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Eternity of Vengeance : Book 7 of the Heku Series

Page 37

by T. M. Nielsen

  The prisoner froze for only a few seconds before he gasped and turned to look at Derrick, who was standing behind him.

  Quinn sighed, “Maybe death is warranted. I’m not sure he’s completely sane.”

  “I am! I am! I swear!” he yelled, and shuffled a bit to the side.

  “Then sit still!” Zohn yelled.

  The heku nodded and held still for no more than 10 seconds before looking back at Derrick again. Derrick shook his head and kneed the heku in the neck.

  “The Elder said to hold still,” Derrick growled.

  “How old are you?” Dustin asked him.

  “It’s… well… maybe around… no, wait, it’s more like…”

  Dustin sighed, “Tell me your age. This isn’t a hard question.”

  “84, I think… no wait… 82.”

  “Just kill him, get him out of my sight,” Chevalier hissed.

  “Agreed,” Zohn said.

  Quinn grinned, “Kyle?”

  In an instant, Kyle removed the head of the heku and stepped back.

  “Now who in the hell has been in our ante-chamber for the past hour?” the Records Keeper asked, and turned his chair.

  Derrick blurred to the back door and opened up the doorway to the ante-chamber while the entire Council watched.

  “Is there some reason you’re standing in the ante-chamber?” Zohn asked, irritated.

  “Yes, Sir. We’re doing as instructed,” the tallest guard said with a slight bow.

  “By whom?”

  He frowned slightly, “We received a phone call that the Council needed us to wait here because the Encala were acting up again.”

  “You received a call from us?” Dustin asked.

  “Well… sort of. Actually, Lady Emily did, and relayed the message to us.”

  Chevalier shook his head, “Did you actually hear someone on the phone?”

  “No, Sir.”

  Quinn sighed, “Dustin, get some guards and go find her.”

  He nodded and blurred away.


  Emily sighed when the Mustang she was following began to slow down. There wasn’t any traffic for miles and she wasn’t paying much attention until she slowed to keep from hitting the black car. She turned and saw four more cars surrounding her. She had been so deep in thought about Dain that she didn’t see them arrive.

  Slowing the Harley, she edged over to the side of the road and stopped. Before anyone got out of the cars, she had her helmet off and sat sideways on the seat. She didn’t have much time to wonder who was bothering her, when she saw the Encala’s Chief Interrogator step out of the first black car.

  He looked over at her and the cars emptied out. Suddenly, eight Encala were standing with her on the dark, empty Interstate.

  “What now?” she asked, and set her helmet down on the seat beside her.

  “We just want to talk,” the Chief Interrogator said, not moving any closer.

  “Did you want to feel the burn? Or should I just ash you before you get the chance to take a step?”

  He smiled slightly, “Talk… that’s all…”

  “You threatened to put me into your torture room,” she reminded him.

  “You had my Elder.”

  Emily looked at the motionless heku, “Ok… start talking, I’m busy.”

  “We are merely waiting for one more car to arrive. It won’t be long.”

  She looked down the road just in time to see a silver sports car come into view. She watched as it slowed and then stopped behind the line of black cars. The Encala Guards saluted as William stepped out of the car. He smiled and walked toward her.

  “Stop there,” Emily said, and he complied.

  “I just want to talk.”

  “You can talk from there. I don’t trust you.”

  “We were surprised to see you out alone this late at night.”

  Her eyes narrowed, “You came to talk to me about slipping my guards?”

  “No, we came to talk to you about Chevalier.”

  Emily smiled, “You’re afraid of him.”

  “It’s hard not to be. The Encala have no chance of rebuilding if he won’t stop attacking our covens,” William explained.

  “Why should I care?”

  “You once did.”

  “Yeah… well a lot of things have changed.”

  “There are less than 1,000 Encala left,” William said, and stepped closer. “Your Thukil took out one of our larger covens last week.”

  “Again… why should I care?”

  “They are doing it in retaliation for what Frederick did to you.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  William sighed, “We need you to stop them.”

  “Even if I wanted to help you, Chevalier has a mind of his own and does whatever he wants.”

  “Correction… he would do anything for you.”

  She laughed slightly, “You must have your wires crossed. He doesn’t listen to me.”

  “I beg to differ,” William said, and leaned against one of the black cars. “We feel that if you were to appeal to him, on our behalf, that he might stop the attacks.”

  “You threaten me, tear my family apart, ostracize me from my friends, and cause me daily pain… What exactly are you hoping to accomplish by talking to me?” Emily asked.

  “The attack of that coven was not authorized by the Encala Council. We cannot be blamed for that.”

  “Bullshit!” Emily yelled. “Everything that’s happened over the last 18 months was done by your Council.”

  “We did not give permission for them to poison you.”

  “That’s minor compared to kicking me out of my home.” Her voice dropped slightly as she looked into his eyes.

  “Please, Emily.” William said. “Never has the heku had only two factions. As it stands, it will take thousands of years for us to rebuild.”

  “Maybe you shoulda thought of that before you decided to mess with my family.”

  “I agree that it got out of hand, but you have to admit that you started this skirmish.”

  “I did? I didn’t try to take out your city!”

  “We didn’t kidnap your Elder.”

  “You’ve kidnapped me enough times.”

  “Help us, please. Emily, I beg you.”

  “Things still aren’t the same with me and the Equites. We’re like strangers, and that’s all caused by you.”

  “Why are you out here alone tonight?” William asked, and took a small step forward.

  “If you must know… I’m headed over to the Junction to get coffee.”

  “I thought you were on a restriction.”

  Emily’s eyes narrowed, “Get out of my business.”

  “Go,” William ordered, and two of the Encala got into their car and sped off.

  “That’s a start… now why don’t the rest of you go?”

  “We’re not done talking. I need to make you see why it’s best for the heku if Chevalier leaves the Encala alone.”

  Emily shrugged, “You’re still under the mistaken impression that I could get him to stop if I wanted.”

  “You can. You’re sick and in pain most of the time. He will do anything to lessen your stress.”

  William turned when another silver sports car pulled up. Encala Elders Frederick and Aaron stepped out and moved up with William.

  “Three of you aren’t going to make any more of an impact than just one of you,” she said, and watched Frederick closely.

  “We have to try,” William said.

  Emily watched the way Frederick looked at her and she could feel the anger radiating from him, “Trust you? Befriend you? Frederick would kill me right now if you weren’t here.”

  “He wouldn’t,” Aaron said.

  Frederick growled softly.

  “Then stop growling at me!” Emily yelled. “You deserved every ounce of pain I caused you, and I’d do it again if I could.”

  The enemy Elder’s body tensed, “Do not speak to me like that.�

  “I’m done here,” she said, and grabbed her helmet.

  “Please, we aren’t done,” William said, and took the keys out of her motorcycle.

  “You’re pushing it, William. You know good and well that I can ash all of you without even a thought.”

  “Yes, I am aware of that. I’m also aware that you have a soft spot in your heart for us. You always have.”

  “Had… past tense. That pretty much left when you kicked me out of my home and then forced me to drink poison.”

  “Again, we are sorry for the unsanctioned deeds of that coven,” Aaron told her. “They have been dealt with and won’t bother you again.”

  “Yeah, I ashed them,” Emily reminded him.

  “Some of them… the rest of the coven were killed.”

  Emily sighed and watched the dark trees as the Encala Elders spoke among themselves. She wondered if calling for Chevalier would work. He hadn’t picked up any of her feelings or emotions since she left the Equites for the mortal world.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the Encala Elders turned back to Emily, “We’ve come to a decision.”

  “Yeah? About what?” she asked, now irritated that she was being made to sit out in the cold. Her leather jacket didn’t do much against the cold night air.

  “We want to make amends.”

  She grinned, “To me?”



  “Name it,” Aaron said.

  Emily turned when another car pulled up. She saw it was the one William had ordered away earlier. The two heku stepped out and Emily saw that one of them held a large coffee in his hand. Coffee from the small shop she was headed to.

  She shook her head and smiled, “That’s a start.”

  The heku stepped forward hesitantly and handed her the cup. She wrapped her cold hands around the hot cup and inhaled the scent.

  “It should help warm you,” Aaron said, and smiled.

  Emily pulled the tab on the top of the lid and as she brought it to her lips, it was ripped from her hand. She gasped and spun suddenly, just in time to see Dustin pour the coffee out on the side of the road.

  “Dustin!” she screamed.

  He stood up straight as the Encala all crouched. Emily turned suddenly and saw the green capes as twelve Council City Guards walked around the small group of Encala.

  “What’s going on here?” Dustin asked, and moved up to Emily.

  “None of your business, Benji. Why don’t you take your guards out of here?” Emily snarled.

  He didn’t take his eyes off of the Encala Elders, “You have no right bothering her.”

  “We just wanted to talk. There’s no law against that,” Aaron told him.

  “You’ve done enough damage to Emily, and the Equites for that matter. I suggest you leave her alone or we will have to intervene.”

  Emily frowned slightly at how the Encala recoiled from Dustin. She finally truly believed how very terrified they were of the Equites and Chevalier.

  “We meant no harm,” William said, taking a step back. “We just wanted to talk to her.”

  “I suspect when the Elder hears that you spoke to Emily alone, he will contact you,” Dustin said, and nodded to one of the guards. The highest-ranking City Guard moved back toward his car and pulled out a cell phone.

  “Let’s not tell Chevalier just yet,” Emily said, and watched the guard that walked away.

  “He’s not notifying the Elder… yet,” Dustin told her.

  “It’s just…”

  “You calling him Chevalier is proof of the damage the Encala have done.”

  “Meaning?” she asked, turning toward him.

  “Not only did the Encala have you kicked out of the palace, but you are no longer comfortable around us, and seem like a stranger at times.”

  She frowned slightly, but looked at William when he spoke, “We can help. Please, let us make it up to you.”

  “You’ve done enough,” Dustin said, and opened the passenger door of his car. “Why don’t you let me drive you home?”

  “I’ll take the motorcycle, Ma’am,” one of the guards said from beside her. She looked over as William handed him the keys.

  “Please, stay,” Aaron asked. “Just help us work this out.”

  Emily looked from Dustin’s car to the frightened Encala, “I just need to think about it, ok?”

  “Please do, and then let us know,” William said.

  She hesitated and then crawled into Dustin’s car. He said something to the Council City Guards before getting into the driver seat and speeding off.

  “Are you ok?” he asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.


  “Did you go off to meet them?”


  “Did they…” His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “Touch you?”

  “No, just talk.”

  He nodded, “I’m sure the Council will want to know.”

  She didn’t respond, but watched out the window as Dustin quickly sped toward Council City. He didn’t slow as he passed into the city and then stopped in front of the palace’s double front doors. Guards ran up and opened both doors. Dustin stepped out and then turned at the door to wait for Emily. She hesitated and then followed him inside.

  Derrick smiled, “Good, the Elder just returned.”

  Emily sighed, knowing which Elder he was referring to, and then watched Dustin disappear around back. Derrick held open the door and she stepped inside. Off to the side of the Council were the city guards she had tricked into letting her out alone.

  She moved up to the trial area and looked up at them.

  “Are you inured?” Zohn asked, obviously irritated.


  “She was in the company of the Encala Elders, their Chief Interrogator, and some of their guards,” Dustin told them.

  She sighed, “Enough, Snoopy.”

  “Interesting,” Quinn said, and turned to Emily. “Did you go out to meet them?”


  “Where did you meet then?”

  “Out on the Interstate.”

  “But it was not prearranged?”


  “What did they want?” Zohn asked.

  Emily crossed her arms, “I don’t think what we discussed is a Council matter.”

  “Oh, I do believe it is.”

  “No, it’s not. I was asked a favor by the Encala, and if I decide to take them up on their offer, I will not be asking you first,” Emily said, and her eyes narrowed.

  Chevalier growled softly.

  “Then you will understand if we keep your guards to the higher-ranking officers of the Cavalry,” Quinn told her.

  “By all means,” she said, and finally risked a glance at Chevalier. He was watching her, but she wasn’t able to tell by his expression if he was angry.

  “We assume you have heard of the serial killer known as the Heartbreaker?” the Chief of Defense asked.

  She smiled slightly, “Yes, why? Is he heku?”

  “He most certainly is not.”

  “Then why do I care?”

  “All of his victims have been found within 20 miles of this city.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “Then you understand the need for guards.”

  “No, I don’t. Let me show you all something,” Emily said, and started for the door.

  “Where are you going?” Quinn asked. When she turned to look at him, she saw that Chevalier was no longer in his chair.

  “I’m leaving for the night without guards, and… against all odds… I’ll be back in the morning,” she told him, and opened the door.

  “Emily?” Zohn asked, and then stood up when she froze in the doorway. They saw Derrick blur to her and pick her up as she fell to her knees. Chevalier appeared beside them and Derrick handed her over. He looked down at her pale face and saw the slow trickle of blood appear from her nose.

  “Damnit,” he growled
, and then called for Dr. Edwards. He was just laying her in bed when the doctor appeared.

  “What happened?” he asked, and immediately began listening to her heart.

  Chevalier gently lifted her eyelid and sighed at the scarlet color of her eyes, “She was just in the council chambers when she fell to her knees.”

  He watched quietly as Dr. Edwards checked Emily over. After an hour, he turned to the Elder, “I still have no explanation, unless we can find ash.”

  “Mark,” Chevalier called out and turned when he entered. “Put the Cavalry out again, look for ash.”

  “Right away, Elder,” he said, and disappeared.

  Dr. Edwards watched Emily and sighed, “It just doesn’t make sense. Have we checked all of the ceremonial rooms?”

  “We did last time, no one was turning at the time,” Chevalier said, and ordered the fires stoked.

  “Close covens? Maybe not even Equites then?”

  Chevalier grinned slightly, “The only nearby coven was Encala… I took care of them a few months ago.”

  “I’d like to stay,” Dr. Edwards said. “I want to be here when she wakes up. I have some tests to run immediately.”


  “Yes, just to check a few things. I suspect there may be something deeper going on that just fainting episodes.”

  “Like what?”

  “Now that I’m not sure of. I just know it can’t be healthy, whatever it is.”

  Chevalier nodded, “She won’t submit to testing though.”

  “Luckily, the ones I need are non-invasive and fairly simple to run.”

  “Good luck then.”

  Chapter 14 - Memory

  Dr. Edwards, Chevalier, and Dain watched over Emily for two days. She started to stir just as the sun came up on the second day and they all watched, eager to see if she knew what happened.

  She sighed slightly and rolled over, clutching the pillow tightly.

  “Em?” Chevalier said, and sat on the bed.

  She turned and looked at him, “Yeah?”

  “You going to get up?”

  She frowned and looked at Dr. Edwards, “Why are you in here?”

  “What’s the last thing you remember?” Chevalier asked, trying to turn her attention away from the doctor. It was obvious that he was watching her intently.

  She glanced at Dain and then turned back to Chevalier, “I was in the council chambers… or leaving, more like. Damn, did I pass out again?”


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