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Page 13

by Madeleine Oh

  That she managed, holding her head high and her spine straight to counteract the urge to slump her shoulders and hide.

  Alan stood up and reached out to palm her breast. “Lovely, Jane, but I think you’d look even better in a corset. I’ll buy one the next time we’re in town together.” Alan wasn’t asking if she wanted a corset. He was telling. Her mouth went dry as her heart raced. “You like the idea of being laced tightly. Don’t you, Jane?”

  Why lie? “I find it exciting.”

  “So do I. I think we’ll get a dark blue leather one. It will suit your fair skin.” He paused, as if considering the thought of her laced into dark blue leather, before barking at her, “Bend over and touch your toes.”

  Her hesitation earned a slap on her rump, not enough to hurt, but enough to have her bend over at once, head inches from the carpet. What now? More spanking? She was utterly exposed. He’d promised bondage, not spanking but… Jane took a deep breath and waited as Alan gently stroked her arse. “Yes, love, a nice leather corset to nip in your waist and expose your luscious arse.” His fingers trailed down her crack. “Want to get fucked here again?”

  “Yes, but not tonight, please.” She wanted him in her cunt. She needed a slow, deep fuck and by the look of things, he was going to make her wait for it.

  “Since you asked so nicely, we’ll save that repeat pleasure for next time. Stand up.” She managed that without too much wobbling. “Come upstairs.” Alan held out his hand. “Time for you to learn the joys of helplessness.” He led the way. Jane watched as she followed him up the narrow, twisting stairway, admiring his broad shoulders and tight bum. But Alan was a so much more than very nice bod or an innovative lover. He was…

  “Jane,” he paused on the top step. “Sure you want to do this? You can back out. We can go out and have dinner down at the Seven Bells, and no hard feelings?”

  “Alan, I’m naked. I’m wired up. You’d better not even be considering letting me down having brought me to this point!”

  “I’ll be tying you down, Jane. Not letting you down.” Her cunt clenched at his words. “Just want to be sure you agree. Complete obedience. Utter submission. You may use your safeword, but other than that, once you cross that threshold, you are mine to do whatever I want with. Agreed?”

  She swallowed, looking into his dark eyes. “Yes.” He grabbed her by the waist, swung her off her feet, tossing her over his shoulder and strode through the open doorway. “Hey, Alan!” Her wriggles earned her another slap on her rump. This one stung.

  “Keep still or you’ll get more!” Alright for him to say. He wasn’t bent over, blood rushing to his head and his hair falling over his face and obscuring what little of the carpet was visible.

  He crossed the room and deposited her, quite gently she had to admit, in the easy chair between the two windows. Brushing the hair from her face and kissing her before he drew the curtains to shut out the evening. “Sit there, Jane, and watch while I get things ready. If you have any pertinent questions about what I’m doing, ask. I’ll explain what things are for. If you don’t understand anything, I expect you to ask. Is that straight?”

  “Yes.” She hoped.

  Without another word, he turned his back on her and walked out the door. Smashing! What next?

  Chapter Eleven

  Alan was back in moments, naked except for silk boxers—midnight blue ones this time. Hands full of a startling assortment of straps, scarves, a black leather whip and what looked like a bundle of red fur. He deposited the lot on the bed. Sorted though them without as much as a glance her way, and then turned to her, something dark and soft-looking in his hand and long ribbons trailing the ground as he came towards her. “Hold out your hand.”

  Jane hesitated only a second or two before obeying. Alan wrapped the black velvet band around her wrist, fastening it securely with a snap of Velcro that sent her pussy tingling. Without being told, Jane held out her other arm. “Nice,” he said. “You are very amenable. Good.” His approval sent a warm flash across her face. “Now your ankles.”

  As he knelt at her feet, the excitement deep inside her stirred and swelled. Jane looked down at the crown of his head, and the curve of his broad shoulders. Alan’s fingers, warm and confident, closed around her ankle. He bent his head and kissed the soft spot beneath her anklebone, before wrapping the velvet strap tight around her ankle. She was close to shaking as she offered her last, unbound limb.

  “Enjoying this?” Alan asked as he stood. She now looked up at him. “Scared? Excited? Getting wet between your legs?”

  “All of them.” She’d ignore the little tremor in her voice. It echoed the flutter in her stomach.

  “Perfect. Know what these straps are for?” He gathered up the loose ribbons hanging from her wrists

  “To tie me down on the bed.”

  “Definitely, Jane. You’ll be helpless, held down by velvet and ribbons, while I do whatever I want to you. You won’t even have to obey. You’ll be utterly at my mercy.”

  One look at his eyes showed exactly how that prospect pleased. Jane swallowed. “I know.” Where did that come from? Somewhere deep inside where her libido and needs roiled and swirled. Why didn’t he just get on with it and tie her down?

  Because stringing her out like this was his notion of fun.

  He patted her on the head, as if she’d been a good, obedient child and turned back to the bed, standing at an angle that gave her full view of his hands and the collection on the bed.

  Without looking back at her, he picked up a whip. No, a whip and a flogger and they were as different as night and day. One was bright red. The tresses looked like fur, or at least a good faux. The other, the one that dangled from his right hand, was unmistakably leather—shiny, hard, black leather, with one long tail that trailed the carpet. The nice, friendly, bunny fur one, he dropped on the bed. Holding the not-in-the-least-friendly-looking one, Alan stepped sideways towards the middle of the room. Keeping his back to her, he raised his right arm and brought it down in a smooth movement, slapping the tail against the bedpost.

  The sound went straight to her pussy. Jane let out a long, slow moan, the echo hanging in the low-ceilinged room

  Alan glanced over his shoulder and raised his eyebrow. “Enjoy that?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “I think you did.”

  He turned his back to her and slapped the whip onto the floor. It was a different sound—more muffled, longer and it left marks in the carpet. Jane was whimpering as his bare foot smoothed over the ridges in the pile.

  This time he grinned, cracked the whip one more time and dropped it on the floor beside the bed.

  She’d taken more deep breaths in the past fifteen minutes than she normally did in a day. What next?

  He picked up something else from the heap on the bed and came towards her. “Know what these are, Jane?” He opened his hand. Two dewdrop pearls, each on an inch or so of chain lay curled in his palm.

  “Earrings?” Obviously not, no clips or posts but what the hell were they?

  “Wrong!” He sounded like the headmaster of her prep school, who used to scare the willies out of her. Not that Mr. Evans ever made her feel sexy.

  “What are they, then?”

  “Nipple rings, Jane. To adorn your luscious tits.” He opened her hand and dropped them in her palm.

  She could not stop staring. Seeing them up close, she noticed a tiny ring at the end of each gold chain. She’d read about nipple piercings. The thought did not turn her on. She was half-ready to say the damn safeword, grab her dress and run. “How do you put them on? You’re not piercing my nipples!”

  “Don’t worry, Jane. I certainly won’t, not today. Let me show you how these go on.”

  Alan took her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gently pulled. It was already hard with need and his touch firmed it up completely. He took one pearl from her outstretched hand, neatly hooked the circle over her upstanding nipple and gently adjusted a little s
pring on the ring. “Does that hurt?”


  “Sure? You’re not being brave or noble on me are you?”

  She grinned. “I’m feeling neither brave nor noble right now. You’ve got me pretty stirred up, but no, it does not hurt.”

  “It would if I tightened it.” She held her breath. “But I’m not going to. This time. I want you to get accustomed to the idea of the weight. Another time, I’ll use tit clamps. They are tight. They cut off the circulation so your nipples go numb. When I pull them off, the returning blood will feel like massive pins and needles. The sensation may well send you into a climax.”

  She’d take his word for it!

  While he talked, he’d attached the second one without her noticing. The weight pulled her nipples. It didn’t hurt, just felt odd. He tapped the pearls and the gentle swinging made her catch her breath.

  “Sure they don’t hurt?”

  “It’s not hurt exactly, it’s…” What the hell was it?

  “A novel sensation?”

  She’d remember that. No doubt the phrase would prove useful in the coming months. Her thoughts snagged a moment. She was thinking months! Heck! Alan had her snagged and tied! She giggled.

  “Alright?” He sounded, and looked, worried.

  “Yes. What’s next?”

  “Eager, my dear?” He all but smirked at her.

  “Curious, shall we say?”

  “You know what curiosity did to the proverbial cat?”

  “I’m not a cat!” Only with her nasty cousin Muriel, and…

  She didn’t bother to remember who else. Alan was on his knees between her thighs and had two fingers up her cunt. Jane leaned back in the chair, spread her legs wider and closed her eyes.

  He pulled out, just when she was beginning to need a nice stroke to her clit.

  “Open your eyes.” She watched as he sniffed his fingers and put the tip of one in his mouth and sucked. “Essence of Jane.” He leaned towards her. “Taste!” She took his outstretched finger in her mouth and brushed the tip of her tongue over his finger. It was more texture than taste—an odd, unfamiliar sweetness. “Like it?” He withdrew his finger.

  “I’m not sure.” What did he expect her to say?

  “I’ll make you sure before long, Jane. You’ll learn to love your taste—just as I do. By the time we go to sleep tonight, you and I will know your body inside and out. You’ll go to sleep, dreaming of my cock inside you.”

  If he kept this up, she’d be begging long before he got that far. “Alan?”

  “Where do you want it first?” he asked standing up, but keeping a hand on her shoulder so she remained seated and looking up at him. Since his cock tented his boxers, she couldn’t help licking her lips. Funny how her mouth went dry as her cunt flowed.

  “Where?” he repeated.

  “My mouth.” Her throat closed up, goose bumps raced down her spin and she shivered.

  “On your knees, Jane.”

  The carpet brushed her knees. She barely noticed. Couldn’t think of anything but the wondrous cock waiting. For her. Jane reached up towards the fly, but he caught the ribbon hanging from her wrist and yanked her arm up. “No hands, Jane. If you want my cock as much as you claim, put your hands behind your back. Let’s see how much you want to suck me.”

  Playing games wasn’t in it. This was torture! But if he thought she couldn’t manage, he was in for a surprise. Quite a nice one in fact! She eyed the dark silk that so tauntingly concealed his cock, and brought her mouth down to the lowest point. Couldn’t be that hard to ease her tongue inside the fly and latch on to him. That was a misapprehension. Her tongue soon discovered the row of tiny buttons fastening the placket. Smarty-pants, was he? She worked her mouth up and down his bulge, molding her lips around his erection. If he was playing games, she’d do the same. The quiver in his thigh pretty much told her she’d succeeded. He was as needy as she. Just seemed he was stronger willed.

  She gazed up and down, from the loose hems brushing his strong thighs, to the gathered waistband that hung just below his navel. Gathered with elastic. Bingo, Alan Branis! Stretching her neck, she leaned forward and fastened her teeth on the elastic. Gritting her jaws together, she pulled back and down. Hard. The elastic came with her, and surprise—success! His stalwart erection popped out, just as her jaws lost their hold and the elastic snapped back.

  He yelped. Forgetting the prohibition, Jane grabbed the elastic with both hands and yanked the boxers down. “Sorry, that wasn’t intended!”

  “That I’ll believe! Don’t think you wanted to put me out of action, did you?”

  “Let me kiss it better!”

  Taking the roar of laughter as consent, she swallowed him. Her lips caressing every millimeter of his glorious length as her tongue curved along the hard shaft.

  Alan grasped her head with both hands and took over, sliding her back and forth, controlling her completely. Easing her forwards, so his cock entered deep. Pulling her back, so he slid over her tongue to-and-fro through the soft circle of her lips.

  Shivers of excitement rippled through Jane. She wanted to do this forever. To kneel here until dawn. For him to work himself within her mouth for hours. She clasped his thighs with her arms and pulled him closer.

  He went still, his cock almost touching the back of her throat. “No hands, Jane, let go.”

  “Sorry, I forgot!” His erection muffled her words, as she joined her hands behind her back and he resumed, his hands tunneling through her hair and cupping the back of her head. She was hotter than ever, needing more. Little sighs, silenced by his cock, grew into moans and her body took up the rhythm, rocking as he moved her head.

  He stopped and withdrew. Cries of loss, disappointment and frustration echoed in the room. “Alan!”

  “That’s enough for now, dear. You and I have to last a lot longer.” His hands grasped her upper arms, lifting her to her feet. As she steadied herself, he flicked both pearls and watched them swing. The sensation wasn’t unpleasant. Just…odd, and echoed across her body.

  “Very nice,” Alan said, watching her face. “Get on your hands and knees!”


  “You heard me, Jane. I’m not repeating it.”

  She had heard, yes, but hearing and understanding were two very different things. It took her a long minute to actually process his order. She was down on all fours in seconds, ribbons flying behind her, one caught under her knee. She shifted to release it.

  “Don’t move!”

  She froze, trying to stay calm, while wondering what on earth he had in mind. Not much it seemed. At least at first. Alan stepped away and slowly circled her, his bare feet not making a sound. She moved her head to watch his feet, and got a gentle swat on her arse.

  “I told you not to move, Jane! Keep your head down. Move again and I’ll blindfold you.”

  How would that feel, in the dark, unable to see anything? Uncertain, a little scared. Not all that different from how she felt right now! But at least she could watch him from the corners of her eyes. He’d moved towards the bed. For one of the whips? Something else?

  Something caressed her thighs. She could no more have held back the long, sigh than flown. It was the furry flogger, and it was incredible. Back again, he brought it. Jane arched her shoulders as the tresses kissed her skin.

  “Keep still!”

  He’d whisked the flogger away. She froze. “It’s damn hard to keep still!”

  “I know.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “You must try harder, Jane. Much harder. Apply yourself!”

  Easy for him to say. Damn difficult to do when he flicked the tresses back and forth between her open thighs. The end of one tress caught her clit and her hips tightened. “Sorry! When you touch me there I can’t help it!”

  “You’ll learn to,” he replied, reaching under her with the flogger and flicking the ends to hit her breasts with a slap of soft fur. Her neck and shoulders reared up as the thrill coursed through her
. “Jane, love,” he spoke gently, stroking her back. “This won’t do, dearest. When I say don’t move, I mean it.”

  “You’re deliberately touching my sensitive spots.”

  “I’ll just have to help you.” He reached for the ribbons hanging from her wrists. “You leave me with only one option.” He tugged on them until she was kneeling up. “I’ll have to tie you down.” There was nothing rational about the cold thrill of excitement surging deep in her pussy. No sane reason whatsoever, but sensation burst like hope between her legs. “You do understand the necessity, don’t you, Jane?”

  This was a game, a wild sexual play, and she was caught up in his voice, his presence and the promise of restraint. Her throat was so tight she had to moisten her tongue and lips to reply. “Yes, Alan. I understand.” Dread and arousal mingled deep in her being as she looked up at him—at the heat in his eyes, the slight curl at the corner of his wide mouth and the strong hand that held the two ribbons twisted round his fist.

  She didn’t understand a thing—except that she wanted whatever was coming.

  “Good.” He put his free hand under her elbow. “Stand up and walk over to the bed.” It was just four steps across the thick pile carpet. Her heart skipped and her pussy throbbed each time she set her foot down. Alan followed close, the ribbons still tight. Her knees brushed the foot of the bed. His knees pressed her thighs just above her knees. “What do you see on the bed?” he asked.

  “Pillows and a bottom sheet.” The rest of the bedclothes lay in a heap to one side.

  His free hand reached forward and swished the nasty-looking whip. The mattress bounced as leather hit the bed. Jane swallowed, unable to take her eyes off the nasty-looking tail. This one was definitely not soft bunny fur. “What do you see on the bed?” he repeated.

  Deep breath. Two deep breaths. “The butt plug from last night, a silk scarf and a feather duster.” It couldn’t be a duster—it had to have another name, but…

  “Not a duster, Jane, but I’ll accept that answer. Now…” He nudged her behind one knee. “Climb on the bed, crawl up to the head, and lie down on your back.”


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