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Bishop (The Pawn Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Robin Roseau

  "We will help," Larien said. Then she and some of the other priestesses helped me from the altar. We all supported each other for a moment, but then I went one by one, brushing cheeks with each. And as I did so, I felt a connection with each one.

  I turned to Vérundia. "I don't understand. I am connected to the eight of you?"

  "Not just us," she said. "We represent everyone. You have the same connection even with the acolytes."

  "I wish we could have done this before Juleena came," Larien said with a grin. "But I don't think she'd be happy if we did what I want to do now."

  "No, I do not believe she would," I said. Then I looked at each of them, and it was as if I could judge them. "Larien, retrieve help from the younger ones. Some of us will not be able to climb to our beds."

  And it seemed right that I should give the order in Vérundia's stead. But I looked at her. "I'm sorry, you-"

  "No," she said. "I am not jealous of authority. Have as much as you want." She smiled with that. And so Larien stepped ahead, the rest of us moving more slowly to follow.

  * * * *

  I nearly fell asleep in my dinner, but before I let Naddí and Féla bring me to my room, I went to each of the priestesses. We touched cheeks, and I whispered their names into their ears. I thought there was more to say, but I couldn't find the words, so I decided that was sufficient.

  Juleena thought to join me in my bed, but I turned to her at the door and stopped her with an outstretched hand. "No. You may begin to court me when we have returned to Marport, by permission of your mother, and not a moment sooner. It must be proper. Ask them to find another bed for you."

  "I am sleeping in here."

  "No, you are not," I said. "I am safe; there will be no further deceit. Wait here, and someone will show you where to sleep."

  "I want to talk to you."

  "I'm going to be asleep in another three minutes."

  She paused. "May I at least hug you?"

  "Hug, yes. Kiss? No. Promise to behave."

  "I'll behave," she muttered, but she seemed unhappy.

  So I hugged her, carefully. I wasn't sure what intimate meant to the Goddess, and I wasn't going to push it.

  Once we were inside my chambers, I said, "Put me to bed and then make sure she has a bed as well. Can one of you stay near, and one with her, in case she has needs? Do this for me?"

  "Yes," said Féla. "We will do this for you."

  "Thank you."

  I slept.

  * * * *


  "Go away."


  I opened my eyes. The Goddess herself was calling my name.

  "Oh," I said. "I'm sorry."

  She shook her head and pressed fingers to my lips. "We have only begun," she said. "We have more to do, today and tomorrow." And then she stepped away, but she gestured.

  Féla was sleeping in a chair, watching over me.

  "Naddí is with your princess," said the Goddess. "She has weeks of exhaustion inside her, and I would have her sleep a week, but if she wakes, she will want you. For now, wake Féla and accept her help."

  And so I sat, and it was almost as much as I could do to get my feet onto the floor. But I called out, "Féla. Féla."

  Her eyes opened, and in seconds she was kneeling before me, looking up into my eyes. "I need help," I said. But I turned to the Goddess. "Do I have time to bathe?"

  "Yes, but not to be indolent. But will you wear your vestments today? For me?"

  "For you," I said with a smile.

  "I will see you soon. Bathe, and breakfast, and I will come when they begin. Vérundia knows what to do."

  And then she was gone.

  "I can tell when you are talking to her," Féla said. "She's gone now, isn't she?"

  "Yes," I said. "Until later. Short bath, and she asked me to wear the vestments. Breakfast, but I should check on Juleena."

  "She should sleep."

  "She will wake if the door opens," I said. "But if not, then I must leave a note or she will attempt to interrupt the ceremony."

  Féla saw to my needs, and then she took me to Juleena.

  She didn't wake, but they had paper ready, so I wrote a brief note. It was simple.


  Please behave. I must meet with the Goddess. It may be some time. Perhaps you can sleep some more.


  There had been some industry. The dining hall looked better than it had last night, although the tables had all been well distressed. I decided that was a problem for others to resolve. So I let Féla bring me to a table.

  The others clustered around me. Vérundia sat down opposite me. "Someone is bringing food."

  "Warm food," I said. "Not too much."

  "Not too much," she said. "But a good breakfast."

  "How late is it?"

  "Still early morning," she said.

  "The rites have only begun," I said. "The Goddess said she will meet us in the Heart of the Heart when we are ready."

  "Of course."

  "I have decided something."


  "It is a simple decision. I do not wish to sit at the head of the table. I wish to sit at the middle, where I am closest to all of you."

  "Then it shall be so."

  "I wish you close, and Larien and Terél. And after that, I wish it to change, so that it is not always the same. I am high priestess to all."

  "And so that shall also be," she said.

  I looked around. "Do I need to help with this? I do not know if there is more destruction."

  "Leave this to me, Yallameenara."

  "About that. It is too long to say. Please call me Yalla."

  She smiled and nodded. "Of course."

  "How do things sit?"

  "We are lighting the lamps in sections," she said. "It must be done carefully."

  "Oh, I didn't realize. The lamps are on."

  "Here, and the space from your quarters to here. We are lighting the path to the Heart of the Heart. We will work out from there."

  "How long will it take?"

  "Several weeks," she said. "But there is no rush. You may leave this to me, but there will be no need to carry lanterns."

  "Larien is well?"

  "I am," Larien said, stepping up behind me.

  "I have words for you," I said. "But not now. Oh, is that breakfast?"

  It wasn't only breakfast for me; it was breakfast for all. We all grew quiet, and I realized I was far more ravenous than I thought. From the looks, so was everyone else.

  When finally I could speak again, I said, "Is anyone else hurt?"

  "Nothing that won't mend," said Vérundia.

  "What about supplies? The Framarans have been eating the supplies."

  "We have supplies, but we will take inventory and send for more."

  "Before winter."

  She smiled. "Before the week is out."

  "I'm worrying about nothing."

  "If you have concerns, voice them. I may have overlooked something important."

  "The acolytes?"

  "I have sent for them. I suspect they will arrive after their own breakfasts."

  "I won't see them until after, then?"

  "Perhaps not," she said. "They will be cared for."

  I looked around. "Could everyone feel the rite?"

  "Oh, yes," said Thuralayteen. "I cannot speak for those further away, but I felt it."

  "It is most intense for those of us directly involved," said Vérundia, "but all your priestesses knew what was happening." She smiled. "I imagine they were quite surprised, as we did not expect this for another two years."

  * * * *

  I lay on the altar, the priestesses chanting, touching me. And then the Goddess was there.

  "Hello," I said with a smile. I reached up and brushed her cheek as she settled into place above me.

  "Hello, my horse girl," she replied.

  I could already feel myself responding, the tingling between
us, and the strengthening connection to the other priestesses. Then she lowered her lips to mine, and with just that first brushing of lips, I felt magic flowing through me, flowing from the Goddess to me and then out to each of the priestesses, binding me, binding them, binding us all.

  With a moan, I wrapped my arms around the Goddess and held her tightly to me, and then I rode the joy, the pure, mindless joy.

  * * * *

  When I could think, the Goddess was gone, and the priestesses lay slumped over me.

  "She's gone," I said.

  "We felt her leave," Larien said. "Oh, do I feel good."

  I looked, then caressed her head. "Did you send for help?"

  "They are close," Vérundia said. "I learned from yesterday."

  "How long has it been?"


  I rolled onto my side, dislodging the others, and then accepted help from the altar. They clustered around me, and then I turned, and I saw the acolytes standing at one doorway.

  "Come in," I called to them. I held out my hands.

  They weren't alone, but they were first, and soon I was surrounded by all the priestesses in attendance. I brushed cheeks and hugged, one after the other, some far more than once. The youngest held wide eyes, staring at me.

  "Do not be frightened," I told them, hugging them each in turn. "But perhaps you can help us all upstairs."

  * * * *

  Juleena was about, and frantic besides. She saw me. She saw me being helped by two of the acolytes, and she saw several of the other priestesses being helped, and she rushed over.

  "What happened?"

  "Help them find a place to sit," I said. "Vérundia, is it done?"

  "It is done," she said.

  "Help us to sit," I repeated to Juleena.

  Juleena dashed about, getting me settled, and then her better nature kicked in, and she ferried back and forth, moving everyone to a seat. I laid my head down on the table, and several of the women leaned against me in some way, or reached out a hand, or did something to touch me.

  "Vérundia, we need to eat," I said. "But you look like I feel. Perhaps Juleena, Féla, and Naddí can be our feet for us."

  "Yes," she agreed. "Féla?"

  "I am here. We will see to everything."

  "Juleena," I said. "We're fine. It was just quite the ritual. Please help Féla and Naddí. I'm not going anywhere for a while."

  I think I fell asleep, but then Féla was there, waking me. There was broth, warm and soothing, and tea. She fed me herself, and around me I saw others being fed, and Juleena scurrying about.

  "I need to talk to her," I said.

  And so Féla caught her attention, and she hurried to me.

  "Juleena, I need to sleep, and I need you to understand. I need them around me right now. Do not be jealous. I need one large bed, but you can't be in it. Will you arrange this for me?"

  "Yes, Yalla."

  "Thank you."

  I woke a short while later as someone picked me up. It was Sergeant Jelsen, and I woke only enough to thank him. And then I woke much later to find all my priestesses around me. Then I slept, and when next I woke, it was morning again.

  Final Questions


  I smiled and turned to her. The Goddess stood watching me. I stood and walked to her. We touched, and we smiled.

  "Walk with me," she said. She turned, and we slowly walked, holding hands, to the Heart of the Heart. Together we walked the circle, then came to opposite sides of the altar, looking across at each other.

  "This place," I said. I gestured. "You made this?"

  "I encouraged it to form," she replied. "It is not quite the same. Do you know why I brought you here?"


  "You have questions."

  "So many."

  "What is the most pressing?"

  "Why are you letting me leave?"

  She smiled. "Because Framara needs Juleena to heal, and for that, she needs you."

  "But why do you care about that?"

  "How can I not?" she asked. "It is where your heart is, and that is sufficient reason for me. But I need Framara and Alteara to be friends again. I would rather you could stay, but to heal this rift, you must be free to go back and forth. And this place is not best for you, girl of The Hippa."

  "I didn't know it would be like this."

  "I know, but the..." she used a word I didn't know. "The joy," she said, and at that, I nodded. "It settles in. It will not stay this strong. You need more than what is here, and I want you to have everything you need."

  I didn't completely understand, but I nodded. "What do I do now?"

  "Now? Shortly you will call to our priestesses, and they will hear your call and come to us. And we will talk for a time. Tomorrow you begin your journey home. Once there, you will accept Juleena's petition, and her love, and you will let her seduce you, I think. But make her work for it."

  I laughed. "I'll try."

  "You have much to learn, and that will fill your time. But take care of yourself as well."

  "I will."

  "I have one more thing to tell you. Zana carries Hamper's child."

  "She does?"

  "I have blessed the creature. It is very small, but it will grow. She will be a fine horse."

  "When did this happen?'

  She smiled. "They are tied to you, and so perhaps you can guess."

  I laughed. "So the child is very small."

  "Very small," she agreed. "I do not know the ways of horses. Will she be safe for the return trip?"

  "Oh, yes. It will be months before she tells me she wishes to be left alone."

  "Good. Now, please call our priestesses. You need only call them as if they are in the next room. They will hear you."

  And so I lifted my voice and said, in the language of the Goddess, "Please, can you come to me? We are in the Heart of the Heart."

  And I felt a small tug, from deep inside, and more tugs, one for each priestess here, including the acolytes."

  "I felt them," I said.

  "Yes. And when you are close, they can also call to you. With practice, you can call just this one or that one, but I am told that takes time to learn."

  "What else can I do?"

  She smiled. "I will leave your lessons to others for now. Yallameenara, I do not know if my magic will extend to Framara. But we will try."

  "That's why you want the temple there."

  "Yes, and you must speak to me often. And we shall see. Make it somewhere close, and spend time there. Study there, if you like, or enjoy gentle company."

  "I will," I promised.

  We didn't talk after that, but she reached across the altar, and so our hands came together in the center. And that was how we stood as the others began to arrive.

  They came to a stop, but I told them all to approach, but be careful of the space across from me. Soon, they were all clustered about, all but the furthest touching me as they could.

  "You will say my words, Yallameenara," said the Goddess. And then she began to speak, first to this one, and then to that one. She had to help with the words at times, and Terél helped as well. For the youngest, she thanked them for their devotion and love. For the oldest, she thanked them for their many years of service.

  And then she told one where she would find a book, long missing, and we laughed uneasily, but the woman was deeply thankful.

  For others she offered regret at a lost family member, a parent for one, a brother for another. For these, I offered my comfort, what I could, and I like to believe it helped.

  And then, one by one, she released them, but I hugged them before they left, and I could feel the Goddess working through me, magic I didn't understand flowing from her to me to the woman I held.

  Then we were down to Vérundia, Larien, and Terélmarestra.

  To Vérundia, she said, "I love you, my daughter. Your stay here draws to a close."

  "I can't say that!" I said.

  "Why ever not?"r />

  "Oh, no, she is not dying. She is lonely. The love of her heart withers in this place, and so she is one of those who travels Alteara for me. They will both be free to travel together, but not just yet."

  And so I said all that, and Vérundia smiled. "I never wanted to lead, but someone had to. I think my desire to be free to be with Hastiá colored my decisions when dealing with you."

  "That is behind us," I said.


  I turned back to the Goddess. "I am sorry."

  "I do not mind that you talk to her. I mind when I do not understand."

  "I am sorry," I said. "I will get better."

  "I know you will. Now tell her this. I need her here a little longer, but to have heart. It is still some time yet, but it is not forever, and then she and Hastiá will be always together."

  "Thank you, Goddess," she said.

  "Very good. Hug her now, and give her a tiny kiss, too."

  And so I opened my arms, and Vérundia was surprised by the peck, but we brushed cheeks before she stepped from the room.

  "Well," said the Goddess. "We have my high priestess and her tutors. You will say my words."

  "Yes, Goddess."

  "Make this one work hard," the Goddess said. "Work on her accent, but work on more than her accent. But she has other things to learn as well, so leave room in her schedule."

  "Yes, Goddess," they said together.

  "Good. Now, my horse girl. Bring them together and suggest they hug and kiss. It will be good for them, and I do not believe they will continue to share your bed."

  "No, they will not," I said with a laugh. And then I told them what the Goddess had said.

  They laughed, and the kiss they gave each other was warm and sweet. Holding hands, they walked from the room, and I wondered if they would stop in the public areas or find somewhere private.

  I turned to the Goddess. "I want to talk about your temple."

  She smiled. "Someday I will want a bigger temple open to all Framarans. This is for you, and your priestesses. Maybe others in the palace will visit. Maybe you will invite a scholar or a friend."


  "Yes," she agreed. "And comfortable for you."

  "I understand now."

  She nodded. "Well, our time now is ending," said the Goddess. "But you will be back soon, for the winter solstice, and we will have much to say to each other."


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