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Training a Pony Girl: The Maddy Saga #2

Page 17

by Paul Blades

  Vadym tugged the reigns gently to get the ponies' attention. The crowd silenced as the race was about to begin. There were about six or seven tortuous seconds and then the gun exploded.

  Vadym's team jumped to an early lead. Their incessant training at the starting line was paying off.

  The 1500 is just long enough that two ponies lugging a carriage and a man, light as he was, cannot take the whole race in a sprint. There is strategy, just like in any other sport. Vadym took advantage of their early lead to gain the inside track. He kept them there until just after passing the reviewing stand for the first time. He knew the driver of the other rig well. He liked to get his ponies out fast and run the other team's legs off. But Vadym knew that Maddy's endurance had not yet fully caught up to her speed and he wanted a slower first third of the race. Using the ponies' trigger like response to the slightest pull on the reigns, he had been gently edging the team to the right each time that the red team began to make a run at passing them. Blocking was strictly prohibited, but an experienced driver could let the drift of his team make the passing team work twice as hard. When they reached the first turn for the second time, he let the red team pass.

  Maddy was frantic to see the red team pull ahead. She yearned to break out into a full sprint, but Vadym was holding her and Persephone back. Her thighs were pumping furiously and the sweat was running off of her in rivulets. Her heart was pounding heavily in her chest. She knew that she had more than she was giving her driver and desperately wanted to throw off her traces and catch the reds. But she was a well trained pony. She had had it drummed into her a thousand times not to think or anticipate, but to obey the messages that she felt passed on to her through the reigns by her driver. All that running blindfolded had curbed her willfulness. If Vadym hadn't tugged the reign a little to the left at the turns, she and Persephone would have run right into the guard rail.

  The two teams were midway through the backfield. Maddy could not hear anything above the roar of her own blood in her ears. Drabik, sitting on the edge of his seat in the grandstand, watched his protégé dashing down the long stretch. His blood was hot too as he yearned for her victory. "Come on, come on, you old fool," he thought to himself, "Let them run, let them run. Do it now!"

  As if he had read Drabik's mind, Vadym gave the reigns a mighty flip and the two blue and gold capped ponies leapt into life. He steered them carefully, wasting not an inch of track, until they cleared the red carriage's right wheel. He snapped the reigns, jerking the ponies' heads up, signaling a full sprint.

  Maddy was thrilled to have been given her head at last. She knew from experience that she would have to keep in time with the slower Persephone, but she had been able to draw the best out of her yellow tailed partner before and she knew that she would drop dead in her harness before she would let Maddy down.

  The two teams rushed madly around the near turn and headed into the home stretch. The crowd had gone wild, having expected a typical blasé effort from two neophyte teams. But Vadym had made a race of it and his ponies were slowly gaining the edge. Maddy could hear the high pitched grunts and groans of the females of the red team as she and Persephone pulled abreast of them. Her legs pounded into the turf, toe first, straining for every ounce of strength and speed. "This is what I am," she thought to herself as she drew out every ounce of effort. "I am a pony, a fast pony, a winning pony! Run! Run! Run!" she commanded herself.

  A hundred yards, seventy, sixty. At thirty yards, the red team, who was still ahead of the blue and gold by a nose, seemed to give out. Their driver had over estimated their abilities by thirty yards. Maddy and Persephone were still pounding away madly at the turf. Maddy sensed the finish line ahead of her. She sensed having gained the lead. Her lungs bursting, her legs throbbing, her heart pounding, she dug down and found that last bit of needed energy to pull herself and Persephone across the line.

  The crowd went wild. There was cheering and chanting and rhythmic clapping as the teams took a turn once more around the track to cool off their tortured muscles. Maddy strained hard to regain her breath. Her breasts were heaving and her blood was pounding in her ears. Had they won? What had happened? Her sight was restricted to straight ahead and so she wasn't sure.

  She and her pony partner were full of anxiety as they trotted slowly around the clubhouse turn. The crowd was still earnestly cheering and chanting. As they approached the reviewing box, the red team pulled up next to them. Vadym pulled his ponies to a halt and he leaned over to shake the hand of the other driver. And then, as the red team began the long trek back to their campsite and whatever fate awaited their failure, Maddy and Persephone were pulled into the winner's circle. A small crowd surrounded them. Grobgy was there, beaming at the success of his yearling team. Vadym was the master, he thought. And how the brown haired one had run! Drabik had been right about her. He caressed Maddy's breasts as he stood before the two pony team. He then turned to Persephone and repeated his gesture of ownership. Anya was there too, vowing terrible tortures on the cunt of Drabik's fucktoy. Maddy was too excited at the fact of having won her first race to take note of anything but the excited people around her. Vadym was handed a bouquet of bright flowers and garlands were placed around Maddy's and Persephone's necks.

  As her euphoria died down, Maddy became aware of her total nakedness before the finely dressed throng around her. She remembered that to these people, she was a faceless beast. She began to paw the ground in front of her nervously. Persephone apparently, too, felt the incongruity of being a hooded, naked female among this crowd of real people. She shifted her stance in the traces and pulled her head side to side.

  Sensing his ponies' dismay, Vadym waved off the celebrants and began to back his rig up by a skillful manipulation of the ponies' reigns. It was a maneuver they had practiced, and the rig slowly edged out of the crowd. When he felt that he had enough room, Vadym wheeled the ponies to the left and took them back out on the track for the trot home. The crowd was still excited, however, and he decided to give his ponies a little thrill. Instead of turning off and towards the campgrounds, he maintained their pace on the track for a victory lap. Seeing the ponies trotting energetically once more around the dirt loop, the crowd began to chant and cheer again. When they passed the reviewing box, he had them break into a cantor, legs high, bodies back. There was a final cheer from the crowd and then he took the ponies home.

  Maddy felt a surge of pride as the team crested the little hill and heard the applause of the other drivers and handlers in the camp. The slave girl ran out to grab their reigns, her eyes alight. When the cart came to a halt, Vadym jumped off and, smiling broadly, patted the heads of his victorious ponies. They were unhitched, their bits exchanged for the less burdensome gags, and led into the shielded area of their campsite where their rubdown table was waiting. Vadym hoisted Persephone up first, and Maddy watched as he laid his hands on her, rubbing the tired muscles. She waited expectantly, as he tongued Persephone into ecstatic pleasure.

  Maddy's pussy was already wet as Vadym lifted her up and placed her face down on the table. His hands were hot and her skin electrified wherever they roamed. When he rolled her onto her back, her legs spread eagerly, anticipating the pleasure of her driver's skilled tongue and lips. He did not disappoint. She felt his tongue trace the lines of her labia, his lips suck in the nub of pleasure at their peak. She moaned as he drove her passions higher and higher. In the background she could hear the crowd roar as the next race went off, the 1500 sulky. She reexperienced the thrill of her victory as Vadym's tongue darted deep between her cunt's folds, tickling the special spot at the roof of her hot canal. He flicked the tip of his tongue repeatedly against her hard clit and sent wave after wave of intense pleasure coursing through her. When she came, she groaned with delight, her thighs quivering, her heels digging firmly into the table.

  The slave girl showered the two ponies and led them to posts that had been set in the ground by the pathway at the rear of their trailer. They had been given fr
esh, clean hoods and the garlands had been restored around their necks. Maddy felt the rear ring of her collar attached to the top of the post and her ankles affixed to two rings that had been pounded into the earth. She and Persephone stood there displayed as the last racer topped the hill wearing her own garland of victory.

  It had been a banner day and when the racing was over, the trainers and other pony workers who had been watching the races flowed into the camp to help celebrate the victory. Hands patted the ponygirls' heads and caressed them between their nether lips as happy faces peered into their small eye holes and voices issued congratulatory phrases. Maddy felt untold lips kiss her taut nipples as hands excited her loins. After a short while, she was afire with lust. She came three times during that afternoon, her knees almost buckling as her cunt throbbed with pleasure.

  When she saw the hard, cruel face of her trainer looking at her, Maddy's heart quailed. He looked at her sullenly, his eyes displaying a morbid intent. He grabbed her tender lower lips between his fingers and pressed them hard together. His message was clear. Today may be a victory and Maddy might be the belle of the ball, but sooner or later, she would back in his domain and under his power.

  Drabik left quickly and the rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying the attentions of the pony staff. After two hours, the slave girl came to release them. They were fed and each given a chocolate as celebration of their triumph. When their gags were restored, they were permitted to sit on the bright blue and gold blanket together. The two ponies were sitting cross legged on the blanket, their hooded heads leaning together in mutual friendship, when Maddy felt the presence of an intruder in their little island of peace. She looked up and saw her owner, the tall, dark mustachioed man, standing over her. She gave a start and she felt a tremor of fear in her stomach. He snapped his fingers and both ponies leapt to their knees.

  Grobgy had come to inspect his victorious property. Vadym had been in the caravan and when he stepped out, happy words were exchanged between the two men. Vadym handed the bandit chieftain a tumbler of vodka and they toasted each other. The driver then withdrew to his comfortable chair. Grobgy turned to his prized yearlings and began to unbutton his fly. He stepped behind Maddy and pushed her over so that her head was on the ground. She felt his rough hands caress her hindquarters as he knelt down behind her.

  It had been more than ten days since anyone had entered her body other than her driver, Vadym, and he had only used her mouth, permitting her to express her devotion to him on her knees between his legs. She had thought the blue and gold paneled wall of cloth around the trailer a sort of barrier to the world outside of Vadym's little family. She was upset to feel her driver's eyes burn into her as she exposed her rearward entrances to her owner.

  Grobgy's hands encircled her breasts, which lay underneath her, squeezing them tightly as he rubbed his hardening cock along the valley between her rear cheeks. Her pussy had yearned for the presence of a hard cock, but she had not wanted this. She sensed the presence of her teammate kneeling stiff and upright beside her, too afraid to move, and she was ashamed when Grobgy's hand ran between her legs from behind and, stroking the gap between her lower lips, drew a moan from her.

  Maddy felt Grobgy's stiff pole demand entrance at the gate to her womb. Its thickness spread her labia and expanded the walls of her moist slit. Maddy clenched her eyes shut in shame as the cock drew slowly across her hardened bud and she groaned with pleasure. Despite her unhappiness at being used so callously in front of her trainer and the others, her lust rose with each thrust of the hard cock. Grobgy shoved himself deeply into Maddy's tight tunnel and then slowly withdrew until the bulbous head lay just inside. He then pressed forward gradually and deliberately until he was again sunk to the hilt inside her.

  The ponygirl chewed at her gag in agonized frustration as her owner's cock pushed her lust higher and higher. Her orgasm hit her all at once, and her pussy gripped Grobgy's member tightly. She heard him laugh and call out something to Vadym, who laughed back. She could not prevent herself from moaning and crying out as her pussy's hard contractions sent jolts of pleasure through her. She cursed herself for a fool as her utter helplessness was brought home to her anew. Moments ago she was reveling in her success. Now she was being reminded of her bestial nature, a subhuman female, whose wants, feelings and desires meant nothing.

  When her spasms subsided, Maddy felt Grobgy's prick withdraw from her hot, wet cunt. She whined with misery as she felt it pressed to her smaller hole. With her lubrication on his cock, Grobgy was able to gain access to Maddy's bowels with ease. Her anus tingled with pleasure as his cock rasped against it. Almost immediately, her hunger for fulfillment rose again. She felt filled by her owner's meat and her cunt began to tingle and throb with her expectant lust. Her mind now cleared of any thoughts other than the rigid pole that dragged across the tender flesh of her rear entrance. "Ohhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhh!" she moaned as the merciless cock pushed her closer and closer to explosive orgasm. Suddenly, she felt the man behind her stiffen and heard him groan. His hot sperm jetted inside her and triggered in her a paroxysm of pleasure.

  "Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried behind her gag as she was overwhelmed with the waves of ecstasy that flowed through her. "Ohhhhhhhhh!" she cried again as Grobgy drew every last ounce of pleasure from her body.

  When Maddy's owner and lord withdrew from her, he stood over her contemplating her sleek form. He had been neglectful in failing to appreciate the value of this former human female. He would come again to use her and when the season was over, he would direct his full attention to her.

  Maddy listened as her passion ebbed as Grobgy laughed and exchanged pleasantries with Vadym. Was this the start of a new phase of her debasement, she wondered unhappily. How easily her owner had smashed her false idyll, the illusion of safety that Vadym's kind treatment had given her. She had somehow forgotten that his use of her was as dehumanizing as any of the others. To him, she was no more than useful beast, to be coddled or abused, as the situation determined.

  But she had won a race. That must mean something. And she understood that her fate was very much tied in to her success as a ponygirl. That, without that, she was nothing to these men. She would succeed, she promised herself as she looked down at the blue blanket beneath her, still crouched on her knees. If she was condemned to a servile existence and had lost all of her that was human, then she would strive to maintain her value to these depraved, cruel men as a swift, strong pony, as long as and as best as she could. Success as a pony meant pleasure, failure meant pain.

  * * * *

  Jake took a long look at the vast property that was now his boss's estate. There was a huge, turreted Russian style dacha set along a copse of woods. There was a large dirt track for running the ponygirls. A large pony barn sat near the track, although it was mostly empty as the stock had been depleted by the depredations of the overlords of this gangster run nation who had taken advantage of the prior owner's demise.

  But that was all mere cover, or was supposed to be, for his search for the kidnapped girl, Madeline Bertman. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, with 30 or more large estates with significant pony herds, another hundred or so other smaller barons of crime, licensed to possess and/or train them. And then there were the whorehouses too. Perhaps Maddy had been spirited off to one of them, assuming she had been deemed unfit to wear an owner's racing colors. Although Feeney, just before he was ordered to his knees to receive a bullet to his head, had told Jake that Maddy had been recruited for the purposes of being converted to a ponygirl, that she had been kidnapped based on specs sent out by one of the many ponygirl racers, he did not know who. He had been unable to wheedle out of Khalid any information about slaves that had passed through his domain. And when you could see only the naked bodies of the enslaved female ponies and not their faces, it would be nigh on impossible to single out the one who was Maddy. But he would try. Tomorrow, he would begin the search in the guise of filling his boss's pony barn. He would trave
l to the many estates that were marketing ponies, go to their races, do whatever had to be done. He had taken a contract to find and rescue Maddy Bertman, and he would not give up, regardless of how jaded his boss and employer would become.


  * * *


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  Foreign Affairs–Eric George. Sizzling obscenity trial leads to sizzling sex.

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  Frog: A Tale of Torture and Sexual Degradation–Claire Thompson

  Hard Time: A Tale of Sapphic B D in a Women's Prison–J.T. Langdon

  Jenny: A Novel of Sexual Enslavement–C. A. Tessler

  Julie's Submission–Claire Thompson. Newest tale of erotic B D from bestselling author of Slave Girl.

  Just as I Am – Christina Rhys


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