Norma Jean

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Norma Jean Page 4

by Amanda Heath

  He’s right. I wouldn’t. They see a pretty face, nice body and they go in heat. I don’t want any of them. I want something or someone that will mean something to me. Someone no else has. Norma would give that to me. And I know this because she is the only girl I have been sexually attracted to. And I mean really attracted. Yeah I’m a guy, I get turned on looking at a good body on any of these girls. None of them have ever made me want to have sex. Not this badly at least. I think about her under me, on top of me, beside me all the freaking time. It’s unnerving. It took me a long time to figure it out though. “I know,” is all I reply to him.

  “Here she comes.” Creed whispers next to me. He’s standing by his sleek black 69 Shelby he inherited from his dad. Seriously jealous of him on that front.

  I looked up and there she was. The glasses and the crazy color extension were gone from her head. She looked almost normal except for the baggy band t-shirt and holey dark jeans. Plus the lime green converses. Though the way she swaggers toward me, makes me extremely happy. I don’t think she even knows she walks like that. I even notice a few guys standing around staring at her butt. Not cool.

  She has the goofiest grin plastered on her face and I can’t help but to smile a little back at her. “I have to admit I didn’t think you would do it.” She lets out a giggle, and it’s very endearing. “Fine, I’ll go out with you.”

  “Thank god.” I reply. I pull this hideous thing over my head and mange to catch her staring at my chest. I’m not built like a brick house or anything but I’m in shape and I can tell she likes it. I chuckle to myself and open the door to my truck, pulling out a black polo I stored in there before leaving my house. I wore jeans under the dress, because there was no way I was walking around in that dress without them.

  After pulling on the shirt, I start to notice the parking lot was really quiet. When I first got here the same thing happened. I even had a few people take pictures which I’m sure are already on Facebook. Never gonna live this down. I got plenty of laughs but I’m glad she didn’t turn me down. It makes me want to jump up and down pumping my fist in the air. Not that I would ever do that.

  Norma has a beautiful blush covering her cheeks and Creed is silently laughing. Every girl in the whole parking lot is staring at me now. Just great. Like I really want their attention, so of course I do something to make them get over it. Norma doesn’t see it coming as I cup my hands on her cheeks and lean my lips down to brush against her. I groan before slipping my tongue into her mouth after she gasps, letting me in. I can tell she is surprised but like every time before she surrenders to me. Her arms go around my waist and under the back of my shirt eliciting another groan from me.

  I break away from those lips before we start dry humping in front of the school. That would definitely end up on Facebook. “I’m glad.” I whisper against her ear. And there is another reason I want her so bad, she gets me. I don’t have to explain myself when I talk in clipped sentences. I hate talking to begin with, so this makes it so much easier.

  She rolls her eyes as she looks up at me. “Come on, let’s go to class.” She places her tiny hand in mine and drags me along towards the front doors of the school.

  I look behind me towards Creed who has a small smile on his face and lift my chin. “Later,” he calls back.


  To say the day was strange is an understatement. By the time the bell rang for first period, everyone and I mean everyone knew I had worn a dress to school for Norma. I had people gawking at me all day because I had kissed her in the parking lot. I don’t think she fared much better. They all know our history and I’m pretty sure they were all stumped. I don’t really care what anyone else thinks. Only her.

  Though she was more surprised than anyone when I showed up outside during lunch to sit with her. There is a patch of grass out back where a few of the smokers go at lunch. She about dropped her smoke when I sat down next to her. She quickly got over it until all my basketball buddies showed up because for some reason they would all be lost without me.

  I hardly got to talk to her at all, but I figured I had time for that. Like Friday night when I plan to take her out for some food and to see a movie. Mom is off that night so she won’t have to watch Macy. Just her and me and hopefully no weird gawkers. You would think these people had better things to do then stare at us.

  By the end of the day, I was so ready to get out of that place. She parked her cobalt three spaces down and when I got to my truck I looked up and noticed her looking my way. She gave me a small smile and blew me a kiss. Which was charming and made me laugh. The preppy it boy getting blown kisses from the rocker chick. We make a strange pair.

  I pull up outside my house, my mind solely on Norma. Which is starting to be an all the time thing. Boy do I have it bad. Shaking my head, I climb out of my truck. Slamming the door I head towards my front door, with a small smile on my face.

  “Mom.” I call out after walking into the house. I throw my keys on the table before rounding the corner into the living room. She is passed out on the couch while Macy sits in the middle of the floor playing with her toys. That little girl is something else. “What you doing baby girl?” I whisper to her.

  She giggles at me, since she is at that age where everything is funny. Before I can get to her, she throws her arms up in the air and opens and closes her hands, wanting me to pick her up. I give her a smile and do what she wants. I head out of the living room quietly and head up the stairs to my room. We stop by her room to pick up a few toys and then into mine.

  I set the wiggly thing down on my bed before pulling my laptop bag out of my closet. I climb onto my bed with Macy and set up shop on my lap, booting up the computer and opening Facebook. I click on the search bar and type in Norma Jean Davis. The drop down menu shows her face to me and I click on it. Her profile is private so I can’t see any status updates but her picture is adorable. It’s her with those glasses and her mom looking at each other and smiling. I can’t help but smile at myself. I click on the add friend button and set the laptop aside.

  I play with Macy for a while before the computer shows I have a new notification. Which says Norma and I are now friends. I waste no time in private messaging her.

  Chance: What’s your number?

  Norma: Why?

  Chance: Because I want to text you

  Norma: I don’t know

  Chance: You don’t know your own number?

  Norma: Yes I know my number. I don’t know about giving it to you.


  Norma: Cute. 555-8945

  I shut down the computer and pull out my phone dialing her number. It rings four times before her smokers voice comes over the line. “Stalker.” She says.

  “Nope. Just want to hear your voice.” I state back. And I really do. It’s sexy as hell.

  “Trying to butter me up, are you?” she asks.

  I laugh into the receiver before replying. “Maybe. Or I just want you to come out with me on Friday.”

  “Is it your mom’s weekend off?”



  “Good.” The line goes quiet as we enter awkward territory. So I try to make conversation. “What are you doing?”

  “Watching Rydstorm move around on my bed.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “My snake.”

  I think I nearly drop the phone. Though I’m not all that surprised. I knew she was hardcore so why wouldn’t she have a snake? “You really have a snake?”

  “Yeah. He’s about 5 years old. Yellow and white albino ball python. He is a sweetie though.” She says through the line and I imagine her cooing at the scaly snake.

  “I would rather not meet him. I’m scared of them.”

  “Well aren’t you a manly man admitting you’re scared of snakes!” I can hear her giggling at me, but I don’t really care.

  “Better than pretending that I’m not. Seems pointless.” Macy chooses that moment to throw her stuffed bear
in my face. “Ouch, baby girl. No throwing things in people’s faces.” Her little chubby face frowns and she starts to pick up another toy. “Macy…” I trail off.

  “Put me on speaker.” Norma says to me, so I do. Though I’m not really sure why.

  “Macy honey. We talked about this, it’s rude and mean to throw things. Do you want me to feed you peas again?” Macy hates peas with a burning passion. I have no idea why mom still buys the damn things for her.

  Macy looks terrified even for a one year old and I can’t help but chuckle. “I think that worked. I’ll remember to threaten her with peas next time.”

  “It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. I would never threaten a baby.” She says in mock outrage.

  “Sure…” I laugh.

  “Whatever, I have tons of homework to do, so I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”

  “K. Bye smalls.”

  I go to hang up but her voice stops me. “Why do you call me smalls?”

  “Because it’s funny. And you’re small. Like really small.”

  “Okay big foot.”

  I roll my eyes and hang up the phone.

  Chapter 4


  I laugh while setting my phone down on my bed. Rydstorm slithers over my thigh, sticking his tongue out. “You ready to get back in your house, buddy?” He lifts up his head up and I wrap him around my arm before crossing over to his vivarium and depositing him in.

  I lay back down on my bed and look out the window. Not much of a view but that’s a trailer park for you. Sometimes I feel like white trash, since I live in small town Arkansas in a single wide trailer with my single mom. Not that I have to live without anything, it’s just a trailer for crying out loud. I’m not ashamed but it’s like you tell someone your dad is a famous author, then they found out you live in a trailer. It’s whatever.

  I wonder what Chance would think if he knew where I lived. It’s hard to say. The boy I know now, isn’t anything like the boy who made my life a living hell. He actually made me feel beautiful, for a second anyway. Though this isn’t about him, it’s about me and my revenge. I can’t let his heated looks, softly spoken words, and adorable smile break me. I feel nothing for him.

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that honey.

  I hear my mom come out of her room and walk into the kitchen so I decide to go bug her. My favorite pastime. When you don’t have any friends it’s easy to be stuck to your awesome mothers butt. “Good morning.” I say to her when I get to the end of the hall.

  Her brown hair is pulled up on top of her head in a very messy bun and there are bags under her eyes. I hate that she has to work graveyard but she refuses to go to days. The woman is stubborn. “Good afternoon, baby. Have a good day at school?”

  I stop by the end of the couch and cross my feet. “Sure. I got Chance Duncan to wear one of his mom’s dresses, then he made out with me in the school parking lot. It was epic.”

  Nothing fazes my mom. “That’s cool honey. Are y’all dating now?” she asks as she pours hot water into her mug for her tea. So English.

  “I guess. He wants to take me out on Friday night. His mom is off, so I don’t have to watch Macy.” I flop down on the couch as she heads to her laptop on her computer desk.

  “What are y’all going to be doing?” I hear her place the mug down and lift open the device. Her nails clink against the keys as she types in her password.

  “Dinner. A movie. The same thing everyone my age does. Though I think we are going to be more of a show than the movie.” I place my hands over my stomach and interlock my fingers.

  “Why is that?” she questions, while typing away at the keys. She might be addicted to Facebook but she is the master of multitasking. It’s the only reason she hasn’t had an intervention.

  “Everyone stared at us all day long. I have never been more gawked at in my life. And I’m the girl who fell off the stage in the 2nd grade play.” I laugh out loud remembering that. We did some dumb musical our music teacher thought was cool. I can’t dance to save my life so of course I wasn’t watching what I was doing and fell right off the stage. I think I might still be living that one down till I die.

  “Why would they gawk at you, baby?” like she doesn’t know. The woman is dumb sometimes.

  “I don’t know. Because the preppy jock type made out with the gothic rocker chick freak in the parking lot.” I roll my eyes. I shouldn’t have to explain myself. This is common knowledge.

  “Well everyone at your school are sheep. They were the same when I went there. I was the pretty preppy socialite cheerleader and your father was the grungy rocker stoner. We were a strange couple now that I think about it, but that was the 90s.” I can picture her shrugging her shoulders at that. “The only thing that matters is if you like him. Which I know that you do. You’ve been crushing on that boy since you were in diapers. Not that I blame you, he’s pretty hot.”

  “Mom! Gross.” I feel my face cringe up in disgust. Cougar. “Yeah I like him. He makes me crazy though.”

  “How so?” she asks still typing away on her computer.

  “He makes me want to put on a tight shirt, short skirt, and sexy heels. He makes me want to do my hair and makeup. He even makes me want to bat my eyelashes and give him a coy smile. It’s insane.” And he does. I sat there staring at my hair last night and ripped out my extensions. I’m becoming more normal the longer I spend time with him.

  “Wow that is crazy.” I hear her rise from her seat and then her face appears above mine. “Honey, you don’t have to change who you are for a man. I sure as hell didn’t. I might be single but I’m not unhappy being someone I’m not.” She winks and sits back down.

  “I don’t really know who I am anyway. I just…am.” I say softly. And it’s true. I just exist. I don’t do anything. Literally. I pretty much sit at home, read, and go to school. And watch Macy on the weekends.

  “You might not, but I do.” I sit up to look at her. She looks at the computer the whole time she tells me, “You’re the most independent person I know. You’ve hardly ever asked for my help with anything. You’ve always wanted to do everything on your own. You’re feisty. There may have been a time when you let people walk over you, but now you don’t take crap from anyone. I admire that from you. You’re so incredibly smart. I mean you have seen your grades. I’m not sure about your common sense sometimes, but that’s another matter. You’re bold. You don’t even think sometimes before you jump in head first. Sometimes it gets you in trouble, other times it works out for you. That also makes you brave. You were so scared when I first got you Rydstorm but instead of letting that overcome you, you stuck your hand in his cage and picked him up. Now you’re best friends. But you’re 17 years old. You’re not supposed to know who you are.” She turns to look at me then and winks.

  That kind of speech brings you back down to earth. I don’t see any of that in me, but I hope I can be that person she sees.

  “Thanks mom.”


  It’s like midnight when my phone starts ringing. This scares the shit out of me, so I jump up out of bed and answer it without seeing who it is.

  “You were asleep?” comes Chances sexy voice over the line. I shiver and mental smack myself for that.

  “Yeah.” I tell him while laying back down on my bed. “I wouldn’t have answered if I wasn’t. You scared the shit out of me. I thought something was wrong with my mom.”

  He laughs and I let the sound wash over me. Even that damn laugh is sexy. “Sorry.”

  Seeing this through is going to be difficult since the guy barely speaks. “What do you want?”

  “A kiss.” Then there is a knock on my front door. Really? Stalk much?

  “You’re turning into a stalker Chance. I’m going to answer the door with a shotgun.” I warn even though I don’t own a gun.

  “You don’t have a gun. You wouldn’t hurt a fly.” A smile tugs at my lips, but I refuse to let him win.

  “How would you know that
?” I ask getting out of bed and heading into my bathroom.

  “I don’t think you would shoot anyone.” He knocks again, like maybe I didn’t hear him.

  My hair is a mess and I have mascara smudged under my eyes. “Hold on.” I say into the phone and set it down on the counter. I quickly pull my hair back into a low ponytail and wipe the smears away. I look down at myself and cringe. I will have to change.

  I run back into my bedroom and pull out a pair of plaid sleep pants and pull them on over my black boy shorts. I find my hoodie on the floor and throw it over my plain, thin as hell cotton tank top.

  I leave my phone in the bathroom and head to the front door. I look out the long rectangular window and see him wearing a small smile. My heart starts beating faster and I curse under my breath. Get yourself together Davis!

  I slowly open the door and step out on to the black iron steps Marley made my mom in shop class last year. “How did you know where I lived?”

  I’m standing on the top step and he is three down but we are face to face. His eyes are doing that heated look he seems to get around me a lot. I thought I covered up pretty well, so I don’t know what the hell he could be turned on about.

  “Macy wouldn’t sleep. Drove her around and saw your car. Thought I’d get a goodnight kiss.” Okay that was sweet. So I don’t think about it when I lean forward and brush my lips against his. His hands come up to cup my face and I open my lips for his tongue. I love the way he always wants entry into my mouth. I love how he kisses me like he might die if he didn’t.


  No, no I didn’t like, let alone love any of that.

  Damn, I’m in serious trouble.

  He breaks away from me all too soon and I blink open my eyes kind of in a daze. “That’s it?” I find myself asking before I could stop.

  “Yeah. See you tomorrow.” He steps down the stairs backward and gives me a small wave before walking towards his truck which is parked behind my car. He gets points for being a gentleman. Damn, he was supposed to be an asshole. Not this sweet guy who doesn’t try to take me to my room and ravish me. I’m starting to think the rumors are true. The rumors that say he is a virgin. Which I don’t know how any 18 year old male could be a virgin.


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