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Secrets From the Grave (The Veil Diaries Book 6)

Page 12

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “What reaction?” Zeke asked.

  “Does it go away?” I demanded, dragging Louis’s attention back to me.

  He nodded. “Yes, the entry said the sensation occurs because we’re the opposite sex, and that it will eventually disappear. It’s simply a physiological reaction.”

  “Good,” I breathed, relaxing against the back of the chair. “Because this is....” I made a grossed-out face.

  He nodded. “Disturbing? I agree.”

  “What the fuck are you two talking about?” Zeke’s voice was barely above a growl.

  I turned to him with my face burning. His eyes were starting to glow. Shit. “Zeke, it’s just...” How the hell could I explain this? “Remember the weird feeling I got before I spotted Louis in the café?”

  His eyes held mine as he nodded once.

  “Well, that’s what we’re talking about.” I turned back to the others hoping that would be the end of it. “Okay, rotting souls.” I shifted in my chair. “How far along have you seen them?”

  “Pretty far along.” Louis latched onto the change in topic. “The worst was one man with several limbs barely holding on.”

  “Have you noticed any of them disappearing?” I asked. “Do you think this could, I don’t know, kill their souls?”

  He shook his head. “All I’ve seen is souls losing their sense of self and going mad. Nothing else.”

  I nodded. That made sense but... the question still lingered in the back of my mind. What would happen if they rotted out completely? Past the level of Mary Summers? I put it out of my mind for now, focusing on the questions I needed to know the answers to. “Aren’t all the dead causing transformers and power outages around the city?”

  “Yes, it’s quite annoying when the air conditioning goes out,” Uma answered for him.

  Louis rubbed his temple. "I think that's enough for today."

  "We’ll meet you here tomorrow," Uma stated.

  Zeke and I got to our feet, said our goodbyes and left.

  We made it down the street before he asked. “What the hell is this weird feeling?” Oh, fuck me.

  Chapter 8

  July 13th, Friday Afternoon

  After a bus ride that seemed much longer than should be possible, and assuring Zeke that I was alright a few hundred times. I was walking down the street with Asher back toward the hotel.

  "Oh my God," I managed around my mouthful of deliciousness.

  "I know, they’re so good," Asher said as we both munched on our own orders of beignets. The fried sugar powder covered pieces of heaven were fucking delicious!

  “Okay, my life is over. Nothing can be this good," I said after I finished my last bite. "It's all downhill from here."

  He chuckled as he threw his box into a trash can and dusted the sugar off his hands. I tossed mine and did the same.

  "I'll have to learn how to make those," Asher said.

  "I'm torn between begging you to and begging you not to," I said thoughtfully. "I don't know if my waistline can take it."

  "Who said I was going to share?" he teased.

  I gasped at him in mock horror.

  He pulled me to a stop. “Wait, you’ve got some sugar...” He leaned down; my heart jumped. He stopped just as his breath danced across my lips. He pulled back, his eyes were warm as he met mine. His smile disappeared.

  "I can't just be friends with you, Ally."


  His hands moved to my waist and pulled me closer. "I’m talking about us."

  My heart slammed in my chest as my hands went to his arms.

  "I care about you. And you care about me. That's all that matters," he said, his rich baritone voice softened.

  Oh God.... Was he saying? No, no, no, no.... “What are you saying? Exactly?”

  "I want you," he said. "I know it'll be hard with Zeke for a while but I can't just walk away when I know who I want to be with.”

  “Ash…” Don’t, please don’t…

  “Ally, will you go out me?”

  My lungs seized, my heart dropped and heat curled through me. I bit my tongue to stop myself from blurting out yes. Shit! Shit! Shit! Zeke... Isaac... Asher... Ethan, oh fuck.

  "It's not that easy," I hedged. What the fuck was I going to say?

  "I know it’s not. But I know Zeke," he said. "All we have to do is tell him it's what we want and he'll work it out."

  “Oh no, no, no,” I didn’t even think have to think about it. “We're not telling Zeke shit.”

  His eyes ran over me, his hold loosened. "You like Zeke." His hands dropped from me as he stepped back.

  My heart ached. “Ash...”

  His eyes were rough as he turned and walked away.

  I went after him. “Asher-”

  "I'm a fucking idiot," he bit out. "Of course you like Zeke, if you liked me you would have been straight with him."

  "It's not that simple," I tried again.

  "You could have just told me." He stretched his longer legs and walked faster.

  I fell behind. I couldn't let it happen like this. "I have feelings for both of you!"

  Asher stopped on the sidewalk.

  I caught up to him, my heart hammering in my chest.

  He turned and looked down at me. "What did you just say?"

  "I have feelings for both of you." My voice shook as I finally told him.

  "That's not possible," he muttered.

  I huffed. "I wish that was true."

  He stepped closer again. "You care about us both? As more than friends?"

  I chewed on the corner of my lower lip and nodded.

  "Since when?"

  "For a while now.” I looked down at my fingers fidgeting.

  He was silent for a couple of minutes until he finally said, "You're going to have to make a choice."

  I lifted my head, my gaze snapped to his. My chest burned at the thought. "I...I..." My lungs seemed to stop working. I took shallow breaths as everything was suddenly just too much. Isaac, Ethan, Zeke and now Asher... This was a disaster. Everything was going to end… The enormity of my mistakes hit me like a train. Leaving my heart in pieces on the sidewalk.

  His eyes grew wider, his hands went to my shoulders. "Breathe, Ally."

  Tears filled my eyes as I tried to get control but it wasn't happening. Zeke will find out. Then Isaac. And everything would be over. They'll hate me. What the fuck have I done?

  Asher's warm hands pulled me to him, I buried my face in his chest as I struggled. He wrapped his arms around me and ran his hand down my hair. "It's okay, Ally girl. Just breathe for me. Slow deep breaths." I did as he said, my fingers clinging to his shirt. "That's it." He held me as I got myself under control again.

  When I could, I stepped back and met his eyes. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell anyone-"

  "I get it," he assured me. "But it can't stay this way."

  I nodded. He was right. I was running out of time. What the fuck was I going to do?

  After getting back with Asher, Miles said we had somewhere to go. That place was a large mall. It wasn't to go shopping, at least not the fun kind. Nope, this was reading glasses shopping.

  "I don't think I need them," I repeated myself for the fifth time.

  "Lexie, the doctor said you needed them," Miles reminded me.

  "It's not that big of a deal."

  "What's so bad about glasses?" Miles asked, his voice hurt.

  I cringed. Shit. "Nothing, I just-"

  "Are they unattractive?" he asked in the same voice. "Do they make people look bad?"

  "Fuck no, Miles," I answered adamantly. "They're sexy as hell, that's not the issue." It took me a heartbeat to realize what I had said. I turned to Miles, who was repressing a smile. "Oh, that's mean."

  He started laughing. "It's nice to know what you think."

  "You're evil." My face caught fire as he continued to chuckle.

  "I learned from the best." He started to sober. "What is it that has you so resistant to this?"
br />   I sighed. "I did the damage to myself."

  "You got a concussion, Lexie," he said.

  "Yeah, and I didn't do what Dr. Zimmer wanted me to do." I countered.

  Miles reached over and took my hand. "Do you regret not going to the medical wing?"

  "No." I didn't even have to think about it. There was no way I would have left Isaac or Ethan.

  "Then there is nothing else you could have done," he said in his silky-smooth timbre. I hated when he was right.

  After my appointment, we were in a seating section outside the store. The couches were pretty comfortable as he messed with his phone. I was too busy worrying about Asher, Zeke and Isaac. Would Asher tell Zeke? No, probably not. But would he talk to Isaac? I ran my hand down my face.

  "Something on your mind?" Miles asked as he set his phone down.

  Not knowing how to answer I made something up. "Do you think we could find a salsa club?"

  He tucked his phone in his pocket as he eyed me. "We can go salsa dancing tomorrow, if you like?"

  I gave him a smile. "Really?"

  "You've been practicing, it'd be a shame not to go out.” He smiled.

  Feeling better, I looked around the mall, my heart slammed in my chest. Polo guy from yesterday was walking toward us.


  He looked where I was looking, and grew still. As polo guy came closer, Miles got to his feet and reached out to pull me to mine. "Lexie, will you go in the store, please?"

  "Not without you," I answered.

  His fingers tightened on mine as polo shirt guy reached us. His gaze went straight to me. "Alexis Delaney, 732 Lakeside Drive, Spring Mountain, Montana. Only child, seventeen years old and a Necromancer." My heart raced as he gave a cocky grin. "Did I miss anything?"

  "You can Google," Miles stated, his voice neutral. "Good for you."

  Polo shirt guy turned to him, eyed him then turned back to me dismissing Miles. "The point is, the council already knows who you are, knows what you can do. There will be no disappearing from us."

  "Congrats, you're at creepy stalker level now," I said calmly, holding my temper. "Now, what the fuck do you want?"

  The cocky grin was back. “We want you to join the Witch’s Council. Learn from us, let us protect you. We can help you accomplish so much.”

  “Have a lot of Necromancers in your council, do you?” I asked, the sarcasm dripped from my voice.

  His grin faded. “Magic is magic, we have experienced magic users who can teach you.”

  “In other words, no, you don't have any Necromancers,” Miles answered for me.

  I looked up at him. "Probably because they keep killing them off."

  He met my gaze. "Besides being rare, that's the most likely answer, yes."

  We turned back to polo shirt guy.

  He ignored Miles again. "You need to understand the reality of the way things are.” He stepped closer.

  I let go of Miles's hand as I shifted my feet into a better defensive position. Miles had done the same but he also placed himself between me and polo shirt.

  "Look, if it was up to me, I wouldn’t bother. But upper management says to give you the pitch, so shut up and listen. The council will have control of the United States within a year. You're either going to join us now, or later."

  "Or not at all," I added. "I choose the third option."

  "You don't get that option," he countered. "By being a magic user, you are under our jurisdiction already."

  I grinned. Oh, I loved it when people assumed I didn't know anything. "First. I’m not a magic user, I’m a Necro. And no, I’m not. I can not join your merry band of power-hungry assholes, not be taught by you, and answer to the gargoyles. Or just make a call and ask them to intervene."

  His eyes were full of surprise but only for a heartbeat, then they were appraising. "You'd have to be able to find them. They're on the verge of extinction. You will have to pick a side in this conflict. We have more numbers, we have more knowledge, and we have more resources."

  I was done. I stepped closer to him. "I'll never choose a side that attacks people and puts children in the hospital."

  He grinned. "My superiors will be sorry to hear that."

  "Now, leave me the fuck alone," I growled.

  He shook his head. "As long as you're in New Orleans, you'll be in the fight. What happens from here on out, is up to you." He turned and strode out of the mall doors.

  When the doors closed behind polo shirt, we both relaxed.

  “Well, he was cheerful,” I smiled up at Miles.

  Miles’s gaze was still on the doors. “They’re getting aggressive.”

  “How the hell did they find out I’m a Necro?” I muttered, watching the door with him.

  Miles turned and met my eyes. “Serena? She’s a witch, it’s possible that she reports to the Witch’s Council. And there are only a few Necros around.”

  It made sense, since Serena did threaten me with them. “Probably.”

  His eyes narrowed on mine. “We’ll find a way to keep them at arm's length.”

  I nodded.

  Miles’s phone alarm went off. "Let's go, your glasses should be ready."

  We headed back into the store. He was right. It wasn't five minutes later I was sitting in front of a mirror and holding the new pair of glasses.

  "Now, try them on and we'll get the fit right," the saleswoman said.

  I sighed, slipped them on and looked in the mirror. They looked... good. The rectangular lenses weren't too big or too small. The black rim frames contrasted with my skin and hair but it wasn't in a bad way. Though they were pinching into my head a bit.

  I pulled them off and told her. The sales woman went to adjust them. Miles raised an eyebrow.

  "Okay, yeah, I like them," I admitted. "I'm just afraid I'm going to break them."

  He smiled. "They're stronger than they look. Once Zeke sat on my glasses, the frames were a bit bent but nothing unfixable."

  "Good, I'm clumsy," I muttered. Miles didn't deny it, which made me smile. The woman came back with my glasses. They fit better now.

  When I went to pay she handed me an eyeglass case and a receipt.

  "I... haven't paid," I told her, certain it was a mistake.

  "Your friend gave us his credit card while you were looking at frames earlier." She informed me.

  I turned and sent Miles a look.

  He shrugged. "I wanted you to get the pair you wanted."

  I couldn't figure out how to say what I needed to until we were out of the store and heading for the exit. "Thank you, Miles. But you don't need to spend money on me. I mean, it's bad enough you won't let anyone pay for their meals or the hotel on this trip. You don't need to go adding to it."

  "I've had this conversation several times with Zeke, usually after I have to call Dr. Zimmer to come look at him." He grinned. "I like to be useful, Lexie. I like to help and take care of the people around me."

  "But you don't need to take care of me. Or us for that matter." I realized how I sounded. "It's not that I'm not grateful, I am. It's just..."

  "You're independent. And that's important to you." He finished for me.

  "Yeah." All but cringing. I didn't want to insult Miles, or make him feel bad but...

  "For me, it's how I know to show I care," he said in a quiet voice. "I spend money on people I care about, I get them things they need. It's how I was raised. I don't know any other way to show I care about someone."

  I wrapped my arm around his and leaned my temple against his shoulder. "The stuff isn't what we need, Miles. It's you. Whenever one of us has trouble, you’re there. You help us through our shit. That's what we love."

  "I don't know any other way," he admitted.

  I squeezed his arm. "What do you think we would do if you were broke?"

  He was silent for several heartbeats. "I'm... not sure."

  "Can I let you in on a secret?" I stage whispered.


  "We'd still need
you if you were broke, Nemo."


  The aquarium was fun, at least it was for us. In addition to seeing all the animals, we got to watch as Claire ran through the glass and swam with them. It was funny as hell to watch a five-foot tiger shark swim away from Claire as she came through the glass. The penguins seemed puzzled and tried to figure the ghost out. Claire couldn't stop giggling about it. It made it hard for us to keep a straight face. Well, for the others. I was still reeling that Ally liked Zeke back. After her panic attack, I let the subject drop. We walked all the way back to the hotel in silence. Miles took her off somewhere before I could think of anything to say.

  I didn't know how this happened or what she was going to decide. I guess I needed to talk to her. What was there to say? She knew I wanted to be with her and she had a choice to make. Though when she started to have that panic attack... it might not be as easy as her choosing Zeke or me. Ally was terrified of everyone leaving her and the situation wasn't going to help.

  Ethan pulled out his phone and started filming Claire as she swam with a dolphin.

  "What are you doing?" I asked as Claire twirled in the water.

  "Taking video for Lexie, she'll get a kick out of this," Ethan said, smiling as he watched Claire.

  “She might not show up on camera,” I pointed out.

  He shrugged. “We’ll never know unless we try.”

  Someone tapped my shoulder.

  Isaac was there, a strained look on his face. "Can I talk to you?"

  "Yeah," I said before we moved about ten feet from Ethan to another exhibit. "What's going on?"

  Isaac opened his mouth then closed it again. His face was pale as he tried again. "What did I say to you in Boulder?"

  It wasn't a surprise. Miles had warned me earlier that Isaac was trying to understand what happened in Colorado. "Not much," I admitted. "You mostly spoke to Ally, Ethan and Zeke."

  Isaac cursed. "Do you have any idea what I said to Zeke?"

  I hesitated, we were both thinking the same thing. "Only Zeke knows. He never said anything about it."


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