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Her Master's Courtesan

Page 17

by Lily White

  “Fuck you!”

  I shoved her head back down and held her until her body stopped struggling and her feet stopped kicking. By the time, I brought her head up again; she was choking on the air her lungs were desperate to inhale.

  “How about now, Kelsey? I’m running out of patience.”

  “Yes.” Her response was spoken on a sob and the word was choppy and broken. I had no pity in me for the bitch – she would learn to comply or her life would end.

  I brought my mouth to her ear so that my lips brushed across it. “The first thing you need to accept is that you are now owned. For now, I am your Master. I give orders - you follow them. It’s a simple formula that will keep you alive. Any disobedience on your part will result in punishment, as you have just learned. You have one job and one alone – to be a courtesan. You will refer to me as Master and I will refer to you in any way I please. My satisfaction and pleasure are the only two things that will matter to you. Your life no longer exists, nor does it matter.”

  It was my typical speech – the first psychological introduction to their new life. I’d said it so many times, that I’d memorized it. This was a job and it was a job I did well.

  “Do you understand the rules I have given you so far?”

  She sobbed and sobbed, her nose sniffling and her body shaking from the force of her tears. I smiled. The fact that she’d stopped fighting told me I’d started to break her down.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Kelsey. You’re going to like it and I’m going to enjoy how much you like it. I don’t appreciate tears when I fuck, so if I suspect you are crying – I’ll give you a reason to cry harder.” My fingers played between the lips of her wet cunt. “Do you understand my instructions?”

  “No…please don’t rape me…please.”

  Rebecca’s sobs could be heard over Kelsey’s. I breathed out an annoyed breath and decided that my courtesan would be punished for allowing this to affect her. I couldn’t work with two crying women. I wondered why Rebecca cried – was it because her friend was being raped, or was it because I would fuck another woman? Either way, it didn’t matter; I would continue to stick my cock in whatever hole it wanted to go – regardless of whose body lays beneath me. I shook those thoughts from my head to refocus on Kelsey’s training.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Kelsey?”

  Her body tensed in fear and stopped shaking. I wondered if she was going into shock – the emotions and hormones taking a tight control over her body and mind. I couldn’t allow that to happen. I’d have to start over if it did.

  “Answer me, Kelsey?”


  When she finally screamed her response – the typical first response – I grinned. “Wrong answer.”

  I rubbed my thumb forcefully over her clit and a strangled cry burst from her lips. It didn’t matter what her mind was telling her, if a man knew what he was doing – her body would respond. Was it right? No. Was it moral? No. It was simply a matter of nature – of the body’s inherent wirings and programming.

  I bent my head down and bit the soft flesh of her ass hard enough to leave a mark, but not one that would last. She cried out again and I continued rubbing my hand in circles over that small bundle of nerves that was swollen because of my touch.

  “I want to fuck you Kelsey. I want to make this feel good for both of us. I will make this feel good for both of us. Answer me again – do you want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, just please don’t hurt me again.”

  I rolled my head to stretch out my neck and phase two of the initial training began.

  “Wrong answer.”

  “No!” She cried and Rebecca held her down while I slapped my hand against the skin of her ass. When she was sobbing once again, I stopped. I stripped her of her ability to fight, I’d taken her free will from her hands and now I would replace it with thoughts of the behavior I required. This part was important, it was the conditioning required to break and person down to accept the suggestion of change.

  “Listen to me Kelsey, because this is very important. What I do to you is what I want to do. All that matters is MY desires and MY satisfaction. Therefore, it will be wise for you to remember that what you want does NOT matter. When I ask you what you want – the correct response will be to remember that your thoughts mean nothing. Your answer will be silence. Do you understand?”

  I recited the speech and when she nodded yes, when she finally breathed out the word ‘yes’, I smiled again. I could hear Rebecca sniffling from where she sat on the bed, but when I looked over I found that she continued to hold her friend down – obediently and without my having to remind her again.

  I freed my cock from my pants that was bursting from the adrenaline and need that was coursing through my veins. I was a sick bastard to let it turn me on, but it’s what makes me good at my job. I understood that I was a criminal; I understand that what I do was looked down upon by society. But I didn’t care. I followed the natural order of how we were wired – it was the typical idea of the caveman and I took what I wanted because I was a man. I didn’t want emotion – I wanted to fuck. I enjoyed the power, the dominance and most of all the money that came with doing what I do.

  Tearing the condom wrapper open with my teeth, I tossed the plastic wrapper to the ground and slipped the slippery latex over the head of my cock and rolled it down over the shaft. Gripping my thumbs into the cheeks of her ass, I wrapped my hands around her hips and pulled her up from the bed to shove myself inside. Her cunt immediately gripped me, but it wasn’t the same as Rebecca.

  “Talk to me Rebecca. While I fuck your friend – tell me how many men she’s been with.” I bit the words out because even though this bitch’s cunt wasn’t as much of a perfect fit as my pet’s; it still felt incredible to force myself inside.

  She sniffled back her tears when she answered me. “15 men. She’s been with 15 as far as I know.” Her voice cracked and I knew it was crushing her to sit here while I was doing this. I couldn’t help it - her pain turned me on more.

  I thrust harder into Kelsey, listening to the soft moans that were now starting to escape her throat. My hands rubbed up along her back, eventually coming into contact with Rebecca’s hands at the shoulders. I placed one hand down on the mattress to steady myself and ran my free hand up Rebecca’s shirt. I took the weight of her breast in my hand and pinched the hard tip between my thumb and finger. The contact seemed to calm her down and she arched into my hold.

  “Bend down further, pet. Hold Kelsey’s hips down for me.”

  She did as she was told and it gave me a better grasp of her breast. My cock was rock solid and I forced myself inside harder and faster. My balls slapped against Kelsey’s ass and my eyes rolled back in my head as the soft moans got louder as they escaped her lips. Rebecca moaned also and I wonder if she was turned on by my touch only – or because of what we were doing.

  I wanted to screw Kelsey up mentally, so I added humiliation to the physical act I was committing against her. I wanted to weave her sexual nature from before into the sexual nature I was now creating within her. “Tell me the names of the 15 men, pet. Say them for me.”

  Rebecca recited the names – Billy, Mark, Seth, Ken … the list went on. The names were spoken on broken breath, punctured by the moans of the two women. And I felt Kelsey respond finally, her cunt tightened and the muscles rolled along the shaft of my dick. I pushed in even harder and her cries told me she was close to her release. As soon as her orgasm started, I let myself climax, thrusting into her over and over until my body had been milked of what remained. I released Rebecca’s breast to clamp my hands around Kelsey’s hips to thrust in one more time. She screamed her release and my entire body tensed with mine. My head fell back and my mouth opened as I drew in air.

  I climbed off her, stripping the condom from my dick and throwing it in a garbage can I knew was by the side of the set of the bureau.

  “Let’s go pet. We’ll resume her training in the morning.

  I’d done my job for tonight. I’d made the initial introduction. Tomorrow she’d be broken down farther and taught to submit. I liked to stagger the training in order to empty her of her own thoughts, opinions and desires without completely breaking her and ending up with a crushed woman that was no good to any man.

  Rebecca crawled off the bed and moved to grab the bag she’d brought into the room. She followed me out and waited in the hall while I turned to relock the door. When I turned back, her eyes were facing the ground, but I could see the stain of her tears that ran down her cheeks. She was still sniffling and her shoulder’s drooped down. I could tell she was upset from what just happened. I found it odd that she resumed crying again after she’d been so turned on during the course of it.

  “Did that make you wet?” I stepped forward, overshadowing her body with mine when I reached down and grabbed her by the chin. Forcing her face up, I looked into her tear soaked eyes and smiled. “Why are you crying, pet? I’m doing this for you. So you can stay with me.” I chuckled. “Based on your behavior in there, I thought you liked it.”

  Her eyes locked with mine when she whispered her question. “Did you like it? Fucking her?”

  The question she asked was enough to tell me that she hadn’t been upset that her friend had been raped and that wasn’t the reason for her tears in the room and now. It was the fact that I fucked another woman. I was angry and I started to regret my decision to keep Rebecca in my home. I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my job if I constantly had a courtesan who cried about what I did. This wasn’t true submission – this wasn’t a slave to a Master – this was a woman who’d forgotten that her opinions didn’t matter.

  I had to punish her for her behavior and I chose a punishment that would hurt her the worst.

  “You’ve forgotten your place once again, pet – you’re allowing yourself to feel jealousy when the only thing you should be doing is wondering how to best please me. Your feelings don’t matter – they never have and they never will. All the matters are my needs and wants.”

  I swiped my thumb over her trembling bottom lip and I grinned down at her, knowing that what I was about to say would be the worst punishment of all.

  “I did enjoy fucking her. I haven’t come that hard in a long time. I enjoyed fucking your friend while you held her down, and I’ll enjoy fucking the countless other women I train. Does that answer your question?”

  There it was. The absolute dejection behind her eyes, the dam that opened and allowed the tears to fall freely down her cheeks. It eased my anger to hurt her - to teach her who mattered and who didn’t.

  She didn’t respond to what I said and I didn’t expect her to respond. She just stared at me, finally realizing that what she wanted did not and would not matter. It was about me and only me. If she could accept that, then – and only then - would I keep her. If she couldn’t – then she would be sold to the man who wanted to buy her.


  He locked me in the courtesan room for the night without so much as a kiss goodnight. After he destroyed me in the hall – after he admitted that he enjoyed fucking Kelsey – he let me go and silently walked me down the corridor to my room.

  I walked to the bed and sat down, removing Kelsey’s bag from my shoulder and allowing it to drop to the ground beside the bed.

  I stopped crying eventually and a sweet numbness came over my body and my heart. I thought about what I’d just done. I helped a man who had raped me rape my friend. I’d helped him capture her – I’d lured her – and I enjoyed his hand on my breast while his dick was in her cunt.

  I was becoming the same type of monster. The type that feels nothing – cares for nothing – but myself. I wanted him so badly, I was willing to hand her over, hold her down and I would do it again – and again – and again. In a few weeks’ time, another strange man would show up to take her away and I would stand there and allow it to happen. Even knowing that she was being taken to be raped again, that she would never see her family or friends again, and that I would be happy being the courtesan for a man I now felt like I couldn’t live without.

  I wished I could hate him and, somewhere deep down, I knew that I should. I knew I should hate myself just as much for what I’d done to Kelsey.

  I remembered her phone was in her bag and I reached down to retrieve it. Holding it in my hand, I crawled into the center of the bed and sat cross-legged on the soft mattress. I felt the warm material beneath me and thought of the cold, dark room where we’d left Kelsey. I knew she only had a thin sheet that teased you with the ability to stay warm and I knew she sat in there scared, horrified and humiliated by what had just been done to her.

  I wondered if it was worse for her to have her own friend hold her down while she was raped or if it was the same as what I’d gone through; being alone when he first had sex with me. And while I wondered, I realized I didn’t care. I stared at the keypad on the phone realizing how stupid it had been of Aiden to leave me with the bag. I could call the police, I could lead them to this place and I could free both Kelsey and myself so that we could go back to our lives.

  But I didn’t WANT to. Despite all the things I could do to be a hero or save the day for not only myself, but also the girl who was supposed to be my best friend, I realized that what I wanted was to stay here, with Aiden. I was wrong – I was fucked up – and I was aware of all of it. My brain was broken; I hadn’t been pushed to a point where I didn’t know right from wrong. I did know the difference - I just didn’t care.

  A smile tugged at my lips and I flicked the phone on and scrolled through the endless social networking sites. Every once in a while I would come across an article about my disappearance. I looked at the pictures of my mom and dad – crying and begging for my return. The posts from the people who I thought were my friends begging for my return as well – but only because it made people feel sorry for them.

  I typed in Trenton’s name and scrolled through his posts, looked over the pictures of him with different girls – knowing that he took them home and fucked them like he’d fucked me. It was enough to bring tears to my eyes again, to make me realize how foolish I’d been to believe that he loved me, that he cared for me more than just wanting to take my purity and innocence. He’d told me he was a virgin too – that it was a special moment between us. Little did I know he’d had plenty of practice on his father’s whores.

  I kept scrolling, kept jumping from site to site, following a social media trail that eventually led me to exactly what I was looking for.

  The video.

  There it was, posted for anyone to see. I pressed play and watched the images of us on the couch, kissing – the smile on my face as I looked down at him adoring every moment that we held each other. I stood up from the couch and started to strip off my top. I hesitated in the video and I remembered that moment clearly – that was the split second where I asked myself if I really want to go through with it. Where I asked myself if I was making the right decision.

  And then he smiled. I removed my top, dancing around as I removed my bra. The strip tease started and I thought back to how proud I was of myself at that moment – not shy or holding back – seducing a man I thought loved me and who I thought I loved.

  I should have turned it off then, but I kept watching. He stood up when I was completely naked and he pulled me down on the couch, laying me beneath him and lifting his ass to in the air to force himself inside, satisfy himself and leave me bleeding, empty and believing that sex was something I would never learn to love.

  Turning it off, I went through Kelsey’s text messages. It was all the normal people, a lot of blabber about what happened to me, but the topics quickly changed to their plans for the evening or a new dress or lipstick they’d purchased. My life was a passing thought to them only - nothing that mattered to them or affected them. When I continued scrolling, I let out a humorless laugh to discover that I’d been wrong about the number 15. My bestie had lied to me about one she’d proba
bly been screwing for many years. Naked pictures sent back and forth, endless sexting, and laughter about how she was so much better than me. It had been five years since I slept with him – and they were still laughing.

  Trenton Carlisle.

  I suddenly wanted the bastard dead.

  I thought about Kelsey fucking Trenton while laughing about me. She’d never been my friend – she’d only pretended while destroying my life and my reputation behind my back. I suddenly hated her – hated every memory I had of her: the slumber parties, the late-night phone calls, the girl talk while we were shopping at the mall. All lies. And now, when I found another life where I could be happy, she was destroying that too. He’d enjoyed fucking her. He smiled when he told me that it was the hardest he’d come in a long time.

  She made him happier than me. She was once again taking something that I loved away from me. He was probably in there now fucking her while they laughed about how I would be sent away.

  I snapped.

  I chucked the phone across the room and didn’t care that it knocked over some expensive decoration. I heard both items crash against the ground and tears poured from my eyes. I hurt – all over I hurt, and the pain consumed me, slowly destroying everything and anything about me.

  My life had been a lie – one that I’d struggled to live while denying myself what I wanted and being the person everyone wanted me to be. I was done being that person and Aiden was the perfect escape from the pain and heartache of realizing everything I thought I’d known before had been false.

  I needed to escape this pain – I needed something that hurt worse, that would shock my mind into a state of numb nothingness. Pushing up from the bed, I stripped out of my clothes and walked naked to the door. I didn’t know if he’d be able to hear me from wherever he was in the house, but with both fists, I banged on the door with all the strength I had in me.

  “Master! Master I need you! Please!” I knew it would piss him off, but I didn’t care. I wanted to piss him off – I needed to evoke his anger so he would give me what I knew would take all this heartache away.


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