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Guardian: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators Book 9)

Page 5

by Anna Hackett

  Her lips pressed together. “Got it. Loud and clear.” She turned back to her computer.

  Rillian stared at her downturned head, then swiveled and strode out.

  Chapter Five

  Dayna stepped out of the tunnel and into the stands of the Kor Magna Arena.

  She took a second to take it all in. The huge oval of sand in the center, the rings of seating, and the flags fluttering off the towers in the evening breeze. The arena was made of a cream-colored stone that felt old. She could almost hear the sounds of ancient fights and screaming fans echoing around her.

  “It’s been here hundreds of years.”

  Rillian’s deep voice made her turn her head. He stood beside her, clothed in a black suit that made him look equally handsome and dangerous.

  They only stood inches apart, but it felt like a chasm. He’d avoided her all day and she’d worked in her office, getting more and more frustrated about every damn thing.

  Somehow, he’d hurt her. She was stupid. One look and she knew he was a man who controlled every aspect of his life. She’d just fallen into such an easy routine with him, and felt…more than she should.

  “But of course,” he added, “over that time, it’s evolved. The vicious fights to the death of old have given way to the displays of fighting skills and prowess we see today.”

  Dayna swallowed. Zaabha still had fights to the death. Bloody spectacles of pain and dying.

  Rillian took her arm and instantly, she felt an electric zing.

  Goddammit. The man was just too potent. He turned his head and their gazes met. For a second, it felt like the world stopped.

  “Dayna…I’m sorry about last night.”

  “You don’t need to apologize.”

  “I don’t let people close. I’ve spent a lifetime avoiding weaknesses my enemies could exploit.”

  Her chest felt tight. “You think I’d be a weakness?”

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His voice lowered. “You already are.”

  A tremble went through her body. Dayna didn’t think a man had ever made her tremble before. “I’m attracted to you.”

  “I’m attracted to you too. It’s…inconvenient.”

  “That’s one word for it,” she muttered.

  “I’m here to help and protect you.”

  She waved her hands at her body. “Not a child, Rillian.”

  “I’m well aware of that.” His voice was low, his gaze intense. “For now, let’s watch the fight.”

  Pulse pounding, she turned her head around to look straight ahead. He led her down the stairs, and she studied the small crowd of people sitting near the railings circling the inner fight area. She sucked in a deep breath, glad to be outside, although a part of her missed the casino and the security it offered.

  But she couldn’t stay locked in her prison forever.

  Her gaze fell on a group of women sitting together. Amongst them were a few large, bare-chested gladiators. As Dayna took the women in, her chest tightened. Her friends, her fellow people from Earth, and her fellow survivors.

  One by one, they turned their heads and spotted her.

  Smiles and cries broke out. Two women shot forward. Small, blonde Mia, and dark-haired Winter.

  Dayna found herself engulfed by their sweet smells as they wrapped their arms around her. Warmth flooded her.

  Mia pulled back, her face flushed. “It is so damn good to see you.”

  “So good,” Winter said, smiling.

  “How are you?” Mia demanded, holding Dayna’s hand tightly.

  “I’m okay.” She saw the worry on their faces, and gave Mia another tight hug. No way was she going to go into detail about the hungry thing that lived inside her. “I’m dealing. It’s been a lot to adjust to.”

  “You need to take your time.” Winter patted Dayna’s arm.

  Dayna studied the lovely woman’s face and her bi-colored eyes. Dayna remembered that terrible night that Winter had been returned to their cell, sobbing and unable to see. “I am so glad you can see again, Winter.”

  Winter smiled. “Me, too. I can see perfectly well enough to smack my gladiator when he goes barbarian on me.”

  Dayna lifted her gaze, looking over the woman’s head. The stone-faced Nero stood nearby, arms crossed over his muscled chest. The man looked…taciturn and grumpy. But when the gladiator’s gaze slid toward Winter, Dayna watched it warm. She fought a smile. Clearly, Winter had taken down the big, barbarian gladiator.

  She smiled, amused at the other humans, as well. She still couldn’t believe that all of these women had found love with alien gladiators.

  A hand pressed to the small of her back, sending electric shockwaves radiating through her.

  “The fight’s about to begin,” Rillian drawled. “Take a seat.”

  “You’re sitting with us.” Mia tugged Dayna forward.

  She followed, but glanced back. Rillian watched her for a moment, before he turned to talk with Galen.

  Ignore it. Ignore him. Forcing her gaze off Rillian, she glanced at the imperator. Now there was an imposing man. The black eye patch over his left eye, and his rugged, scarred face were intimidating, along with the muscled body set off by a tight, black shirt and black cloak. Rillian was charm covering an edge of danger. Galen was raw power and authority.

  “Here you go.” A cup filled with a bunch of small kernels was shoved into Dayna’s hand. “Mahiz. Stuff is addictive.”

  Dayna smiled at Rory Fraser. The former space station engineer’s red hair fell around her foxy face. She was munching on the snack and also rubbing her huge pregnant belly.

  “How’s life in the Dark Nebula Casino?” Winter asked.

  “Screw the casino.” Rory leaned forward. “How is it living with sex-on-a-stick Rillian?”

  Dayna made a choking noise.

  The redhead waved a hand in the air and gave an exaggerated shiver. “I have a super-hot gladiator baby daddy—” she patted her belly “—but Rillian…” She shivered again. “Just looking at that man is almost enough to induce multiple orgasms.”

  “Don’t let Kace hear you say that.” Regan, a former scientist from Fortuna, pushed her blonde hair over her shoulder.

  Dayna burst into laughter and the rest of the women joined in. It felt so good to laugh and relax.

  “So?” Rory said, raising a brow.

  “He’s an…interesting man,” Dayna said.

  Regan shook her head. “She’s been working to get better, Rory. I’m sure she’s not having a wild affair with the sexy casino owner.” The pretty scientist was smiling.

  Dayna managed a non-committal noise. “I won’t lie, the man is far too easy to look at, but he’s complicated.”

  “Sure is.” Rory smiled. “And he looks at you like you’re a tasty snack waiting to be devoured.”

  He does? Dayna’s pulse jumped, and she turned to look at the man in question. But suddenly, the small crowd started cheering.

  “Here they come.” Madeline, the former space station commander, leaned out over the railing.

  Saved by the gladiators. Dayna turned, gripping the railing to look down into the arena. The sand was currently perfectly groomed, but she knew it wouldn’t be long until it was disturbed by the fighters and splattered with blood. Kor Magna Arena didn’t host fights to the death, but the gladiators still got hurt. That’s why she knew the gladiatorial houses spent a fortune on the best medical tech.

  She watched the House of Galen gladiators step out onto the sand.

  There were lots of oiled muscles, black tattoos, and leather. Along with fascinating weapons. Dayna thoroughly enjoyed studying the swords, staffs, and axes that the gladiators carried.

  Beside her, the women waved and whistled to the incoming gladiators.

  Dayna watched the Kor Magna Champion, Raiden, stride out in the lead, his red cloak flaring behind him. By his side was Harper. Dayna couldn’t believe the former space station security officer had become a gladiator. But Harper look
ed the part in tight fighting leathers and holding two swords.

  The rest of the gladiators fanned out behind the couple.

  The gladiators waved to the crowd. They seemed relaxed, and Dayna remembered this was an exhibition match against their strongest allies. There’d be no blood and no winner, just good sport.

  “Galen,” a deep, cool voice said from nearby.

  Intrigued, Dayna turned, looking over her shoulder. She took in the man who’d just joined Rillian and Galen.

  She stilled. The man had a powerful build, and short, dark hair. He wore black leathers, and one of his arms was made entirely of silver metal. As he turned his head, she saw another metal implant surrounding one of his eyes, which glowed a neon blue.

  Cyborg. This had to be Magnus Rone, Imperator of the House of Rone.

  “Now that is one scary dude,” Mia murmured quietly.

  Madeline leaned closer. “He met with Galen the other day. Magnus had some possible leads on Zaabha. Apparently, he was dropping a shipment of weapons—”

  “Weapons?” Dayna interrupted.

  Madeline nodded. “The House of Rone has expert weapons makers. They are renowned for their weapons. Anyway, Magnus went to take a shipment into the desert several weeks back, and ended up captured by desert slavers. He spent a few nights locked in a cage, before his gladiators rescued him.”

  “What idiot would capture Magnus Rone?” Mia mused.

  “A very stupid one,” Madeline continued. “When they captured him, they damaged his cyborg systems. He says he still hasn’t got all his memories back from those few days. But recently, he remembered some snippets of conversations. About selling Earth women and about Zaabha.”

  Dayna straightened. God, maybe it could help them find Zaabha?

  “So far, nothing’s helped decode the map, but Galen’s hoping Magnus will remember more,” Madeline finished.

  Mia glanced at the cyborg. “He seems so…cold. Like I said, scary dude.”

  Dayna bumped the woman with her shoulder. “You mated with one scary dude, remember.”

  The blonde smiled. “I sure did.” Her gaze moved to the fighting floor.

  Dayna followed her gaze, taking in the muscled, blue-skinned alien warrior. Dayna had first seen the wild fighter in the underground fight rings when she and Mia had been trapped in there. Now, he was Mia’s mate.

  The woman’s smile was radiant. “He’s wild and tough on the outside, but on the inside…” Her smile widened, then her gaze flicked back to the men behind them. “But Magnus, though? I’m not entirely sure that guy feels anything on the inside.”

  Dayna found her gaze drawn to Rillian. So cool and controlled. He smiled, he clearly enjoyed the best of everything, and his people respected him. But as far as she could see, the man held the world at arm’s length, with the leash very much under his control.

  There was another murmur from the crowd, followed by cheers. Dayna turned back to the arena, watching as the House of Rone gladiators stepped onto the sand.

  “So, we’re all coming to the Dark Nebula in a few days,” Mia said, changing topics.


  Mia nodded. “Rillian is paying me a stupid amount of money to sing at a party.” Mia frowned. “Although it sort of feels wrong to be partying when I know Ever and Sam are prisoners.”

  “We have to live,” Dayna said. “You’ll be great, Mia. Rillian only has the best in his casino.”

  A sly look crossed Mia’s face. “Then that must be why he’s looking at you like you’re a particularly rare vintage of wine he wants to savor.”

  Again with the looking? Dayna shook her head, fighting not to glance back. “Now that all you guys have fallen in love, you’re trying to pair off everybody else.”

  Mia grabbed Dayna’s hand. “I just want you to be happy.”

  Dayna squeezed her friend’s fingers. “I’m finding my way there.” Suddenly, a siren sounded.

  “Fight’s starting,” Rory said.

  The gladiators met in a clash of swinging swords and axes. Dayna watched the fast, experienced moves, as the fighters ducked, weaved, and jumped.

  Watching Harper leap into the air, Dayna gasped in awe. The woman twirled her twin swords in a deadly display, driving her opponent back. Regan’s mate, Thorin, was all power as he slammed his giant axe down, cleaving off the handle of the axe of a rival gladiator.

  All around, the crowd cheered and stomped their feet. Energy and excitement throbbed off the spectators and the fighters. It washed over Dayna.

  She stilled, no longer seeing the fight in front of her. Every muscle in her body tightened, and she felt her symbiont stir. No.

  The energy from the gladiators below was rich and strong. She watched Blaine, the sole human male survivor, thrusting with dual swords. His blades slammed against the staff of his rival. Sounds bombarded Dayna—the cheers, the hard grunts of the gladiators, heartbeats.

  Panic flooded her. She felt her control slipping, drowning her in sensation. The stone in her chest started to burn.


  She shot to her feet. She had to get away. She needed Rillian.

  “Dayna?” Mia asked curiously.

  Dayna looked at her friend. She could hear Mia’s heartbeat. Thump. Thump. Thump. She felt the pure, fresh energy coming off the woman’s small body.

  She had to get out. She had to get away. Dayna took a step back.

  Mia grabbed her arm and Dayna’s vision turned red. No!

  But it was too late.

  Hungry. So hungry. Dayna lunged at Mia, knocking the smaller woman down onto the stone seat. She could hear her own voice screaming in her head, but she couldn’t stop herself.

  From somewhere down on the arena sand, she heard a wild roar. Shouts and screams echoed around them.

  Dayna fought for control, her hands shaking. She stared down into Mia’s startled face.

  She’s your friend. Protect her. A sob broke free. God, she couldn’t stop herself. She held out a palm, reaching out to press it against Mia’s chest.

  With a roar, a blur of blue vaulted over the railing. Dark, swirling markings covered his skin and he snarled, his golden eyes fixed on Dayna.

  Mia’s mate let out a wild snarl and jumped into the air, going for Dayna’s throat.

  Suddenly, a black shadow leaped in front of Dayna, moving so fast she could barely track it.

  Rillian appeared from nowhere, slamming into Vek, and knocking the alien gladiator back with alarming ease. Rillian turned, yanking Dayna off her feet and into his arms.

  “She’ll be fine.” He strode away from the startled group.

  Dayna controlled another sob, burying her face in Rillian’s neck. She saw the gold glow of her symbiont stone through her shirt, and she knew her eyes would be glowing the same color.

  “I’m not fine.” She struggled against Rillian’s hold.

  They were halfway up the stairs and she managed to break free. She didn’t look back at her friends, didn’t want to see the horror on their faces. She ran.

  She sprinted up the stairs two at a time and barreled into a tunnel. She had no idea where she was going, she just knew she had to get away from the energy of the crowd and away from the friends she’d failed.

  Like she’d failed her sister.

  She didn’t want to hurt them.

  With every step, she imagined the murderer who’d stolen her sister, Gwendolyn. Dayna was supposed to be watching Gwen. Instead, a monster had taken a young, innocent child and broken her.

  Dayna thought of Mia’s frightened face. She was no better than that monster.

  She came to a wide corridor that ringed the top of the arena. High, wide arches offered a stunning view of the city beyond. She ran right to the edge, pressing her toes over the drop and staring down. It would be a long, long fall to the ground below.

  There was no sound behind her, but she knew he was there. Something in her sensed him.

  “You want to jump?” Rillian drawled. “You want t
o end it?”

  “I’m never going to adjust to this!” She pressed her palm to the burn in her chest.

  “You will.”

  He stepped closer and she felt the heat of him right behind her.

  “I’ve never met someone with such a strong will as yours,” he said quietly.

  “I wanted to absorb Mia’s energy.” Dayna squeezed her eyes closed, despair drenching her. “I wanted to drain her dry.”

  “It gets easier to control in time.”

  “I don’t want to hurt anyone!”

  A strong arm wrapped around her, and she felt a hand tangle in her hair. He tugged her back against his chest. “I won’t let you.”

  She spun in his embrace and leaned into him. Desperate for the feel of him, for his strength. Her hands gripped his shirt. “Hold me.”

  “I am.”

  She tried to burrow deeper. Then she looked up into liquid-silver eyes. “What if I hurt you?”

  “You can’t.” A dark promise.

  She held on tight. She leaned on his strength and didn’t ever want to let go. Minutes ticked by, and she was suddenly aware of how close her lips were to his. Only a whisper apart.

  The hungry, edgy feeling in her mutated into something else. Something far hotter and needier. Without a second thought, she went up on her toes and kissed him.

  He didn’t make a sound, but his arms tightened around her.

  For a second, his lips remained motionless. Panic hit her. God, he was going to pull away…

  Then his mouth took hers.

  Oh. God. Sensation slammed into her. He angled his head, going deeper. It was hot and hard, like a blow crashing into her.

  She slid a hand up, sliding it into his silky hair and pressed her body against his. This wasn’t a kiss. This was a dark inferno swallowing her whole.

  Suddenly, a discreet beeping noise penetrated the pleasure. Rillian broke the kiss, muttering a curse under his breath. He kept one arm around her as he pulled a small, sleek device from his pocket.

  “Rillian,” he answered, his voice was deep, with a husky edge.

  “Sorry to bother you, Rillian.”

  Chest still heaving like she’d run a race, she recognized Tannon’s deep voice.


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