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Chicago Defiance Box Set Part One

Page 75

by K E Osborn

  “Fucker, you’ve been MIA this morning, where you been?” Torque asks.

  I can’t help the rush of adrenaline that courses through me. “At a doctor’s appointment with Sparx. Got the first scan of the baby today,” I reply. They both look at me seemingly now more interested.

  Torque drops the folder he has in his hand to the desk, and he exhales with a shrug. “And? Is it a boy or a girl?” he asks.

  I let out a laugh as I walk up to him and Ace. “Too early for that yet, but…” I pause for effect, they both frown as I beam with pride. “It’s twins,” I blurt out.

  They both open their mouths wide as Torque punches me in my bicep. “No fuckin’ way?” he asks as I chuckle.

  “Yep, two mini-mes.”

  Ace shakes his head as he continues to type on his computer. “Jesus Christ, two more Trax’s in the world… fuck me!”

  I snort. “Shut up, asshole. What are you fuckers talking about anyway?”

  Ace chuckles as he looks up. “We’re tracking Cindi. She’s stalled in Miami which is good. We’ve put in our bid on their site. Hopefully, it’s accepted before she’s shipped off to Cuba. If it is, we’ll send in our buyer. If it’s not, we’re off to Cuba for extraction.”

  I smirk. “Have you convinced someone to play the part yet?”

  Torque chuckles. “Working on it. I have the man, just getting him prepped.”

  “Should I ask who?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

  Raising my brow, I smirk. “Hmmm… intriguing, I like it. What else is happening?”

  “We’re also working on the latest shipment to Linn, everything seems to be running smoothly. Which is nice for a damn change,” Ace chimes.

  Torque grunts. “Yeah, things are a little too calm around here. We go into meetings without a shootout or double cross. Fuck, I don’t know,” he mocks, and I raise my brow.

  “Now why would you go saying shit like that for?”

  Torque laughs throwing his hands in the air. “Maybe I need to go have an argument with Enzo. Keep things interesting?” he teases as my brows knit together.

  “You sound like I used to. Have we traded places or something?”

  Torque snorts. “Since Sparx came along and your sessions with Sensei, you’ve changed. I like it. Don’t go back to that chaos and carnage shit,” Torque adds slapping my back as he starts to walk out of the chapel. “You’re gonna be a father now, stay on the straight and narrow, brother. The straight and narrow,” he yells as he walks out leaving me with Ace.

  I look to him tilting my head. “Was that his version of a pep talk?”

  Ace chuckles. “I have no idea. I think you having kids has thrown him. He’s in a good place with Foxy, but maybe it’s making him think about where they should be going. They have their house down the road, they’re settled, but maybe he’s starting to think of more… I dunno?”

  I raise my brow. I wonder if he wants to go the kids or marriage route with Foxy first? I guess only time will tell. But right now I’m alone in the chapel with Ace. The guy who I’ve treated like shit since Mylee showed up. Their ‘friendship’ has always been a sour point for me, and maybe now I have him alone, I can bury the hatchet. I figure a good way to do this is to talk to him about Mylee. So I round his desk. He looks up at me with a questioning brow.

  “Did Mylee ever get you to look into anything? I was wondering if she ever asked you to do some digging.”

  “Yeah, brother. On the guy she’s here hiding from… Everett Scott.”

  I take a breath. “Did you ever find anything?”

  He slowly slides out the spare chair, so I take the seat next to him. He types something into his computer, and a file pops up. A picture of a guy with red hair and too many freckles to count shows up on the screen, but his build is large like maybe he used to play football.

  “I couldn’t find anything on him other than what we already know… psych patient, mentally unstable, son of Malcolm Scott, the senator. Nothing on Malcolm either. Absolutely crystal clean. It paints a picture that the Senator is actually a good guy… but what I can see is Everett’s making waves back in Grand Rapids. He’s doing everything in his power to try and find Sparx, but no one’s budging or telling him where she is. The only problem is, it will only be a matter of time before he finds her. Maybe we need to take out the threat before the threat gets to us?” Ace asks.

  I grimace. “That would normally be my go-to plan, but with him being the son of a senator, it makes it all a little harder.”

  Ace rubs his chin. “Maybe we can hire someone to take the hit for us?”

  Shaking my head, I flare my nostrils. “No, we can’t have anything linking back to us. If it gets out, that could bring not only us but the Notorious Knights down as well. We need to think wisely about this. I have no goddamn idea how to go about it. All I know is I need to protect my woman and our unborn babies from this psycho. She has enough to worry about than thinking about this asshole coming after her.”

  “Leave it with me. I’ll keep digging to try and find something. I’ll keep putting out false leads for Everett to track, to lead him away from here. So he thinks she’s anywhere but at Defiance.”

  “That’s a great idea, I like your thinking. I’m glad to have you on the team, Ace.”

  Ace sighs. “I really like Sparx, she’s a great girl. I know she’ll do well at this club, Trax. She’s good for you. I know she’s going to be a great asset for us to have here, so I want to be clear she’s a friend and that’s all.”

  I pat his back. “You’re damn straight because if you make any moves on my woman, I will have your foot so far up your own ass you’ll be spitting out your toenails.”

  Ace chuckles. “Noted. But it won’t be a problem. You have my word.”

  I stand up moving to walk from the chapel feeling not only a sense of relief from talking it out with Ace but also a sense of dread from the unknown of Everett.

  “Trax,” Ace calls out. I turn back to look at him.

  “Congratulations on the twins.”

  Smiling, I walk out of the chapel.


  Two Weeks Later

  It’s been three weeks since the trade of Cindi for Enzo’s daughter, Zia. We’ve been tracking Cindi’s movements, but that’s the only thing we can track. We can’t check her vitals. We can’t see if she’s healthy, her mental state, nothing. So we’re all on fucking edge. But finally Scarsi has approved the sale, and the money transfer has gone through.

  Apparently, there was a bidding war for her online, and that was the hold-up in getting her back. Some Russian gangster wanted her too. So no matter the cost, we had to outbid. Torque had to put one of the gyms up for sale to top up the money, and Enzo equaled it, but we finally got the money together. Then, all we had to do was send in the buyer. He had to fly to Miami to collect the ‘package’ and then he will deliver her back here for us. If all things go smoothly, they should be arriving soon.

  We all sit around the chapel table watching Cindi’s tracker with bated breath, and it moves closer and closer to the clubhouse. Anxiety fills through me. I have no idea what state Cindi will be in when she arrives. All I know is that everyone is anxious to see her.

  The tracker moves closer and closer, tension bubbling in the air as silence filters through the room, and a burning question echoes in my mind.

  “Who was the buyer?” I blurt out, and Torque looks to me letting out a heavy breath.

  “A friend of the club,” he replies then subtly glances to Sensei who tilts his head as if to say ‘why the hell are you looking at me’ as the tracker moves inside the compound. We all stand and rush out of the chapel inside the clubrooms to see Zane and Tremor escorting Cindi inside.

  She walks slowly like she’s weak, but she smiles so wide as she sees us all. She looks skinnier like she’s definitely lost weight. They haven’t been feeding her, but she looks clean. There’re bruises from obvious fights, but she appears to be taken
care of besides her malnourishment. Relief floods through me as we all rush toward her, crowding around her as she wraps her arms around us all.

  “Man, it’s good to be home!”

  We all cheer as a tear runs down her cheek, and I shudder thinking of what they must have done to her. “I’m sorry, Cindi,” I plead, but she shakes her head.

  “It honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought. The Scarsis were polite to me, they never hurt me. That Matteo is hot, and he seemed to take a liking to me, so that part was fine. And these bruises? Trust me, the fighting was fun and the other girls came off second best. Honestly, the worst bit was one meal a day. Girl’s gotta eat, so ahhh… can I have something to eat?”

  “On it!” Vibe calls out as he rushes to the kitchen, Ruby and Hayley flanking him as they wipe tears from their faces.

  We all move back to give her some room as a man walks into the clubhouse, and I recognize him instantly—Hiro Maki, Sensei’s stepfather.

  I raise my brow as he stands wearing a suit looking very… gangster.

  “Father?” Sensei calls out like he’s as confused as the rest of us as to why he’s here.

  “Hello, son, seems I’m in the business of buying women nowadays,” he jokes, and I smile slapping his shoulder.

  “Geez, don’t let Shinobu hear you say that,” I joke.

  He chuckles shaking his head. “My wife knew what I was doing. I would not go into this without her blessing. But with the help your club gave my family, I was honored to be able to step in and help out in your time of need.”

  “And we thank you, Hiro.” Torque dips his head. “Thanks for getting our girl back to us. And playing the part so well.”

  He bows his head as Sensei chuckles walking over to his father and dragging him away obviously to get the details.

  We played the Scarsi Dettagli at their own game, and we kicked their asses without them even knowing. Enzo got his principessa back, we got Cindi, and Enzo’s out of women trafficking for good.

  Win, fucking win, fucking win.

  You can’t get any better than that.

  Ace walks up to me, and I glance at him. “Good work on the tracker. You’re kind of a smart ass.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, I know. But this was a team effort, and you helped Cindi in this as well as me. I think we both deserve a beer. Want to join me?”

  I raise my brow. “Sure, beer it is.”



  Two Weeks Later

  Standing back as I lean against the bathroom door, tension ripples through me as I listen to Sparx heave into the toilet. I feel fucking terrible that I can’t do anything to help her. To top it off, she doesn’t want me in there with her, so I’m standing back listening behind the closed door feeling helpless as she vomits. She’s three months pregnant, the books say the sickness should be starting to ease soon, but if anything, it’s getting worse. I hate she’s having such terrible morning sickness, but the problem is it’s seven at night, and she’s still sick.

  Why the hell do they call it morning sickness when it lasts all day and fucking night?

  “Babe, maybe we need to call the doctor again?” I call out. The sound of the toilet flushing eases my nerves slightly as I crack open the door to see her slumped on the bathroom floor next to the bowl, her pajamas a disheveled mess as she looks completely spent. I weakly smile as she frowns at me.

  “What’s the point, it’s just morning sickness. They can’t do anything. I swear these kids are trying to kill me from the inside out.”

  I let out a stifled laugh as I walk in taking a seat next to her on the floor, the air smelling stale, but I try not to think about it as I plonk down wrapping my arm around her, pulling her to me. Her body collapses against mine in defeat, and I hold her tightly stroking her hair. “Sparx you’re doing so fucking well. I’m so proud of you.” I turn to her looking her up and down. “Strip,” I simply say. She wastes no time in standing up and pulling off her pajamas.

  I also don’t hesitate to stand up and pull off my jeans and shirt then reach in turning on the shower. I want to make her feel better. Make her feel loved. It’s not about anything other than letting her know I’m here for her. Especially after everything she’s going through. I’m just planning on washing and holding her. So, I lead her in, her hair instantly wetting under the hot water. Her lips slowly turn up, and I love seeing a little bit of a spark in her eyes. She grabs the toothbrush quickly brushing her teeth under the water. I watch her body move, the rivulets of water and suds sliding down as she rinses her mouth. I lick my lips taking in her naked form as I lean in planting a soft kiss against her lips. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her to me, and of course, my cock stirs. I mean I am naked in a shower, so I can’t fucking help it. But what really surprises me is that her hand is snaking down between us. Her fingers wrap around my cock, a hiss leaves my lips as they break apart from her and I look into her eyes. A small sparkle in hers makes me smirk. Her hand slowly moves up and down on my shaft, pleasure rippling through me, but this isn’t what this was supposed to be about.

  Taking a deep breath as the water flows between us, my hands grip onto her arms as I look into her eyes. “Baby, we don’t have to—”

  “I just want to lose myself, just for a little while, make me feel better,” she murmurs as she strokes on my cock making it very hard to concentrate. So I grab her a little harder, pushing her back against the wall. She weakly smiles, and I lean in kissing her. Hard. My tongue assaulting hers as she pulls on me with such a flawless technique I’ll be coming before I have a chance to even take another breath.

  My hand slides from her arm, straight down between her legs. She parts them like a good girl, and I find her clit instantly. It’s already swollen and throbbing for me as she arches her back off the wall in pleasure. We work together building each other up. She pulls on me in just the right way sending waves of pleasure through me as I rotate on her clit bringing her quickly to her peak.

  Our kiss is frantic. It’s chaotic, it’s breathy as we work together. A shudder runs down my spine letting me know I’m so fucking close. My balls tighten, squeezing up as they prepare to let loose. I groan so loud into her mouth as my entire body stiffens while I jolt hard—my cock throbbing as I feel the pressure build and then release, my hot cum exploding straight onto her stomach. My knees buckle slightly with the relief, but I know she’s close. I can’t stop my movements on her as I continue to flick her clit. Her nails grip into my shoulders as she holds on, and our lips break free needing some air.

  “Shit, Konnor,” she almost yells as her nails dig into my skin. I’m sure they will have drawn blood as she explodes around my fingers.

  I take a few breaths, then pull back and look at her stomach. I smirk as she glances down, and I pull her under the water to wash her clean. My hand moves over her silky skin, and I pause over her belly button—there’s twins under the small bump. My palm splays out over her belly, and she seems to understand I need a minute to let that sink in. Leaning forward, she cuddles into me, her hand moving over mine as her head rests on my shoulder.

  “I love you,” she murmurs.

  I look at her in awe. “I fucking love you,” I reply, pulling her into a tight embrace, my lips colliding with hers. I brought her into the shower to make her feel better, but I guess I needed her to make me feel better too.

  Once we’re done in here, I’m going to take my girl out into the fresh air and spend some time outside.


  The Next Day

  I slowly wake but being in the arms of Trax makes a slow smile cross my face. He’s been amazing the past few days that I need to show him how much I adore him, so I lean up pressing my lips to his mouth. His lips turn into a grin against mine as he slowly wakes up looking at me. He beams appearing completely happy. I feel like the morning sickness fog is lifting. I’ve been in such a state the last few days, this damn sickness really getting the better of me, but I feel better and more lucid.

  He looks into my eyes and kisses me. “How are you this morning?” he asks.

  “I think I’m hungry.”

  His eyes enlarge. “You think you might be able to stomach some breakfast this morning?”

  I shrug. “I can try. I’m pretty hungry today, and for the first time in days, I don’t feel like I want to, you know… hurl right now.” I giggle.

  He leans in kissing my nose, then jumps out of bed in a rush putting his clothes on. I smile as I sit up in bed slowly. I don’t want to rush and risk upsetting my stomach, so I move in small, slow, measured movements as I get out of bed. I don’t bother to get changed. I don’t care if I go into the clubrooms in my pajamas. They’ve seen me at my worst, so seeing me in my pajamas when I’m feeling better seems okay.

  He grabs my hand, and we walk out of the room toward the clubrooms to the smell of bacon. It seems like every morning, without fail, Ruby and Cindi are cooking the guys bacon. How the hell aren’t they all the size of a house?

  It’s good to see Cindi has come back with no issues at all. Her time with the Scarsis didn’t harm her in the slightest—actually she seems even happier if that’s possible. Torque followed through and has her enrolled in acting classes. It was a big gamble which paid off for her and the club.

  We step into the clubroom and everyone turns to us. They’re looking at Trax and me, smiling with genuine happiness on their faces. Happiness that I’m out here with them, joining them, back in the land of the living, back with the family, with the brotherhood. People wave tilting their heads to me in friendly greetings. A warmth floods through me. It’s nice.

  Trax tightens his hand in mine turning to look at me. “You doing okay?”

  Genuine peace flows through me. “I’m doing just fine.”


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