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Taboo Passions- Sylvia & Zach

Page 3

by Candy Quinn

  She could feel it against her. That... growth in his pants.

  She knew what it was, but her mind was flooded with mixed thoughts. If she gave up the struggle, that’d just draw more attention to it and embarrass him, wouldn’t it?

  Sylvia understood from health class that he couldn’t really help it, it was just a thing that sometimes happened, so she didn’t want to call him out. So she stayed there, pinned as she was, squirming for the remote, though she had to admit it had taken on a stranger atmosphere. It was like when he first gave her the wine, like their relationship had just flipped somehow that she didn’t understand.

  It just felt different.

  Much like how that hand on her back wasn’t just the cruel act of pinning her tightly, his long fingers seemed to stroke and pet her. Treating her like a pleasant presence upon his lap, rather than the usual way he behaved; as if she were some pest to be gotten rid of.

  “I’ll have it all Sunday anyhow,” he said in a low growl of a voice, and as feral as that sounded it was hard not to hear it as him taking pleasure in her captive position.

  “That’s not fair,” she said, and she could hear the whine to her tone, but she didn’t care. She was confused, and stuck, and there was nothing she could do about either of those things. She looked up at him with her wide, blue eyes, hoping that’d move him to pity.

  ~Chapter 12~

  There was no saying what did it, the wine, the position, that look in her eyes… hell, that had to be at least part of it. But whatever it was, it all coalesced to make him say something he shouldn’t have.

  With a slow lick of his full lips, he stared down at her, meeting that blue gaze straight on.

  “Maybe you should do somethin’ for me then,” he said in a gravelly, masculine voice, though as brazen as it was, he had no idea how he’d follow that up. He was running on pure, barely filtered desire thanks to the wine lowering his inhibitions.

  And the mental image of her writhing on top of her bed...

  She looked at him, cocking her head slightly. She looked so innocent as she tried to piece together what he meant.

  Her brows knit in the center, and she finally opened her pouty lips to speak. It was like time was standing still between them, and his heart was racing, his cock throbbing as he waited what she was going to say.

  “Like what?”

  Simple enough question, but a lot harder to answer.

  “I dunno,” he said, and using his raw strength he tore the remote from her grasp entirely to hold it out of her reach. He looked so nonchalant about it all, so casual as he held her there. “Maybe you should just be my lil’ pet slave for a while,” he offered, not even looking at her. “Since you can’t think of anything.”

  She squirmed again, clearly hoping that his hold would’ve loosened with his motions, but instead he kept her pinned with more strength as he let the remote clatter to the floor.

  Her eyes widened, hand going to the armrest to hold herself up, but it was so precarious, and her loose fitted t-shirt was slipping down further the more she squirmed. Just a couple more seconds and he might be able to get a glimpse of those sweet treats she’d always kept hidden. He could already tell she wasn’t wearing a bra with how her nipples poked out just slightly.

  “I already do, like, all of the housework, you lazy jackass,” she said, but Zach swore there was a little bit of a growl to her words. Something more primal than her usual princess-like tone.

  “Not chores,” he growled back in return, the two of those hormone-fueled teens like animals. “We’ve got the place to ourselves for a while, so we could get more creative than just some dumb ass chores, don’t you think, sis?”

  He was all teeth as he grinned down at her, holding her captive atop his throbbing manhood.

  He could see the gears churning behind her eyes. She had to feel his stiffy. It was pressed right against her lower belly, and he was a big guy. Tall and broad, with a cock to match. She’d had to have felt it throbbing, for minutes now, but she hadn’t said a peep about it.

  She just kept squirming against it.

  He stared at her, his features feral, wondering what she’d do next.

  ~Chapter 13~

  Oh God, she thought, and she couldn’t help it. She tried once more, in vain, to squirm away from him.

  She’d never thought of her brother like that before. He’d always just been a jerk to her. But now he was staring down at her like he’d just issued her a dare and refusal wasn’t an option. But what did he mean, more creative?

  And why did he just keep getting harder?

  Her mind was spinning, but there was something so much worse. Her body hadn’t ever been exposed to such primal temptation before. Never had she ground against a guy’s cock like she was doing then, and she could feel that dull throbbing between her legs.

  Whether she liked it or not, her body was definitely in the former camp.

  Gross! She squirmed again, but it didn’t matter to her body just how wrong it was. Part of her wanted it. Him. His cock, thrusting in and out of her, taking her virginity right there on the couch. Giving her a taste of what it felt like.

  Her breathing was shallow and she tried to squirm again, getting her foot free from the sofa. She tried to shift upwards, and though she succeeded in moving further up his body, freeing herself a little, she lost her grip on the armrest, and her chest fell right against his face.

  Worse than that, though, was that now she could feel his cock pulsing against her pubic bone, her needy cunny wanting it more than anything.

  The remote was discarded and long forgotten, so when she fell against his face like that, propped up on his lap, he brought both of those thick, bulging arms about her. Those muscled forearms of his pressed into her lower back as he kept her hostage there.

  He didn’t rush to move, he kept her there in his grasp, and she swore she could feel him throbbing in tune with the way his hands felt her back, and dared inappropriately close to cupping her butt. It was far more intimate a position than brother and sister should share.

  Though most curious of all, was the way her brother seemed to linger there, face pressed to her petite chest. He’d done nothing but put her small size down, and make her feel self-conscious for it, yet there he was… seeming to revel in the feel of her bosom. It made her head spin with the thought! Had all those years of merciless teasing been a lie? A cover-up for how he’d actually felt about her? Her appearance?

  When at last he moved his face, it seemed to be a combination of rubbing against her chest and repositioning for him to talk. A convenient excuse, nonetheless.

  “I guess this is a yes,” he said with such a devilish glint in his eyes as he grinned, keeping her under his control.

  It hadn’t even occurred to her she hadn’t protested. Why hadn’t she protested?

  Because it feels good, she thought, and instantly she flushed with anger and embarrassment.

  He couldn’t feel good. He was her brother!

  She moved her hands to either side of his head, pushing her chest off him, though that quickly backfired. Firstly, it just pushed her loins closer to his, and he was throbbing so hard it almost felt like a vibrator teasing her. It was so close, yet so far away.

  And secondly, her shirt was too loose, and at that angle, the V-neck dipped away from her ribs, exposing her bra-less chest to him. Her nipples were already so hard, not as though she could help that. She was so sensitive, and all the friction, the feeling of his cheek lightly brushing them was enough to get them stiff and aching for attention.

  He stared.

  Openly stared at her breasts. Those pink, stiff nipples crowning her petite mounds, the same ones he’d shamed her for. Those very same tits held his gaze captive, and it wasn’t just shock. She could see that immediately.

  Sylvia was old enough to know the gaze of lusty men, and her brother’s was as lusty as they came.

  She moved to cover herself, but before she could, his hands snapped into action. Thos
e thick mitts of his grasped her wrists, held them tightly away from her body.

  “You’re my pet now, sis,” he said with a mix of casual indifference and a bestial growl that edged in to overpower his attempt at playing it cool. “You gotta ask permission for every lil’ thing. That’s how this works, y’know?”

  And though he forced his eyes to hers, she would’ve been a fool to miss the way his gaze flickered back to her chest despite himself.

  There was a pit in her stomach, nerves coiled in her body.

  But worse than all that was the way his stare, his words, made her breathing shallower, and she wanted to grind against him so bad. To just feel the shaft of his cock rub against her clit and still that incessant throbbing.

  She resisted, but it was only a matter of time before she’d have to find some release. Her legs went between his, those slender stalks so much smaller than his bulky muscle, and squeezed her thighs together as if that’d help.

  Her brother was displeased with that, it was clear, but he forced her two arms behind her back, pinned them there above her taut rear, those hard fingers of his left hand digging into her cheeks as he kept her locked in place with just the one muscular grasp.

  “Y’know, you’re kinda pretty when your mouths shut and you’re obeying,” he said, but the lie was obvious now. He thought she was pretty regardless. Maybe it was the wine that was responsible for letting that fact slip, but whatever it was, it was out there now.

  She didn’t know what to say, but she wanted to protest. To tell him off, that he was being a jerk and a creep.

  But she knew he could see it in her face, what he was doing to her. It had to be as plain as anything. Even if she was to argue now, she felt exposed, and raw. He’d stared at her naked chest!

  She squirmed again, her knees digging into the sofa, but instead of doing the thing that might free her, instead she pushed her ass into the air, into his hand.

  It was wrong, and it was subtle, but her mind was hazed over by carnal desires.

  He reached up with that free hand of his, and for a moment she thought he might grab her breast brazenly! Though instead, he touched his hard fingers to her collarbone, skirted the line between decency and depravity with his own sister, feeling her smooth, pale skin as he traced beneath her neck, and on up.

  Zach didn’t choke her, nor even squeeze her throat, but his fingers for a moment formed a ring about her neck and that had such an odd effect upon her.

  “We’ve got a lot of days ahead yet before mom and dad come home,” he said, licking his lips once more, eying her in ways she’d never thought he might. “So do you wanna be a good girl and do as you’re commanded?” he asked, brow raised at her.

  More shocking than the sexual undertones of what her brother was doing, perhaps, was how much of a thrill he clearly got from controlling her. From being in charge of her, completely. There’d be no easy way to back off from this, she realized.

  She’d stayed too long, trapped against his hardon and his strong hand.

  How could they go back from this? How would she look at him from across the dining room table, eating a meal and knowing the feel of his cock throbbing against her?

  “Zach, I gotta go,” she said, and she tried to squirm again, but he held her close, his other hand going up into her hair, cupping her face as he sneered.

  Her attempt to wriggle away and change the subject met with his intense dissatisfaction. He tightened his grasp upon her, and her slender form could not wriggle free from that iron grasp as it threatened to bruise her wrists.

  “That’s not the right answer, sis,” he said, the words growled out so commandingly. Though more shocking than the way he so aggressively took control, was how he began to grope at her ass.

  “Maybe you should try again,” he said rough and low.

  He had to let her wrists go in order to grab her ass, fingers kneading into her. It shocked her into stillness, though, and his other hand worked its way up to her ponytail. His fingers dug into her hair, freeing the elastic band and letting her blonde hair fall along her cheekbones, tickling at her collar.

  She stayed like that, stunned, for several seconds before she shimmied back, away from his hard grip. Luckily she was still a gymnast, and though she might not have brute strength, she had some finesse, especially with him distracted as he was.

  ~Chapter 14~

  Alcohol had clouded Zach’s mind, let him get more brazen than he should’ve ever dared. Though the view of her pretty face and lovely tits before him, the feel of her body grinding against his fresh in his mind, he was pushed over a precipice. With her lithe form and his focus upon touching her flesh, Sylvia managed to squirm free of his grasp, and panic set in suddenly.

  A flood of emotions really. Panic at having let her out of his grasp while his need for her was still so strong. Some sliver of realization that he’d gone too far already and now she was going to end it all and maybe even get him in trouble.

  It all served to help make his grab for her slower, more belated as she fell back from him and the couch and flipped out of his grasp entirely.

  “Hey!” he shouted, still fueled enough by his desire for control to get up and grab for her again. But she was gone, her dainty little form racing for the stairs ahead of his. His big, broad form couldn’t hope to keep up with her light-footed climb of the stairs before she vanished into her room, and the click of her lock kept him out.

  Though despite reason, he pounded upon it with his big fist.

  “Come out!” he shouted, before finally reason began to sink back into his mind and told him to go away. Slink back to the couch and pretend none of it happened.

  He didn’t see her the rest of the night, but when he was lying in bed, his mind still reeling, he pictured her touching herself. Thinking of him.

  Wishing he’d gone just a little bit further.

  The thought sent him over the edge, and he grunted, cleaning it up quickly before falling into a fitful sleep.

  ~Chapter 15~

  Sylvia stared at the ceiling. She had no awareness of how much time had passed, but her heart was still racing and her cunny was still throbbing with need. Her step-brother had just groped her ass, feeling her up as he held her pinned to his hardon.

  She couldn’t touch herself, though. Not knowing what it was that turned her on.

  She couldn’t masturbate to the thought of her brother slipping in between her thighs, his mouth working along her breasts, teasing her higher and higher. She tried, tried forcing her mind to focus on Zach’s friend, but still, every time her pleasure mounted it shifted from him… back to Zach.

  A gasp escaped her, and it was cruel punishment that she couldn’t get the thought of him out of her mind.

  How good he felt, pulsing against her. How much she wanted it.

  But it’s wrong, she reminded herself for the umpteenth time, but her body wasn’t listening. If anything, the fact that it was wrong was only making her think about it more.

  She wondered what he was doing. She’d heard him come up the stairs a while ago, and then it was just quiet.

  Was it just alcohol? Just him being a bit tipsy and horny and going too far?

  Her answer came the next day in a most unexpected way.

  ~Chapter 16~

  Things were quiet that morning, her brother hadn’t stirred from his room when she finally gave in and just got up. She decided to busy herself with chores, to do the laundry that needed doing.

  She carried her basket of fresh, warm clothes up to her room, noting her brother’s door was slightly ajar, though the quiet indicated he’d probably gone out. Probably to avoid her. Maybe it was for the best. He knew he’d gone too far, and that’d be the last of it.

  Sorting through and folding her things, she wanted to change her clothes. Get into something freshly cleaned, feel the warm fabric against her instead of what she currently had on. Yet as she got to the end of her pile, she noted the absence of her favourite pair of panties. The ones she hope
d to slip into.

  They were white, frilly, but with a pink ribbon that laced through the frills and came to a bow in front. To not find them in the wash was confusing, so she searched her drawers, nothing. Poked beneath her bed, where they sometimes slipped… still nothing. She swore she’d worn them the other day and put them in the wash...

  She grew worried. They were her favourite! The most comfortable and the sexiest pair she owned. So downstairs she went, checked the laundry room in the basement again, nothing in the dryer, the washer.

  Coming back up, she was almost in a panic, thinking she’d lost them. Then her eyes trailed back to her brother’s room, and the vague hint of a suspicion formed…

  She moved down the corridor, her feet padding softly upon the carpet. The house was quiet, and she assumed Zach must have gone out. Nudging open his door cautiously all the same, she slowly pried into his room. That dark, messy place riddled with his clothes.

  She tiptoed past it all, looking around, wondering…

  She wasn’t sure where to look or even what she might find, but she went to his laptop by his bed, found it still on and not locked out. Surprisingly she didn’t find any porn left open. He’s such a pig usually, she thought, and for a moment she was impressed. But when she looked down at the drawers near his bed, she saw one in particular was left hanging open a crack.

  A glint of colour in the otherwise dingy room greeted her there, and she pulled the drawer open, only to see that pair of her bright, colourful panties, sullied and lingering in his possession.

  Her eyes were as wide as saucers, and her mouth parted.

  She could barely believe what she was seeing. He’d stolen her panties?

  Her heart beat faster and she looked to the door, then back to the drawer. Her stomach tightened into knots. She knew she’d put those in the wash, and that they had to still smell like her...

  Her face crinkled as she grabbed for them, but quickly she discovered they’d not only been used by her.


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