Book Read Free

Crow Bait

Page 15

by Douglas Skelton

  Donovan nodded. ‘She’ll not lie to you.’ However, he knew she had not been with Davie until 8pm, because he’d seen Davie in the street fifteen minutes before that. He was certain McCall had nothing to do with Lomas’s death but he had a copper’s nose just like Knight. He knew there was a jigsaw here and he didn’t have all the pieces.

  Knight asked, ‘They shagging?’ Donovan gave him a reproving look. Knight held his hands up in defence. ‘She’s tasty. I would.’

  Donovan sighed. Knight would hump a hole in a barber shop floor if he had to. ‘They were an item, years ago. When Clem Boyle shot me he was aiming at her. But it all ended when McCall was inside.’

  ‘Her man’s on the job, I hear?’

  ‘Aye, a DC at Stewart Street.’

  ‘Fraser, Fraser…’ Knight tried to place the name. Donovan knew he had the kind of mind that retained names and faces and he was accessing it now. ‘No, Les Fraser, is it?’

  ‘Aye,’ said Donovan.

  ‘He’s okay, that guy.’

  ‘Yes, he is. Don’t tell him about this.’

  ‘Won’t breathe a word, unless I have to.’

  They were in the street now and Donovan gave Knight a look that told him he didn’t believe it. ‘Jimmy, there’s nothing going on between them, I guarantee it. Don’t cause trouble unnecessarily.’

  Knight’s eyes were dancing with amusement as he regarded Donovan. ‘Frankie boy, I’ll decide what’s necessary…’

  Donovan nodded. ‘Why don’t we take it to Gentleman Jack, then? See what he thinks.’

  Knight paused to smile, but there was a chill in his eye. He knew his boss had asked Donovan to speak to McCall. It had annoyed him but events had moved on. ‘I wouldn’t, Frankie boy. Bannatyne’s asked me to look into this under the radar. He’s obsessed with McCall because of his connection with Joe Klein. You know why he’s asked me? Cos he knows I’ll get the fuckin job done. You know why he didn’t ask you? Cos he knows you won’t. You go tellin him tales, he’ll no be best pleased, know what I’m sayin?’

  Donovan knew Jack Bannatyne used Knight like a Rottweiler, setting him loose on jobs that needed his special talents. Bannatyne thought Davie could be mopping things up and feared where that would end. But Donovan didn’t believe McCall was a killer. Maybe, one day, if he was attacked, but he wouldn’t set out deliberately to kill. Donovan looked into Knight’s smiling face and not for the first time wished he could pound it into mush.

  ‘I’ll make my own way back to Baird Street,’ he said.

  Knight shrugged and walked towards his car. Donovan turned towards Duke Street without another word. He really hated working with Jimmy Knight.


  VARI HAD THOUGHT about turning up unannounced at Davie McCall’s door a few times, but each time had decided against it. She’d been invited to the party for one thing and one thing only and she had performed as expected. But something about him had stayed with her. Sex for her was something she enjoyed, when it was done right, which was seldom if truth be told, but in the end it was still only a shag. There was no mystery to it, no shame in doing it if she felt like it, not now at least. She was glad Alice hadn’t really seemed interested, God rest her soul. If Davie McCall had been ugly enough to turn milk she’d not have gone near him, no matter what Bobby Newman wanted, but he wasn’t bad looking. It was those blue eyes of his that got her going, so sad, so distant. They hadn’t been cold when they were together but she’d bet her life they could turn frosty when he wanted. And he seemed a nice guy, too. She’d heard the stories, how he was a ned, a hard man, a bad guy, but she hadn’t sensed that in him. When they’d been together he was gentle and considerate. He seemed almost caring. She’d been with guys for whom a shag was more like a wrestling match; pinning her down, almost forcing themselves into her. But Davie had been tentative, as if he was afraid he’d hurt her. For the first time in a long time she wanted to see a guy again. That was why she’d thought about going round, but something told her he wouldn’t welcome that kind of approach.

  Vari knew men. She’d had enough of them, starting when she was twelve years old with her uncle – pillar of the church, local councillor. He’d felt her up two or three times over the months and then finally, one night when they were alone, he’d climbed into her bed and done the deed. She’d never told anyone about it, not at first, they’d never believe her anyway, he was such a decent man. He told her that, all the time. They’d never believe her. She’d be seen as a liar, a dirty wee lassie with sick thoughts. Her family was deeply religious, she’d heard her mum and dad discuss the distressing nature of society with its lack of morals, its over-emphasis on filth and permissiveness. She knew they wouldn’t understand. She knew what her uncle said was true.

  He came back for more whenever he could over the next year or two, leaving her presents each time, money sometimes, more often clothes, perfume, records. She began to think it was the way life was, that it was normal. He told her that, too. He said she’d’ve been surprised how many girls did their uncles wee favours.

  Finally, though, it came out. She was fourteen by then and her mum found a pair of crotchless panties her uncle had given her. He’d wanted her to wear them for him, under her jeans. The idea that only he would know about them seemed to excite him. She’d never actually worn them, but she told him she had. She could remember that Sunday dinner when he’d breathed in her ear, asking her if she had them on, and she’d simply nodded, just to get him away from her. He sat across the table from her and every time he looked at her she knew he was thinking about those panties. She’d felt sick then and had to be excused. She hid the underwear right at the back of the wardrobe but her mum found them and everything came out.

  He was right, they didn’t believe her. At least, they said they didn’t. Her uncle denied it all, saying he’d seen Vari out at night with boys. He’d tried to help her, he claimed, but she enjoyed being with them, enjoyed touching them and letting them touch her. He said he’d never told her parents because he hoped it was just a phase. He’d never, ever, touch a young girl like that, not like that. But she saw the look in her dad’s eye as he listened to his brother’s protestations and Vari knew he had his doubts. In the end, though, they sided with her uncle and she was branded a wee whore by her own family. A dirty slut who wore disgusting underwear.

  She left two years later. Just ran away one night, unable to take the cold looks anymore, the continual suspicion, the checking up on her every move. They didn’t come looking for her. Something told her they were relieved she was gone. Four years ago, when she was eighteen, she’d written them a letter letting them know she was okay. They didn’t reply.

  Her uncle, though, was still a pillar of the church, still a local councillor, still a decent man.

  She fantasised that one day she would tell Davie McCall about it and he would find her uncle and beat him bloody. She’d heard Davie McCall did things like that. He’d do it for her, she knew he would. He’d liked her, she could tell, not just because of the way he responded to her physically (that was to be expected because he was a guy after all), but because of the way he’d spoken to her, the way he’d looked at her. With tenderness. And he’d said he’d call her, he’d promised. He hadn’t yet, but it had only been a few days.

  So when she got back to her Dennistoun flat that evening after work, she was not surprised to find an envelope pinned to her door. She opened it on the doorstep and smiled when she read the words.

  Meet me at Alexandra Park gates, 8pm.


  A ripple of excitement washed through her as she looked at her watch. 6.30pm. Time enough to have a shower, make herself respectable. As Vari unlocked the front door to her one-bedroomed flat, she couldn’t believe how excited she was.

  * * *

  Liam Mulvey steered his truck along the narrow country road above Girvan, his mind on Danny McCall and their conversation just before he left the house. McCall had phoned him at home, given him another number and hu
ng up. Liam knew he had ten minutes to get a call box and dial that number. It was the first time they’d spoken since the day Newman and Davie McCall had paid him a visit.

  ‘Where the fuck are you?’ Liam had asked.

  ‘Glasgow,’ said Danny McCall.

  ‘I need you down here.’

  ‘I’m busy.’

  ‘It’s all set up, with McClymont. Tomorrow night.’

  ‘You know what to do.’

  Liam frowned. ‘You not going to be here?’

  ‘You don’t need me. You made sure you’ve got enough muscle?’

  ‘Stringer’s bringing a coupla boys down from Kilmarnock.’ Liam was very much a one-man operation, although he had ambition, but if he had such a thing as a right-hand man, it was Stringer. That’s all anyone knew him as. If he had a first name, Liam believed even Stringer had forgotten it.

  ‘That going to be enough?’ There was doubt in McCall’s voice.

  ‘Believe me, it’s enough. Big Rab and whoever he brings with him will be crow bait by the time I’m finished.’

  Liam could tell McCall remained unconvinced, but he didn’t give a damn. The guy didn’t press it. ‘You made sure all the weapons are clean?’

  ‘Aye,’ said Liam, a hint of irritation in his voice. It had cost him a fortune to get the weapons, not that he was paying for anything. McCall was bankrolling this whole thing. He’d tried cutting a deal with the armourer, hoping to skim a bit off for himself, but the bastard had stuck to his price. Liam hated parting with money, even when it wasn’t his. That much he shared with Big Rab.

  ‘Then get it done,’ McCall said. ‘Don’t mess about tomorrow night, when they show up, put bullets in their heads, the lot of them.’

  ‘What if your boy’s there? You want him done too?’

  ‘He won’t be there. He’ll have other things on his mind.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘I’m sure. Don’t let me down, Liam. And don’t mess about either. Get in there, get it done and get out, understand?’

  ‘Don’t worry, for fuck’s sake. I told you, Rab McClymont’s a dead man…’

  But Danny McCall was already gone. Now, as he replayed the conversation in his head, Liam wondered just what McCall’s game was. He knew the sleekit bastard wasn’t telling him everything. He didn’t know what the fuck his whole plan was, only that it would get Liam back to the city and into the big money, but whatever it was it had better work. McCall wanted to control everything and Liam didn’t like being controlled.

  His headlights picked out a hedgehog skittering across the road up ahead. It didn’t look squashed, so he veered and did the job. He hated fucking hedgehogs.

  * * *

  When Vari saw the figure at the gates of the Park where Alexandra Parade meets the Edinburgh Road, she thought it was Davie. It was dry, but dark clouds threatened rain. He smiled as she came closer and she realised this guy was older. ‘Vari,’ he said, ‘Davie sent me.’

  She studied his face under the street lights. He could be Davie’s older brother. Or his dad. But she’d been told Davie’s dad was dead. ‘Where is Davie?’ She asked.

  ‘He’s waiting, close by. There’s been some trouble the past couple of days, he doesn’t want to be seen in public. You know how it is, eh? But he really wants to see you. You okay coming with me?’

  She hesitated and his smile broadened. ‘Don’t worry, hen. I’m an old friend of Davie’s, from way back when. I knew his maw.’

  She cocked her head, studying his face. ‘You look like him, you know that?’

  He laughed. ‘Aye, it’s been said before. Come on, I’m parked just a wee bit down the road.’

  He took a couple of steps away but she hung back, still not sure. He moved closer to her. ‘I understand your caution,’ he said, reasonably. ‘You’ve never met me. I get that, I really do. And if you don’t want to come with me, that’s okay. I’ll just tell Davie you didn’t want to come, eh? He’ll be okay with it, I’m sure.’

  She thought about it. He seemed okay, at least on the surface, but Vari was wise enough not to believe everything a man said. She had no way of being certain Davie had left that note or if he sent this guy. And there was something about him, something hiding underneath the pleasant exterior and the friendly smile. Vari had been with enough bastards to recognise one when she saw him.

  ‘Tell Davie I’m sorry,’ she said. ‘Tell him to gimme a shout when all this is over. But I’m not going away with you, mister. I don’t know who you are.’

  He stepped back, spreading his hands in front of him. ‘Fair enough, hen,’ he said. ‘I understand. And can I say, you’re a smart girl? I hope my lassie is as smart as you when she grows up. No hard feelings.’

  He held out his hand. She looked at it then back to his face. He was still smiling, but something else lurked in those blue eyes. Nevertheless, she reached out, shook the hand, but let it go almost immediately. He smiled and without another word turned in the direction of Cumbernauld Road. Vari watched him walk confidently down the street, his hands in the pockets of his black woollen mid-length jacket, collar turned up. He didn’t look back.

  As Vari made her way back along Alexandra Parade to her flat, she felt certain she had done the right thing. Davie was a pal of Rab McClymont’s, she knew that, so it was reasonable to assume he would be involved in things that might mean he had to lay low, but that guy just didn’t seem right. If Davie had wanted to see her he would not have sent a complete stranger, he’d’ve asked Bobby Newman to come get her. She considered walking down the hill to Sword Street but decided against it. She still didn’t want to just turn up at Davie’s door. No, she’d get home and give Bobby a phone, let him know. That would be the best thing to do.

  It only took her five minutes to walk from the park to her street, but as she arrived she felt the first gentle drops of rain caress her cheeks. Then suddenly it came lancing down as if someone had flicked an ON switch. She ran the final few feet to her close but was soaked through before she reached shelter. She suddenly felt quite tired, so maybe it was best she hadn’t seen Davie that night. It had been a tough day in the supermarket, she felt as if she’d not sat down all through her shift. Her shower had revived her slightly, but now she felt washed out again. She just wanted to get in the flat, get out of her wet clothes, make a cup of tea and sit down in front of the telly. Didn’t matter what was on, she’d just watch it. She rooted around in her little handbag for her keys as she climbed the stairs. They were in her hand as she reached the door.

  She didn’t hear him behind her.

  Not until it was too late.

  She turned just as he reached her, one hand fastened over her mouth, the other wrapped round her throat, his face pressed into her ear.

  ‘You should’ve come with me, hen,’ he whispered. ‘Now it’ll be even worse…’


  DAVIE HAD NEVER envisaged Rab as a husband and father, let alone a suburbanite, but nevertheless, there he was, standing in his spacious kitchen in Bothwell, a large striped apron strapped to his expanding belly as he dropped some sliced potatoes into a pot on the stove. The only concession to the young man Davie once knew was the can of Tennents Lager in his hand and the scowl on his face as he heard about the pictures taped to Davie’s door. Davie didn’t mention Lomas’s death or the visit by the Black Knight. There was a time he would’ve told Rab everything, but not now. Too much had happened and though Davie still trusted the big fellow, it was only to an extent. With Joe’s passing, Davie found himself trusting people less and less. He couldn’t put his finger on exactly why he trusted Rab less these days, he just knew he had to keep his own counsel about certain matters. Maybe it was because Rab was involved in the drug trade, with which Davie was uncomfortable, or maybe it was the sight of him in the apron that was just so damned off-putting.

  When they had shared the Sword Street flat Rab had prepared every meal, Davie’s idea of providing food being limited to unwrapping a fish supper. Bobby had told hi
m that Rab’s culinary skills now stretched further than a fry up, although he was no great chef. The food he made was fairly simple – roast chicken on this occasion – and Davie could smell the bird cooking in the oven.

  He could hear music from the living room. Rab told him it was Gary Moore, his album ‘Still Got the Blues’ being Bernadette’s current favourite, and she was in charge of the CD player in the living room, where she was chatting with Bobby’s fiancée, Connie. She was a tall woman, a good foot taller than Bobby, but that didn’t bother him one bit. She had thick dark hair, an open, pleasant face and a laugh so dirty it needed an X Certificate. She was a primary school teacher, but Davie couldn’t tell from her language, which was salty enough to preserve beef. He wondered how she controlled her tongue in front of the kids. If Davie had to use one word to describe her, it would be ‘earthy’. And although she tried to disguise it, she could not completely conceal her dislike for Rab. Even if Bobby hadn’t told him, Davie would have spotted it right away. It was the way she avoided the big man’s eyes, kept away from him, turned her body away. If Rab noticed he didn’t say anything, being the perfect host. Connie, though, loved Bernadette. The two women were obviously the best of friends, but then Davie had begun to realise that Bernadette was one of those people everybody liked.

  Davie had also met Rab’s son, Joseph. Davie felt something tug at his chest as he realised that Rab had named the lad after Joe. Davie didn’t think he would ever have kids, so he was glad and grateful that Rab had somehow memorialised the old man. He was a quiet boy, slim and sallow, and he seemed happy in his own company. He was in his room, watching a video, while the adults had their get together downstairs. Davie was glad for that because he had little experience with children and felt uncomfortable around them.

  Davie wasn’t the only uncomfortable one. Bobby was squirming in an ornate wooden chair at the small table in the large kitchen – the actual meal would be eaten in the dining room Davie could see through a set of French doors. Bobby was finding it impossible to find the right way to sit. ‘What’s the deal with this chair, Rab? Was this thing designed by Torque-fuckin-mada? Would Bernadette think less of me if I asked for a cushion?’


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