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Norma Jean

Page 13

by Amanda Heath

  I sit up stare at her flushed skin and crazy eyes. They are looking up at me. I chuckle when she pulls me down on top of her kissing my lips. “You like the way you taste?” I ask pulling away.

  “I like the way I taste on you.” She reaches for me again but I slide out of reach and grab her hips. I flip her over and lay her flat on her stomach. That’s when I see it, something I must have missed in my haste last night. “Big Foot” is tattooed right where her back meets her ass. I shake my head and bend down to kiss the spot, feeling things I haven’t felt since the first time we were in this situation.

  I unbutton my jeans and pull the zipper. My cock strains out from the hole in my boxers and a pump a fist over it taking in the sight of Norma’s perfect ass. I can’t hold back anymore as I lay my front down on her back and position my dick right at her wet entrance. “You are so fucking tight.” I rasp out as I thrust in and out gently till I’m all the way in. We both groan as I start to move. My thrusts are gentle because I want it slow. Every other time we had sex it was fast and out of control. This will be different if it kills me.

  “You feel so good. Jesus.” I whisper into her ear, nibbling a little on the shell. She cries out and starts to move with me, trying to make the rhythm faster. “Be still. I want it slow, so we are going slow.” I push my hand underneath her and curl my fingers up till I hit her clit and start rubbing in time with my thrusts.

  “Chance.” she moans, her hands clutching the sheets under her. I don’t know how much longer I can last with her being so responsive.

  “That’s it, girl. Feel how good it is? That’s how I know you’re mine. It won’t feel this good with anyone else. Only me.” I pull out suddenly and flip her over. I sit on my knees and pull her closer. Her legs rest against my chest and I enter her again. I fall forward until her knees are bent at my shoulder and fuck her as hard as I can. Both of us grunt, groan and moan with the incredible feeling. Then she does something I wasn’t expecting.

  Her fingers travel down to her sex and she starts rubbing her clit. “Damn. Make yourself come like that.” My eyes never leave her fingers playing and I can’t believe I’m even more turned on.

  Before long her eyes get wide and my lips slam down on hers before she can make too much noise. I swallow the sound of her screams and feel her clutching around my cock and I let go. After we have both stilled, I gently place kisses all over her face before getting up to head into her bathroom.

  When I return with a damp rag she is laying on her side still naked with one arm holding her head up. “What?” I say as she just lays there staring at me.

  “I just wanted to see you walk in.” she grins reaching for the rag. I shake my head and place it between her legs before she can take it from me.

  “I want to do it.” I whisper. When I’m done I toss the rag in the floor and pull the rest of my clothes off. After I have laid down beside her I say, “That was the hottest sex I have ever seen. Or had.”

  “Me too.” I can feel her grin against my chest as I pull her up to my side.

  “Good.” is all I reply.

  It doesn’t take her long to fall asleep up against me. It truly scares me how comfortable I am right now. The sex, the cuddling, and now the sleeping next to her. I feel like I’m home and I’m sure my body never wants to leave. My head on the other hand isn’t sure at all.

  I just keep thinking to the last time I was at her house. What I read in her diary and what she did for revenge. I didn’t care then because I thought I deserved it. Now I know better. Yeah I bullied her in school, but no one deserves their heart fucked with like that. Can we truly ever have an honest relationship based on how the first one was started?

  My answer is no.

  Chapter 12


  “Why do you love snakes and spiders so much?” Creed asks me from his position lying down on my bed. My dad had to head up to New York to meet up with his publisher, so we decided to spend spring break here. It’s actually really small with only two bedrooms but the living room is epic. It is spacious with my dad’s writing desk in one corner but it’s the back wall you have to see. It’s completely made of glass and it overlooks the lake. DeGray is man-made but that doesn’t mean it isn’t beautiful.

  “I guess I relate to them. Most people think they are ugly and dangerous. It’s human nature to shy away from the strange and unknown. If people took the time to actually find out about them, then it wouldn’t be so bad. Rydstorm and Daisy aren’t even poisonous.” What I don’t tell him is I feel like I was treated the same way my entire life. I wasn’t pretty and I was weird so that made me an undesirable. So I took up with other undesirables.

  “Do you love them more than me?” I take the mouse out of the box I got for Rydstorm earlier. I was freaked out the first time I had to feed him, but I kind of figure it’s like me eating a burger. We all have to eat, and this is the only way Rydstorm knows how. He can’t very well sit at the table with me using a fork and plate.

  I’m taken back by Creed’s question. I know it’s a trap because how could I love him at all? I did love him when we were first together but he quickly changed that when I found out what he was really up too. The first time his fist hit my face, I lost all respect for him. I just wish I could dig myself out of this hole. “No. I love you more than anything.” I simply state. Yes, I lied but it’s better than getting the shit beat out of me.

  I pool all the love I have for Rydstorm, my parents, Marley, and even the little bit I have stored away for the Chance I had for a short time. I direct it at him, hoping he believes it is all for him. He gets up off the bed and I suck in a breath. “See why don’t I believe you?”

  His hand fists into the back of my hair pulling my head back, hard. I feel strands pulled from my scalp and I let out a whimper. “No one will love you as much as me. Yet you can’t really seem to muster up love for me. I give you everything you could ever want, Norma. Do you want to go back to that cheater I saved you from?” he sneers down at me.

  After meeting the real Creed I’m 100% positive all that was bullshit. There’s no way the Chance I knew was the guy Creed makes him out to be. So why did I believe him in the first place you ask? Because I was insecure. Chance made fun of me, bullied me for being ugly, why the hell should I believe he really wanted me? I was a complete dumb ass. Every moment was real with him. I still don’t know why he loved me, but I’m thankful I can remember that time now.

  “I do love you, more than anything.” I plead out hoping he can believe me. Maybe he will believe the lies because he never believes the truth.

  “You’re lying. Like you always do.” He lets go of my hair and I breathe a sigh of relief. Creed leaves the room and I pray to God he calms down. My ribs are still bruised and hurting from the last time he got mad at me.

  He returns with a butcher knife and I feel my skin pale. He walks over to Rydstorm’s cage and picks him up just the way I taught him. They sit on the floor and before I can even think to stop him Creed chops off Rydstorm’s head. I feel myself scream. And scream.

  I sit straight up in my bed and clutch the sheets to my naked body. It wasn’t a nightmare but a terrible memory I wish I could forget. I never want to remember Rydstorm that way. He was my best friend when I had no friends at all. My poor beautiful snake.

  I start sobbing big and ugly when Chance pulls me down to lay on his chest. I take in his warmth and thank the heavens he is here with me right now. “Bad dream?” he asks softly. I only nod my head. I don’t want to replay it for him. Ever. “Want to talk about it?”

  “No I just want to forget about it.” I wipe the tears out from under my eyes and sigh against his skin. I love the smell of him. It’s all male with a hit of cologne that only makes it better.

  “It might help. I don’t want you to bottle it up, okay smalls? I’m sure it has to do with Creed. You were terrified. He can’t hurt you anymore.” I look up at him and see the sincerity in them.

  I sit back up and pull my knees
up under my chin. “Last year for spring break Creed and I spent the week up at my dad’s cabin. He started asking me if I loved my snakes and spiders more than him. I lied and told him no, that I loved him more than anything. He didn’t believe me and chopped off Rydstorm’s head.”

  Chance flinches and sits up next to me. The sheet falls from his chest and pools around his hips. He has muscles upon muscles and I recall the feel of all that strength under my fingers. “I’m so sorry Norma. That fucker will get what is coming to him. I won’t ever let him hurt you again. I swear that to you.” He kisses my cheek and I want to believe him

  I just don’t think he knows how crazy Creed really is. What he put me through isn’t even half of it. I suddenly feel so stupid for leaving Chance like I did. I don’t care anymore if I was young and immature and only doing what I thought I should. I should have talked to him about it. I just refused to believe he really wanted me.

  I turn to face Chance and pull his face towards mine. I place my nose against his and cup his cheeks. “I’m so sorry for what I did Chance. I shouldn’t have left like that. I shouldn’t have believed him. It was the stupidest thing I ever did.” I place my lips softly against his and climb into his lap.

  A few tears escape down his face and I kiss them away. “I should have come after you. I didn’t try hard enough. You just make me so crazy and I just couldn’t face that you didn’t want me.”

  I start grinding my hips down on his groin making both of us groan. I feel his dick get hard and I grind faster until it’s hard enough for me to slip him inside of me. “I want you. I will always want you.” I whisper in his ear.

  I start rocking back and forth slowly making both of us crazy. He’s letting me have all the control as his hands fist into the sheets. I slowly rise up until he is almost out of me and slowly sink back down. He finally grabs my hips and with a growl he says. “Yeah you like that girl? Well I’ll make it better.”

  He starts rocking me faster and harder, my clit rubbing against his stomach. I don’t last long before I throw my head back and cover my mouth with my hand as I scream my release. I swear I see lightning behind my closed eyes. He starts trailing kisses up my neck as he says, “That was fucking sexy as hell.” I shiver as he reaches my ear, our bodies still joined and rocking together. “I wanna make you come again.”

  I lift his head towards mine and look into his eyes, “Not without you.” I kiss his mouth and our tongues snake out to twine together. I hold onto his shoulders as I feel the sensations build up in my stomach again.

  “Look at me when you come, Norma. Always look at me.” He growls as his hands start moving me even faster. His thumb glides down my neck, over my erect nipple, past my stomach and stops at my clit where he flicks it once, twice, three times. My back arches at the exquisite touch and I moan out really loud. When he starts rubbing it hard I meet his eyes as my climax takes over my entire body.

  He forces our mouths together to smother the cries and growls from the release. He jerks under me as I see the lightning again behind my closed eyes. We fall down to my bed and he curves his body around my back. His arm lays over me protectively and I can’t help but to feel completely in love with him. Again.


  The sun shining right into my eyes is what wakes me the next morning. I feel safe and protected here in Chance’s arms. I honestly never want to leave. I roll over and look up at his face. His eyes pop open as I move and I give him a shy smile. “Good morning.” He says, his voice rough with sleep.

  “Good morning.” I reply. He kisses me softly on the lips right before my mom bursts into the room.

  “Good morning kids. Get up I have coffee and pancakes!” and then she is gone. I’m going to have to talk to her about drinking too much coffee again. She doesn’t work graveyard anymore since I’m not living here.

  “Is she on crack?” Chance asks and I can’t help but to laugh. We smile at each other and climb out of bed.

  I get distracted pulling on a clean pair of undies by his glorious naked bod. I seriously want to lather him up with whipped cream and eat him up. Okay that was a little weird but you would too if you got one look at him. All those muscles hiding just under his skin. I could do my laundry on his abs. His pecks are buffed out and his shoulders are wide and strong.

  It takes me a moment to realize he is eyeing me the way I am him. My underwear are half way up my legs and I kind of feel like a deer caught in head lights. He swallows and licks his lips, “Later. I will bend you over something later.” He states before he turns around to get dressed.

  My mom is in her robe sitting at the kitchen table sipping on a cup of coffee. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” I ask pointing at her cup.

  She looks at me and rolls her eyes. “No. I have been up since three when I had to hear my daughter having sex. Excuse me if I’m a little freaked the hell out.” Chance drops his cup to the floor and coffee goes everywhere. I feel my cheeks turn red and I kind of sputter. “It’s okay though. At first I was really upset, but then I got to thinking you’re grown and I’m just jealous you’re getting some and I’m not.”

  I think Chance is about to faint and I sputter some more. Then I didn’t blurt out, “Whatever happened to that guy you had over when I was little? This is a trailer mom. It shakes, and I might have been ten but I’m not stupid.”

  And mom didn’t blurt, “It was just your father. And don’t tell him you remember.”


  “So that’s Norma Jean? That sexy little thing over there with all that hair and perfect butt?” Caden points with his free hand, the other holding a keystone light.

  I knock his hand down before she realizes he is pointing at her. “Yes that’s her. Now shut up.” I glare at him before taking a sip of my own beer. My mom decided to throw a party to celebrate that Macy is safe and okay. It’s really more for Macy since the kid loves parties.

  “No seriously Chance. You are thinking of leaving that behind? Cuz if you really are I’ll go holler at her. I’d love to bend her over something.” He winks at me. Declan walks up behind him and slaps him on the back of the head.

  “Shut up Caden. You stay out of his love life, because you sure as hell don’t want anyone in yours. I think out of the three of us, yours is the most messed up.” He gives Caden a pointed look. The three of us make a strange pair. The tortured bad boy artist, who isn’t really tortured. The football star with daddy issues who is going to be a lawyer and is in love with his best friends little sister. And the silent strong type who’s into math. We all came together for the single fact we have fucked up love lives.

  Caden won’t admit it even on his dying breath that he is in love with his twin brother’s girlfriend. Declan and Teagan were still apart when I met him, but they have since worked things out. Which is a relief since Declan was a scary guy with a broken heart. And of course me, who fell in love with the girl he made fun of and hurt irrevocably.

  Not something you would want to bring a group of people together but it did. Can’t say I’m unhappy about it. I have friends for life in these two. I was happy when they showed up about an hour ago, being back home brings out things I would rather not think about. Like my dad who is currently drunk off his ass and groping my step mom. In front of everyone.

  “Dude your dad is a freak. How did his ugly ass end up with your step mom?” Caden sips his beer eyeing the disgusting couple.

  “She’s after his money. Though he got her to sign a pre-nup so she is pretty much stuck with him unless he cheats. Which he will, the man gets bored after a while. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already has. He would still be with mom if I hadn’t caught him cheating.” I turn away from them in horror when dads hand snakes under Mary Beth’s shirt. Gross.

  “Well look at it this way, at least your dad didn’t cheat and end up with a daughter who is two weeks younger than your youngest children with your wife.” Caden shrugs his shoulders and looks over at Teagan. Her black hair shines in the sun and her s
mile is bright. I wasn’t around but the way Caden talks she lost that spark she seems to carry around for a while.

  “Look man, you got to snatch that girl up before some really decent man does. She isn’t going to wait around for you forever. Look at that body, she has a sex goddess hidden under that sweater and jeans.” I raise my hand to smack him but Declan stops me.

  “He’s just trying to get you to do what you have to. Don’t pay him any mind. We all know you love her and she loves you. Hell it comes off you two in waves. I know what it’s like. I will say you need to hang on to her.” He nods and I’m about to reply when my name is called from the back door.

  “Chance!” Spencer jogs over, patting me on the back when he reaches me.

  “What’s up?” I ask looking behind him for Dean. Paige showed up earlier and I figure he wasn’t far behind.

  “Dean’s helping your mom in the kitchen. He feels really bad about what happened, but you have to realize he didn’t have anything to do with it.” Spencer grins at me before his head starts turning looking for a certain red head he is madly in love with.

  “I know. I may not have really known my best friend but I know when a guy is in love. Working with Creed would have hurt Paige and Dean would never do that.” Spencer winces but I didn’t mean it like that. Which I tell him. He didn’t set out to hurt Harley.

  “I know but it still totally hurts when people say shit like that. Anyway I just wanted to know if it was going to be weird with him around.” I shake my head no and watch him make his way over to Harley.

  She squeals and throws her arms around his shoulder. Spencer’s hands travel down to her ass and I smile and shake my head at the couple.

  “So that’s the one that cheated? You know after the…tragedy?” Caden asks doing finger quotations around tragedy.


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