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Mess Me Up

Page 12

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  I dropped my face into her neck and started to buck my hips, unable to be smooth and sweet like I’d intended when we’d started.

  When we’d started, I hadn’t been aware that her vagina was like a drug addict’s fix.

  I hadn’t realized that, with one single taste, I’d be signing myself up for the rest of my life to be her willing love slave. If she asked, anyway.

  She wouldn’t…but still.

  “Harder,” she panted into my neck. “Do it harder.”

  I didn’t want to do it harder.

  “I’m trying to hang on to some control,” I told her. “If I don’t, I’m going to hurt you.”

  She scoffed at me.

  “You’re not going to break me, Romero Pierce,” she directed into my ear. “So, hurry up and do as you’re told.”

  I found myself smiling, as well as following her commands.

  Moments after she gave me my orders, I pulled all the way out until just the head was resting inside of her and slammed my hips forward.

  My eyes crossed, and I realized that the few minutes I’d said earlier that I could last was much less than I’d originally anticipated.

  I had maybe eight or nine thrusts in me, which was why I moved until my mouth was covering one breast.

  I bit down softly on her nipple, causing her to arch into me—or at least try to. She couldn’t move much with my body weight holding her down, and my cock buried so deep inside of her that there was no way she wouldn’t be feeling me in the morning.

  “I need…” she pleaded, her hands going back to my hair, tugging me closer while also digging her fingernails into my scalp. “I need you to…”

  “Need me to do what?” I asked, grinding back into her. “This?”

  Then I thrust forward, giving her my full length just like she’d asked.

  “Yes!” she cried out. “That!”

  I pulled her nipple with my teeth, loving the way the skin stretched up to meet my mouth.

  I also loved the way her breasts jiggled with each thrust.

  I kept chanting to myself, ‘hold on, hold on.’

  And then she let go.

  She came so hard that I thought I died and went to pussy heaven—courtesy of Isadora Solis.

  “Yesss!” she keened. “Oh, my God, yes!”

  I didn’t bother holding back anymore.

  My thrusts became erratic, my hips moving disjointed with hers, but that didn’t matter.

  I came, and came, and came.

  My release left my body in hard spurts, filling her up until it was spilling out around my cock that was stuffed in her pussy. On top of that, her muscles were still rippling, making my balls very happy to be attached to my body.

  My own nipples were just as hard as hers, and I wasn’t even going to get started on my breathing.

  How could a man who ran over five miles a day and did so much weight training get out of breath after five minutes of sex?

  I had no answer, and I didn’t need one.

  Izzy was my kryptonite. A vortex of sassy, passionate, and loving woman that would take me down at the knees and suck me in willingly.

  My body weight was once again all resting on hers, so I rolled until we were on our sides, but still just as connected as before.

  She threaded her legs around mine, and then softly ran her fingernails through my hair as we both came down from one hell of a high.

  I finally let her nipple go, and then curled one arm around her shapely thighs, and tugged her in closer.

  “I think you spoiled me,” she teased. “I’ll never be happy with just my battery-operated boyfriend again.”

  I snorted and blew out a breath against her temple. “You can come see me when the need arises.”

  She snickered. “That’s like every day when I’m around you,” she pointed out. “But I’m down if you are.”

  I was so down I couldn’t get any lower without laying on the goddamn floor.

  “I’m ready and willing,” I said. “Anywhere, anyplace.”

  “You’re going to regret that,” she whispered sleepily. “I’ve never felt like this before. Not even when I was pregnant and couldn’t use my BOB enough. I could literally go right now all over again, as if you didn’t literally rock my world only forty-five seconds ago.”

  I licked my lips, tasting the salt from both her body and mine.

  “So, you can’t have any more children?” I asked carefully.

  I felt her tense in my arms. “No. After the birth of my daughter, I started getting cysts on my ovaries. Without getting them removed—which it isn’t a hundred percent certain that that would even work—I’ll never be able to have them again. My ovaries don’t release the eggs like they’re supposed to.”

  I felt awful…but I was also happy.

  If she couldn’t have any children, that meant that she’d never expect any from me.

  I was happy about that…wasn’t I?

  “Come on.” I sat up, taking her with me. “Let’s go get in the shower.”

  She sighed. “I was perfectly content right where I was.”

  “You were also leaking my cum all over my thigh,” I countered. “And though it’s a turn on that I got to come inside of you, it’s not a turn on for me to have it all over me.”

  She snorted in my arms as I carried her bridal style to the bathroom.

  Once turning on the shower with one hand, I dropped her onto the bathroom mat and waited for it to heat.

  She felt tiny and delicate in my arms, and she was smiling up at me like I’d just made her world.

  “What?” I asked quietly.

  “Nothing.” She shook her head. “I’m just looking.”

  “You’re making me have a complex,” I told her, running my hand over my beard. “Do I have something in my beard?”

  Other than her?

  “No,” she said, letting her eyes trail up and down my body. “I guess I’m just surprised that someone like you would want anything to do with me.”

  I yanked her closer to me, and my dick flared to life.

  It was more than obvious how I felt about her.

  “Who wouldn’t want you?” I asked. “You’re hot, honey.”

  She snorted and reached up to remove the haphazard ponytail from her hair. “Sure. We’ll go with that.”

  Then she tossed it in the vicinity of the sink and stepped into the shower, leaving me trailing behind her like a puppy.

  “You don’t believe me?” I inquired.

  She brought her thumb and pointer finger to her side and pinched some of the fat. “I don’t need to be told that I’m overweight to know that I’m overweight. I have a pretty face, but pretty faces don’t matter when you’re ugly everywhere else.”

  I would’ve laughed had I not known that she was a hundred percent serious.

  “You’re not fat,” I told her. “You’re shapely. Curvy. And sweet. I want to eat you up and never let you go.”

  She blushed and shifted her legs, her thighs rubbing together as she did.

  I watched her nipples stiffen.

  “I think we’ll have to try cunnilingus again,” she teased. “Maybe I was just being a big baby.”

  I dropped down to my knees in the shower and threw her leg over my shoulder. “Sure.”

  But, unlike before, she wasn’t on a stable surface, so when she screamed and jumped as my beard tickled her naughty bits, she fell straight to the floor.

  “Owwwww!” she cried and laughed all at the same time.

  I looked down at her sprawled indelicately on the ground and smiled. “So…note to self. No more doing that in the shower. Stable, soft surfaces only.”

  Chapter 14

  Whoopty fuckin’ do.

  -Coffee Cup


  I wasn’t sure what day would bring as night disappeared, and the sun replaced the moon in the sky.

  What I hadn’t expected was for her
to take very thorough care of me as she sucked me to orgasm, and then demand to go with me today.

  Why did she want to go with me?

  Because I was meeting a slew of my old teammates at the local stadium for a pick-up game of ball.

  Which led me to now, feeling the wound in my chest that retiring had left me with.

  Being back out on that field made me want to throw caution to the wind and play.

  To be who I was before Matias became sick and I became so involved in attempting to find a cure.

  But, I could never go back to who I was then.

  For one, I didn’t have my son with me any longer, and I wasn’t the same person now as I was back then.

  Two, I hadn’t played in well over a year. This was a young man’s game. At the age of thirty-three, I was well and truly on my way to being old in the game of football.

  Being back on that field had a surge of adrenaline running through me, though.

  I hadn’t felt the likes of it in a very long time—too long to remember.

  I couldn’t tell you when it was that I started to play.

  My parents had signed me up for Peewee Football League when I was just a five or six-year-old, but it wasn’t until I was a freshman in high school that I really started to play the game as it was intended to be played.

  See, at first, I hadn’t wanted to be hit. Honestly, I’d been scared.

  Tyler? He hadn’t cared one bit. But, then again, he had been a running back the years that he’d played and was fast on his feet. Skilled with holding the ball? No. But fast? Yes.

  When he quit during our sophomore year, I’d been terrified to go it alone.

  Coach Truby had seen my potential, though, and didn’t let me give up.

  And I had him to thank for all my success.

  How did he help me?

  By putting me out on the field, full pads, and letting senior after senior sack my sophomore ass until I was so tired and weak, I couldn’t stand up.

  It had worked, though.

  From that point on, I was no longer scared of the ball.

  “Who’s the hottie, Ro-Ro?” Truck Mathers, one of the lineman, asked as he looked over my shoulder.

  I didn’t have to turn around to know that he was looking at my Izzy.

  “That’s Isadora,” Linc drawled, spinning the ball up in a spiraling ascent and catching it once it came back down again. “She’s his woman that he says isn’t his woman but actually is. The only thing that’s missing between the two of them is the actual title.”

  I turned my glare on the younger man.

  He was the quarterback and in his prime. But, I was a lineman—or at least had been—and I’d taken down bigger pricks than him for my entire career.

  Plus, big I may be, fast I was.

  “How about you shut up about my Izzy, and you go fuck yourself,” I suggested.

  Linc’s lips twitched. “’Your Izzy?’”

  Linc had seen us together last week in town and had immediately latched on to the idea of Izzy and me. He’d sent me a text that night telling me that he was happy I’d returned to the land of the living and that he’d see me at the pick-up game.

  He also threatened that if I didn’t come, he’d find a way to make my life hell.

  I knew he would, too.

  Linc was a big part of my life and the reason that I had the MC at my back in the first place.

  He’d also been on the team with me and was one of the only ones in the world that knew that Matias had cancer. He knew why I’d really quit and he’d been the one to show me a way to deal with my separation from the team in a healthy way—by prospecting with the MC.

  I swallowed hard, trying not to get emotional with the stupid kid.

  He had a good head on his shoulders, and I was happy that I counted him as a friend.

  I flipped said friend off as a few of the other guys started to laugh. “Want to play a pick-up game, old man?”

  I shifted to see another former teammate, Joe Hoyt, a running back, toss a ball at my face.

  I caught it like I hadn’t stopped holding a football for over a year and shot it back at him like a missile.

  Joe caught it and grinned, tucking the ball under his arm.

  I’d honestly never intended to play the pick-up game, but I’d worn shorts and a tee just in case they happened to talk me into it—which they were attempting to do.

  I wanted to play.

  “I’ll go ask if Iz minds.” I paused. “We were supposed to go grab food after this.”

  “Tell you what,” Joe said, smiling wide. “I’ll go ask her myself.”

  Joe was off before I’d even told myself that it wasn’t a good idea.

  “Joe Blow isn’t going to be nice,” Linc teased.

  I sighed and turned, heading off to intercept the man that I knew damn well wasn’t going to let me leave without playing a game.

  But he must’ve fuckin’ sprinted there after he’d left our huddle, because he was already hanging off the railing, talking to her.

  Izzy was staring down at him like he was a worm, though, making me chuckle as I started to jog lightly toward them.

  When I arrived, it was to hear the tail end of Joe’s conversation.

  “…my mother’s going to be alright, but I’m really sad. I need my friend to play with me to make me feel better,” Joe finished.

  I rolled my eyes heavenward.

  Joe was the biggest pain in the ass on the entire team, and every one of the guys liked him.

  He was around thirty, but he acted like he was fifteen at times.

  And man, the outrageous stories he came up with were sometimes works of art.

  “So, what I’m understanding is, your mother was hurt last week in a fall, and you need to play a game of football with Rome to make you feel better,” she said.

  Joe nodded down at her. “Yeah!”

  “But I’m hungry, Joe,” she teased. “If I sit here for another minute more, I’m going to die of starvation.”

  Joe frowned, and I felt my shoulders shaking as I tried to keep the laughter quiet.

  She was working him like a pro.

  I smothered a grin with my hand.

  “Okay.” He paused, looking around. His eyes stopping on an unsuspecting woman who was handing out water bottles. “Hey, Water Girl! Do you have any of your cookies?”

  Jolene, or the Water Girl, as she was always referred to but who was actually the sports nutritionist for the team, frowned. “Joe Blow, I’m going to kick your ass if you keep calling me Water Girl.”

  Joe held up his hands, and he started to fall backward off of the railing.

  Both Izzy and Jolene started to gasp, but Joe caught himself before he could fall more than an inch or two.

  “I’m sorry, WG. I’ll stop…for now,” he offered. “But tomorrow, I’ll likely forget, and you’ll have to remind me again just like you did today.”

  Joe had a steel trap for a mind. He knew every freakin’ play he’d ever ran and didn’t have a single problem remembering anything. Yet he and Jolene had danced around each other like two dogs scrapping for the last piece of chicken.

  Joe and Jolene had always been the two people that everyone on the team wondered why they weren’t together. I never understood why they didn’t just hook up and get whatever it was between them over with—or started.

  I looked over at Izzy to see her giving me wide eyes.

  I sent her a wink. “Hold my stuff.”

  She held out her hand, and I started emptying my pockets. Handing her first my wallet, then my phone and keys, followed shortly by my watch.

  “What have you been doing on your phone over the last hour?” I asked. “You seemed pretty intent on whatever it was you were doing.”

  She shrugged. “Reading something online.”

  My brows rose.

  I’d tried to catch her attention quite a few times, but her eyes had
been avidly focused on whatever it was she was looking at, which inevitably made me curious.

  “Show me,” I demanded.

  She rolled her eyes, then turned her phone around.

  All I saw was writing on a page, but one word caught my eye. “Cock?”

  She shrugged. “I was reading a good book, so sue me. Y’all are boring just standing around.”

  My lips twitched. “That we are. If I get tackled and break myself, don’t laugh at me later, okay?”

  Her eyes went serious. “I’d never laugh if you were hurt, Rome.”

  I swallowed at the look in her eyes, which cleared just as quickly as they flared.

  “Good,” I said softly. “Do you need anything? I think I have a bag of peanuts and a protein bar in my truck.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I was just messing with ol’ Joe Blow. He gave me this sob story, so I had to lay it on just as thick.”

  I winked at her. “Atta girl.”

  Something changed in her eyes then. “Don’t get hurt, Rome. I have plans for your body later.”

  The smirk that lit my face at her statement was nothing less than lecherous. “Good. I have plans for yours, too. Getting hurt in any way will fuck with that, and seeing you in those shorts since this morning is making me less than yielding.”

  With that, I turned on my heels and barely caught the cleats that were tossed at my face in time. “You remember how to put these on, don’t you?”

  I flipped Linc off. “Fuck you.”

  “Don’t hurt him, Lincoln,” Izzy ordered.

  Lincoln held up his hand in the Boy Scout’s sign and said, “Scout’s honor.”

  Izzy looked at him. “Were you a Boy Scout, Lincoln?”

  Linc’s lips twitched. “I was for about a week and a half until they figured out that I was walking two miles to the meetings by myself because my dad worked swing shift and couldn’t take me. When they found out, they tried to pick me up, and I didn’t like the sad looks they were giving me.”

  Izzy’s gaze was intense on Linc as she saw something else working there behind his usual easy-going nature.

  I’d noticed it myself a time or two.

  Though Linc was quite outgoing and funny as well as approachable, he was also a lot older than his years. He didn’t act like any mid-twenties man that I knew.


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