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Rafe (Devil's Flame MC Book 1)

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by Romi Hart

  Nothing could possibly be sweeter.

  As they drew up to the entrance of the bar, Rafe ran his fingers through his hair and rolled his shoulders. He wanted to make an impression. The rest of the guys were no different, adjusting their cuts and assuring they were put together before he pushed in through the front door. After all, there was no harm in getting the attention of a few other chicks, especially since only one of them would win the grand prize for the evening.

  The small space was dark, and Rafe sidled up to the bar, assessing his surroundings. The only real light was over the pool tables in the back, and it didn’t take much work to find his target. Kira Hawthorne was bent over the pool table, looking like an advertisement for sex with the swell of her ass in the air inviting two hands to take the wheel and a raging cock to go for a ride. He had to adjust himself, even from this distance, before he could even think about approaching her with any realistic chance of not looking like a complete douche.

  “Jesus Christ on wheels,” Zeke groaned next to him, calling over the bartender. “I’m going to have to drink myself to death to keep my hands to myself.”

  Rafe grunted. “I’m not worried about your hands right now, brother. Just keep your woody tucked away, and we’ll call it a deal. For now.” He grabbed the whiskey and sauntered toward the back of the joint, Kira in his sights. Some buxom blond pushed against him, trying to get his attention, but he gave her a cursory smile and kept going, letting Harrison catch her as she stumbled away.

  As he approached, Kira turned to a slightly taller blond girl and said something that had them both laughing, and Rafe made a snap decision. Averting his gaze, he focused on the friend, giving her his signature cocky grin and a jut of his chin in acknowledgement. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  She beamed at him, blushing and nudging Kira not so subtly. “Maybe. If you’ll buy one for my friend, too.”

  This was better than he could have hoped. With a shrug, he let his eyes roam up and down Kira Hawthorne. She was a tiny bit of a thing, maybe five foot three, but her dark brown eyes danced with mirth at the exchange she seemed to have expected all along. And every curve made him want to trace her body with his lips and fingers. “What are you ladies drinking?”

  “Whiskey sours,” Kira answered in a husky tone that made Rafe’s jeans suddenly feel far too tight. What the hell was he getting himself into?


  It didn’t take a genius to figure out who Kira was looking at. After all, the cut said it all. He was part of the Devil’s Flame MC. The signature skull with horns, backed by blue flaming wings, stood for everything her brother hated in this world.

  And everything she wanted in her life to piss Jake off.

  She may not have known them by name, but she had a distinct feeling these were high ranking members of the crew, especially the insanely gorgeous man standing over her and Tara at the moment, acting like he’d intended to hit on Tara when his eyes had been all over Kira from the moment he spotted her across the bar. And the way he swallowed hard when she spoke said it all. He was into her, which made him the perfect target tonight.

  He nodded at one of his men without breaking eye contact, and the other guy jumped into action, apparently headed to buy the drinks, and Kira revised her assessment. This wasn’t one of the top dogs. He was literally at the top of the food chain. President or vice, she didn’t know, but did it really matter? He exuded sex with his dark brown hair, chiseled jaw, and jade green eyes. He dwarfed her, standing a couple of inches over six feet, and his lean muscle made her wonder if he was strong enough to flip her over without breaking away while drilling into her.

  “I’m Tara, and this is Kira,” Tara offered with a little too much exuberance. Kira said nothing.

  But biker boy cut his gaze to Tara with a salacious grin for a moment, taking her hand and brushing his lips over her knuckles briefly. “Tara. Nice to meet you. I’m Rafe.” He dropped her hand and reached for Kira, who lazily complied, holding out her hand. His lips were soft, enticing, and lingered all too long. And was that the tip of his tongue snaking out across her ring finger? God, she could melt for this hunk of flesh, and he would definitely get her brother’s goat. “Kira. Quite a pleasure.”

  Kira gave him a nod as his minion returned, handing over the drinks. “And who’s your friend?” she asked, cocking a half grin at him and watching his jaw work in consternation. Of course, he’d be jealous if she paid attention to someone of lower ranking.

  “This is Zeke,” Rafe told her, his voice filled with the gravel of his irritation. “Zeke, meet Tara and Kira.”

  Zeke sidled past Rafe, and Kira watched with barely contained amusement as he moved right into Tara’s space. “Well, well, I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around here before.”

  “Nicely choreographed,” Kira muttered, moving just an inch closer to Rafe. “Do they all read your mind like that?”

  But Rafe obviously wasn’t going to be outdone. With a teasing smile, he shrugged. “I usually take the blond, actually.” Oh, he was good at this game.

  “You wouldn’t have had much luck,” Kira countered, reaching up to pat his cheek. “You apparently shaved this morning. Tara appreciates a little carpet burn.”

  Quirking a brow at her, Rafe asked, “And what about you?”

  “I work hard to keep this skin baby smooth. I’d rather not get a rash.” She winked at him, reaching for the pool cue Tara was about to drop, her attention fully focused on Rafe’s man. “Looks like I’m out a competitor here. Care to finish the game for her?”

  “Solids or stripes?”

  Eyeing the table and smirking, she told him, “Solids. I’ll even let you take the first shot.”

  He groaned as he assessed the game. “Tara’s not much of a pool shark, is she?”

  “She’s pretty good. I’m just much better. At a lot of things.” She watched Rafe’s pupils dilate at her words and knew she had him locked down. She had no intention of going home with him. After all, she wasn’t easy. But a little harmless flirtation, maybe some teasing, and a kiss goodnight wouldn’t hurt. And she trusted that Tara would take the news back to the Diamond Kings, letting Jake know that his little sister just might be scoring with a rival biker.

  Sweet, sweet victory.

  Kira stepped back to watch as Rafe stalked around the table, his shoulders and hips moving in graceful rotations, reminding her of a panther hunting. It was intoxicating to see, men of his size were usually clunky and even a bit awkward sometimes. She had images of him rolling his hips in bed and held her breath to keep from moaning out loud at the thought.

  It didn’t help when he bent and took his shot, giving her a prime view of what had to be the best ass in the finest pair of jeans she’d seen in ages. Sure, there were plenty of rough men in some of the smaller MCs that frequented the dive bar, and that’s why she came here. It was easy to get her brother all worked up anytime she spent a few hours here. But she wasn’t used to the quality of eye candy that Rafe and his friends presented.

  The ball banked and cut just a little too far to the left to hit the pocket, and Rafe let loose a fierce curse. Kira snorted and shrugged. “Maybe you’re just distracted.”

  “I don’t get distracted,” he countered, but the way he consumed her with his gaze said otherwise. “My focus is always exactly where I intend it to be.”

  Narrowing her eyes at him, Kira chalked her cue. This guy certainly warranted more than an appreciative onceover. He had a way with words, and Kira could go toe to toe with this banter all night. “If that’s the case, big guy, watch this,” she told him and took her shot. It would have been perfect, had he not sidled up next to her and just brushed a hand against her waist. This time, she let the curses fly.

  He clicked his tongue at her. “Such a dirty mouth on such a beautiful woman,” he chuckled. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?”

  “I kiss whoever I want with this mouth, and they’re damn lucky for it,” she replied, stepping into his space wit
h a challenge. “You have a problem with my mouth?”

  He smirked. “Only that those lips aren’t on me.” He bent and took her mouth with surprising force, brief but passionate, and when he pulled back with a triumphant grin, Kira stumbled slightly, her head spinning. Damn, he tasted good! Like whiskey and spice, smoke and something deeply masculine.

  She could get used to that.

  Shaking herself and trying to find her sense of balance, she watched as Rafe ran three balls before he missed a shot. And then he didn’t give her a chance to gauge the table, instead moving in front of her with her drink in his hand. “You’ve hardly touched this.”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you wanted to get me drunk and take advantage of me,” she said, taking it and draining the glass.

  He shook his head. “No, I’d rather you made a conscious decision. But at least I know you trust me now.” He winked and smacked her ass, and Kira let out a small yelp, not having expected it. She liked this guy more and more by the minute.

  She took her time assessing her shot, glancing over her shoulder to find Tara giggling with Rafe’s man and watching. Good, that was exactly what Kira wanted. Her friend would report back to Mason, the closest thing she had to a boyfriend, who would talk to Jake and let him know exactly what Kira had been up to tonight. Bending over, she lined up a sure shot but hesitated, sensing Rafe close to her. “If I don’t make this shot, I’m holding you personally responsible.”

  She could almost feel him chuckle, he stood so close to her hip. “I’m just admiring the view. I won’t interfere.”

  “Good.” She slammed the ball into the pocket and managed to line up the winning shot. “Eight ball, corner.” She pointed, and he stood back, arms crossed, as if to prove he wouldn’t be the reason she lost.

  She sunk it easily, and Rafe nodded. “Nice shot. Now, can we start over so I get a fair game?”

  Kira pursed her lips, letting her eyes roam over him the way his had taken inventory of her time and again. “I’m not sure fair is the word I’d use for it, but sure. I’m good for another round.”

  “Set it up. I’ll get us another drink, and I’ll break.” Rafe walked away, and Kira took a moment to watch him from the back. His cut was better fitted on him than on so many of the men who frequented the dive, and she couldn’t help thinking that the men she used to piss her brother off were nothing more than riff raff by comparison. What she really needed was someone like Rafe, someone not only from the biggest rival MC but who actually turned heads. Then, Jake might believe she meant business.

  The problem was, she found Rafe insanely attractive, and she didn’t know where she would draw the line this time. She was used to teasing and playing, then sending them home with blue balls. But for some reason, she didn’t know if she wanted to turn down an opportunity with someone like Rafe. She imagined that carefully controlled demeanor of his would shatter in the bedroom. He would want to dominate, and the power struggle she would give him would turn into an epic battle resulting in extreme satisfaction for both of them.

  She almost forgot to set up the table, so lost in thought, and she rushed through it, barely finishing as he returned with the drinks. “Thanks,” she said, hoisting hers in a toast.

  “You’re welcome. Here’s to indoor sports.” Those jade eyes of his sparkled like the jewels they were, and Kira couldn’t help but laugh. He really was a work of art, and he had personality on top of it.

  Still, she drank, and then, she decided to up the ante. “I tell you what, tough guy. Let’s go best out of three. If I win, you owe me a ride. I want to go to the coast for the weekend.”

  He looked a little taken aback by the request, but then he shrugged. “Not likely, so it’s a deal.” Then, that crooked, cocky grin appeared again, making things churn low in Kira’s stomach. “And if I win?”

  She snorted, but her heart beat wildly in her chest, like some schoolgirl with her first crush paying attention to her. “Like you said, not likely. But what will it be, Rafe?” Damn, she even liked the feel of his name on her tongue. She perched a hip on the pool table, waiting for his response, wondering what exactly she hoped to hear.

  This time, when he stepped forward, he placed a hand on either side of her on the table, his lips hovering just above hers and his body heat radiating into her. She swallowed a whimper as his scent washed over her, oil and leather and citrus cologne. “I’ll take you for a ride. One that makes you want to scream for mercy before it’s over.”

  The hell if the growl in his tone didn’t leave her panties wet, and Kira was glad the dive reeked of booze and sweat, or he would have smelled the sex on her. “Deal,” she told him, daring him with a jut of her chin to kiss her, right there.

  He smiled, and his tongue darted out, licking across her lower lip, and then he stood and moved to the end of the table, acting like nothing had happened. Meanwhile, as he struck and the balls scattered, Kira needed a second to pull herself together. No one got to her like this, not since Shaw. And even then, it hadn’t been an instant attraction for her. But there was something dark and yet extremely sensual about Rafe, and she wanted to dig deeper, find out what drove him. And she wasn’t the type to get all romantic and involved. Sex would tell her so much more.

  And give her something to use against her brother.

  Yes, the more she thought about it, the more she was tempted to let Rafe win. Then again, an entire weekend at the coast with him would be an even bigger affront to Jake and his delicate sensitivities. Either way, she had something she could bank on, and she had a feeling Rafe wouldn’t turn her down when it came to a night in bed. Or three.

  Of course, it didn’t look like she would have much choice as he practically ran the table while she stood there, tapping her foot impatiently and waiting her turn. But he finally missed, and it was her turn to show off. Three in a row, and she was on a roll, but apparently, Rafe didn’t like the prospect of losing. As she went for the fourth, he grabbed her hips and jerked her away from the table, tugging her back against him and tucking his mouth against her ear. “And here I thought you’d throw the game for a chance to have me buried inside you.”

  Maybe she would, but she certainly wasn’t ready to admit it. “You underestimate my level of competitiveness. And my need for a vacation.” Still, she rubbed her ass against him, feeling the twitch in his jockeys in response. It took a moment for him to release her, but as she lined back up, her hands shook, and she missed the shot.

  “Thought so,” he muttered as he strutted over to finish the game.

  “Hey, Kira, you good? You need a drink?” Kira turned to Tara, who had managed to pull herself away from Zeke, long enough to check in.

  “I’m fine,” she told her friend. “In fact, I’m done drinking for now. You go ahead, enjoy yourself.” She winked at Tara, who was practically vibrating with excitement over Rafe’s friend. Kira couldn’t blame her; the guy was almost as hot as Rafe, just very much not her type. Besides, her sights were set elsewhere.

  As she turned back to Rafe, she found him already setting up for the next round, a bright smirk on his face. “I guess you’re on the hook this game. You lose, and it’s mine.” His eyes dipped low, and she felt the heat of his gaze between her thighs as her blood boiled and seemed to pool low in her gut. Had she really made that bet with him? Was she thinking clearly? Sure, she wanted to do what she could to piss her brother off, and she even felt excited at the prospect of being up close and personal with someone like Rafe. But she wasn’t into one night stands, and she didn’t usually sleep with someone she just met.

  Still, Rafe appealed to her in ways she couldn’t explain, and for some reason, he didn’t feel like a stranger. Or maybe, she just wanted to live dangerously.

  Rounding the table to stand beside him, she placed a hand flat on his chest. “I’m not worried about it. I won’t lose again.”

  As the eight ball bounced off the edge of the pocket, Kira licked her lips, her nerves on edge. That had been h
er last shot, and unless some twist of fate royally screwed him up, Rafe had the perfect shot lined up. He just stood there, staring for a moment, and then he turned to her, taking a lock of her hair and twisting it around his finger. “I’m giving you an option here, sweetheart. I can be a gentleman. Take another shot, or tell me not to take mine, and I won’t hold you to the debt.”

  Kira gaped at him openly. She didn’t know whether to be grateful or offended. After all that talk, all the banter and flirting, and even kissing her, he would back out. Or rather, he would give her the option to call it off. From the look in his eyes, he was interested. Was he really just being decent? She thought about it for a moment. She could go home, still have the word spread that one of the Devil’s Flames had been all over her tonight, and get some satisfaction out of it. But she knew it wouldn’t be enough.

  So, with her heart hammering and her breath coming in short bursts, she told him, “I follow through, Rafe. Take the shot, and let’s go for a ride.”

  His pupils blasted, swallowing half of the gorgeous jade, and it made her blood pump harder and faster to know how much he wanted her. One corner of his mouth turned up and he shrugged casually, a gesture that went completely against every other sign he gave. “If you insist.” He hovered a moment longer before he released her hair, and as he looked at her, poised for the shot, Kira thought he was going to throw the game. But the eight ball sunk in the pocket without touching the sides, and it was done.

  Victory, but for who?

  She glanced around and realized the activity in the bar had picked up significantly while she’d been absorbed in the game. Or rather, in Rafe and his undivided attention. Plenty of people had seen her with him, and plenty would watch her leave and ride away with him on his bike. She swallowed hard, realizing she had committed to this, and despite any anxiety she felt, the sheer anticipation overrode any misgivings.

  That thought gave her courage, and she waltzed right up to Rafe, leaning into him. “So, what now, big guy? Do you need your entourage, or will it just be you and me?”


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