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Fallen Angel, Part 1: Fallen Angel Series - A Mafia Romance

Page 22

by Tracie Podger

  “You have to tell him,” I said. “And now, Gina.”

  We headed out of the kitchen and noticing that Robert had Mack with him decided to wait. Poor Gina was worried and I tried to reassure her that she hadn’t done anything wrong, she’d been duped, and I started to feel sorry for her. Putting aside what I’d heard her say in the restroom that day, I began to see her in a different light. She was very loyal to Robert, but had been caught up between her friend and her boss.

  Robert noticed me through the glass wall and gestured for me to come in.

  “Hi, I’m sorry to interrupt, you look busy, but you have to listen to something Gina has to say.”

  “Is it about the photographs?” Mack asked, and I was a little surprised to learn he knew about them.

  “Yes, have you got a couple of minutes?”

  Robert waved for Gina to come into the office and she sat. She recounted what she had told me. Once she’d finished she left the three of us sitting there. Robert looked worried.

  “I must admit, the photo of Brooke, that could have been anyone, but add the one of me and Travis, that’s something we never got to the bottom of,” he said to Mack.

  “Where’s Travis?” I asked.

  “He had some business to take care of, he’ll be back in a couple of hours but in the meantime, we need to think about this reception element. Can we pick up the CCTV?” he asked Mack.

  “I’ll get onto it straight away, but in the meantime Rob, let’s step up security,” Mack replied.

  “Why do you need security, Robert?” I asked, I was aware of the worried tone of my voice.

  “Brooke, it could be nothing, but not everyone who owns a business in this city are our best friends,” Mack said. “It doesn’t hurt to take precautions.”

  He looked over at Robert who nodded.

  “Get onto it Mack and call me later,” Robert replied. Mack left the office.

  “I still don’t get the need for security, do you mean like bodyguards?”

  He laughed and pulled me towards him, his arm circled my waist.

  “I don’t want you to worry about it, not until we know what it means. Do me a favour though; don’t walk anywhere, like back from lunch. Mark or Travis has to drive you.”

  “Robert, you’re scaring me now. I don’t want a bodyguard, it’s just a photo right, I mean, we’re not in any danger, are we?”

  “Baby, please, don’t fight me on this,” he said, his fingers trailed down my cheek.

  “Now go home, you are too much of a distraction,” he said with a smile.

  I gave him a kiss and made my way out of his office, watching as he picked up his phone with a slight look of concern on his face.

  “Is everything okay, Brooke?” Gina asked.

  “Yes, I think so. I need a diary, don’t suppose you have a spare lying around?” I asked.

  “All the diaries are on the computer. Mr. Stone asked me to look after yours too, so what do you have for me?” she asked.

  We went through the couple of things I needed reminding of and she told me that the computer would automatically generate a text message to my phone. First on the day before an appointment, and then one hour before as well, very sophisticated.

  When I arrived home, I placed a call to the friend I was going to stay with had I gone back to the UK. I told her about staying on and we talked about what I was going to do with my things back home. It was doubtful that Michael would let me have anything from the house, and to be honest I wasn’t sure what I would do with it all anyway. I guess I could have some things shipped over but had no idea how to go about that. There were personal items I wanted though, especially the photographs of my brother.

  Evelyn was over at the apartments and I decided to take a walk around, explore a little. Although it was a sunny day there was a nip in the air, so I took my coat I wandered out. I found my way through the woods to the range, having to double back a couple of times after getting lost, but it gave me a long walk. I was amazed to find a couple of little brick buildings dotted about, all locked up with rusty padlocks. I looked through the grimy windows of one and it looked like an old workshop. I wondered what had been on the site before Robert had built the house.

  I checked my watch and noticed that I’d been out walking for an hour. I was feeling refreshed as I made my way back around the side of the house, where I caught sight of Evelyn. She was pacing the front drive with a telephone to her ear.

  “She’s back,” I heard her say.

  “Hi, Evelyn, I just took a walk,” I said, as she handed me her mobile and mouthed the word, Robert.

  “Hi,” I said.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been worried,” he said, a little aggressively I thought.

  “I just took a walk, I didn’t realise I needed permission,” I replied, trying to add a chuckle.

  “Brooke, keep your phone on you, please, you could have gotten lost.”

  Lost? Okay, the grounds are large, but I had my doubts that I would have gotten lost.

  “Robert, are you okay? I just wanted to take a walk, that’s all. I can’t stay cooped up indoors all the time.”

  He sighed, “I’m sorry, baby, I just got anxious when you didn’t answer your phone, bad day, that’s all. Now, where did you walk to?”

  “I found the path to the range, don’t worry I didn’t do any shooting, and just carried on, found a couple of little brick buildings, then headed back.”

  “Good, I called because I’m going to be late coming home. Mark will be there if you need him, Evelyn will show you where he stays and the intercom. Be naked when I get home, I want that body of yours,” he said.

  We said our goodbyes and I handed back the phone with a roll of my eyes. Evelyn and I walked over to the barn that housed the gym and pool.

  “Does anyone use this?” I asked.

  “Not really, it’s a shame. The boys tend to work out at the office,” she said, unlocking the door.

  Inside, one area housed some machines, a couple of treadmills, rowing machines and weights, and at the other, a pool, and hot tub. There were two doors leading off the gym, one to a changing room, and one into a small bedsit. It had a lounge with a pull out bed, kitchen, and bathroom. Presumably that was where Mark would be if he had to stay overnight.

  Back in the house Evelyn showed me a couple of discrete black telephones hung on the walls, one by the front door and one in the lounge. I hadn’t noticed them before. She explained that, by dialling one, it would call through to Travis, two to her apartment and three to the guest flat in the pool house. She also told me that if there was ever a break-in, and to date there had never been, if I pressed the small white button it went to security.

  “Why not the police?” I asked.

  “I guess Rob feels his guys would get here faster than the police, and there is the matter of getting in the gates.”

  “So, I can’t get in or out of the gates on my own?” I asked.

  “Not unless you’re in one of the cars, you know how he is with protecting his privacy,” she said.

  “If you got locked out, there’s a camera at the gate. Someone will see you and the gates can be opened remotely.”

  “What if Sam wants to visit, how do I let him in?” I didn’t really like the fact that I could be imprisoned here with no way in or out.

  “Well, I guess you’ll have to ask Robert that. I mean, until now, we haven’t really had visitors,” she said.

  “Maybe he can put some sort of intercom system in, so you can see who is at the gate and open them from the house.”

  I was again reminded just how private a man he was, how isolated they were.

  I’d told Evelyn not to worry about cooking a meal just for me, I would make myself a snack, and she headed off back to her apartment. I wondered if she would tell me a little more about Robert and Travis. The sight of his scars still disturbed me but I had to check myself, it wasn’t really my place to probe. Wandering around the house, I was aware of just how qu
iet it was. Back home the TV or the radio would constantly be on, sometimes just for background noise. I didn’t like the quiet, so I took my iPod and put it on the music system. I sat with one of the books selected from Evelyn’s collection.

  I think I must have dozed off. The sun had long set, and with a grumbling belly, I woke. I heard a car come up the drive. Travis and a man I didn’t recognise got out. Instead of going to the guest flat or his own apartment, they took a torch and walked to the path in the woods, heading towards the shooting range. Ten minutes later they returned, got in the car and drove off. I noticed a light on in the gym; Mark must have arrived after all. If I were to have a babysitter, I would have preferred someone a little friendlier.

  I made myself a sandwich and poured a glass of wine. I decided a bubble bath was in order. I had loved the nights Michael was out, I could relax, take a bath, shave my legs and all the other things I prefer to do in private, but I missed Robert. Although it had only been a few weeks, I felt like we’d been together forever. I relaxed in the tub with the glass of wine on the side and reflected back to when we met. I thought about that immediate pull I felt towards him, and those images that had flashed through my brain. I tried hard to recall them. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before. I’d been with Michael for so long, I’d forgotten what it felt like to really want someone, and I don’t believe I ever felt that way with him anyway.

  If I was totally honest with myself, I guess I got together with Michael to get away from parents that didn’t seem to care, and it saddened me to have not even received a birthday card from them. It was as if I’d ceased to exist, more so since I’d moved thousands of miles away. I felt a small pang of loss. I used to vow that I would never treat my kids that way and right then I felt sad that I would never have the opportunity of children. Perhaps I would have adopted, but knowing Robert’s take, that was not an option either. I wondered how I would feel in ten, twenty years time?

  What I did decide was that, while waiting for a work permit, I would go to the home. Perhaps I could do something useful there instead of just milling about, kicking my heels. I’d never been out of work before, so sitting around doing nothing didn’t suit me at all.

  Relaxed from my bath, I climbed into bed. There was nothing like the feel of crisp, clean linen and I snuggled down. It felt strange, not having Robert here, the heat from his body next to mine, but I soon drifted off. At some point in the night I felt him climb into bed next to me and pull me into his arms. His lips just brushed my ear as I molded into him.

  I woke early and watching the man I loved sleep next to me, my heart swelled. It was only during sleep that he looked peaceful, content. As still as he was when he was awake, he was stiller in sleep. He was lying on his front, his head turned my way, and leaning up on my elbows, I let my fingers trail over the tattoo on his back, remembering the first time I’d seen it. It was a beautiful piece of artwork, although a little tragic looking. It was a naked female with arms stretched out and her head thrown back. She had such anguish on her face. Her hair was flowing out behind her and a tear rolled down her cheek. Protruding from her back were two wings so large they covered the whole of him. She looked like she was crying out to the heavens in such sorrow and pain.

  “Hey,” I heard him mumble, waking at my touch.

  “Did this hurt?” I asked.

  “Not really, it was done a long time ago,” he said.

  “She’s a beautiful angel.”

  “A Fallen Angel,” he corrected.

  “What’s the difference?” I asked.

  He propped himself up on one arm and his free hand trailed over my shoulders.

  “A Fallen Angel is one rejected by God because they have chosen to sin,” he said.

  “That’s deep, and do they get forgiven?”

  “In the end, I hope so,” he said, as his mouth found mine.

  That evening was Taylor’s fashion show and I spent the whole day receiving text messages from Sam who was more excited than I was. After the show there was to be a drinks reception and although Sam had met my new circle of ladies, I was eager to properly show him off. Never having been to a fashion show before, I scoured my new wardrobe of things to wear. I was pleased that the clothes came from Taylor’s boutique; it seemed appropriate to wear one of her outfits for her show.

  That time I would have the pleasure of Travis driving me and Robert would meet us for the reception with the guys, all there to support Taylor. I didn’t ask where Mark was nor did I ask about Travis’ trip into the woods the previous evening. During the day I used the gym and the pool. I also sat in the hot tub after my workout, letting the jets of warm water relax my muscles.

  I took a photo of myself with my phone and sent it to Robert, to cheer up his day I hoped. He hadn’t said why the previous day was a bad one, I was learning to wait and let him tell me if he wanted to. He replied straight away.

  “Nice, and very distracting. I’m going to fuck you in there later.”

  Another thing I’d learned was that he didn’t mince his words. He was direct, often sharp and to the point, and I had no doubt that tonight, he would. That thought made my stomach ache for him, and most definitely brought a smile to my face.

  I chose a fitted purple dress, mid-calf with a squared neck that exposed part of my shoulders. I checked for any marks before deciding of course. With my Louis Vuitton shoes and a black clutch, I thought the look would be appropriate for a fashion show. I showered and blow-dried my hair straight so it hung like a black curtain, then pulled it in a plait to one side and applied my makeup. I chose a rather sexy set of underwear and once dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror. I’d never really studied myself before; my eyes seemed a deeper shade of blue. I looked different, I felt different, was it all the sex? I had a good relationship with someone I loved with such intensity it was scary and I knew he loved me back just as much.

  Travis arrived with the Range Rover and we drove off to collect Sam from his apartment. I would text when we got close so he could meet us at the door.

  “Honey, look at you, the fashion queen herself,” he said, as he got into the car checking out my tattoo now on show.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I replied, he wore a pinstriped shirt with jeans, very urban.

  “I am so excited,” he said, clapping his hands and causing a sigh from Travis.

  The fashion show was being held in an unused warehouse, purposely decorated for the evening and we arrived to see a string of cars waiting to drop off and park. Travis pulled around them to the front of the queue, ignoring the honking horns. Two security guys at the entrance were checking invitations. Sam’s eyes were on stalks looking at the women and some of the men entering, people who were obviously very wealthy.

  I was amazed at the transformation of the building as we walked in. It housed a long metal catwalk with lights showing a dazzling display on the walls. We were shown to our seats, front row, where Patricia, Susie, and Rosa were already sitting. Hugs and kisses later, Sam and I sat. A DJ played music, someone Sam had seen before and was raving about.

  The lights dimmed a little and the music changed. An emcee described the evening’s events, detailing the new designers, and one by one the most stunning male and female models paraded down the catwalk. The first half of the evening was clothes, edgy and street, more New York.

  “Oh, look at that shirt, those jeans,” Sam would exclaim. He had an opinion on every outfit; he really should have been an editor for Vogue.

  The second half was more for the designers of the Washington store, the type of clothes I owned. They were stunning, classy and towards the end, we saw some of the most amazing evening gowns. The one that caught my eye, not that I would tell anyone for fear of it ending up in my closet, was a gold, silk, backless dress. The tiniest of straps held it in place creating a halter neck, and it was covered in small gold beads. I would have killed for a dress like that and could only guess at the price.

  Taylor came on th
e catwalk at the end with a few of the designers; she introduced each one, detailing their look to rapturous applause. I really had little knowledge of the fashion industry and soon learned that new designers needed people like Taylor who owned high-end shops in the right places. If she liked your style she would stock your clothes, she could help them succeed by giving them a platform to feature their work.

  After the show, we made our way to a sectioned off, VIP area. It had been decorated with an ice bar, low sofas in purples and blacks, and waiters carried trays of champagne. Walking around were some of the models, still in their outfits and that was the point that the buying started. It was like a virtual shop, there were a couple of girls with iPads taking orders as such. The designers were there and mobbed by a crowd of supporters.

  Us ladies, and Sam, opted to stand to one side to let the frenzy die down. Picking a couple of glasses from a passing waiter, Sam handed me one.

  “This is another world, Brooke. Can you have ever imaged us here, somewhere like this with these people?” he whispered.

  Sam got on famously with the other women, but I did notice Rosa quieter than normal. She was always a little more reserved, but I wondered if she had things on her mind.

  “Ladies, and Sam of course,” I heard in that southern drawl. “Did ya’ll enjoy the show?”

  Turning me to look at what she’d glimpsed on the back of my neck, Taylor said, “I like.”

  “Oh, it was wonderful,” Sam gushed.

  “It was great, there were some stunning outfits,” I added.

  We stood and chatted for a while. Taylor was constantly being interrupted by someone wanting to congratulate her. The reception was only for a small select group of people, most of whom Taylor knew. At that point the designers had started to make their way home.

  I saw Robert enter the room in that familiar black suit and red tie. He took two glasses from a tray held by a simpering waitress and strode across the room to where I was standing. I saw him then as most of the people in the room saw him; someone in power, in control, and he was shadowed by Travis and Mack. Paul, Jonathan, and Richard followed behind. He certainly had presence, a command of the environment. Handing me a fresh glass, he pulled me to him and his lips just brushed the corner of my mouth.


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