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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

Page 3

by Natasha Davis

  “Yes, we’ve witnessed it ourselves,” I agreed.

  “Well children, this year Davies’ name was drawn.”

  “No, that can’t be, didn’t you tell them that you have us to look after?”

  “Ava, rules are rules no matter what the excuse may be. I’m afraid that’s not the worst of it, I’ve chosen to go with him.”

  “No, Kim you can’t leave us alone. The others will kill us knowing we no longer have yours and Davie’s protection.”

  “Ava- Jess, I know this is going to be hard for you. That’s why Davie and I had to discuss your options.”

  “And exactly what are our options? You’re so quick to leave us alone knowing we already lost our parents to this nature. If it weren’t for you two, we wouldn’t be here. We would be home with our parents, living like the family we should have had. Not in a cave in the middle of no where. Not getting to learn what we need to know. All Jess and I have are each other. You claim to love us, but you don’t, because if you did you wouldn’t do this Kim, I don’t want to see either of you go, but since there’s no choice, then it shouldn’t be both, since that can be decided,” I snapped.

  Kim held up her hand to silence me, “Ava we love you like our own. I hate to hear you judge us in such a way, thinking it was our fault for your parent’s death. When in no doubt we tried to save them, and they were adults, they made their decision to help us, and that I will not take the blame for. And you can’t possibly ask me to stay behind and have me, watch my husband’s death. As hard as it’s been living through the years remembering your parent’s lives flash before my eyes, I refuse to do that. Think of it this way Ava and Jess, if we survive, then we survive together. If we die, then we die together, the way it’s meant to be. If you two can’t accept that, then so be it. We’re not here to receive your acceptance for our actions. We’re strictly here to tell you what will take place in a matter of a couple of weeks.”

  Shock had fallen over me; this news has hit me hard. I felt so cold, so lost knowing time was running out. And the mean harsh words that I just spoken to them. I couldn’t help it; the words just kept flowing out. I was just hoping that I could persuade them, but I see nothing will get through to them now.

  “How did you manage to get a couple of weeks out of them? Usually, after the drawing you only get one day.”

  “Well, since Davie and I decided that it will be both of us; the alchemist has to make up another potion, and that will take him some time.”

  “You also mentioned options. What options do we have?”

  “The thing is, without us you’ll have no one who’ll provide you with the resources of food. So, you’ll both be left to defend yourselves safety and nutrition wise. So, the alternative is that you can stay the way you are and pray for the best, or we can finish your vampire transformation, so you can survive this world.”

  I looked at Jess, once Kim had given us our options and he had his eyebrows cocked up in shock, either that or he was really considering it.

  Davie had been pacing the whole time Kim had given us the speech. Once she finished, he stepped beside her and put his hand on the small of her back for support.

  “Look we know this hasn’t been the best life that could be provided, but it’s the best that we could do. We hope that one day you’ll both understand our decisions, and why those we made led us down this road. I hope that you both will decide this fate, and once your decision has been made let us know, so we can begin the process. They’ll be much for you both to learn in order to survive. Do you have any thoughts you’d like to share with us?” Davie said.

  “If I decide to become vampire will it hurt?”

  “I won’t lie to you Jess, it will hurt. The first few hours are very crucial.”

  “Jess, you can’t be really considering this, no I don’t want you to turn.”

  “Ava that really isn’t your decision to make, it’s my body and my life and I’ll decide what I want for once.”

  “No, Jess your wrong it’s our life unless; you’re going to change your mind on that too.”

  “Ava, be reasonable we have no other choice. It’s become a vampire in which we mostly are anyway, or stay as we are and take our chances. I’d hope that you would dream of me becoming like you, so that we would have so much more in common, other than our parents dying together and having us witness it.”

  I looked at him with my mouth agape. What Jess had said really stung. I know it’s selfish of me to want him as he is, but honestly, I’m really afraid of changes, and this one is a big one.

  “Jess, I just want you to think this through. Long and hard, because once you’ve changed you can’t go back to the way things are now. You do understand that, right? I just want you to make a well thought out decision, not an irrational one such as this.”

  “Ava, I’ve been considering this for a long time. Do you think I enjoy being locked up in a cave all of the time. I’m afraid to go out into the night even, because the past haunts me. I just want to live a normal life. Well as close as normal, that I can get. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy life with you and I plan to live a much longer life with you as well, but we can’t like this. I’m sorry Ava, my decision has been made, and if you’re smart you’ll join me too.”

  I let out a deep breath that I apparently was holding, “Since, I’m half vampire then there shouldn’t be much of a change, right?”

  Davie walked over to me and put his hand on my cheek. “No, Ava there won’t be much of a change for you my dear. The only thing you’ll have to do is hunt. Once you’re finished with your hunt then you’ll experience some different things, and since you’re the first of your kind we can’t be too sure as just what will happen.”

  “What do you mean? I’m the first of my kind.”

  Kim stood up and walked over to me, “Ava we never told you this and I’m sure your parents would have eventually. Your father broke many laws by being with your mother. It is against the law for us to mate with a human, or to tell one of our secret. Your father did both, but since your mother was turned into a vampire after your birth, the council men were willing to look the other way, but they also thought that you hadn’t made it. Your parents were afraid for your life dear one, not theirs.”

  “What is the penalty to this broken rule?”

  “The only punishment we have for this is death.”

  “So given that, we all have broken this rule to keep you both safe, has put us all in danger.” Seeing the look of confusion on my face, Kim nodded and continued. “Jess is human; this means everyone here has broken this law. If we were to be found, we’d all be killed.”

  “Where exactly is the council?”

  “The council is everywhere; there are ten of them both men and women. They are the eldest of our kind, so if you ever encounter one of them, they’ll have a small tattoo symbol on the back of their neck. Usually, you don’t realize who they are until it’s a little too late. There are only a small handful of laws that must be up held, but don’t worry we’ll provide you with that information at a later time, if you decide to complete the process Ava. We don’t want to provide so much information to you just yet, in case, you were to encounter one of them soon.”

  “Jess, are you seriously going to do this?”


  “Well if Jess is going to turn, then so am I.”

  “Ava this isn’t some kind of competition, I don’t want you to do this just because, I am” Jess snapped.

  “What makes you think I’m willing to set back and allow you to do this alone. And I know this isn’t a competition mister smarty pants. I want to do this so that I can be with you,” I snapped back.

  Davie smirked, “Well it seems we have made a decision. We’re going to let you two have a night of rest and allow you some time to think and perhaps make up. Tomorrow we will start the process.”

  Davie and Kim looked at one another and smiled, “Good night children we’ll see you in the morning.”

�Good night Kim and Davie,” Jess said.

  “Good night.”

   5


  “What Jess.”

  “Please don’t be mad at me, I just want to do what’s best for us, that’s all.”

  “I know you believe the decision you made is best, but I’m just afraid that you’ll regret it.”

  “Ava a decision I make to be with you is never a bad one. I’ll learn to adapt just like everyone else here had to.”

  “Jess are you afraid that they’re things we’re missing out on?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like us living a normal life. What about us getting married or having a family one day? Have you ever given those things a thought?”

  “Ava life here isn’t normal, and yes, I’ve thought about having those things with you many times, but not like this. So, what brings this on all of a sudden?”

  “Oh, come on, we’ve never had an adult conversation together; I just wondered that’s all. Now that our human lives are coming to an end, it has really got me to thinking.”

  “I know there are going to be things that we’ll miss, but will learn to love new things about one another,” Jess said.

  Jess was lying on his back with his hands placed behind his head. He was looking up at the caves ceiling as he talked to me. I was propped up on my left arm pondering over what to say or do in our last night as a human. There was only one thing that clouded my judgment and I just couldn’t resist. I crawled myself on top of Jess and kissed him like there were no tomorrow. We’d never kissed before and I wasn’t going into tomorrow blind, thinking about how it might have been. Jess rolled me over so that he was hovering on top of me and pulled his face back to look at me, and he kissed me back with just as much force. I’ve never felt this way before, my body tingled from my head down to my toes in excitement. I yearned for him in so many places that I didn’t even know existed before now.

  “Ava, are you sure about this?”

  “Yes, I’m sure that I want you, I don’t know a lot about this. Other than, the ways you make me feel when you caress my face or when you kiss my cheek. I just don’t want to face tomorrow wondering how this would have felt being human.”

  “I don’t want that to be your only reason, Ava. I want you to want me this way, because you feel ready, not rushed. We’ll have plenty of time for this later, with fewer worries.”

  “I’ve wanted you for some time Jess. I’ve just been too scared to act on it. What worries would we have?”

  “Ava you could still get pregnant, or at least I think you could, considering you’re half human.”

  “Jess, I’m not worried about that.”

  “Ava, you should be.”

  “Jess, I know there are many things that we should worry about when discussing this topic, but I don’t want to talk, I want to act. Tonight is our last chance as humans, and I want to share mine intimately with you.”

  “Ava, I’ve been waiting for a long time to hear you say those words to me, but right now doesn’t feel like the right time. I’m sorry, but I have to say no.”

  “You’re rejecting me, I’m the only human woman here and you don’t want me. Jess who is it that you’d rather have?”

  “Ava, I’m not saying I never want you. I’m just saying not now. And this is not the time to become jealous. You know I only have eyes for you, I’ve always had and will always have eyes for you.”

  “You know you can be really sweet when you want to be. I’m just saying we should give it a try, if things become awkward we can always stop.”

  Jess rolled over onto his back and placed his forearm across his eyes in frustration.

  “Jess, I’ve anticipated this night for so long. Not quite in these circumstances, but altogether for the same reasons, just to be with you, that’s all I want. Can’t you at least grant me this one wish, this one desire and need to be with you?”

  “Ava, you’re not making this any easier for me, I’ve always thought I’d be the one talking you into it, not the other way around. Please be reasonable.”

  “What are you afraid of Jess? That someone else will hear us, if that’s so, then there’s never going to be a hope for this. Is there?”

  Jess took in a big breath and rolled over on top of me. He pressed his body on mine, “firm”. He took my arms and raised them above my head and pinned them together with one of his. And then he kissed me passionately, I’ve dreamed of this. I’ve yearned, for his body many, many nights lying here restlessly, and now the time has come. I finally get what I want just one night with him as woman and man.

  “Ava, if I’m hurting you or if I do hurt you, please let me know. Sometimes I don’t know my own strength and that’s the last thing I want.”

  I held my finger to his lips, “Shhh. I promise to let you know either way.” Then I pressed my lips to his.

  We rolled back and forth across the bed over and over seeping with love trying desperately to fulfill each others desires. Jess started, caressing my body, rubbing his hand down my side, brushing his thumb across the side of my breast, I gasped in his mouth and he answered right back.

  I was lost in the moment, instincts taking over. I pulled his white tank top over his head and exhaled as I traced the lines of his chest and abs. Jess pulled my tee-shirt over my head and unsnapped my bra to fulfill his needs as well. He cupped my breast in his hand and rubbed his thumb across my nipple and I moaned in excitement. He kissed my lips, traced my jaw and neck line with his lips making his way down to my breasts where he then kissed, caressed and licked my nipple. Then he started sucking my nipple and I moaned again with more excitement, my body shuddered with tension, shock and passion at the thought of this.

  He left my breast, kissing his way down my stomach stopping at my pants line. He unbuttoned my pants and pulled them off. He kissed every inch of my body with hunger, and I entwined my fingers through his hair and gave a little pull and he moaned in protest. He came back to me and pressed his lips against mine and placed one hand in my hair and the other at the small of my back pressing me closer to his body. This was something all to itself; I wrapped both of my legs around his waist and could feel the long hard length against my leg. I knew what was waiting for me and was overpowered with desire. Jess unfastened his pants and pulled them off leaving his shorts on. He looked me in the eyes and said, “Ava I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Jess.”

  A surge of stars and flickers of light floated in my head once the love making began. My body tingled with numbness non stop from my head to my toes; his body is a few degrees warmer than mine, and it feels very exhilarating.

  “No, Ava don’t,” Jess shrieked.

  I could feel his hot warm blood flowing in my mouth, as I fulfilled my quenching thirst. My teeth buried deep into his throat, sucking the very need of survival from him. I knew this was wrong, the more I tried to pull away, the harder the force was keeping me there taking more. Jess’s body became limp against me in protest of what I just done. I didn’t want to be seen like this. Jess was right, when I was little; I’m nothing other than a monster, I can’t even have one night of passion with the man I love, without trying to kill him.

  “Jess can you hear me?”

  Jess didn’t answer me. I kept shaking his body, but he was just cold, lifeless. He still had a pulse, but a very weak one at that.

  “Kim- Davie. If you can hear my thoughts, please come quick. I almost killed Jess. He’s dying. Please help me. We’re in our bedroom, please just you two.”

  I know it’s very selfish of me to not want others to see me naked, considering the love of my life is dying here in my arms, because of me. I should have listened to him. When he said there were other worries, I knew he wouldn’t have said anything about my vampire side, afraid he might offend me, but I didn’t consider this. Oh no, what’s taking them so long their vampire’s not elderly humans. At that thought, Kim and Davie rushed in the room like a flash of lightening.
br />   “What did you do Ava?”

  “Please don’t be mad. We were making love and I lost control of myself and this happened. I didn’t realize I was doing it to him, until it was too late.”

  “Get out of the way. He still has a heart beat; we should be able to save him, but Ava he won’t come back to you as human. He’ll be a vampire, is that what you want?” Kim asked.

  “Yes, anything to save him, I can’t live without him. How did I let myself loose control like that…. Oh, this is my fault.”

  “Davie take him, I’ll be there in a minute. I need to talk to Ava for a moment. Ava, this is not all your fault, some of the blame goes to Jess as well. Don’t worry; he’ll be okay, a little different, but okay. Your transformation into a vampire is complete. That was the key all along, feed on human blood. But, Jess’s transformation will be a little more difficult than that. Put some clothes on and come with me, I’ll need to keep a close eye on you now.”

  I did as Kim told me, I got dressed, barely realizing the difference in my eyesight already. Kim led me out of Jess and my room by the hand. My limbs were shaking with fear.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Davie took Jess to the meeting area, so the others can help us with the transformation. Please keep in mind Ava; once he comes through he’ll not be his self. He’s going to want blood, real blood. I will need to protect you, because he will sense your blood and the pull will be too strong for him to fight. You can relate to that, can’t you?”

  I nodded my head, agreeing with her. I didn’t realize what I was doing until Jess’s blood was flowing in my mouth. I heard his cry in protest, but I still couldn’t stop myself. So, yes I can relate to that.

  Davie laid Jess in the middle of the meeting room, with all of the other vampires in a circle around him. He looked so pale, limp, and breathless. I had to really focus to see him breathing, that’s how shallow his breaths were. I stood there in shock as I took in the scenery. I don’t believe I’ve ever been this scared in my life.

  “Kim, if he doesn’t make it, I’ll see the sun.”


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