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Trouble Loves Company

Page 5

by Angie Daniels

  Temporarily dismissing all thoughts of Ron, Danielle fed the dollar into the machine and pushed the button and waited for the diet cola to drop. She didn’t know why she drank diet, especially since she’d been wearing a size six for as long as she could remember, but since it was all her slightly overweight mother drank, she had acquired the taste. Now if she tried to drink regular soda, she found it to be a bit too sweet. She washed down two ibuprofens, then took a seat in the waiting room and closed her eyes while she waited.

  She dozed off because the next thing she knew, the advocate was tapping her arm.

  “All done,” Allegra said with a cheerful smile. “Portia is definitely a trooper. She handled the entire process quite well.” She then gave her some contact information and told her she would call the next day to check on her. By the time Danielle made it back to the room, Portia was dressed and ready to go home. She looked tired and alone. She could only imagine what she had gone through.

  “Ready to go?”

  Portia nodded eagerly.

  When they made it out to the car, Danielle asked her daughter if she was hungry and when she said yes, she stopped at Burger King. While at the drive-thru she groaned as she remembered she was supposed to meet Calvin at her mother’s house. As soon as she ordered their food, she gave Calvin a call.

  “Lieutenant Cambridge.”

  His deep voice gave her goose bumps. “This is Portia’s mother. We’re all done. I’m on my way to my mom’s so you can get those clothes.”

  He took a deep breath, and something in his voice told her the investigation wasn’t going as smoothly as he had anticipated. “I want you to come down here instead. I need your daughter to positively identify Travis’s picture. I also had a chance to interview the roommates and I have some more questions for your her.”

  She could hear the reservation in his voice. “All right. We’ll be there shortly.”

  After she paid for their food, she headed toward the University of Missouri-Columbia campus. She didn’t speak because she didn’t know what to say. Something told her that what Calvin was about to tell her was something she wasn’t going to like.

  When they were a block away from campus, she took a swig of her soda to wash the lump from her throat, then said, “The officer wants you to ID Travis and answer a few more questions.”

  Portia shifted on the seat. “But I already told them everything.”

  “I know, but they’ve met with Travis and Ramsey, and have a few more questions.”

  Shock filled her eyes before she turned and stared out the window.

  “Is there anything I need to know ’fore we get there?”

  “Nope,” she answered without hesitation.

  “Well, if there is, you better tell me now.”

  “I said there wasn’t anything else,” Portia said, sounding testy. “I wish you would believe me sometimes.”

  “It ain’t that I don’t believe you. I just know how yo’ ass likes to lie.” Portia huffed and pouted the rest of the way.

  Danielle pulled into the parking lot, then walked alongside her daughter into the university police station and asked for Cambridge. He immediately stepped out of his office and greeted them.

  “Do you mind if my partner shows Portia some pictures while I talk to you in private for a few minutes?”

  She shook her head and he ushered Portia into a room across the hall from his, then signaled for Danielle to follow. They sat. He leaned back in the chair, his eyes sparkling with recognition. He did remember her!

  “Cambridge, I—”

  “Let’s quit pretending we don’t go way back.”

  His dark eyes were locked on her. They were compelling and challenging, which bothered her because he always looked like he was determined to have her. Her nipples hardened beneath her blouse and she cussed under her breath. He had always made her react this way, which was one reason why he was all wrong. The other was that he used to screw her best friend Renee. With friendship, there was an unsaid rule never to fuck the same man.

  Sitting up straighter in the chair, she cleared her throat. “I ain’t pretending—considering the circumstances, I’m tryin’ to keep things professional.”

  He grinned. “All right. I’ll accept that... for now.” She purposely ignored the comment and rolled her eyes.

  He obviously realized that now was neither the time nor the place, because his expression sobered. “I had a chance to meet with both boys and I must say I am getting contradicting stories. According to Ramsey, he and your daughter have been sexually involved for almost six months.”

  Danielle frowned with embarrassment. The thought of her daughter spreading her legs made her sick to her stomach. “I suspected as much.”

  Folding his hands on top of his desk, he continued. “He also said he has caught her flirting with Travis on several occasions.”

  “That’s his roommate. Of course, he’s gonna take up for him.” Just like it was her job as the mother to defend her daughter.

  Calvin shook his head. “I don’t think so. These two can’t stand each other.”

  “So, you saying you think my daughter’s lyin’?” He didn’t have to say it, but she could tell that he did.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to believe your daughter—there’s just more to this story.”

  “More like what?” she snapped.

  Before he could answer there was a knock on the door and the female officer entered with Portia. “Please, have a seat.”

  Wearing a weary look, Portia came around and took a seat beside her mother.

  Calvin steepled his hands on the desk. “Portia, we take rape cases very seriously around here and it is vitally important that you tell the truth.” He looked at Portia hard to be sure the underlying message came across.

  “Now, I’ve spent the last two hours interviewing Travis and Ramsey. I’m going to ask you some of the same questions I asked them. Okay?”

  She shrugged. “I guess I don’t have a choice.”

  Danielle swung around on the seat and made sure her daughter knew she was only seconds away from knocking her head off for her smart-ass mouth. The only thing stopping her was that she had an audience. “How did you meet Ramsey?”

  Portia gave her mother a sidelong glance. Calvin had to repeat the question before she finally mumbled, “On Facebook.”

  “No. Isn’t it true you met Travis and he introduced you to Ramsey?”

  She nodded.

  Mouth gaping, Danielle stared across at her daughter.

  Calvin rubbed his forehead. “You liked Travis first, didn’t you?”

  Portia nodded again.

  “After school you met up at the mall, and where did y’all go?”

  She played with the ring on her finger, then answered. “Celina and I went to their dorm.”

  “And do you want to tell your mother what happened with you and Ramsey that evening?”

  Danielle’s eyes grew large. She tinned to her daughter just as Portia mumbled, “No.” It was obvious from her behavior that she had done something her hot tail had no business doing.

  “Ramsey said you and Travis flirted with each other all the time.”

  Her head flew up in defense. “No, we didn’t. He’s lying.” Portia started crying again.

  Danielle sighed. “Can we just stick to last night?” Calvin didn’t look too pleased, but he moved on. “Where did Travis get that condom?”

  “I already told you, in Ramsey’s drawer,” Portia replied, growing testy.

  Danielle focused her attention on her daughter, who looked determined to look at anything but her.

  “Okay, let me rephrase the question. How did he know where the condoms were?”

  “I told him,” she said nonchalantly.

  Danielle gasped. “You did what?”

  Portia shrugged. “He was gonna do it anyway, so I figured he could at least wear a condom.” She cut her eyes and slouched in the chair.

  “I can’t believe this
shit.” Danielle shook her head. “How you expect me to press charges against the boy if you’re tellin’ him where to find the condom? Then, on top of that, he stopped the second the condom broke!” She was too through.

  “I knew you wouldn’t believe me,” she said sarcastically, as sharp as a sudden slap.

  Her mother’s voice softened. “I want to believe you, but you’ve got to give me something to work with.” Portia’s eyes suddenly swelled with tears again. Calvin tried another approach. “Ramsey said afterward when he returned to the room, Travis was gone. When he didn’t believe your story about being raped, you stormed out the room. Now, you told me earlier Ramsey brought you home, but he said he didn’t.” Portia dropped her head to her hand.

  “Who brought you home?”

  She didn’t answer.

  Danielle was ten seconds away from choking the shit out of her. “Excuse me, you hear that man askin’ you a question. How did you get home last night?”

  She sighed theatrically. “My friend brought me home.”

  “What friend?” her mother asked.

  “I’d rather not say.”

  Danielle sprang from her seat. “I’ve heard enough.” Turning to the two officers, she said, “I’m so sorry for wasting both y’all’s time.” Heading toward the door, she signaled for her daughter to follow. Calvin called after her, but she ignored him and stormed out of the building and across the parking lot “Get yo’ ass in the car.”

  Portia was crying and walking with her head down low, but Danielle wasn’t falling for that Not after wasting an entire day from work. She was not about to let her daughter think for a moment she could get away with the stunt she had pulled today.

  She studied the sober look in Portia’s puffy eyes. “I don’t understand you. You had every chance to come clean, yet you lied. I just don’t understand why you do half the shit ya do.”

  “I’m not lying,” she wailed.

  “Well, it sho’ in hell sounded like it!” she shot back.

  Portia didn’t respond.

  “I’m not puttin’ up with any more of yo’ bullshit. For the next month, no phone, computer, and no weekends hangin’ with yo’ friends. You understand me?”

  “Yes,” she hissed with attitude.

  “Little lady, I advise you to get yo’ self in check—otherwise you can pack yo’ shit and move in with yo’ dad.”

  Portia let out a sigh and nodded.

  As Danielle drove home, her anger increased. There was no way in hell she was pressing charges against Travis, because as sad as it may be, she didn’t believe her daughter had been raped.

  She pulled into the driveway and pushed her electronic garage opener, and after three tries realized it wasn’t working. “Damn, what else can go wrong?” she asked. Once on the porch, she opened the screen door and found a disconnection notice from the electric company hanging on the doorknob. “Ain’t this some shit!”

  “Mama, what’s wrong wit’ the lights?”

  “They’re off—now, go to yo’ room while I figure out what’s goin’ on.” Danielle angrily clicked her jaw. She was seconds away from crying. The day had gone from bad to worse. As soon as Portia had gone upstairs, she reached for the kitchen phone and called Ron’s job.

  “Quaker Oats, may I help you?”

  “Yes, I need to leave a message for Ronald Gross to call home as soon as possible.”

  “One moment, please.” There was a momentary pause before the receptionist came back on the line. “I’m sorry, but he no longer works here.”

  “What? Since when?”

  “Ma’am, I’m afraid I can’t give out any more information.”

  Danielle ended the call without even saying goodbye and tried his cell phone.

  “Hey, boo,” Ron purred.

  “I thought you paid the light bill.”

  “My bad. I forgot.”

  “You forgot? I told ya twice and you told me you took care of it.”

  “Yeah, I know. Pookie owed me some money, and when I got over to his crib, don’t you know that bitch-ass nucca came up short. Yo, don’t trip. I got chu payday.”

  “Uh-huh. How you gon’ pay anything when you ain’t even got a job?”

  He hesitated. “Yo, them white mothafuckas were trippin’. They let me go ova some bullshit. But I pick up my check Friday. I’ll pay it.”

  “What the fuck good is that gon’ do me! My shit’s already turned off. You were ’posed to pay it last payday.” He was so stupid he made her head hurt.

  “I ain’t have it.”

  “But ya had the money to buy those new Jordan’s.”

  He sucked his teeth. “What you want me to do, wear the same sneakers two months in a row?”

  “And what am I ’posed to do, come home and my shit’s cut off?”

  “Look, holla back later ’cause I ain’t fin to argue wit’ you.”

  Danielle gave an angry laugh. “You sho’ right, and tonight you gon’ get the hell outta my house.”

  “For what?”

  “’Cause I’m tired of yo’ shit.”

  “Man, whatever.” He hung up.

  No, he didn’t hang up on me. I got something for his ass. She dialed another number.


  “Kee, wake yo’ monkey ass up!”

  “Danny, I’m trying to sleep,” her brother grumbled in the phone.

  “It’s the middle of the damn day. Ya probably got one of them hoochies up in there with you.”

  “Danny, whassup?”

  “I need a favor.”


  “I want you to make Ron understand he needs to move his shit up out of my house.”

  “Man, I ain’t gettin’ in the middle of yo’ shit. I told you not to mess with that punk in the first place.”

  “Yeah, well, I did. Now I want him out.”

  “Yeah, ai’ight. I’ll run up on him in a lil’ while.”

  She smiled, pleased. Her big brother Kendall Brooks was going to fix everything—as usual. “Good, and get my key back, too.” She hung up the phone with a silly smirk on her face. Ron just don’t know who he’s messing with. Swinging her purse back over her shoulder, she yelled up the stairs. “Portia, I’ll be back. Ima go pay the electric bill. Make sure you stay yo’ ass in your room!” Without waiting for her response, she walked back out the door and climbed in her car. “Damn!” she cussed under her breath as she pulled down the driveway. “I guess I better go pay the phone bill, too.”

  Chapter 3


  Kayla Sparks was sitting in front of her computer, trying to transcribe the minutes from this morning’s meeting, but so far, she hadn’t been able to do anything but watch the clock all day. Nervous energy had a stranglehold on her. She was anxious to see her man again.

  Removing the headset from her ears, she decided any further attempt would be a big waste of time. She closed the document. Glancing up at the clock, a smile curled her Ups. Finally! Fifteen more minutes until closing. She breathed a sigh of relief. In less than three hours she would be lying in the arms of Reverend Leroy Brown. Giggling, she logged off her computer.

  “I love when you laugh.”

  She went completely still at the sound of his velvety voice. After taking a second to regroup, she glanced over her shoulder to see Jermaine Whitlow, an academic advisor, poking his head inside the door of her small office.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked.

  Straightening her white blouse, Kayla swung around in her chair and met his amused expression. “I’m just looking forward to the weekend, that’s all.” What she said wasn’t a complete lie, although her giggles had nothing to do with the weekend ahead.

  Jermaine nodded, then, without waiting for an invitation, strolled into her office. As he moved, Kayla admired the way his broad shoulders strained against the crisp fabric of his navy bluejacket. He reminded her of a Marine in uniform. When he took a seat in the chair directly across from her desk, the intoxicating scen
t of his cologne floated around her.

  “Does that mean you’ve got big plans?” He gave her a mischievous grin, waiting for her response.

  Kayla leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk. She usually avoided questions about her personal life, but for some reason, Jermaine made her feel like they were friends. He always found the time to drop by her office and make her believe that even though she was only an administrative assistant, her job was just as valuable as his.

  She shrugged. “If hanging out with my girl is big plans, then I guess so.” She briefly told him about her best friend, who was flying home for the weekend. He was relaxed as she spoke, keeping his gaze on her. She liked the way he always seemed interested in what she had to say.

  Jermaine gave her a curious glance. “Are you talking about Renee Moore, the author?”

  The smile disappeared from her face. Why was she not surprised to hear that he knew Renee? Everyone in town did. Especially the men. Humph! She wouldn’t be surprised to discover the two used to screw.

  “Yep, the one and only,” she replied dryly.

  Nodding, Jermaine leaned back in his chair. “She writes under the pseudonym Caeramel, right?” When she nodded, he continued. The only reason why I know that is because my baby sister is a big fan of her work. She called me yesterday to reschedule our weekly Saturday afternoon lunch because her favorite author will be at the mall this weekend signing copies of her latest erotic romance.”

  Kayla was relieved and almost felt guilty for jumping to a conclusion about the two. Renee may be quick to spread her legs, but as average as Jermaine was, he probably wasn’t even Renee’s type. However, as far as her best friend was concerned, as long as he had a big dick, he was Renee’s type.


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