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Rafe (Devil's Flame MC Book 1)

Page 16

by Romi Hart

  Jake cursed under his breath, hauling himself to his feet, even though he wavered slightly. Rafe, too, clamored to stand, wiping his forearm on his shirt to try to clean off some of the blood now running down his hand. He had to get to his knife without exposing his back or compromising his position. Jake was definitely a snake when it came to fights, and he would play dirty. Rafe couldn’t risk another cut and more bleeding.

  Gauging Jake’s position, close to the edge of the tub, Rafe calculated his next move carefully and feinted to the right, making his enemy lean left hard enough that his knee – the one Rafe had kicked – buckled sideways against the tub. He lost his balance, grabbing onto the wall to right himself, and Rafe took those precious few seconds and recovered the knife from his boot. He swung out and slashed a giant rip in Jake’s shirt but the man was gaunt enough he didn’t catch any flesh.

  He brought the blade back around, but Jake blocked the swing with his forearm, hitting Rafe hard enough that his grip gave way, and the knife flew across the room, landing in one of the his and hers sinks. Sneering, Jake motioned with a curl of his hand. “Come on, Rafe. No more weapons, right? Just you and me and brute strength.”

  That would never be an even playing field, but Rafe didn’t get cocky. He’d struggled more than expected already, considering Jake’s lack of knowledge in hand to hand fighting. But then, Rafe didn’t usually battle with such slippery, morally deprived people. And he would give it to Jake – the man was far quicker than he’d expected.

  Wanting to take the smirk off his ugly face, Rafe roared and lunged, fingers splayed and grabbing. He managed to catch hold of Jake’s jaw and used that to shove his head into the wall. The hit had Jake stumbling, but he still didn’t fall, and Rafe spun around behind him, taking him in a headlock. He wanted a choke hold, but between the searing pain from the cut in his arm and the speed with which Jake thrust a hand up and jutted his chin down toward his chest, Rafe couldn’t manage it.

  Without it, there was no way to strangle him, no way to snap his neck. Rafe would have to hope his own strength held out longer than Jake’s as the smaller man tried to fight out of the precarious position. Rafe let him struggle, focusing on staying still and not releasing the tight grip, and taking deep, slow breaths that would keep him standing longer.

  “Give up, Hawthorne. You die today,” Rafe grated into his ear.

  “Fuck you!” Jake spat, trying to get more leverage with his feet. But Rafe kept him elevated just enough to avoid his head striking him in the jaw.

  The sound of someone running toward the bathroom, not even bothering to stay quiet, had them both freezing. If that was one of Jake’s men, Rafe was going to have to move fast, using the jackass as a shield. One of his, and he’d deliver the son of a bitch to hell’s gate in the next few seconds.

  Rafe gaped as Kira stepped into the doorway, leveling the barrel of a pistol toward them. His blood ran cold, and doubt filtered through his mind, dousing the love he felt for her. How had she gotten free and managed to get a gun so quickly? He didn’t think any of his men had found her, or he would have felt his phone vibrate in his pocket with the information.

  He felt Jake vibrate before he realized the sound he heard was the man’s grating laughter. “How about that, Rafe? Your darling girl came to save her brother after all. I guess blood is thicker than water, isn’t it? Or whatever fluids the two of you have exchanged.”

  “Not another word, Jake,” Kira hissed at him, and Rafe held his breath. This was the defining moment. Would she aim for her brother, or would the bullet be meant for him? “You have crossed too many lines, and I don’t care about what the family thinks anymore. If our father knew how you ran the Diamond Kings, he’d disown you. And I’d stand with him.”

  Rafe felt his rival stiffen, despite remaining calm in tone. “Come on, Kira. You know everything I do is to make sure you’re safe and happy.”

  “So, you killed my fiancé, and now you want to take away another man I love. That’s supposed to make me happy?” she questioned, shaking her head. “Rafe, let him go.”

  Rafe’s hopes fell. Since she’d opened her mouth, he’d assumed Jake was her target. Now, it seemed he’d misjudged her. With a heavy heart and acceptance of his fate, Rafe shoved Jake away from him and stepped out from behind him. But he could gauge the trajectory of the bullet, and Kira kept the gun trained on her brother.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Jake beamed the cockiest smile Rafe had ever seen. “You know, Kira, I was looking forward to killing him. But if it makes you happy, I’ll let you do the honors. And that, I hope, will earn me your forgiveness for going about things the wrong way in the past.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Kira exploded. “You’ve tried to steal everything from me, and then you hit me and betrayed me again. You were ready to kill me, you son of a bitch!”

  Rafe saw his confidence waiver, but he played his part well. “I would never have killed you, Kira. You’re my sister. But I needed you to believe it so your boy toy would believe it.” When that didn’t seem to affect her, Jake smirked. “You’re not going to shoot me, Kira, so why don’t you put the gun down?”

  “Oh, I’ll shoot you,” she countered. Rafe watched her, hands steady and aim true, and believed it. He just wasn’t sure if Jake would have to provoke her, or if she would just let the bullets fly. “And I’ll aim to kill.”

  The smile on Jake’s face faded, and he lowered his arms to his sides, clenching his fists. Rafe tensed, realizing he meant to attack Kira, but he couldn’t jump until Jake moved, for fear it would startle Kira, and he could get shot in the commotion. So, he waited.

  “What do you want from me, Kira? What can I do to make things right for you? Anything you want,” Jake told her, sounding cautious.

  But Kira shook her head. “There is nothing you can offer me to make up for the things you’ve done. And nothing you can offer Rafe to make up for killing his sister. Do you know she was only seventeen? You’re a monster, Jake, and you don’t deserve to live.”

  Jake’s face transformed instantly, filled with rage and reminding Rafe of a rabid animal on the attack. He leapt, and Kira shot, but as Jake moved, her bullet only hit his shoulder and grazed it rather than his chest. It caught him off guard, though. He’d been sure Kira wouldn’t kill him, and his gamble had cost him precious seconds. Rafe took the opening before Kira could get off another shot to lunge for the blade in the sink.

  With it tight in his grip, Rafe shoved the blade deep into Jake’s kidney and twisted, drawing a scream of agony from him. Ripping the knife out, he aimed for the chest, but Kira shoved him aside and took two more shots, straight into her brother’s heart. Jake dropped to the floor at an unnatural angle, eyes dead and blood pooling beneath and around him on the travertine.

  Rafe only glanced at Jake briefly, assuring there was no life left, no chance he’d pull a horror movie stunt and get one last laugh on them. Then, he turned to Kira, just as she lowered her arms and let the gun fall to the floor. She dropped to her knees, looking like she might pass out. He knelt beside her, a hand on her shoulder to steady her. “Kira, are you alright?” He winced at the swelling and bruises on her face, the evidence of blood crusted at the corner of her mouth, and the bruising coming out on her shoulder beneath the tank top. For a moment, he wanted to resurrect the fucker behind him, just so he could torment and kill him all over again.

  Her gaze was fixed on the body, and Rafe hated that she’d been the one to fire the killing shot. She’d asked for it, made sure she was the one to finish Jake off, but Rafe should have fought harder to keep her from taking that weight on her shoulders. “I know it’s hard, Kira. He was your brother…”

  But he trailed off as she turned her gaze to him and smiled, not a sad expression but one of triumph. “That was not my brother. That was a monster I happened to grow up with. That was a man corrupted by power. And I’m glad I killed him. For me, and for you.” She leaned forward and kissed him, and Rafe kissed her back, a
drenaline and passion fueling him.

  But she winced and hissed in a breath, and he pulled back. “Where are you hurt?” he asked, suddenly terrified of injuries he couldn’t see.

  She shook her head. “Nothing that won’t heal, nothing broken.” Rafe gave her a skeptical look, and she sighed. “I banged my shoulder and hip pretty good trying to escape, but otherwise, it’s just cuts and scrapes. I swear.”

  Relief washed over him, and Rafe helped her stand, the two of them clinging to each other like either of them would topple to the ground without the extra support. He kissed her forehead and then searched her face again for signs of trauma. “Are you sure you’re alright?” She nodded vigorously. Rafe’s heart filled with joy, despite the remnants of the battle going on around them. Taking a deep breath, he told her, “When you showed up with a gun, I was sure you were working with him.” Kira frowned at him, opening her mouth, but he placed a finger on her lips to stop her. “I will never doubt you again.”

  “Good,” she said, her voice as full of emotion as his had been. “I couldn’t have done it without Dylan.”

  Rafe blinked at her. “What are you talking about?” He’d known Dylan hadn’t digested Jake’s methods comfortably, but he hadn’t expected the man to turn on his leader. He’d always been loyal, as far as Rafe knew.

  Kira shrugged. “He killed the guard on my door, cut the ties on my wrists and ankles, and gave me a knife. Told me to go out the back staircase, but I refused. So he said to take the hand gun my guard had and do what I had to do, but to stay safe so he didn’t have to answer to you if something happened to me.”

  Rafe was fairly impressed and more than a little shocked. “Remind me to swallow some pride and thank him.” Taking her hand, he said, “I think we should finish this and get out of here. With Jake dead, there’s not much holding the Kings together, and they should surrender.”

  “From what I saw on the way here, it looked like they already had,” Kira replied. Rather than letting him lead her out of the bathroom, she leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. “I was so afraid I’d lose you,” she whispered.

  The fear that had seized Rafe’s heart took hold again, and he wrapped Kira in his arms, pressing a hand to her head and cherishing the feel of her heart beating against him. “I would rather die than let anything happen to you. I love you, Kira.”

  She pulled her head out of his grasp and gazed up at him with tears in her eyes and the ghost of a grin on her lips. “I love you, too. And I love the way it sounds when you say it.” She pushed up on her toes and kissed him, and Rafe deepened it, pouring out all of his longing and fear and every other emotion she drew out of him. He didn’t know why or how, but he knew he couldn’t live without her. Not now. She had become the oxygen he needed to breathe, had given him purpose. And that was important, especially since he didn’t have this vendetta anymore. He needed something to focus on, and he couldn’t think of anything better than Kira.

  “Let’s go home,” she whispered as her lips hovered over his.

  Rafe just nodded and turned her, urging her through the bathroom door and down the hall. Downstairs, they passed through the living room, with no more gunfire. In fact, Corey seemed to have things under control, so Rafe didn’t even stop to ask what was going on. He just continued outside, Kira following behind him with their fingers threaded together, and over to where he’d parked his bike. He threw his leg over, and Kira mounted behind him. As he started the engine, he smiled. There was nothing more satisfying than the feel of Kira’s arms tightening around his waist.


  Jake was dead.

  Kira honestly didn’t regret her actions, but it was still difficult to wrap her head around that thought. She’d shot her brother, twice, in the chest, and taken his life. And it was a double hit for her because she’d never taken anyone’s life before. Granted, it was for the best, and she’d put on a brave face. But admittedly, she was shaken, and clinging to Rafe felt like clinging to the last threads of sanity.

  She’d thought he would take her back to the clubhouse, or maybe finally ask where she lived and take her home. He’d said he loved her, and she believed him, but she couldn’t fathom how he could look at her right now without seeing a murderer.

  Still, she felt nothing but joy and anticipation as he pulled up to his house, the sight familiar and welcoming now. He shut off the machine beneath him, and reluctantly, she managed to detach from him and dismount, following him through the front door with his hand wrapped around hers. He didn’t stop there, and he didn’t say anything, the silence comforting and yet full of anticipation.

  He opened the bathroom door and drew her inside, letting go of her hand as he sat on the edge of the tub and turned on the hot water. He bent to plug the drain, tested the temperature of the water and adjusted it a couple of times, then stood with a nod. Turning to Kira, he told her, “You need to release some tension. I know you’re not traumatized, but you still went through something horrible, and whether you loved him or not, Jake Hawthorne was family. So, you’re going to relax in the tub for a while, and then I’m going to come and make sure you get all the pampering you need to leave all that behind.”

  The love inside swelled, like it might burst out of her chest. The idea conjured up images of Aliens, with the newborn aliens ripping their way out, and she burst out laughing. Rafe frowned at her, looking confused and almost hurt. She giggled harder and waved a hand in the air, shaking her head. “I’m sorry,” she gasped. “That’s honestly the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” she told him through fits of hysteria. “I don’t mean to laugh. I just had a weird thought. Sort of a stream of consciousness thing.” Sobering slightly but still sniggering, she told him, “Thank you, Rafe Chambers. You really are a gentleman.”

  He smiled and shrugged sheepishly. “I told you I had it in me. And for the record, you need the stress relief, so I’ll let it slide, but don’t expect me to be so gracious the next time you burst out laughing in the middle of my attempts to be romantic and caring.”

  This time, when she laughed, he laughed with her, and she felt the bond between them tightening. He started peeling clothes from her, gently and slowly. It was sensual but not sexual, and her skin tingled with the tenderness of his touch. When he stood and gazed at her, naked in front of him, she felt his desire but more than that, she felt his love, and she couldn’t imagine living without that. Knowing how close she’d come to losing it, to dying or losing Rafe, gave her new appreciation for him, and she let him gently lift her and place her in the steaming water that instantly felt like a cozy blanket wrapping around her skin and soothing her.

  As she settled in, he caressed her cheek. “Rest. I’ll be back soon.” He glanced back at her before he closed the door, and when he was gone, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She dozed a little, but she could smell the aroma of brewing coffee wafting under the door, and it brought her back to consciousness.

  She reached for the plug and pulled it, but as she stood and reached for the towel hanging beside her, the door opened, and she froze. Rafe stood there in all his unclad glory, his shaft at full mast and his eyes a deeper green than she’d ever seen. His expression, tight with need, sent an electric spark straight to her core, and moisture instantly leaked between her thighs.

  His steps were slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving Kira’s as he approached, and she shivered at his intensity. But she didn’t move, just waited eagerly as he stepped into the draining tub, still not touching her, though his eyes roaming her body were just as effective as his hands would be.

  He bent wordlessly to turn on the shower, and the burst of cold didn’t even make Kira flinch, her body burning with desire and warmed further by his proximity, his body heat rolling off him. But as the water warmed, and rivulets of it poured down Rafe’s body, accenting every crease between every muscle, Kira couldn’t hold back anymore. She brushed her hand over his chest, then down his arm, and he winced. She gaped at him,
not even having noticed the wound on his arm until now. But Rafe didn’t let her focus on that, grabbing her wrist gently and bringing her palm to his lips.

  It cracked her resolve, and she threw herself at him, yanking her arm away from him and thrusting the fingers on both hands into his hair, drawing him down into a desperate, burning kiss. Rafe jumped in with full force, pushing her back against the cold tile as his hands roamed over her body, seeming to be everywhere at once. Her skin ignited, flames crawling across her body and trailing his touch. She could have sworn she heard the sizzle as her flesh seared, his fingers marking her.

  She tightened her fists in his hair and lifted one leg, balancing as she wrapped it around his waist and pulled him closer to grind her pelvis against his, to feel the hard length of his cock pressing deliciously into her stomach. He grunted and thrust his hips, digging in further while drawing his lips over her jaw and down her shoulder. She moaned, her arousal dripping down her legs, hotter than the spray of the shower.

  As if he could smell it and the temptation was too great, Rafe slid a hand between her thighs and slicked his fingers over her slit. He grunted with appreciation, and his cock twitched where it pressed into her. His teeth nipped at her shoulder, and Kira couldn’t stand still, her body begging for more, but Rafe just continued his slow, teasing torment, grazing over the swell of her breast and taking her hardened nipple in his mouth. He scraped his teeth over it, then suckled at her until she arched her back and nearly came on his hand.

  Two of his fingers found their way inside, and her pussy clenched around them, the first wave of pleasure breaking through and taking over. All thought focused on that sensation, and the added attention of his thumb rolling her clit as she rode his hand shamelessly. As the flow started to ebb, Rafe withdrew his hand and spun her around to face the wall, instantly covering the back of her body with his front, his hands wrapping around her wrist and pressing her palms to the cold tile.


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