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Page 25

by Madeleine Oh

  “Get up.” He ripped the Velcro straps open, releasing her.

  “I…don’t think I can stand.”

  Gently, he lifted her from the table, setting her on her feet, careful to hold her by her underarms or the part of her waist near her kidneys, where he hadn’t hit her. He took his hands away, hovering nearby in case he needed to catch her. She swayed, but didn’t fall.

  Leaving her standing beside the table, he arranged one of the chairs and the cube that had held his toys so they formed a flight of stairs up to the leather sling hanging from the ceiling.

  “First, I need to gag you.” He held up a thin band of black neoprene, with a neoprene-covered foam ball in the center. “Open your mouth.”

  A frisson of fear disrupted the blissful haze clouding Sassy’s mind. “But then how will I say my safe word if I need to?”

  Michael held up a pair of silver balls, shaking them so that she could hear the chimes inside them. “You’ll hold these. Let them go, or throw them against the floor, and I’ll take your gag off so you can tell me what’s wrong.”

  Nodding acceptance, she opened her mouth and let him stuff the gag inside. He fastened it behind her head with another piece of Velcro. The ball pressed against her tongue uncomfortably, but not painfully, flooding her mouth with saliva. She struggled to swallow.

  “Up you go,” he directed. “Get in the sling, your ass against the edge, and grab the chains above you.”

  Sassy clambered up the makeshift stairs, then awkwardly leaned back and half sat, half fell into the sling. The leather slapped her tender ass and burning back, and she yelped in pain, the sound completely muffled behind the gag. Obediently, she reached up and grabbed the chains nearest her hands.

  “Good.” Michael scooted her a fraction further over the edge, then wrapped thick cuffs around her wrists and fastened her to the chains. He followed with even thicker cuffs for her ankles, lifting her legs to fasten her ankles to the bottom pair of chains. Finally, he pressed the promised chime balls into her hands, so she could stop him if she wanted.

  Her sex was spread wide-open before him, and she wondered if he intended to make love to her like this. But the height was all wrong. She was too high for his cock to reach her, and too low for his mouth.

  He moved away, and she heard the rip of condom packets being opened, followed by the wet spurt of lubricant being applied. When he returned, he held two condom-covered vibrators shaped like realistic cocks—if cocks were made of glittering purple plastic. One was at least an inch thick through the shaft, and even broader across the head, while the other was only half an inch wide its entire length.

  She watched, eyes wide, as he turned the bases of the vibrators, and they started to hum.

  He pressed the broad tip of the wider vibrator against her clit, circling it until she moaned in pleasure, then pushing against her entrance. She was already wet and wide-open, her time on the table priming her more than she’d realized. Michael slid the vibrator inside her.

  Sassy’s eyes drifted closed, the better to concentrate on the feeling of fullness inside her. Then she felt the tip of the second vibrator pressing against the opening of her ass.

  She tried to bolt upright, but only set the sling twisting from side to side. Michael caught the chains, steadying her.

  “Relax. This won’t hurt. I promise.”

  Trusting him, she lay back in the sling. The tip of the vibrator slipped inside her ass, but Michael made no effort to push it deeper inside. Slowly, the vibrations of the unit relaxed her ass muscles, and he eased it further.

  Sassy trembled. Having something up her ass was a completely unfamiliar experience. But he was right. It didn’t hurt. She wasn’t exactly sure how it felt. Mostly, her brain was sending her a very confused signal that she really needed to go to the bathroom.

  Then he pushed it to its full depth, forcing the first vibrator partially out of her vagina. She gasped, then struggled not to choke on the foam ball filling her mouth.

  Michael pushed the first vibrator all the way in, and the second popped halfway out of her ass. Sassy cried out at the unexpected pleasure.

  Expecting his next action, she moaned as the second vibrator filled her ass, and the thick head of the first one stroked over the muscles of her inner chamber. Without pausing, he thrust it back inside, freeing the second one to slip most of the way from her ass.

  She screamed, a harsh cry of pure satisfaction pulled from deep within. No wonder he’d needed to gag her. Even with the foam ball muffling her screams, she was noisy. If he hadn’t gagged her, his neighbors would think he was killing her.

  He was. Killing her with pleasure.

  Soon she was beyond thinking, able to do no more than incoherently beg and whimper as the vibrator filled her ass, then bellow as the other vibrator thrust deep into her vagina and the one in her ass slid almost all the way free. Her cries grew louder and more frantic as she chewed on the gag. This wasn’t anything like the escalating pace of sex she was used to. If anything, Michael seemed to be slowing down. Or maybe it was a figment of her imagination, her awareness stretching and time expanding, even though in reality it was moving faster and faster.

  She screamed again, broken, begging and pleading. He couldn’t understand her words through the gag. Hell, she couldn’t even understand the words in her head. They were a senseless jumble—please, now, no, Michael, harder, more, oh, please. Finally, she settled on the two simplest—please, oh, please, oh, please, oh, please—over and over again until they lost all meaning.

  And still Michael pumped the two vibrators in and out, filling first her vagina, then her ass. Sassy was crying, tears of frustration streaming down her cheeks, as she whipped her head from side to side, begging him to finish her. But he kept the pace just slow enough that he wouldn’t trigger her release.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, could only feel the glorious sweet rush as the vibrators slipped in and out. She trembled uncontrollably, her entire body shaking, the chains holding her rattling as she bounced and jangled beneath them.

  Her eyes rolled back, her cries morphing into a single long wail that flew up the scale.

  Recognizing that she’d reached her limit, Michael stopped teasing her and pumped the vibrators vigorously, slamming each one home before it had done more than moved halfway out. The climax hit her. She threw back her head and howled behind her gag, a primal scream of pleasure, pain, frustration, and triumph.

  Dimly, she heard Michael’s sharp gasp, followed by a low groan of satisfaction. All she knew was that he’d removed the vibrators, leaving her empty but yet somehow complete.

  Something tore loudly by her ears, and he tugged the sodden ball out of her mouth. Belatedly, she realized he’d ripped open the fastening that held the gag in place.

  He undid the catches on her wrists and ankles next, her limbs flopping uselessly when he released them. Somehow, he pulled her from the sling and carried her to his bed, her limp and unresponsive body just so much dead weight.

  She roused slightly when he laid her down on top of the comforter, whimpering until he lay down beside her. She curled against him, wrapping her arms and legs around him and shivering in the aftermath of her climax.

  “Michael,” she whispered. “Oh, Michael.”

  “Shhh.” He stroked her gently, soothingly while she sobbed against his chest. She didn’t know what was wrong with her, but she couldn’t stop and he didn’t seem to mind. So she cried. She cried until she was completely spent.

  Eventually, she stopped shaking and her tears dried. She felt like every bone had been replaced with spaghetti, and every muscle replaced with Jell-O.

  She sniffed, blinking to clear her eyes. Michael was smiling indulgently at her, his fingers sliding through her hair in a soothing caress. His shirt was soaked with tears, and she realized that although she was completely naked, he was still fully clothed.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “I do.” He roll
ed her onto her back, leaning over her to press a soft kiss to her lips. “You understand what it means to submit to pleasure, now.”

  Sassy nodded. If he’d asked her, she’d have said she’d submitted before this. But now she knew what true, complete submission entailed. It went beyond giving up her will to his. It took her to a place where she had no will at all, simply existing as an extension of Michael’s desires.

  “Is it going to be like that all the time, now?” she asked hesitantly.

  His chuckle reassured her. “I don’t think either one of us could take something that powerful all the time.”

  “I didn’t think so, either. But I was willing to try.”

  He laughed. “You are an amazing woman. Have I told you that recently?”

  “Uh, you might’ve. I wasn’t really listening too carefully.”

  He laughed again, and pressed another soft kiss to her lips. “Wait here. I have something for you.”

  He pushed himself upright, and hopped out of bed. She waited. She wouldn’t have been able to work up the strength to move, even if she’d wanted to. A short time later, he was back, a long, thin box in his hands.

  Kneeling on the bed beside her, Michael opened the box to reveal a silver collar, embellished with curling lines of red and blue. “Is it pretty enough for you?”

  “It’s gorgeous.”

  “It gets better.” He pressed a concealed stud at the base of the clasp, activating the battery, and the curls lit up. The red line cycled slowly through red-violet, to purple, to blue, while the blue line cycled through blue-green, lime-green, and finally yellow.

  Sassy smiled up at him. “I love you.”

  He fastened the collar around her neck. “It’s my job to keep you happy, satisfied, and in love. I do so willingly and without reservation.”

  She blinked. His words sounded strangely formal, as if he was reciting part of a ceremony. Then he bent and kissed her, and all questions flew out of her head at the warmth of his lips on hers. Later, when the kiss finally ended, he finished his declaration.

  “I love you, too.”

  She brushed her fingertips across the metal collar, already warm from the heat of her body. “This is more than just pretty jewelry.”

  “Yes. It’s a badge of ownership. It tells the world that I’ve taken responsibility for you, for ensuring your health and happiness, and so long as you continue to wear it, you promise to honor and obey me.”

  “Love, honor, and obey? That sounds like a wedding vow.” Sassy tamped down the rising panic that threatened to consume her. He had sounded strangely formal. Dear God, she hadn’t just gone and gotten married to a man she’d known less than a week, had she?

  “Sounds like.” Michael nodded sagely, then could no longer maintain the facade and chuckled. “But don’t worry, it’s not. It’s a promise, not an obligation. You can end the relationship at any time by removing the collar.”

  “You mean I have to wear it all the time?”

  “Well, not in the shower—the battery shouldn’t get wet. I can get you something more discreet if you like.”

  She grabbed the collar, as if he was likely to try and take it away from her right then. “Don’t you dare! I love this collar!”

  He laughed, and began tracing the edge where the metal met her skin with kisses. “So what’s the problem?”

  “I was just wondering how I’d explain it to the people at work.”

  “Sweetheart, your first article is coming out in tomorrow’s paper. I don’t think you’ll have to explain anything.”

  Sassy braced herself for the anticipated rush of heat to her cheeks, but it didn’t happen. Instead, she felt a warm glow in her chest. Wonderingly, she reached up and felt her cheeks. They were cool to the touch.

  “Sasha? What is it?”

  “I’m always embarrassed when I’m the center of attention. You know that. Usually just thinking about a situation will make me blush. But I’m not. Why not?”

  He continued kissing his way around her collar, pausing to answer, “You don’t mind being the center of my attentions.”

  “That’s different.”


  “You love me. That’s the way it should be.”

  “Then maybe that’s why you’re not embarrassed to let everyone see the collar.”

  She nodded. That made sense. “Because it’s right to wear it. It’s what I should do.”

  “What you should do is stop talking, and make love with me again.”

  Sassy laughed. “That, too, my love. That too.”

  About the author: Jennifer Dunne

  Jennifer welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

  Also by Jennifer Dunne:

  Hearts of Steel anthology

  Hot Spell anthology

  Luck of the Irish anthology

  Party Favors anthology

  Sex Magic

  Tied With a Bow anthology

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