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Brody_The Betting Billionaire

Page 9

by Bonnie R. Paulson

  “What can I do? What happened?” Sandy sank into the seat beside Kate and rubbed her back as if she didn’t know what had happened.

  Kate jerked away from Sandy’s touch. She lifted her head. “You told Dad? Is that what happened? Are you planning on taking all of my money and leaving me? Is that why you were surprised I was early?” Kate didn’t want to accept it, but her father had taken her money. He was the co-signer on her account. She’d wanted to use that money to better their family, but that didn’t mean it was his money. It was still hers.

  “What? Why would you think that? Let’s clear this up right now. I’ll call your father. I can’t believe you think we would do something like that. We love you. There has to be some mistake.” Sandy shook her head and pulled out the cellphone. She dialed and waited. After a few moments, she lowered the phone slowly to her lap, staring at the carpet. She lifted shocked eyes toward Kate. “His phone is disconnected. I haven’t talked to him in a few weeks because he said he was going to be working long days. I haven’t even tried calling him…” She blinked back tears, but to no avail. They spilled down her cheeks with reckless abandon.

  Kate closed her eyes. Everything. He’d taken everything. How long had he been this selfish? How long had he been keeping money from them? Had he made more and just kept it for himself? Her mother’s heart was crushed and they suddenly had more in common than Kate wanted.

  The possibilities were endless and now, even more plausible. Kate’s heart was shattered by both of the men in her lives and she wasn’t sure she could pull out of it.

  Sandy leaned over, tears dripping from her chin and wrapped her arms around Kate’s shoulders. “I didn’t do this. I mean, I told him you had gotten some money. I didn’t know how much. He’d acted like I hadn’t said anything and told me how much he missed us – like he usually said.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “He was lying. How long has he been lying?” Her own body shook with tears.

  Two-hundred dollars was all that he’d left them. That was it. That must have been from the most recent deposit he’d made. What was she supposed to do with that? Two-hundred in the bank and another three-hundred in her pocket. Five-hundred dollars was all she had.

  That was it.

  Kate suddenly felt like she was chocking with the desire to not have met Brody, to not have walked into that casino… to just not have done anything. She wanted to cry herself to sleep and never wake up.

  At that point, though, she didn’t even have a trailer to return to. She had nothing to go back to. They had to pick up and figure everything out, but right then, Kate didn’t have the mental capacity to face their trials.

  Her heart had been ripped out by Brody and then her dad had stomped on it. She didn’t only have her own heartache to contend with, but her weeping mom at her side also had a broken heart.

  How had things gone from waking that morning with the world looking so bright and hopeful to where she slumped right then, in the bank chairs, with nothing resembling hope inside them?

  Chapter 18


  Brody searched the entire house and the grounds before collapsing onto a chaise on the porch. He’d spent the better part of the day looking for Kate and he’d wasted his time. He knew he was wasting his time, but he’d still looked. Half of him didn’t want to believe that she’d actually left, but her car was gone. He just didn’t want to accept it.

  She’d driven away. She was nowhere on Hart land. If she was half as upset as her expression had declared, she would be half-way to New York by then and Brody didn’t blame her. He’d hurt her. Horribly. He hadn’t even had a chance to smooth things over or explain to her.

  What was he going to do, if he couldn’t find her? She was the only bright spot in his day and since she’d left that morning, he couldn’t see the point in having his half of the family business or in doing anything else. Even gambling had lost its allure.

  Yeah, he missed her, but he was mostly sick about the way she’d left – thinking he didn’t care, thinking he didn’t love her. What if she thought everything he’d said was a lie?

  None of it was a lie. Brody wanted to be with Kate. He cared about her. She’d somehow worked her way into his heart and his mind and he couldn’t let her go.

  He leaned forward, resting his head in his hands and closing his eyes. What was he supposed to do now?

  Montana was too big. She wouldn’t have returned to the casino. She didn’t have any money. Well, actually, she did. That expanded her possibilities of escape exponentially. Whatever grace he had in his life, he hoped it would all come to that point of time and grant him some way to make his actions right. He didn’t expect her to forgive him, all he wanted was the chance to explain.

  His cell phone buzzed and he sighed. He wasn’t in the mood to be nice, to be “business Brody”. He really didn’t want to be anything until he found Kate. He pulled his phone from his pocket to swipe the reject button. Maddock’s name caught his eye. He owed the guy one. Maybe Maddock needed him. Something to take his mind off his own problems might be exactly what Brody needed.

  Clenching his jaw, Brody accepted the call. “Maddock, how goes it?” He rubbed his eyes and stared at the pebbled ground.

  “Hey, Brody. You got that car fixed! When I towed it, I thought for sure it was a gonner. You don’t see many Sunnies driving around Montana of all places.” Maddock’s cheerful ton sliced through Brody’s misery.

  Brody smiled tightly. “Yeah, I got it fixed. It wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, just a starter issue and some standard maintenance. I was surprised, too. Usually we see four-wheel drive up this way.”

  “I saw it in Two Rides about noon. Did you sell it or something?” Maddock’s curiosity was stronger than his mechanical inclination – which was saying something. “It’s not the type of car I’d consider a classic or collectible, but to each his own, you know?” He chuckled at his own words.

  “In Two Rides?” Brody lifted his head, narrowing his eyes with determination. If Kate was in Two Rides, Brody could see her in just over an hour. He scowled. He wanted to see her now, not in an hour. He could cut the hour drive by half, if he took the chopper.

  “Where exactly did you see it?” Brody stood, striding toward the chopper on the heli-pad past the barn. He would have to get clearance for the airspace in Two Rides, but that’d be easy since his brother’s friend, Stryder, owned the airstrip.

  “I’m looking at it right now. Came out of the bank. It’s sitting in front of Dotty’s Diner in the center of town. You want me to block it or something? Did someone steal your car, man?” Maddock’s voice took on an edge. One thing in Montana - you didn’t mess with other people and their friends.

  “Nah, thanks, I just wasn’t sure where she’d driven it.” Brody couldn’t believe he had to explain this to his friend. He was embarrassed but determined to get things handled.

  “Ah, this has to do with a woman. Got it. Glad to see I’m not the only one with problems of the heart. I’ll let you get to it.” They hung up and Brody climbed into the chopper.

  He could clear things when he was in the air. Whatever it took. He just had to see Kate. He couldn’t let her go without telling her the truth – and explaining the truth she already knew.


  The ride was fast. Brody cleared the air space with Stryder who pulled some strings with the county – money could get you anything.

  In no time, Brody hovered over the flat roof of Dotty’s Diner (also owned by Stryder). Brody caught a glimpse of Kate’s car and his heart pounded faster and harder.

  She was in there. She’d told him she loved him the night before. That felt like years ago. Had Trevor’s reveal been enough to ruin her feelings for Brody? Could he convince her she was the only person worth anything to him? He needed her to at least know how he felt. If he could tell her that, then at least his odds were higher in getting her back. As it stood, he had no chance to get her back.

  He landed slowly, careful not to jerk on
to the roof. The small, two-man chopper body landed easily and Brody let the engine wind down.

  Climbing from the seat, he took a deep breath as he stepped across the gravel and pine needle-strewn surface. Rocks crunched under his boots and he reached out with both hands to the ladder railings on the edge of the roof. Climbing down, Brody reached the ground and turned, dusting his hands on his jeans. He stopped at the sight of the crowd gathered outside watching his descent.

  Small towns. He’d forgotten to expect the consequences of creating a spectacle. If you landed a helicopter in a big city, no one batted an eye. But around small towns like Two Rides, everyone and the mayor came out to watch as a plane or helicopter flew across the sky, let alone landed on a building.

  He searched the group full of some people still holding their forks or drinks in their hands. He caught a glimpse of Maddock sitting on a park bench across the street under a tree in front of the bank. Sitting with his arms across his chest, Maddock jerked his chin upward as if giving Brody the go ahead.

  Brody couldn’t find Kate. Had he missed her and she’d left her car there? Maybe she’d decided she didn’t want the older car with her newly acquired cash. Brody had no idea where to start after that. His excitement at a new chance dropped and he turned dejectedly back toward the building.

  The door to the restaurant opened and Kate stepped out, glancing distractedly at the crowd. Spying Brody, she set her jaw and shook her head, spitfire in her eyes. She changed direction, turning toward him with determination in her gaze.

  Brody lurched forward, trepidation taking the wheel of his rodeo-riding emotions. He reached out to stop Kate from fleeing. “Kate, wait.” He glanced around, was she going to reject him blatantly in front of the group of people?

  The crowd waited. Why would Kate do what he wanted?

  She jerked her arm from his grasp and folded her arms across her chest, eyes narrowed. “Why are you here, Brody? I don’t have your money.” Her chest heaved up and down and her puffy and red cheeks gave him pause.

  Brody took a deep breath before speaking. “Wait, first off, it’s not my money. Second, what do you mean you don’t have it. You just left this morning. No one spends cash that fast.” Well, not in a small town like Two Rides. Maybe she could in a bigger city, but not there.

  Kate looked away, angry tears welling in her eyes. “My dad…” She shook her head and dashed her fingertips under her eyelids. “Forget it. What is this? Why are you here? Is this some kind of joke? Are you here to rub everything I’ve lost in my face?” She pressed her lips into a thin line and looked at him with pure disillusionment, the same look she’d had in the office before she’d fled, but this one was tempered and hardened with the chance to think things through, to make it worse than it really was.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on. Talk to me, Kate. Tell me.” Brody stepped closer, his heart hurting for the woman who’d stolen his heart. She had no idea what she’d come to mean to him. He had no one to blame but himself that he’d lost her.

  She sighed and slapped a hand onto her thigh. “My dad stole my money. I don’t have you. The only thing I have are memories of the last few weeks. Are you here to ruin that, too? I’d rather not think about your bet and what it cost me.” She heaved a second resigned sigh and her emotional toll left an imprint of exhaustion on her face.

  “No. I thought the business would make me happy, but winning it and watching you walk away only made me not want my share of the family dynasty. If you come with me, I’ll give it all up. I’ll give everything to Trevor. It’s not worth anything, if I can’t have you.” And he meant it. None of the money held a candle to Kate and what she meant to him. Brody needed her and he was willing to leave behind everything he’d come to rely on to have her.

  Chapter 19


  Kate caught her breath at Brody’s declaration. Could Brody be serious? Why would he say that? After the day she’d had, she wasn’t sure she could take anymore.

  The crowd slowly dispersed and Kate glanced around self-consciously.

  The earnestness in his expression as he reached up and pulled his cowboy hat from his head and stared at her struck a chord in her chest and caught her attention. She didn’t care who watched or who knew what was going on. Brody was serious. He would give up everything for her.

  She didn’t want him to lose everything. That wasn’t what she wanted. She didn’t want him to be without. Especially since it was a part of his family. What types of ties would he have to sever to lose all of that? No. Not while she had a say in it. She didn’t need his money and plenty of people were happy without being billionaires, but she wouldn’t allow him to damage his relationships with his family.

  Kate shook her head. “Why would you give up all of that for me? You could have any one.” Kate studied him, tilting her head to the side. She refused to let him consider giving anything up for her.

  “I don’t want just any one. I want you.” Brody stepped forward, reaching up and curling his fingers behind the nape of her neck. She could feel his fingertips like tingling velvet. He leaned down, his breath brushing her forehead. “If I can’t have you, it’s not worth it.”

  Kate shook her head. “No. Keep it. I can’t stand by and watch you lose everything, Brody. I’m not that kind of girl.” She wanted to cry. How was this fair? How was any of it fair?

  “I know. But…” He ran his thumb along the line of her collarbone, staring at her. His touch warmed her skin.

  “No. Keep it. All of it.” Kate couldn’t think with his skin on hers. She loved him. She couldn’t help it. “You don’t have to give anything up.” She used her knuckles to wipe the tears from her cheeks.

  “All?” He furrowed his brow, narrowing his eyes as he studied her and searched for the meaning of her words.

  Wasn’t she being obvious? She reached up and placed her palm against his chest. “Me, too. Keep me. I need you. Not for your money, or anything else. I need to be understood and you get me. I need that.” She needed that more than she could say.

  “Yes, I get you.” Brody bent his head, leaning his mouth closer to Kate’s. The heat of his breath grazed her cheek as he whispered, “Thank goodness we don’t like to gamble.”

  Kate couldn’t help the grin on her mouth as Brody’s smiling lips sank onto hers. He felt right. Kate felt like she was home with him. He was safety, and security, and protection. He was everything she needed and everything she hadn’t known she wanted.

  True, she had a father who had stolen from her and her mother. He’d essentially abandoned them and it was unclear when that had happened. But right then, Kate didn’t want to think about the negative, the draw backs.

  No, she was in Brody’s arms and as far as she was concerned, everything else could wait.

  She was resolving a bet.



  His fingers intertwined with Kate’s at Trevor’s wedding, Brody reveled in contentment. Was he really so lucky to ask Kate to marry him at Trevor’s reception? Would it ruin his odds if he was too confident that her reply would be yes?

  As Jesse walked down the aisle on her mother’s shaking arm, Brody squeezed Kate’s hand. He’d been jealous of Trevor, but as Brody held Kate’s hand, he realized he had everything he could ever want.

  Looking back, giving up everything for Kate would have been a great trade. He had a private investigator searching for Kate’s father and physical therapy sessions in the works for her mother.

  Stryder had helped Kate get a job at the casino. Hopefully, she wouldn’t want to work there anymore after their wedding. Brody had more than enough resources to take care of her and their future children – if she would let him.

  He wanted to take care of her the rest of her life and further – if she’d let him.

  Some guys had all the luck – and Brody was the king of them all.


  Mac is next and he finds out from a woman he once loved more than anything a secret t
hat changes his world. Don’t miss Mac, The Secret Daddy Billionaire, book 4 in the Billionaire Cowboys of Clearwater County.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for reading The Billionaires of Clearwater County. I love this series and the sweet romances that these heroes bring to the pages. I’m so happy you’re reading with me.

  I have a feeling Candy is going to get a book with Maddock. They both are broken and need love. What do you think? I love hearing from fans of Clearwater County. Email me and let me know what you think!

  Thank you so much for all your time you spend with me. I’m so grateful for you!

  Hugs and blessings!


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  Love this book and you want to read more? I’m so happy to oblige! I have all sweet romances some westerns and some contemporary. All FEEL GOOD with BOLD TWISTS

  Western Romances

  The Clearwater County Romances

  The Billionaire Cowboys of Clearwater County

  Stryder – The Second Chance Billionaire

  Trevor – The Fake Engagement Billionaire

  Brody – The Betting Billionaire

  Mac – The Secret Daddy Billionaire

  Zack – The Brother’s Best-Friend Billionaire

  Wyatt – The Romeo Billionaire

  Vance – The Kidnapped Billionaire

  Jacob – The Mail-Order Billionaire

  Deegan – The Mistaken Billionaire

  Ethan – The Secret Billionaire

  Shane – The Out of Place Billionaire

  Chance – The Desperate Billionaire

  The Montana Trails series

  Broken Trails (book 1)


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