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Romancing Austin

Page 16

by Riley Bancroft, Evelyn Berry, Cara Carnes, Jax Garren, Irene Preston, Rebecca Royce, Chandra Ryan

  After he took another bite, he looked at her and shrugged. “What?”

  “I’ll be taking the rest of the chicken doughnut. I told you I wanted crazy.” She smiled as he reluctantly handed it over.

  “I figured the revelation would cost me my snack.” He took her doughnut holes and stabbed one with her fork.

  She laughed at the look of mourning clouding his otherwise gorgeous face. “Is that why you ate as much of it as you could as quickly as possible?” She didn’t wait for his answer to take a bite of the dessert in question. Sweet, salty, crunchy goodness washed over her mouth as soon as she took a bite. “Oh. My. God.” The expression might be a little cliché, but it was the only thing she could think of to capture the moment of profound and unexpected joy. “As crazy as it sounds, chicken doughnuts are amazing.” She didn’t even care she was talking with her mouth full.

  “Trust your gut.”

  “My gut has nothing to do with it. You picked the doughnut, not me. I would’ve starved before ordering it.”

  He ate another doughnut hole before saying, “But you trusted me.”

  “You know what?”


  “You’re right. I spend too much time second-guessing myself. I didn’t even realize.” She popped the last bite of honey butter covered chicken in her mouth before continuing. “No more, though.” She swallowed and then held her hand out to him. “Show me your city. I’m all yours.”

  “I think a bed is what you need to see right now, love.” He took her hand and helped her stand. “But tomorrow I’m going to show you Austin at its finest.”

  “I’m not sure it could get much better than chicken doughnuts.”

  He laughed as he hailed a cab. His warmth radiated off of him even through his jacket as she snuggled into his shoulder. He was tall, strong, and worked in the music industry. If she were a betting woman, she’d wager he had tattoos under his clothing. In short, he was everything she’d spent her entire life avoiding. So why did it feel so right when he opened the taxi’s door for her?

  “We’ll take a pedicab before you go home. A trip to Austin isn’t complete without one. But not tonight.” He shut the door behind her after making sure she was settled.

  The cab was warm and the seats were soft. It was a dangerous combination. She’d already nodded off twice by the time Luke had given his address to the driver. By the time they arrived at the large condo she’d fallen asleep only to jerk awake too many times to count. It was embarrassing.

  “Are you going to be okay to walk or should I carry you?” Luke asked as he opened her door. She tried to focus on her surroundings but her eyes were too gritty from sleep. “Carry you it is.”

  A sharp yip escaped her as his strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her out of the taxi. “I can walk.” But instead of pushing him away, she was snuggling into his warm embrace. Why would she get closer to him when she was capable of walking? Oh yeah, because I want to. It felt good to do what she wanted without turning each decision into a mental chess game.

  He laughed softly as he tapped the top of the cab then walked to the building. “Reach into my inside pocket and grab my keys, will you?” His jacket had too many pockets for her taste but she managed to find the requested keys on her third attempt. “Thanks, love.”

  They breezed through the lobby and were in a smooth elevator in minutes. When he pulled her closer to him so he could unlock his door, she took advantage of the moment and nuzzled his neck. She was starting to like the way his beard caressed her skin. It didn’t take much of an imagination to guess how the silken hair would feel when it rubbed against her nipples.

  “You okay?” As he pushed open the door, lights filled the large room with warmth. “You shivered. I hope I didn’t keep you out in the cold too long. Do you want some coffee? Espresso?”

  “No.” She forced her legs to support her as she stood. “I’m fine. Thank you for offering, though.” Julie had never been good at reading men. Maybe her lack in masculine mind reading department had been one of the reasons she’d stayed with Rodger so long. Even if things weren’t perfect with him, she’d understood his moods. Or, at least, she’d thought she’d understood him. Maybe she’d stayed with him so long because she’d completely misunderstood him. Still, when Luke started to tidy invisible messes and fuss with the throw blankets she was at a total loss. “Are you okay?”

  Looking around one last time, he cleared his throat then focused on her. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a girl here.” He fidgeted from one foot to the other as she waited for him to continue. “It’s a bit of a bachelor pad, I know. I don’t spend much time here. I should hire someone to redecorate it. My sister knows a firm. They’re really good.”

  He was nervous. The truth left her mute for a second. Her opinion about his home mattered to him. “Don’t be silly. Your home is lovely.” She took a moment to look around as she said the words. The furniture was leather and very masculine in color choice, the walls were bare, and the floors were stone. It was definitely a guy’s home. But there were little sentimental touches of the man when she looked closer. “Who’s the adorable little munchkin?” She asked as she took a picture off a nearby shelf of him holding a girl of about three whose blonde hair was in cute pigtails.

  “My niece. Dawn.”

  She smiled at the small bit of shared knowledge. “Dawn. I always liked the name. Fresh start.” Putting the picture back, she continued exploring. “Do you play?” She asked as she skimmed her fingers over the massive piano.

  “Not well enough to earn a living, but it’s a hobby.” There was longing in his eyes as he stared at the instrument. It might not put a roof over his head or food in his pantry but it was more than a hobby. She filed the tidbit away and moved on.

  The kitchen was state of the art. It was exactly the kind of kitchen she’d always wanted. With the eight-burner stove and double oven, she could host even the most formal parties here. But a quick glance in the fridge told her it wasn’t used often. There was a bottle of champagne, a couple bottles of beer and water, and some cheese and fruit in there—pretty sparse. Still, better than most bachelors’ refrigerators she’d seen. At least nothing grew on the food. “Not one for cooking?”

  “Everything I want can be delivered. With some of the best chefs in the world within a half hour trek of here, there’s really not much reason for me to bother.”

  “Cooking isn’t a bother. It’s a passion. A way to express yourself and to care for the people you love.” She didn’t have to turn to see if he followed her as she walked down the hall. Everything had been leading to the next moment. He had to know it every bit as certainly as she did. She was where she was meant to be.

  “My bedroom is on the other side of the door.” His voice was soft as she ran her fingertips across the smooth wood. “There’s a guest room if you’d rather sleep there.”

  Her stomach clenched with nerves as her brain spun hundreds of reasons why she shouldn’t open his door. But then she took a deep breath and forced her mind to be silent. She allowed herself to be in the moment and to take in the sensations. Her heart raced and her nipples hardened against her bra as she glanced at him. “I slept in the taxi.” The metal of the doorknob was cold in her palm as she turned it. “I’m good.”


  Luke’s heart raced as his bedroom door opened slowly. He wanted to grab her and carry her into the room, but he held himself in check. The woman was skittish. And he couldn’t blame her. She’d had one hell of a day. If she were worried he was some sort of serial killer, dragging her to his bed would be a bad move.

  “Are you coming?” Her voice was soft—uneasy as she walked through the entranceway..

  With a nod, he followed her into his room. Her smile was illuminated by the moonlight streaming through the windows.

  She turned and made her way to the balcony. “It’s a lovely view. It’s almost as if the city glows.”

  “Moonlight towers.” He opened the
glass doors so she could get a better look. “Austin is one of the last cities to still use them.” It was a little chilly outside but not cold. When she shivered, though, he thought better of his idea. “Maybe I should close the door. I’d hate for you to catch a cold.” His hand was on the doorframe poised to shut out the night but she stepped under his arm.

  “Don’t be silly. Viruses don’t care about the weather.” She walked over to the railing and sighed. “If you’re concerned about my well-being, you could always come over here and keep me warm.”

  For one second he thought he’d misheard her. With her attention focused on the view, it was entirely possible for the breeze to be playing tricks with his hearing. “Excuse me?”

  “It is a typical guy thing, you know?” She laughed as she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Give a girl your jacket or hold her close to you to share warmth.”

  He closed the distance between them. “I didn’t wear a jacket tonight so I guess I’m going with the second option.”

  “You won’t hear any complaints from me.” She leaned into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her waist. “Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?”

  The city sparkled around them but he couldn’t drag his attention away from the woman in his arms. “Never.” He’d spent his entire adult life around beautiful women. Some even became music legends thanks in no small part to him. They were the very women men swore they’d give their left nut to sleep with. But none of them held a candle to Julie. They didn’t possess her vulnerability or her sense of self. The women he’d known would do anything and sacrifice everything to make it to the top. Julie wasn’t like those women, though. He might not know her very well, but any woman who went on her honeymoon without a husband wasn’t going to give a damn inch to anyone. She’d find her dreams on her own terms.

  She laughed as she turned in his arms. “You were talking about me and not the view, weren’t you? Seriously?” She stared at him leaving him no option but to shrug in answer. “Funny, you didn’t strike me as the cliché type.”

  “Just because it’s said often doesn’t make it any less true.” He leaned forward and took her mouth in a slow, luxurious kiss before she could find fault in his words. When she moaned softly and clenched his shirt, he allowed himself time to savor his victory. He’d distracted her.

  He could only celebrate for a second before he lost himself to the taste of her. His heart hammered in his chest as she rubbed her body against his as if she couldn’t get close enough to him. He understood the feeling. He’d been keeping a conscious distance between them all night. But since she’d reached out to him, he couldn’t bear to be separated from her any longer.

  When she shivered again, he remembered his concerns. Not willing to take any risks with her health, he swooped her up in his arms and retreated with her to the warmth of his room. Not wanting to break the kiss, he kicked the door closed behind them then carried her to his bed.

  He ran his fingers under her shirt. The soft silken slide of her skin made him moan. He needed to taste her. As he dropped his mouth to the curve of her stomach she laughed. It should’ve cooled the heat and desire racing through him but it only added a layer of endearment to his hunger. “Do you find me amusing?” He nipped at her belly button and won another burst of giggles.

  “Your nose is cold. And your beard tickles.”

  He smiled as he nuzzled into her warmth.

  “Stop.” She squirmed as she laughed loudly.

  He should feel bad for tormenting her but he didn’t. He was too excited. She was every bit as sexy when she laughed as when she kissed him with abandon. He wanted to experience everything with her. When she slipped her hand under his shirt and danced her fingertips across his ribs he decided surrender was the only course of action. “I give. No more tickling. I promise.”

  When her touch changed to a caress, he became focused on seducing her once more. With a fluid movement, he lifted her shirt and slid it over her head. His mouth went dry when he got his first glimpse of the curves and planes of her body. He’d found her enchanting at the bar. Now, displayed for him half naked with desire heating her skin to a soft pink blush, she was fierce.

  He slipped his hand around her to unhook her bra and then removed the garment. The wanton and hungry image she’d become made his breath catch. His cock strained painfully against the zipper of his pants as more blood pumped through him. He refused to give any more thought to his condition. Not when he had a half-dressed seductress in his bed.

  Leaning forward, he caught one beaded nipple in his mouth as her nails scored his scalp. The bite of her caress sent a tingling wave from his head along his spine and all the way to his fingers and toes. Every inch of his body buzzed with the energy of her touch. Unable to resist the desire to explore her body, he cupped her other breast in his palm and began to massage it as he left a series of kisses on the first one. She let go of a low moan and arched her shoulders to give him better access to her chest.

  He could get lost in her body. Every scent and sound served to intoxicate him further. As perfect as her breasts were, he could spend a lifetime tempting and teasing them. She was still half dressed, however. Not being able to see her completely bare irritated him.

  His goal set in his mind, he made his way down her body. He left a trail of kisses and caresses as he went until he reached the button of her jeans. His hands trembled with tension as he undid the fastener and then pulled the pants along with her underwear over her shapely legs.

  “You are lovely.” He let her clothing fall to the floor next to the bed before running his palms over her skin. “So soft. Like silk under my fingertips.”

  She parted her legs with a gentle whimper. Her face was flushed and her breathing fast and erratic. She was the very image of a woman overtaken by desire. Taking a moment, he memorized every detail. He wanted to remember each second. Then, when he couldn’t bear to wait any longer, he lowered his mouth to her stomach and kissed her belly button.

  “You’re still dressed and I’m completely naked.” Her voice held a husky note he found pleasurable.

  Instead of replying to her, he ran a fingertip through the soft curls surrounding her pussy. She rocked her hips in response and grabbed his shoulders. “You’re going to torment me, aren’t you?” she asked.

  “There’s no point in doing something if you aren’t willing to do it right.” He nuzzled her abdomen before following the path his finger traveled with his tongue. She shivered as he passed over her clit. Her fingers dove through his hair once more as if she were looking for something to anchor herself to. “And I really want to do it right.” He applied gentle pressure to the sensitive bundle of nerves as he licked her sex. She tugged on his hair and called out his name. Nothing matched a woman calling out his name in a moment of passion. The sound sent a fresh of shiver of desire racing along his spine.

  “Dear God.” She panted and squirmed under him. “You’re doing a great job.”

  He continued caressing her clit with his tongue as he reached to massage one of her breasts. She rocked under him and the most alluring string of dirty words filled the room right before she climaxed. Her whole body trembled with the force of the orgasm.

  “You tongue is very talented,” she said after she’d caught her breath.

  “Thank you.”

  She braced herself on her elbows as her gaze swept over him. “But you’re still dressed.”

  “You’re right.” He smiled at her observation. “And I suppose clothing might be an issue.” He took off his shoes but then lay next to her in the bed instead of undressing the rest of the way.

  She rolled over to face him and ran her hand along his cheek. “Don’t you want to…” She paused as if uncomfortable.

  “Say it.” More than anything, he wanted to hear her use the words.

  She sighed. “Don’t you want me?”

  “That’s not what you were going to say.” He took her hand and brought it to the front of his pants so she c
ould feel the evidence of his hunger. “And of course I want you.”

  “Then why are you still dressed?”

  “I need to make sure you really want to do this. It’s one thing to give in to a moment of passion. Nothing wrong with surrendering to a flash of lust, but I want to make sure you’d made a conscious decision. No guilt or second thoughts in the morning.” He ran a finger over her sternum. “Also, it’s kind of hot to lay next to a naked woman with my clothes on.”

  She laughed as she began to tug his shirt. “You’ve got a kink?” When she ran her nails along his torso his skin broke out in goose bumps.

  “Don’t we all?”

  “Luke Sinclair.” She pulled his shirt over his head and stared at his body. “You do have ink.”

  “I’m in the music industry.”

  She licked his nipple. Her delicate tongue circled the dark area of his areola at a deliciously slow pace. “I had my suspicions you might be tattooed. You know, you are exactly the type of guy I’ve been avoiding my entire life.”

  “Yep, that’s me. Every mother’s worst nightmare.” He couldn’t care less what she’d been looking for her entire life. Her journey had delivered her exactly where he wanted her—into his bed.

  Tiny sparkles of pleasure radiated through him as she nipped playfully at his nipple ring. “Nope. I do believe you’re exactly who my mother hoped I’d find.”

  Before he could ask for an explanation, she’d undone his pants and slipped her hand between them and his boxers. He nearly came as she cradled his cock through his cotton underwear. “You certainly do believe in going after what you want.”

  She kissed him as she caressed his dick. He couldn’t remember being so tormented since his high school days when he and his girlfriend would make out for hours at a time without actually getting anywhere. When Julie kissed him again, he moaned in her mouth. His resolve and discipline were starting to slip into a black hole of desire. Any moment he’d be begging her to take his damn pants off.


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