sell fucking heaven and earth to make sure that final bid is us to get you back.”

  She swallows hard reaching out for the beer on the bar, throwing it back.

  Torque glances to me but continues, “The thing is, Cindi, they want a fighter. So I’m sure you’d be placed in matches to check your capabilities. They’d want to test your body, to see what your strengths and weaknesses are up against your profile. They would keep you weak so you couldn't escape. They wouldn’t be kind to you. We could probably track you, but once you’re in their system, we wouldn’t have a way to keep you safe. You’d be on your own until we can buy you back. You’d have to fight for yourself.”

  She takes another large sip of her beer as I shake my head, even I think this is too big of an ask.

  “Now, there’s no way in hell we’re going to force you to do this. It has to be your choice, and yours alone. No one will be angry if you say no. We will understand fully, respect your decision, and find another way. We just know that with your fighting capabilities and your acting skills, if anyone could pull this off, it’s you.”

  She lets out a heavy sigh, glancing to me. “Trax, you of all people have the hardest time with Enzo. In your opinion, does he love his daughter?”

  I nod. “Yeah. I mean, I’ve always been one step removed from Enzo, but he’s broken. I didn’t even know he had a daughter, and that says it all. He wanted her kept out of the limelight, away from his ‘endeavors,’ so she wouldn’t g
et caught in the crosshairs. That tells me everything.”

  She takes another sip from her beer, then nods. “Okay. I’m in.”

  Torque and I both sit up a little taller. “Do you fully understand what this means Cin—”

  “Fighting, starvation, probably sexual shit, too. Yeah, I get it. This is the acting gig of a lifetime, Torque. Not only that, I get to do my two favorite things in the world, fighting and fucking. What’s not to love about this role?”

  I stifle a laugh as she looks to me. “Trust you to find a positive in this fucked-up shit.”

  She shrugs. “It’s for an eleven-year-old girl. She’s the innocent in this. She can’t go through hell like that. Me? I’m built for that shit. Her, not so much. I need to get the kid out.”

  Torque grabs Cindi’s hand making her look at him. His eyes are hard, focused as she steadies her breath. “We will get you out.”

  She smiles. “I know. I trust you. That’s why I’m doing this… small-time role for big-time gain.” She narrows her eyes. “We got this.”

  I pick up my tumbler throwing back the contents, and I can’t help but wonder if maybe right now we’re biting off more than we can chew, not just with Cindi and the Scarsis, but with me having to inevitably talk to Crest about Mylee.

  Yeah, shit’s getting real, very fast.

  How the hell are we going to hang on for this motherfucking ride?



  I can’t move.

  I feel like my body is glued to the spot. Like my mind is a vast array of nothingness, and all I can do is hear what’s going on. The sound of the heart monitor beeps in a normal rhythm making me aware I’m in a hospital.

  I can’t remember anything.

  I can’t feel anything.

  All I know is that I’m numb.

  My eyes slowly open, everything’s a haze, it’s like a whitewash. Heaviness floods my senses. I’m so tired. I can barely focus. The only thing I can see, in the short distance my eyes are focusing in on, is the curtain in front of my bay. I can see shadows walking past. I hear the nurses talking to each other, but I can’t make out what they’re saying, though.

  Someone walks into my bay, wearing a lab coat.

  I don’t know who.

  I can’t move.

  I can’t function.

  I blink a couple of times, but my head can’t move, only my eyes.

  I can’t speak.


  But when I see him—the doctor—my muscles tense as fear ripples through me.

  His red hair.

  His stocky build.

  Everett is holding a clipboard as he looks down at me, a broad smile lighting his face.

  “Hello, Mylee. Go to sleep… sweet dreams, my love,” his voice is calm, unlike how I’m feeling as he fiddles with my drip. My breathing is harsh, frantic, but I can’t move. The sedative too strong as my eyes blink, once, twice, and then fear swallows me whole as everything goes black.


  My head’s foggy.

  I feel dopy.

  Out of it.

  Like I’ve definitely been drugged. But there’s that other sense too. That cloud, the one that hangs over my head when I know I’m in trouble when the storm has hit, and now I’m in limbo.

  That in between.

  The aftermath.

  My eyes are heavy, my mouth dry like it’s full of cotton wool. I blink a few times trying to put the pieces back together but can’t really recall much. I shift slightly, pain in my leg bringing back memories of the crash. My chest aches as I remember coming into the hospital emergency department, but as I glance around the room, I note this is an actual hospital room not the emergency area anymore.

  I’ve been admitted.

  As I glance at the edge of my bed, I see Trax sitting there facing away from me, staring aimlessly out the window. But there’s a sensation across my hand of him stroking my skin lovingly, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. As I look down, I see he’s running his thumb up and down the back of my hand.

  It fills me with warmth.

  I instantly feel safe.


  But suddenly my stomach rolls making me feel nauseous, then it hits me, the memory flooding back as I glance at my stomach. I let out a small whimper as my hand flies to my tummy making Trax turn to face me. His eyes lock onto mine, his glassy as I look to him, and I can’t help but let out another whimper. He leans forward bringing his free hand to my face caressing my cheek trying to soothe me.

  “Hey shhh, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. You’re okay. You’re in a safe place. Just breathe, Mylee,” he instructs, so I take a few deep breaths continuing to look into his eyes as mine well up at the memory that I’m pregnant.

  A lump forms in my throat as I move my hands to hold his. “Trax, I’m…” I pause, and he slowly bobs his head up and down.

  “Yeah, baby, you are. We are. We’re in this together.”

  I shift to sit up in the bed, and he helps me move. Trax slides in next to my side as we sit on the bed. He looks at me, but I can’t seem to get a grip on what I’m feeling. I know this can’t happen, but something deep down inside is making it all seem a little exciting. I never wanted this. I never wanted kids. It’s too fucking hard. Plus, damning a child to the life I’ve lived is just plain evil. I couldn’t possibly do that, could I?

  Trax grabs my hand, forcing me to look at him. “You’re thinking. You’re overthinking. Mylee, I know you didn’t want this. A baby was never in our cards. I know what your first instinct is, but you need to think about this.”

  I’m tormented at the thought of having to go through an abortion. The idea of aborting an innocent child is abhorrent to me, but the thought of condemning a child to my fate is equally as bad, isn’t it? I’m so fucking torn. I cuddle into Trax’s side needing his comfort as he wraps himself around me.

  “You want to keep the baby?” I murmur asking Trax.

  He nods against my head. “I do. That child is a part of you and me, and Mylee…” he exhales, “… that’s incredible. I know there’ll be challenges, but I know you. I’ve been through a lot with you. I’ve seen you off your meds, I’ve seen you manic, I’ve seen you depressed, and I’ve also seen you strong and can handle anything. I think we can handle this if you’re willing.”

  “What about when our child has an event that might trigger their bipolar disorder. How will we handle that? Having two people with bipolar disorder will be hard on you?” I look up to Trax, he simply smiles swiping hair away from my face leaning in and planting a tender kiss on my forehead. “Then we deal with it. We’re in this together. We’re not the first family to go through this, Mylee, and we won’t be the last. Plus, we have an entire brotherhood watching our backs, helping us through. We have far more support than most families because our family is massive.”

  My heart skips a beat. “True. I guess we have two families, the Defiance and the Knights. They’ll both look after us.”

  “Exactly… that is if your father doesn’t fucking exterminate me first.”

  Raising my brow, I let out a sigh. “Yeah… does he know?”

  “No. Wanted to wait till you were awake, till we knew what we were doing before I got Crest involved.”

  “Good call. I’m so tired, I don’t really know if I’m thinking straight, Trax.”

  “That’s fine. Just talk to me. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

  “Scared… if we do this. It means so much. Medication changes, body changes, our relationship could change. What if… what if you fall out of love with me?”

  He glares at me like I’ve said the most stupid thing in the world. I know I’m not thinking straight, but the way he’s looking at me right now, I know it wasn’t the right thing to say. “How could you ever think that? I’m in this with you. I was in it with you two years ago. I’ve been with you ever since then just waiting for you to come back to me. The moment you stepped back into my life you’ve been mine, and I
swear to God I’m not going fucking anywhere no matter what. Baby or not. Medication or not. You’re mine, Mylee, all the way. I’ll fucking tell the entire world I’ve claimed you if need be. I don’t fucking care. I’ll post a billboard in the heart of Italy if you want me to. ‘Mylee’s claimed’ in big fucking flashing neon lights. You’re mine, in the good and in the bad. I know we have some shit heading our way, but I don’t care if you try to gouge my eyes out in a fit of anger, I’ll still be there for you and our baby… always.”

  Tears fill my eyes as I rush forward embracing him tightly. He claimed me. Even with my head in a fog, I can still feel the joy while he embraces me tightly. “I love you,” I whisper.

  He pulls back looking into my eyes. “I love you, too. So we gonna do this? Are we gonna have a baby?”

  I exhale looking deep into his gorgeous blue sparkling eyes. There’s so much hope in them, the love oozing from him, the adoration, the desire. I can’t deny him this even though I feel like a part of me will always feel tortured for doing this, like a part of me will always feel blame for what will happen to our son or daughter. I know if I terminate our child, I’d always feel guilt for ending an innocent life. Catch twenty-two. There’s guilt in both scenarios, it’s just which guilt is bigger, and right now I can’t find myself being able to squash the growing excitement slowly winning out inside of me as I nod to him slowly.

  His eyes light up as he takes in my approval. He smooths his hands over my face. “Are you fucking saying what I think you’re saying?”

  I exhale. “I need to talk to the doctors. I need to know more details. But I’m saying I will consider keeping our child. The idea of you looking after us is… kinda heartwarming.”


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