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Revenge: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 22

by Ashe, Jessica

  “You can’t drink anything from there,” Vicky said. She leant over and shut the door, almost trapping my fingers inside. “That’s daddy’s alcohol. He won’t want you drinking it.”

  “Daddy?” I said, laughing in her face. “You call him Daddy? Jesus Christ, you’re such a child. Please tell me you are actually eighteen. I haven’t fucked a minor have I?”

  “Yes, I’m eighteen, pillock.” Pillock? Was that another insult? I hadn’t picked up on all the British terms yet. “Besides, the age of consent in England is sixteen. Don’t worry, you won’t be going to jail. Not unless it’s a crime to be shit in bed.”

  I grabbed a hold of her hand which was still blocking my way to the liquor cabinet. “I could taste your essence on my lips for days after,” I said, looking into her eyes. “You can say what you like about that night, but your pussy can’t lie.”

  She yanked her hand free and headed towards the exit but stopped when she realized that would just lead back to the living room. She didn’t want to be in there right now any more than I did.

  I poured myself a large glass of scotch and took a sip. I added a few drops of water, but didn’t add ice. This whisky deserved to be drunk straight.

  “Daddy… Dad’s going to be furious,” she said. “That’s about £30 of liquid you’ve poured into that glass.”

  “Well, I have to hand it to your dad. He has good taste. In alcohol anyway. Women, not so much.”

  “He married my mom,” Vicky said. “If you knew her, you’d know his taste in women is just fine. Besides, he’s marrying your mom and she’s a remarkable woman.”

  I rolled my eyes and took another long sip of the whisky. This bottle wouldn’t last long if I had to spend much more time around Vicky.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re a fan of mother dearest?” I asked. The last thing I needed was another of Mom’s adoring fans worshiping her every move.

  “Of course I’m a fan,” Vicky said. “I have all of her cookbooks.” She motioned to a large collection of cookbooks in the corner of the kitchen. “Sheri’s one of my favorite celebrity chefs.”

  “She’s not a celebrity,” I replied instantly. “She’s an average cook who got lucky. And you shouldn’t worship her. If you knew half the true story you wouldn’t like her either.”

  “You’re as ungrateful as you are immature. I bet she’s given you everything you ever wanted and now you’re just rebelling to prove how tough you are. It’s pathetic.”

  “Sheri’s done jack-shit for me except cause me no end of stress.”

  “Yeah? Who’s paying for that London penthouse you’ve lived in these past few months? You know, the place with more whores going in and out than…”


  “Than a whore house.”

  “Oh, good one. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to match you in this battle of wits.”

  She grabbed her glass and refilled it with water. “Just leave me alone will you. This is tough enough for me without having the constant reminder of my big mistake last week staring me in the face.”

  Her big mistake? She couldn’t have asked for a better first time than the one I had given her. How many virgins had sex three times the first night and came at least as often?

  “Which time was the mistake, sweetheart? Was it when I ate your pussy? The first fuck? Second? Third?”

  “Shut up,” she yelled, pulling me away from the door to the far end of the kitchen. “Jesus, my dad is just through the door and so is your mom. Do you want them to know their children had sex?”

  “I don’t care,” I lied. “Mom knows I like to spread the love around a bit. She’d be surprised if I hadn’t fucked you.”

  “Well I’m not like that and my father thinks I’m still a virgin. I’d appreciate it staying that way for as long as possible.”

  “Is that why you dress like a virgin?” I asked. My fingers reached out and quickly opened the top button of her blouse with an experienced flick of my fingers. It wasn’t enough to see any of those sweet, perky titties, but I felt my erection growing in my pants anyway.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I couldn’t see much more than her collarbone and I was already getting aroused.

  “Don’t touch me.” She tried to sound mad, but she didn’t do the button back up and made no attempt to push me away. She wanted me again. I could see it in her eyes.

  “Do you think about me at night?” I asked. “When you’re in bed naked?”

  “No. Never.”

  She leaned back against the kitchen counter to create some space between us and pushed her tits towards me in the process. I could rip that blouse open and be sucking on those titties within seconds and she’d love it. That wasn’t anger in her eyes; it was desire. She was fighting it, but I could see the passion there.

  “You’re lying,” I said, leaning forward and whispering in ear. “I bet you lie in bed each night and think of me as your fingers move towards that tight wet pussy of yours. Tell me, do you prefer to rub your clit or stick your fingers inside your cunt?”

  “You’re disgusting,” she said, turning her head to one side. She couldn’t look at me anymore.

  “I bet you’re wet right now. God, I can practically smell your wet—”

  I stopped talking when I heard a noise behind me, but I didn’t move away. Vicky reacted quicker. She pushed me back to create a gap between us. I ended up standing right next to my drink which I picked up just in time for Roy to walk into the kitchen.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” he yelled. I didn’t know whether he meant my violation of his whisky or his daughter.

  I’d lost her.

  Where had she gone? She was beautiful and fully deserved the opportunity to place her lips around my cock later tonight.

  Somewhere in this room of lawyers and other equally boring people was an absolutely stunning young woman who’d caught my eye while I’d been stuck talking to one of the partners at my firm. By the time I’d ended the conversation, she’d disappeared.

  I cast my gaze around the room, but couldn’t find her. Still, there was plenty of time and I only needed ten minutes to work my magic. Better make that fifteen. Women at networking functions always took a little more effort, and you had to pretend to be interested in their careers first.

  When did I become one of those lawyers who went to networking events?

  Lawyers and potential clients mingled and partook in the weird dance that was professional networking, talking to people for long enough to get a business card and know whether they might be any use.

  This gathering was hosted by one of the large law firms right here in downtown Washington, D.C. I hated these events, but I had to get my name out there, and this function was so close to my office, I’d be an idiot to miss it.

  Nearly everyone here was in their forties, apart from the eager looking young attorneys desperate to further their fledgling careers by sucking up to some of the partners. There were even a few law students milling about hoping to make connections and land a job to help repay the six figures of debt they would have on graduation. I didn’t envy them, but that didn’t mean I could be bothered to help them either.

  I needed a drink. I headed to the bar and settled for a European lager. It was either that, or a cheap-looking wine. The firm could easily have paid for better quality, but they didn’t want people having too much to drink. Serving shitty wine was a subtle way of making sure the guests limited their intake.

  A fellow M&A lawyer from another firm had cornered one of my old law school buddies and was currently boring him senseless with talk of all the deals he’d closed recently. I knew he would rather do anything other than talk about work, so I decided to help him out.

  “Tom, how are you doing?” I said loudly, shaking his hand and thrusting myself between him and the partner. The relieved look on Tom’s face as we made small talk made it clear that he was pleased to see another human being and not just a robot.

  “Thanks f
or that, Foster,” Tom said, as the old partner wandered off without so much as a business card to show for his efforts. “Are all these events so fucking boring?”

  “Pretty much,” I replied. “I don’t go to many, but I never find lawyers much fun to drink with. Even in law school the parties were dull.”

  “Speaking of law students, there’s a fair few of them here tonight. No doubt they’ll approach you at some point and kiss some ass. I just had some smarmy little junior associate from another firm try to act like he’s a partner. He must only be a year or two out of law school.”

  Both Tom and I had moved so quickly up the ranks that we forgot we were only five years out of law school ourselves. It felt like we’d been lawyers for at least a decade.

  “Speaking of entitled brats,” Tom said, as he flicked his head to the side, motioning to a young attorney in an expensive suit. “That’s the one. Try to stay away from him if you can.”

  I thanked Tom for the advice, but I didn’t need it. The kid stood out from a mile away as being some rich jackass who probably got a job at daddy’s firm. Okay, so I worked at my mom’s firm, but that was different. I wasn’t a slimy little prick like this kid, for one thing.

  “He’s got a face you just want to punch,” I remarked.

  “I miss the good old days where we used to go out and get in fights instead of staying in and studying.”

  “It’s a miracle we ever got admitted to the bar.”

  I kept an eye on the young associate as he walked around like he owned the place, in a suit that looked way too expensive for someone who should still be paying off law school loans. I tracked him with my eyes as he walked over to the bar. He turned back with two glasses of wine and handed one to a young blonde in the corner of the room.

  The young blonde. It was her. The one I’d spotted earlier.

  She was fucking beautiful. If we were in a bar, she’d have hundreds of men hanging off her every word. It said something about the crowd here that no one else seemed to have noticed her, except the slimy guy now trying to chat her up.

  Screw networking; I needed to have a bit of that. Her long, blonde hair draped teasingly down her back, just begging to be pulled on in the throes of passion. She broke out into a forced smile at what was probably a bad joke from the kid, but fake or not it still lit up her face.

  I needed to see those lips wrapped around my cock.

  She wore a knee-length skirt, but I could see enough of her ass to picture the scene as I yanked up her skirt, tore down her panties, and went to town on that pussy. I wouldn’t quite have described her as petite, but she was definitely on the slim side and her breasts protruded from her frame, hugged tightly by her white blouse. I’d had bigger breasts in my hands, but hers were more than ample considering her frame.

  This night might not be such a waste of time after all. She looked a little uptight, but so do a lot of women. That doesn’t stop me charming the panties off them—literally—and having them end the evening a lot more satisfied and less uptight than when they started it.

  “Shit,” Tom muttered. I’d forgotten he was still there. “Our IP attorney just spotted me. I’m going to have to spend a few minutes with him. I can introduce you if you like?”

  “No thanks,” I replied. “I have someone else I need to meet.”

  I pulled out my phone just to look busy, and leaned against the wall near the chick I would be seeing naked in hopefully no more than three hours’ time. It immediately became clear that she already knew the entitled prick currently trying to chat her up. They could be colleagues, but she sounded deferential to him and nervous when she spoke.

  Her name badge marked her as April Rhodes, a summer associate at Cooper & Cooper, and a first year law student at a nearby school. His name badge pegged him as Zach Cooper, a second year associate at the same firm.

  I knew exactly what was going on. The summer was nearly over, and he’d likely been flirting with the poor girl the entire time. Now he was making his move.

  “We should go out for drinks soon,” I overheard Zach say. “Not at an event like this. Somewhere a little more intimate.”

  “I’m going to be busy once school starts,” April responded. “I won’t really have time for that sort of thing.”

  Well done. You turned him down and gave him a way to retain his pride. Now let’s see if he takes the hint.

  “Nonsense,” Zach said dismissively. “You’ll have plenty of time. Remember, the goal of going to law school isn’t to get great grades, it’s to get a job as a lawyer. I can make that happen.”

  Jesus Christ. He was a second-year associate, not a fucking partner. Except he had the surname Cooper. Ah, that explained a lot. I’d thought he looked like the type who’d landed a job with his dad’s firm and I’d been right as always.

  “I don’t think it would be appropriate,” April said, quickly changing from one excuse to another.

  I didn’t have a lot of experience at being rejected by women, but surely it had to be obvious to Zach that he didn’t stand a chance here. Could some men really be that clueless?

  “As of next week, we won’t be working for the same firm anymore,” Zach responded. “We can do whatever we want.”

  April blushed and swept a loose strand of hair behind her ear. God, she looked fucking stunning when she was lost for words and red in the face. I would have her the exact same way later on, except she’d be horizontal and not as quiet.

  I’d never imagined myself getting hard in front of a group of old lawyers, but right now April had me growing in my pants, and she hadn’t even noticed me yet. Or at least, she was pretending not to have noticed me. Women always spotted me in a crowded room. I stood out from a mile away, and never more so than I did right now.

  In addition to being taller than most people here, I was the only one who bothered to work out on a regular basis. My large frame was impossible to miss among the combination of lawyers who either ate too little or too much. None of them exercised; it took time away from billing. April must have noticed me, but she was doing a good job of not looking this way.

  “I want to work for Cooper & Cooper next summer and after law school,” April said. “I can’t do that if we’re dating.”

  “You do realize you won’t be working for my firm if you don’t get a good appraisal from me?” ‘My firm?’ Fucking asshole. “I don’t want to have to tell the partners that you are uncooperative and not a team player.”

  Come on, April. Stay strong.

  “I guess I could think about it,” April said softly.

  “Look, let’s get out of here now,” Zach said. “We can go somewhere else and have some privacy.”

  Zach placed his hand on her upper arm. To any casual observer it would look like a gesture of goodwill, but I could see his fingers gripping her arm with enough strength to be threatening.

  There was no way I was going to stand for that, and neither was April. She tried to pull her arm away, but he held on tight.

  That was all the excuse I needed.

  I walked over to Zach and stood up straight, casting a shadow over him that he noticed immediately. He turned round and looked up at me like a deer caught in the headlights.

  “I’m going to give you one chance. Let her go and you don’t get hurt.”

  Why was it guys always felt the need to flex their muscles in front of women at the worst possible times?

  I was handling the situation. Okay, I wasn’t doing a great job of handling it, but I’d managed not to draw any attention to my unwanted conversation with Zach. Now this towering mound of muscle was going to make a scene while he tried to look like a knight in shining armor.

  I’d seen him standing nearby reading work emails. It’s not like anyone could miss him. His suit was tailored to fit snuggly around his muscular chest, which was practically bulging out through his shirt. It looked like he could make all the buttons pop off just by flexing his pecs. Although I wouldn’t have minded seeing that.

; He hadn’t bothered with a name badge, but I couldn’t blame him for not wanting to put a pin through that expensive suit.

  Zach still had a hold of my arm, but that didn’t seem important right now. I looked up at the man until my eyes found his. They were a deep green, and they matched my gaze with an intensity that I initially mistook for passion, until I realized it was anger. His jaw looked tense and his lips were pursed, as he breathed heavily through his nose and turned his attention to Zach.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as he looked away from me. Being under his gaze had been like hiding in a cupboard in a horror movie—I had to stand completely still and not make a sound or I would end up devoured. In this case, that might not be so bad.

  As I exhaled, a small shiver spread from the back of my neck throughout my entire body, leaving an aching warmth between my legs. This man was bad news.

  “Who the hell are you?” Zach asked, looking up at my suited knight. Zach looked woefully inadequate up against this man, but he had the arrogance not to realize it.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am. You need to take your hand off her arm now,” the man ordered. “I’m not going to say it again.”

  “We were having a private conversation,” Zach said, sounding slightly less sure of himself now. The man’s biceps were bulging through his suit, whereas Zach’s suit hung off him limply. Zach hadn’t brought a knife to a gunfight, he’d brought a spoon, and not a particularly good one at that.

  “Alright, if you insist,” the man said. “We can deal with this the painful way. Painful for you, anyway.”

  “No,” I snapped, finally finding the strength to speak. “I don’t want to make a scene.”

  The career office at law school had been clear on the topic of behavior at parties and networking events—don’t get noticed. Have a few drinks, but not too many. Be reserved, but not afraid to speak when spoken to. The office never specifically said don’t get into fights, but I suspected that was implied.

  The man put his hand on Zach’s wrist and pulled the hand off my arm with ease. I saw Zach wince in pain, but he quickly hid it as he tried to salvage some pride. The man put his hand on Zach’s back and pushed him towards a nearby fire escape. I cringed as the door opened, expecting an alarm to go off, but it didn’t, so I followed them through. At least now we were out of sight of everyone else here.


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