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The Baller's Black Baby Daughter: BWWM Romance

Page 16

by Ciara Cole

“No, please don’t,” Maya moaned, as he lapped at her sex, his lips plucking on her folds.

  “You need this,” rasped Alain. “And so do I. You are mine, Maya,” he murmured across her moistened slit. He deeply inhaled her scent and groaned, before lightly nipping on her clitoris. Maya bucked and buried a fist in his hair, grabbing tight. His tongue inside her felt good, and his lips teasing her clit made her see bright stars behind her closed lids.

  She was so close, and the knot inside her was so tight, getting tighter…but then it stopped. Maya’s eyes dragged open and she stared down as Alain grinned, those devilish blue eyes glinting. “You don’t get to finish yet, beautiful. There’s more.”

  Holy fuck. Maya wasn’t sure how much more she could take. When Alain guided her atop him on the bed, she was confused for a moment as she was positioned to face him reverse cowgirl style. But then, he urged her up to virtually straddle his face and suddenly, it sank in what he wanted.

  Maya went hot all over, as she felt Alain bury his tongue inside her slit. As she bucked with pleasure on top of his face, her hands reached for his rigid member which stood straight up from his groin. He seemed like a baton in her eager palms, so big and hard and pulsing with a life of its own. Without thinking, she leaned forward till she was horizontal over Alain’s torso, and slowly engulfed his shaft into her mouth.

  Never had she tried the sixty-nine position with anyone and it seemed just right to share it with Alain. He was ravenous as he licked, sucked and teased her sex while thrusting intermittently inside her with his expert fingers. Aiming to give him as much pleasure as he gave her, Maya eagerly mouthed his turgid length, bathing him with her tongue and lips and then bobbing her widened mouth up and down his meaty stem till his hips bucked up to meet her in rhythm.

  The perfect finish came, when in between their moans and groans, they finished inside each other’s mouths. Maya’s first taste of sperm, was Alain’s spearing her throat in ropes of thick cum. It tasted so good she was already eager to try this all again. At the same time, she could feel him lapping every drop of juice she squirted after her powerful orgasm, thanks to his unrelenting exploration of her dripping sex.

  That was just the beginning, because the night was spent in every position imaginable, and with varying degrees of roughness and tenderness in the passion they shared. Maya let herself get lifted high by each star-bound climax, because she couldn’t tell if she’d wake up the next morning and her secretive lover would be gone again.

  Maybe now that he knew he was going to be a father, Alain would find more and more reasons to stay, Maya thought hours later as she rested her head on his chest in slumber. His hand on her hair gently stroked her to sleep as their connected flesh slowing cooled and stilled. And Maya had never felt safer or happier. Could she really start to put hope in forever?

  Chapter Eleven

  Alain didn’t say how long he’d be in town, and Maya didn’t want to pry. The last thing she wanted was to act clingy, or push him away. As long as he was around, she’d keep things simple. After all, he’d promised to return and here he was. She decided he’d open up to her when the time was right.

  He was finally finished with refurbishing the 1965 Corvair Monza convertible, and Maya felt just as proud as Alain must feel that they’d completed the project successfully. He suggested they celebrate by taking it out on a spin, and Maya was all for it.

  Just a day earlier, Maya took Alain to an awesome car graveyard she’d found, and Alain had picked out multiple cars he’d like to renovate and sell. Maya had felt a hidden excitement, telling herself this had to be a sign that Alain was ready to settle down.

  For today, her smile was brighter and warmer, all because she was starting to believe in the future again. She had fun with Alain dreaming about what they would do with the cars, and also what their future looked like with the baby. They ended up heading outside the city in their newly renovated convertible, and had a picnic on the hill that reminded Maya of their first picnic on that private beach.

  “Weeks ago, I started building a considerable list of vintage-auto owners in the locale. I plan to orchestrate their participation in several classic-car events,” Maya told Alain with a smile. She’d felt bad about snapping at him all those days ago when he’d asked her about her dreams. Now, she went on about how she planned on arranging cars to be shown at annual events and parades. She loved the idea of being an organizer, and was already reaching out to the town’s Chamber of Commerce to partake in the Fall festival with the vehicles she’d arrange for.

  Alain looked suitably impressed. “You’re really dedicated. Some of these projects, you’ve taken to preparing for months in advance.”

  “I’m trying to be the go-to gal when it comes to classic cars in this area,” she joked, then her smile grew dreamy. “I feel like I can achieve anything I set my mind to, now that I’m becoming a mother. Now, I see myself dividing my spare time between attending a first-time pregnancy mom’s group, and the local classic-car enthusiasts group.” She shook her head as she laughed, only for her smile to turn sober as she caught Alain’s steady gaze.

  “Maya, I have to leave Chicago in two days,” he said. At Maya’s look of dismay, he added, “But I’ll be back as soon as possible – at most a week after. I’ll always find a way to make time for you – and the baby.”

  Maya expelled a deep breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. “It would be terrible to feel abandoned again,” she half-joked, and saw the flash of pain that crossed Alain’s face, which he quickly masked. In the end, she was the one who seemed to do the reassuring, as she rested a hand on his arm.

  “I’ll be fine. I promise not to get too overworked or tire myself out. I’ll be careful to always put the baby, and myself first before anything else.”

  She cupped his face and kissed him sweetly, only to squeal when he suddenly swung her bridal-style into his arms. He carried her back to the convertible, stating that there was one way they hadn’t yet christened the like-new car.

  When Alain settled her to lie across the back seat and covered her body with his, Maya sighed and wrapped her arms around him eagerly. Desire coursed through her veins, and in moments they were immersed in each other. Passion turned the heat levels up to scorching, and her gasps filled the air with each thrust her lover speared within her eager sheathe. While facing the beautiful vista of the valley below, the convertible rocked slightly as the fervent lovers mated in a dance as old as time.

  Chapter Twelve

  In his Paris office, Alain Montand perused the files provided by his head of security, and one of his closest friends, Robert Vidal. For months, ever since Alain had had to leave Chicago unexpectedly, he’d been keeping tabs on Maya to ensure she was okay. He felt faintly grubby – guilty even, for putting her under surveillance but he’d felt even guiltier about leaving her unexpectedly just after their first night together as lovers.

  Since then, he always kept in the loop through information which Robert normally dropped his findings into Alain’s email inbox. Since Robert had other stuff to see to regarding the computer security of Alain’s company handled by Robert’s firm, Robert decided to hand in the info personally.

  Now, Robert viewed his friend Alain with a considerate glance. “You’re killing yourself traveling back and forth to Chicago every other week. It’s just not working, is it?”

  “I’ll admit, my business in Europe is suffering because of it,” Alain said on a short sigh. “Coupled with that, the cars are coming slowly in America. It’s all getting hectic.”

  What Alain didn’t add, was the part that really affected him the most: the fact that Maya was becoming more and more pregnant – and as such, keeping the secret of who he really was, kept biting him.

  “Well, Maya seems to be blossoming running the new renovation company. As you can see in the report, she’s really mastered being able to source original materials. Buyers and new projects are all lining up. That’s a good thing, surely?” Robert’s smile
was slightly rueful. He knew much about the situation between Alain and Maya, and knew how much Alain was weighed down by all the secrets between them.

  “Normally, it should be,” Alain replied, turning to view the scenery from his penthouse office window. “But I feel sick, that Maya has built this whole new life based on a lie I told her.”

  “What lie? You just weren’t as open as you should be about your financial status. In the end, she’ll understand why you did it,” reasoned Robert.

  “Will she?” Alain sighed again and pushed a hand through his hair. In the beginning, it had all seemed so simple. For a long time, Alain had become sick of the stuck up models, actresses and socialites he’d been with. All he’d wanted, was to meet a normal woman again – perhaps, one of those bread and butter types whose ambitions were to find a good man to marry and raise a few kids.

  When you played all of the mind games that came with being wealthy and single, it wasn’t a surprise to long for simplicity. As such, Alain had chosen to pose as a normal guy on his vacation to Chicago, and hopefully find that everyday girl he was looking for. Then he met Maya.

  The deeper he began to feel for Maya, the worse he felt. Still, he always held back from revealing his true identity. He never wanted to change that expression in her eyes when she looked at him. With the women in his past, he’d always wondered if all they saw was Alain Bernard the billionaire, or the man himself. There was no cause for such hang ups while he was with Maya.

  He could have told her who he was from their first date, but he didn’t want her to like him for his money just like most of the women he’d been with. After he’d overcome the shock of finding out she was pregnant for him, he began to view the whole development as a happy chance. Alain was glad to have an heir, and he could picture a future with Maya. But when she found out he’d been lying to her from the start, would she picture a future with him?

  Alain realized it was time to come clean. When he returned to Chicago in a few days, Maya expected them to go house hunting. She’d told him she hoped they could get a larger apartment if they could afford it. It was moments like those, that Alain felt the most like a total heel. The downside of his whole façade, that as much as he wanted to shower Maya with all the finest things she deserved, he knew he couldn’t more so because she wouldn’t wish for them.

  Still, he longed to give her the whole world all the same. She was worth it, if only she knew.

  He’d just have to prove it to her - and Alain planned to do just that the next time they were together again. Soon, he’ll work things out so they – all three of them - would never have to be apart again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He’d always remember the first time they met.

  Physically, Maya was perfect. Her figure was slim and shapely, and she wasn’t too petite or too tall – just the right height and with a gorgeous ass that made Alain wonder why he’d never been into some extra bit of junk in the trunk before. Well, now he was – just as he was now into mocha skin, highlighted with a natural golden glow that made him want to taste her all over.

  Maya had a capable demeanor to go with her sweet personality and bright smile, yet beneath all her professionalism, Alain was man enough to sense her reaction to him. He felt that instant spark between them that he hadn’t felt with a woman in a long time.

  And best of all, she had no clue who he really was.

  Alain had sensed her innocence and genuine nature, but he had wondered if it would matter to her if he was the heir of an empire as well as a mogul in his own right. Would she jump at the chance of possibly becoming Mrs. Alain Bernard, her eyes filling with dollar signs just by looking at him, as did those other women he’d come in contact with?

  It was almost ten months since that first time he’d met Maya in that men’s store. Alain knew he would have to tell her eventually about who he really was, but he had first needed to convince them both that this could be real without basing anything on status or personal assets. Whether Maya would relate with his viewpoint, was now what he was worried about.

  After he must have told Maya the truth, Alain planned to take her to Paris to meet the family. He had the jet ready to fly them back to France once they picked out a new place in Chicago.

  Alain had a smile on his face as he flicked through photos of Maya on his phone, some which she’d sent him. At seven months pregnant she’d never looked more beautiful, her weight gain healthy and her skin radiating. She’d make the sexiest new mom alive, thought Alain as he viewed her very evident baby bump displayed by the form-fitting dress she wore. How she could look so elegant even with how heavy she had become, was an awesome feat. Alain knew she’d look beautiful to him anytime, anywhere.

  Alain put away his phone and laptop in preparation for landing the jet at the private strip. The flight would have been the best time to catch up on the business plans and progress reports on his patents, yet instead his thoughts kept going back to Maya. She’d called him yesterday to remind him to keep his promise about making it back today. As if Alain could stand being away another day, when he’d missed her and their unborn baby.

  Little did Alain know, that things would come crashing down, and that it was already too late to set things right.

  Maya had got a call from the topnotch real estate agent about meeting up to view some listings and Maya was all for it. This realtor took a long time to set appointments, so Maya decided not to wait for Alain and use this rare opportunity to check out the apartments herself. Thankfully, the agent truly knew Chicago and offered invaluable insight on the neighborhoods, up to the buildings and even the blocks.

  When Maya did find the apartment she instantly fell in love with, the rest was an absolute breeze. What would have seemed a daunting task of inspections and contracts went by without Maya feeling overwhelmed since Alain wasn’t there.

  Maya really loved the apartment she’d chosen, and was sure Alain would too. Not wanting to waste any more time, Maya quickly got the agent to run their numbers in readiness to close the deal. And that was when Maya got the shock of the century.

  “I can’t imagine why you were worried. You both can easily afford to get this place,” the agent, Penny said with a smile. “Alain would certainly have no problem. He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he?”

  At the moment, Maya didn’t know who the hell he was. She was simply staring at the screen in front of her on Penny’s laptop which showed how much Alain was worth. Alain Bernard, to be exact. His name had never rang any alarm bells to Maya before, yet suddenly it seemed it carried more than its weight in money and power.

  CEO and self-made billionaire, founder of a leading company in the European automotive industry. He’d put his extensive academic background in engineering, industrial design and business to good use and had started out holding various positions in many notable car firms before branching out on his own.

  His company designed and manufactured nuts and bolts used for European race cars, while in his personal life, he remained an avid car enthusiast and enjoyed spending time at the rallies.

  Maya was shocked to discover that Alain had earned numerous industry achievement awards and was considered a lynchpin of European motorsports. That, and the fact that he was a billionaire.

  That last part had her reaching shakily for the nearest chair to settle into. Even Penny noticed her reaction. “You had no idea who he really was or how much he was worth?” The agent shook her head in amazement.

  Maya grimaced and rested her hands on her bump. She wasn’t exactly in pain, and she suspected what she felt was acute embarrassment to have found out the truth from the real estate agent.

  She spent the next several hours fuming and running everything Alain had ever told her, over and over in her mind. How could she not have seen him for what he was? It was always the deep, steady types that held the most capacity for deception. And she was done being the victim of his trickery.

  The shock soon wore off, replaced by Maya’s calm certainty that the
re was no way forward for both of them

  When Alain arrived at her doorstep, she made sure he had no doubts as to her resolve to leave him. She’d already called him on the phone, so he at least knew what to expect after the way she’d cried and yelled at him. Now that they were face to face, he tried to explain things, but Maya wasn’t ready to listen.

  “I never wanted money – I wanted to build a life with someone. I never would have dreamed you were keeping me like a mistress on the side,” she said angrily, already losing her calm. Maya hated being played for a fool, especially when with Alain she’d been so blindly and happily trusting. How he must have laughed behind her back!

  “That’s not true and you know it.”

  Maya lifted her hand in a universal ‘stop’ gesture at his words. “One thing I do know for sure, is that it’s over between us. I’m moving all your stuff out of the apartment and I’ll hire a new mechanic for my business.”

  “So, you’re totally ready to cut ties with me,” Alain said. “You’re forgetting a vital detail, such as the fact we’re having a baby together.”

  “My baby doesn’t need you. I can find him a father who can be trusted, who’ll treat me with simple human dignity which you’ve obviously fallen short of doing.”

  “I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry!” Alain growled, and gently but firmly took her shoulders and turned her to face him fully. “If I had a way to separate myself from what I am – the billionaire CEO, I would. Every moment I was with you, I felt I was experiencing something worthwhile for the first time.”

  “Being rich and powerful is part of who you are. Why would you need to hide behind a mask and ask me to accept just a version of you?” Maya breathed. “I gave you the whole version of myself.”

  “I know. Dammit, Maya, I know,” said Alain, his face creased in pain as he pulled her close, taking care not to press the baby bump.

  Alain knew he could keep saying the same thing again and again, but Maya was too hurt right now to let it make any difference. “I need to figure out what I really want. I’m not sure I can believe in anything we share anymore, not when it was all based on an illusion.”


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