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Norma Jean

Page 15

by Amanda Heath

  “I’m not sharing a room with you, if you think this is going to be about sex.” she says out the window, watching the scenery fly by.

  “It’s not about sex. Though I wouldn’t turn it down if that’s what you want. I honestly want you to be safe and this is the only way I know how. I’m sorry you don’t like it but you can get over it.” She turns her head towards me with her mouth forming a perfect o.

  “I don’t like it because I have another overbearing alpha man trying to control my life. I’m still dealing with the last one, I don’t need another one nipping at my heels.” She glares her violet eyes full of fire. When we were together in high school we never fought so this is all new to me.

  I pull the truck over to the side of the road and grab her arms gently. I say making sure her eyes are on mine, “I fucking love you Norma Jean. That asshole doesn’t know what the meaning of the word is. I would never control you, never lay a hand on you. I wouldn’t even make you fuck me in public. Don’t you ever compare me to that freak again. I only have your best interest at heart, like I always have and always will.” I kiss her harshly putting my point across.

  When our lips part I think she might slap me but she surprises me by kissing me deeply, her hands fisting into my short hair. It quickly gets out of control with us trying to devour the other. The windows fog up making the outside world disappear and leaving us in our own little world.

  Her hands leave my hair and trail down my body. I feel strung tight and I’m waiting for her to let me go. Her little hands find their way into my pants where she fists my cock forcing a groan out of my throat. “Smalls.” I whisper into the thick air.

  She raises onto her knees kissing me like it’s with her last breath. Her hand pumps my cock until I feel like I’m ready to blow. I don’t know how we went from fighting to this but I hope I can pull it off again and again. I lift her dress up and rip her panties and throw the destroyed lace into the floorboard. “Fuck me, Chance.” she pleads around our lips.

  I shake off her hands and pull her down onto my lap, her sex sliding over my cock. I swear my eyes roll into the back of my head. “Anytime, anywhere.” I say as I enter her slowly. She is wet and ready for me. I want her like this every damn minute of the day.

  Her hands grip my shoulders as mine grip her hips pulling her up and down. The sensations are incredible and I wonder if the sex will be this way the rest of our lives. God I hope so.

  “Chance.” she chants over and over again. I grin against her neck as I place deep kisses along the sensitive skin. “God, I’m gonna come so hard.” she rasps out.

  “Not without me.” I growl pulling her harder against me with each motion. “Look at me.” I pull her face until her forehead is against mine and that’s all it takes. Her eyes light up with her climax and I swear I see stars as I come inside her.

  After a moment we catch our breaths and she slides off my lap. I grin at the dazed look on her face and stuff myself back into my pants. I sit back in the driver seat and she sits right in the middle. Just like she used too. She grabs my hand, lacing her fingers with mine and lays her head on my shoulder. “I love you, too.” She whispers closing her eyes. All I can do is grin like an idiot.


  “Dude are those panties?” Caden asks when I open the driver side door in front of the house. He opened the passenger side door to help Norma carry her stuff, which we stopped by her moms and got.

  All I can do is roll my eyes. Figures he would see those even though it’s dark and the panties are black. “No seriously. You ripped them?” he questions sounding astonished, grabbing the lace out of the truck floor.

  I hate to admit it but my cheeks flush. I don’t think I’ve blushed since I was a little kid and my mom said something embarrassing. “Shut up.”

  “I knew you two had amazing sex. Dude give me details.” He looks generally interested but I flip him off and head after Norma who already headed into the house. “I haven’t gotten laid in months and you flip me off? I need to live through you! Come on Chance tell me!” he pleads following close behind me.

  I turn forcing him to stop quickly. “What I do with her, is none of your business. It’s no one’s business except for Norma and me. Get that through your head.” I glare at him hard before I turn to actually make it into the house.

  “You are a total buzz kill.” He mutters behind me, making me grin cockily.

  I find an unexpected sight when I enter the living room. Teagan and Norma are sitting on the couch. There are sleeping bags laid out on the floor and a bowl of popcorn sitting on the coffee table. Caden heads straight for the food but Teagan slaps his hand away. “God Caden! This is for our slumber party, go away.”

  Slumber party? I throw a questioning look at Norma who shrugs her shoulders. “Teagan and I were talking about how much we loved Pretty Little Liars. She happens to have all three seasons on DVR so she decided to have an all-night marathon.”

  “Okay.” I say slowly. I kind of hoped she would be sleeping with me tonight but it looks like I get my cold bed to myself. Bummer.

  “Sorry Chance. I figured Norma needed a nice little girl’s night. You understand, right?” Teagan says looking up at me expectantly.

  I can’t help but to grin at her little girl demeanor. “Yeah, I don’t care. As long as you don’t make me watch any of that shit.” I walk over to kiss Norma on the head and whisper in her ear, “Love you smalls.”

  She smiles up at me and I head up the stairs to my own room. Alone.

  I pass Declan’s room and there is a card table set up. He and his little brother Marcus sit in two of the four chairs surrounding the table. “Hey since the girls are doing their thing I figured we could do our own. Though I’m not sleeping with all of you in the room.”

  “Sweet cards! And whiskey!” Caden exclaims claiming the seat next to Marcus.

  I shake my head at him and walk into the room. “Cool, I guess.” I mutter sitting next to Declan. He deals out the cards and we start playing poker. I’m not good at this game at all. I can’t even tell you the rules or even how to play. Though we aren’t using real money, so I’m not losing anything.

  “So Chance you were going to tell us details on what happened in the truck with Norma.” Caden says slyly making me glare in his direction.

  “We seriously just had this conversation. Shut up because I’m not going to tell you anything.” I set my cards down to smack him on the back of the head.

  Of course this piques Declan’s curiosity, “What happened in the truck?” I glare at him as well and then over at Marcus for extra measure.

  “Dude he ripped off her panties.” He smirks at me when my entire face flushes yet again for the second time tonight.

  Marcus and Declan look over at me like that haven’t ever seen me before. “I honestly didn’t know you had that in you.” Declan states clearing his throat.

  “Me either.” Marcus throws in.

  I roll my eyes. “None of you has had or will have sex with me, so how the hell did you know what I had in me or not?” I ask raising my eyebrows.

  Declan blinks several times before answering. “Well you have a point there.” He clears his throat again. “I just meant you don’t seem to be that kind of aggressive in the bedroom.”

  Caden chuckles about to reply when the girls yell out downstairs. We all get up and rush to the landing but nothing seems out of place. “What’s wrong?” I call out.

  Their heads turn up to us and Norma says, “Toby is dead!”

  Damn Pretty Little Liars.

  Chapter 14


  “So what is your story?” I ask Teagan in between bites of ice cream she pulled out of the freezer.

  “Oh good lord. It’s a long one, are you sure you have time? You might need some tissues as well!” she laughs but I have a feeling she’s serious.

  “Yeah I want to know. I’m super nosy, I get it from my…Grammy.” I look down at my hands which are folded in my lap.

sp; “Hey it’s okay, I think it’s human nature to be nosy. I hear though your Grammy was really good at it.” She smirks over at me before placing her spoon down in the tub of Southern Blackberry Cobbler. “Well I’m one of six. My five brothers and sisters are all from the same mom and dad. I’m not. My dad and step mom were going through a rough patch and he cheated which produced me.” She scowls before shoving more ice cream in her mouth. When she’s done swallowing she goes on, “My mom didn’t think it was a good idea for me to know about my brothers or sisters, not until I was ten and she was dying from breast cancer. I was devastated. I honestly didn’t know what to do. Caden and Jaden are two weeks older than me and were in the same grade as me! I’m like, you just decided to spring this on me just because you’re dying? Gee thanks mom.” She rolls her eyes looking up the stairs for a second. “I got over the pain and moved on with my life. Though Caden and Jaden like to think they control my life. I really don’t think Caden cared about my relationship with Declan. He didn’t even know about it till it was too late anyway. I was already in love with him. Like he has any room to talk. But thats a different story.” She shrugs her shoulders looking back at me.

  “So they didn’t want you to be with Declan? Why? He seems to have his head on straight. He puts all the guys I know to shame, including Chance.” I stuff the spoon in my mouth savoring the deliciousness of the ice cream.

  “Jaden has…issues. Declan was his best friend in the whole world. He didn’t want me to get hurt because I had been through enough pain in my short life.” She pauses taking in a deep breath. “Jaden didn’t even know until I had a miscarriage. And I didn’t even know I was pregnant. The entire family had sheltered me all my life so it’s safe to say I was pretty immature. I actually tossed Declan out of my hospital room and told him I never wanted to see him again. It took me months to come to my senses. I’m lucky he was still waiting for me.”

  I grab her hand and squeeze. “Oh my god that is horrible! I can’t imagine that kind of loss. Children are precious and it hurts me to think of you losing yours before you even knew it existed.”

  She looks up at me and smiles softly. “It’s okay. Yeah I’ll always be sad about it, but one day I’ll have more with Declan. They won’t replace the child I lost, don’t get me wrong, but it will fill in some of the hole in my heart.” A tear leaks out of her green eyes and I gently swipe it away.

  “Don’t worry my story is way more fucked up.” I state looking up towards the stairs now. I know he is sitting up there doing whatever. I still can’t believe I’m this close to him when I thought I never would be again. It’s an amazing feeling.

  “Well since I poured out my soul, lets hear it!” Teagan exclaims pulling a couch pillow into her lap, squeezing it tight.

  “Well I had terrible acne when I was a pre-teen. Chance was going through a lot at the same time, so he took that out on me. He made fun of me for months and I still have scars from it to this day.” Sometimes when I close my eyes I can still feel the hurt and anger over everything I did. “So one night about 4 years ago, he came home drunk while I was watching Macy. I was asleep on the couch and he thought it would be okay to kiss me. I thought, wow I finally have something over him. I could make him fall in love with me and have my revenge.”

  “Did you? I know it’s not my place but you really did a number on him. He sometimes calls your name out in the middle of the night. Caden used to ask him about past girlfriends and he would flinch and brush him off.” She smirks before eating more of the cold treat. “All the boys in this house have been screwed up by love. It’s a wonder they can even live normal lives.”

  “I kept waiting for him to admit he loved me, but before he could I said it. And I meant it. He wasn’t that boy anymore who tormented me. He grew up and was an actual gentleman. I couldn’t crush him. I just wanted to be with him.” I squeeze my eyes shut remembering the words out of Creeds mouth that day. God how stupid was I? “Then Creed happened.”

  “What did he do? Other than the obvious.” Teagan says quietly.

  “He told me Chance was cheating. I totally believed him because I was still pretty insecure and couldn’t believe that Chance really wanted to be with me. Now I know better.” Which is truer than it ever was.

  “And then Creed wormed his way into your life because of that. Wow he’s even more of a freak than I thought. I can’t believe you have been through all this and you’re still sitting here like a normal person.” She leans forward and places the empty ice cream tub on the coffee table.

  “Throughout my entire relationship with Creed I knew that one day it would end. He would either kill me or get bored. It might have taken him awhile but he finally got bored. Though I should have already known he would think of me as his property for the rest of my life. That’s how he works.” It’s amazing to me what kind of things people can hide away under their skin. If you think about it, everyone is hiding a different person, one the rest of the world doesn’t know about.

  “That is what these kind of guys think like. He is also pretty peeved that he went through all that trouble to break you and Chance up and you went right back to him the second you could.” I’ve thought of it that way myself. He couldn’t let go of the fact he ruined us but didn’t.

  “I’ve been dealt so much shit my entire life, I’ve come to expect it. I kind of feel like this is all I have in store for me. I’ve only ever been truly happy with Chance and Creed is doing everything in his power to take that away from me.” I lay my head back on the couch and close my eyes. I’m suddenly tired, more tired than I have ever been. I feel like my every waking moment is a fight, a fight for the things I need to make me happy. The things I need to make me live a good life.

  I never thought things would just fall at my feet, but sometimes I would like one little break. My dad has been absent my entire life and then I find out he was having sex with my mom, in my house while I was home and he didn’t bother to say hello. Chance made me feel bad about myself along with the entire school. But I find out he isn’t that guy anymore, then he is stolen from me. Enter Creed who is the sickest person I have ever met. My life is one big cluster fuck.

  “I think I’m going to head to bed. I like the whole slumber party idea, but I would rather not sleep on the floor.” I tell Teagan rising up from the couch.

  “Yeah I didn’t really think we would, it was mostly for show. I didn’t have any girlfriends growing up so I thought it would be fun to have a slumber party.” She shrugs her shoulder.

  I give her a hug, squeezing her tiny body up against me. “I didn’t have girlfriends either. Not until I went to college and my roommate took me under her wing. Though I don’t know what kind of friend she really is since she hasn’t called me in weeks.” I let her go saying good night and heading up the stairs.

  I find Chance playing cards in what I assume is Declan’s room. It’s clean and there are a few items that scream girl. Which means Teagan put them there. “I’m ready for bed Chance.” I speak out since they didn’t notice my entrance into the room.

  He looks up at me surprised and can only grin. I did tell him I wouldn’t sleep in the same bed with him. Though the incident in the truck kind of changes things. “Okay smalls.” He bids goodnight to the guys, getting a catcall from Caden.

  Chance leads me down the hall to a bedroom at the end of the landing. It’s smaller but it’s still bigger than my dorm room. It’s also screams Chance. The hunter green walls are bare except for a few pictures of his family. The bed is made with a matching comforter and pillows. His closet doors are open and I take in all his clothes. I have to stop myself from walking over and touching them all and taking in his wonderful scent.

  “There’s a bathroom through that door if you want to brush your teeth and stuff.” He points to a door on the other side of the bed and I nod.

  I do my “thang” and walk back out into the bedroom. Chance is sitting on the bed in a pair of boxers. His tattooed side hiding in the dim light. I suck in
a breath at the way he looks up at me. I feel the liquid heat ignite in my stomach and spread to my legs. It’s amazing what a look can do to someone. And Chances right now is burning me alive. “Stop it.” I say breathily.

  “No. Come here.” He growls pulling me along with those hazel eyes. The green and caramels seem to swirl around with the lust written in them. “I didn’t realize how incredibly sexy it would be for you to wear my clothes. All I want to do is rip them off of you.”

  I walk forward to him and place my hands on his shoulders. “No more ripping. That was a great pair of panties you ruined.” I chuckle when he looks up and grins at me. “I love you, big foot.” I sigh kissing his full lips.

  His hands land on my ass squeezing the flesh making me moan. “I love you, smalls.” He whispers out leaving my lips and trailing kisses down my neck heading straight for my nipples, which are poking out through his shirt.

  Before long we are tearing those clothes off and making love roughly on his bed. It’s incredible and I want these feelings to last forever. I never thought I would be able to have Chance back in my life and it makes everything seem surreal now that he is.

  After we finish I lie back on the bed and cuddle into his side. It isn’t long before he falls asleep.

  All I can do is stay awake wondering how long this will last.


  “One day while my light is glowing, I’ll be in my castle golden, but until the gates are open I just wanna feel this moment…” Norma sings out in the shower. Feel This Moment by Pitbull plays softly from the iPod dock she took into the bathroom. The sun is shining in through my window, casting a bright haze around the room. I feel high on life for the first time since the last time Norma was in my life. Like I could do anything and be anybody.

  I honestly freaking love it.

  “She read books, especially about red rooms and tie ups. I got her hooked, cause she seen me in a suit with a red tie tied up…” she raps along to Pitbull. I chuckle at her thinking she could have played a better song. I’m not really into this type of music. Give me Machine Head or Disturbed any day. I only know songs like this one and Maroon 5 because Teagan plays them all the time. It’s rather annoying.


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