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2 Happy New Life

Page 8

by Tonya Kappes

  She looked around the large country kitchen. She could picture herself cooking a big Christmas dinner for Cole. Hayes playing with Lily and Tramp while she and Cole fished in the pond. Making love to Cole in the hammock nestled between the two tall oaks. She looked out the kitchen window and closed her eyes tightly.

  Get it together. She gripped the edge of the sink.

  “Do you like what you see out there?” Cole’s breath softly fanned her face.

  With her body starting to come alive and ache with desire, Liz turned around and came face to face with him.

  His arms fit around her waist just as perfect tonight as they had at the Pet Mall. She relaxed, sinking into his strong embrace.

  He moved his mouth over hers, devouring its softness. It was a kiss for her tired soul to melt into. Their eyes met for just a second. She felt her knees weaken as his mouth descended to meet hers.

  Gently, he eased her down on the granite counter top. It was cold on her burning flesh. She shivered. Cole was unable to control himself. His hand seared a path down her abdomen and onto her thigh. Liz let him explore every inch of her.

  Aroused now, she drew herself closer to him. Flesh against flesh, they were able to take the time to explore, to arouse, to give each other pleasure.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” He said, as his mouth began to explore even more and his hands peeled away her clothing piece by piece. “I told you that you are dangerous.” He picked up a lock of her hair and caressed it gently.

  Cole’s muscles were perfect but not too perfect. Their bodies were in perfect harmony with one another.

  Liz allowed her hands to explore every nook and fold of his body. She wanted to make sure that every inch was burned in her mind before she was taken to a height of passion she’d never known before.

  Afterward, lying there, he kissed the tip of her nose. His eyes made love to her just as his body had.

  “Beautiful.” He pulled back and walked away.

  “Where are you going?” She watched. Her body still ached for him.

  “Checking on the patient and getting you a blanket to wrap up in.” He said not looking back.

  “Are you okay?” Liz asked as she snuck up behind him as he searched through the closet.

  “Yeah, great.” He unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around her.

  Mmm…a nice cozy blanket. Liz felt great. Comfortable. Cole picked Liz up and carried her over to the couch. She laid there with her head on his shoulder.

  “Thank you, Cole,” she whispered.

  Cole held her tighter. She wasn’t sure if she was thanking him for Tramp or for her.

  “Where have you been the past year?”

  He didn’t answer.

  She looked up at him. His eyes were closed.


  “I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.”

  ~Roy Croft


  Liz rubbed her eyes and tilted her head to the side. She slept so well that she forgot where she was.

  She smiled, seeing Cole sitting in the chair with a steaming cup of coffee, staring at her.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” He stood up, walked over and handed her the cup. “It’s still early, but I thought you might want to get Tramp home before you have to leave to get Hayes.”

  She glanced over his shoulder at the wall clock.

  6 AM.

  “You’re right.” She sat up in the fluffy bed, and pulled up the covers.

  She didn’t know why, but she was a tad bit embarrassed. It wasn’t like Cole didn’t get an eyeful all night.

  She took the cup.

  “Thank you.” The coffee reminded her that she had an early breakfast date with Jenna at The Fatted Pig.

  They were going to go over a few more details before she had to leave for Cincinnati.

  She sat the cup down on the bedside table. “I totally forgot.” She leaped out of bed and, hopped around the room, slipping her jeans on and grabbing her shirt. “I have an early meeting this morning.”

  There was no way she was going to tell him that she was meeting Jenna to finalize the details of the benefit.

  “Okay.” Cole’s voice was flat. “Tramp should be fine. I checked on him while you were sleeping. Just be sure to let him rest today, and go through your house putting up all the cleaners he might find.”

  He seemed aloof. Not the eager man who wanted to touch her, hold her, taste her from last night.

  Liz refused to let regret creep into her soul. He made her feel alive, and she wasn’t going to let guilt take that away. Even if it was only for one night.

  On the way home, Liz replayed the events of the previous night. She glanced in the rear-view mirror at the smile she couldn’t suppress. Cole had her hypnotized, and she loved it.

  In a strange, sick way, she was almost glad Tramp needed Cole. Otherwise, last night would’ve never happened. She reached over and patted him. He wasn’t completely back to his old self, but he hung his head out the window until they got home, then he laid in front of the hearth.

  She grabbed a quick shower and pulled her damp black hair into a ponytail. Wearing her yoga pants and long-sleeved knit shirt, she slipped on her tennis shoes and bolted out the door.

  Tramp would be fine for about an hour, then she’d come back and he’d have to ride to Cincinnati with her. She wasn’t about to leave him alone for the day, and she wasn’t about to ask Cole to keep him.

  The Fatted Pig was packed. It wasn’t unusual for all of Grandberry Falls to have breakfast before church. It was a big social gathering, sorta like the annual hoe downs.

  “Hi, how are you?” Liz smiled at Mayor Mitch and a group of his friends.

  “Hi, Liz.” Wendy Owens waved. “I’m so excited Mitch hired you to re-vamp that musty old mayor’s office.”

  “Oh, that’s great.” Belle agreed. “I hear you always do a bang up job.”

  Liz was flattered.

  “Is your aunt here?” She asked Belle, and looked around for Jenna.

  Jenna’s mom raised Belle after her parents died. And Belle’s sister, Maggie, was all set to be the mayor’s wife, according to Hazel. But neither Maggie nor Mitch knew that yet. Liz heard that Maggie was in a relationship with one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs in New York City, so the mayor of Grandberry Falls was probably out.

  “I can’t wait to see the furniture.” Wendy all but confirmed she was dating the mayor by rubbing her hand down his arm.

  “I’m sure it will look great.” Mitch smiled. “I’m sure Ms. Day is busy.”

  “Well, I still haven’t seen Jenna.” Liz looked around.

  It was possible to have missed her in the crowded restaurant.

  “Over here!” Jenna hollered and waved above the crowd from a two person table near the window.

  Liz made her way through the restaurant with a few nods and hellos to some faces she recognized. She had to make the most of her time. She couldn’t wait to see Hayes. The quicker her meeting with Jenna went, the faster she’d get to Hayes.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been calling you all night.” Jenna’s brows rose. “I saw your car zooming around the back roads last night. I tried to catch you, but you were going so fast, I lost you.”

  Liz was at a loss for words. She didn’t want her night with Cole to be played off or down-graded by Jenna. But she also couldn’t keep the fact that Tramp almost died and Cole did save him.

  Besides, there was nothing to tell Jenna about her and Cole. They were two consenting adults who needed each other. That’s all. End of story.

  As a matter of fact, there was no good morning kiss or reminders of what had gone on all night. He had been ‘business as usual’ that morning.

  “Tramp is going to be fine. Just make sure he has plenty of water.” That was it. No kiss goodbye.


  Just sex. Pure, needful sex.

  “You aren’t going to believe this.” Liz told Jenna about Tramp
eating the toilet bowl cleaner and how Joe from Claws and Paws had mentioned the veterinarian down the road.

  “You mean Cole Michaels?” Jenna’s voice was harsh with frustration.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, he saved Tramp from dying.” Liz wasn’t going to let her put Cole down for saving Tramp.

  “Just as long as Tramp was okay.” There was a heavy dose of sarcasm in her voice.

  “Cole was great.” She completely let that slip. “I mean, he was really good with Tramp. He knew exactly what to do.”

  “Going by first names, I see.” Jenna’s jaw clinched. “Obviously there was more to it than I know, first name basis and all.”

  “Jenna, I am surprised at you.” She wanted to put the guilt on Jenna. “You are the one who took Hayes to get a dog. Now that Tramp is here, I am the one who has to clean up the ripped up toilet paper and socks. And now, when I leave him alone, he tries to commit suicide by eating the toilet bowl cleaner.”

  Jenna laughed.

  “I am starting to get little offended. First my husband leaves me and now my dog can’t bear to live with me. What’s next?” She threw her hands up in the air.

  “All right, all right. I get it.” Jenna brushed off the situation with Cole, which was exactly what Liz wanted.

  She needed time. Time to figure out what was the history between him and Jenna. Time to figure out the feelings taking over her heart.

  “If he stays only your vet and dog trainer, I can live with that.” Jenna sighed. “Now let’s get down to the benefit business.”

  Liz found her heart in her stomach at the thought of having to choose between Cole or Jenna.

  “Yeah, let’s.” She shook the troubling thought out of her head and focused on the task at hand.

  Jenna was going on and on about how they’d had good donations for the auction. Liz ran her hands through her hair and rubbed her eyes. She was not able to concentrate as well as she would have liked. Her body was still reeling, but her mind was emotionally exhausted. She really wanted to know the history between her friend and Cole.

  Maybe they had dated. He was not married.

  “I can tell you aren’t listening to me.” Jenna said and packed up her binders.“If you are thinking about Cole, please promise me that you will be careful around him. He does know how to turn on the charm.”

  “I promise.” She didn’t deny it. “I was just thinking that I could give a free consult and services as an auction item.”

  That would be a good item to bid on.

  Jenna agreed. “That does sound good. You know, everyone is talking about the big city designer in town.”


  “True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.”

  ~Author Unkown

  Why? Liz smacked the palm of her hand on the stirring wheel.

  Why the warning about Cole? If it was so bad, why didn’t Jenna just spill the beans? Maybe he was a serial killer? Nah, the way his gentle hands caressed her body. No way could he hurt anyone. Not a chance.

  Liz pulled into the driveway, then moved the folders to the back seat. Tramp would destroy them when he jumped in if she didn’t.

  “You ready to go Tramp?” She opened the door and waited to hear claws clicking across the floor. “I can’t leave you here alone.”

  Scary silence.

  Not again. Her heart fell and she bolted in the door.

  He wasn’t budging from his dog pillow in front of the hearth. Normally, when he heard the rattle of the keys, he was up and ready to go.

  She hated to disturb his rest, she knew he needed it. She needed to get Hayes and she promised that she would stay for a coffee with her sister.

  Picking Tramp up off the floor just about broke her back.

  The door flung open without her touching it. Nearly falling out, she and Tramp tumbled right into Cole’s arms.

  “Let me have him.” Cole lifted Tramp from her arms.

  Liz shook her arms out to get the blood flowing again.

  “Where are you taking him?” He asked.

  The look in his eyes she’d seen when they were making love wasn’t there.

  “I let Hayes stay with my sister in Cincinnati, remember?” How could he forget their conversation or their night? “Or do you remember last night?”

  Liz opened the car door, laid Tramp’s blanket on the seat, and stepped aside to let Cole lay him down.

  “Please send me a bill for your services.” She wanted to make sure he didn’t think she was free loading or worse—offering herself for payment.

  She tried to get in the car as fast as she could, but he grabbed her before she bent down to get in. Spinning her towards him, Cole looked into her eyes. She glanced down the street avoiding eye contact. She didn’t want to break down in front of him. She had questions, but now wasn’t the time.

  “What services do you mean? Tramp or making love?” He had her by the wrists.

  The more she tried to wiggle free, the harder he gripped.

  At that moment she couldn’t tell if she wanted to slap him or kiss him. Before she could make that decision, he took her into his arms and placed his mouth securely over hers. Her body responded well to his. He was exploring every part of her mouth.

  Letting all of their senses take charge, all the outside world faded away.

  “Well, well. Isn’t this cozy?” Startled by a car door slamming, they turned their heads. Jenna stood next to her car holding a big dog bone with a ribbon tied around it.

  “I was hoping to catch you and give Tramp some get well treats, but it looks like I caught you and the good doctor instead.” She handed Liz the bone and left.

  Jenna sped away.

  Cole and Liz stood there in silence. Without a word between the two of them, Cole walked away.

  “Where are you going?” Liz pleaded.

  “I…I.” He stammered, clearly holding something back.

  She wanted answers. And she wanted them now.

  “Spit it out!” Liz screamed exhausted by the games.

  “I’ll spit it out!” He walked backwards pointing his finger. “I shouldn’t have come here. You are dangerous for me and I need to get this under control.”

  This was not the way she wanted this to happen. She wanted to tell Jenna somehow, but now she’d lost both of them.

  Liz stood where he left her. Paralyzed next to her car, she couldn’t wrap her mind around what had just happened. She watched his truck disappear around the corner.


  “When sisters stand shoulder to shoulder, who stands a chance against us?”

  ~Pam Brown

  Kristen’s two story red brick Georgian style home was breathtaking. The beautifully landscaped yard was to die for, even now when covered by snow.

  The six-foot tall nutcrackers on each side of the red front door set the tone for how Kristen had decorated the inside.

  She rubbed some lip gloss over her lips, noticing her eyes were still a little puffy from the past two hours of crying. She spent the drive up trying to sort out how to fix the situation she’d gotten herself into.

  Her life was going well up until she’d seen Cole at the coffee shop that day.

  Kristen ran out of the house to greet Liz

  “You look like you haven’t slept.” She rubbed her hands on her apron. “Come in. I just made lemon squares.”

  Liz pointed to the back seat. “I can’t stay, Tramp is ill. Attempted suicide by toilet bowl cleaner. We’ve been up all night.” Liz was unable to dam up the tears. “I’m exhausted. We were up all night.”

  Karma…karma…Liz thought in the back of her mind, as she blamed her lack of sleep and puffy eyes on the dog.

  Please don’t bite me in the butt, Liz begged.

  Kristen wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She was determined to visit with her sister. “We hardly get to visit any more. If he made the trip up, he can stay for another hour.” Kristen opened up the back door to get Tramp out.
/>   Without a fight, Liz gave a silent sigh. She needed her sister, even though she wasn’t going to tell her the truth about those puffy eyes.

  Even though the hour was filled with small talk, and a lot of kid interruptions, it was an hour free of thinking about her life.

  Hayes didn’t stop talking once during the entire two hour drive home. Liz pretend to listen, but the closer they got to Grandberry Falls, the more she thought about Cole and what they had been doing less than twenty-four hours ago.

  Deep down inside, she was just a woman wanting to be wanted, a woman wanting to be loved.

  Maybe Jenna’s right, she thought. She could avoid Cole. She’d never ran into him before. She just needed to avoid the places she knew he would be. They could go to another pet store in a neighboring town.

  “Mom?” Hayes touched her arm.

  “Yeah, buddy?” She smiled over at the most handsome face she’d ever seen.

  “You aren’t listening to me.” His eyes turned down.

  This was it. Liz knew it was time to draw the line. She knew that once Hayes was affected by the Cole situation that it needed to end. She would never compromise her relationship with Hayes. She made it a point to always listen to him. She wasn’t going to stop now.

  “Honey, I am so sorry.” She reached over and stroked his beautiful brown head of hair. “I am thinking about all the fun we’re going to have during Christmas break.”

  Getting Hayes to bed was much easier than usual. He was exhausted from the party and the long ride home. Liz couldn’t get the memories of last night out of her mind. It had left her emotionally drained. The anxiety made it hard for her to settle down.

  When the phone rang, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Hello?” She was sure it was Kristen. Her older sister always called to make sure Liz made it back to Grandberry Falls safe and sound.


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