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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

Page 17

by Natasha Davis

   13

  Grandfather wasn’t kidding when he said, I’m probably exhausted. There’s no probably about it. I’m completely worn out. Nothing a full stomach and a good nights rest won’t fix. I went and took a shower to wash all the dirt and sweat away from my body. Once, I was finished with that simple task, I filled my stomach and went to lie down. But, as always that wasn’t going to happen, because as soon as my head hit the pillow I heard a soft knock at the door.

  “Who is it?” I yelled.

  “It’s your mother, may I come in?”

  “It’s open.”

  “You weren’t asleep were you?”

  “No, not yet, but I was headed there. You look like you have a lot on your mind.”

  “Well I do have a lot on my mind. Dalton told me that tomorrow you both will be going over some plans, so that you can go and get Ava. I didn’t think it was going to be this soon. But then again I should have known, considering you’ve always been smart and beyond your age.”

  “I know it may seem very soon to you, but to me it feels like I’ve been here for years learning everything. I guess that shows you just how anxious I am to get Ava out of that forsaken place.”

  “I understand what you mean by being anxious, but I’d just hope that we would have had some more time to catch up. Do you mind if we do a little catching up tonight?”

  “No, I don’t think they’ll be any harm in that. How have you been all of these years?”

  “Well as you know, I’ve had a little trouble getting use to your father’s execution, but with a little help I was able to manage. Jess, I know that you want to be the hero and everything, but I think that maybe you should take Dalton or Damon with you when you go.”

  “Mom, I know you want to protect me and everything, but I’m not a little child anymore. I’m an adult, and besides I don’t want to jeopardize their lives either. I’m sure they probably wouldn’t mind going, but I just couldn’t live with myself if they were to die.”

  “Well, once you put it that way, then I can see why you don’t take them with you. I just worry about you dear. I want you to get out of here safely.”

  “Well with the training that Dalton and Damon has given me, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

  “Jess, did anyone hurt you while you were in the cave?”

  “Mom, you don’t have to worry about that. No one bothered Ava and me. Why do you ask?”

  “I’ve always feared that someone was being cruel to you, while you were kidnapped. I’m a little relieved that nothing happened.”

  “Mom as you can see, far from nothing happened. A lot of things have changed since we were stole away in the cave. Kim and Davie were good to us. They provided us with all the things that we needed. And for that I’m grateful to them. I just hate that after all the years they were killed. I think you would have liked them.”

  “I remember them, but they didn’t seem that way the first time I met them. I remember those days all too clearly. I didn’t know that Patty and Nick had something up their sleeves at the time. If I had, then maybe this would’ve never happened.”

  “Mom, don’t do that.”

  “Don’t do what, Jess?”

  “The ifs, ands, and buts. That never done anyone any good and I’m sure it won’t now.”

  “It’s a habit that I apparently haven’t broken yet.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Mom is there anything else that you want to talk to me about? I only ask because I have a busy day tomorrow, and I’m exhausted from today.”

  “Well I guess it’s nothing that can’t wait. Jess, why do you still hold a grudge towards me?”

  “What do you mean a grudge? Mom, I’ve never held a grudge towards you.”

  “I can sense a hate from you that I just can’t explain.”

  “I’m just a little upset with the way everything has worked out. Ava and I hoped that once Kim and Davie were gone, that things would’ve gone back to normal, well as normal as things can get with us supernatural.”

  “And you feel like things aren’t going back to normal. After all you do have some family back in your life now.”

  “I may have family back in my life, but it will never be like it use to. Look at this town. Do you think this is how I want to live? And if there are any chances of me having children in the future, do you think I want to raise them here, in this environment?”

  “Well no, I guess your right; I wouldn’t want to raise my child here. You and Ava aren’t normal young adults, and if you’re capable of having children, chances are they won’t be normal either. It’s a choice that you’ll have to make.”

  “Mother, I’ve already made my choice, and I’m sorry that you’re not happy with my decision, but it’s for me to make, not you or anyone else.”

  “This is not at all how I expected our last conversation to go. I’m sorry to have upset you. I just wanted to get somewhat of an idea of how you felt, and now that I have, I’m going to go. I love you Jess, and hope that you rest good. If I don’t see you before you go on your adventure, then know that I love you, and wish you the best.”

  “Thank you for that, but please tell me something, why all of a sudden the change of heart? Just a couple of days ago, you were so hell bent on me seeking revenge. Now you’re talking about me staying and everything. Please explain, that to me.”

  “Jess you’ve been away from me for so long, and now that your back its made me realize just how much I’ve missed you. It would make me very happy to have you here in my live for a while longer, and who knows hopefully forever.”

  “I guess I could understand that. I don’t know how things will turn out tomorrow. I’m hoping that we make it out of the cabin and out of this town. And if we do make it out of the town, I’ll let you know once we’re settled in somewhere safe, then maybe you and the others can join us.”

  “Yeah, maybe we could. I love you Jess, get you some sleep.”

  “Alright, I love you too. See you in the morning.”

  Lauren just nodded at me in response. Now, I’m in between a rock and a hard place. I don’t know what to do. All I know is that someone will not be happy with the decision that I make, and it’ll probably be my mother. I love her and miss her, but like I said earlier, things aren’t the way they use to be, and never will be. That I’ve gotten use to, and I think it’s time that everyone else has too.

  Tired from earlier events and the conversation I just had, I’m beat and going to bed. I don’t want anymore interruptions, and I probably would bite the head off the next person who does. I lay my head back down on the soft pillow that consumes the bunker underneath me. I decided not to think about what lies’ ahead of the road, but decided to deal with it when that time comes. That’s when sleep consumed me.


  I awake with little anticipation. I’m ready to get this show on the road. Dalton and Damon was already waiting for me in the laboratory. I jumped out of the bed and rush into the bathroom to take care of my needs that surprisingly just will not go away. I’d thought that once a vampire the need to pee would no longer exist. I’m assuming that the need for others like me no longer consume them. Once, I finished taken care of that, I walked all too casually into the laboratory to join the others. I was all too excited and anxious to get the meeting started.

  “Hello, how are you feeling this morning?” Dalton said with amusement spread about his face.

  I looked at him with a puzzled expression, trying to be a little cautious at the sudden change of attitude, “I’m feeling fine. Why’s that?”

  “Oh nothing, are you ready to get started.”

  “More than ready, one could say.”

  “Alright then, have you given any thought to the details of maneuvering Ava out of the cabin?”

  “Actually, no I haven’t. I needed the rest more than anything. It won’t do anyone any good, if I can’t defend us.”

  “Well, I guess your right there, but who’s to say that Ava can’t defend h

  “I’m trying to think of all things necessary. I’m not saying that she can’t defend herself, but we are talking about hundreds of years old vampires here, are we not?”

  “We are, and I’m glad that you haven’t forgotten that important detail. Now Dalton has brought some tools for you to use, and he will help you learn to use them efficiently.”

  “What kinds of tools are we talking about?”

  “Well weapons, would be a much better word to have used, but I’ll let Damon explain them to you.”

  Damon looked at me with a wide smile spread out on his face. The smile reaching his eyes in response, “so little cuz, are you ready for another challenge?”

  “If there’s no other way around it, then I guess I’ll have to be. What do you have in mind?”

  “I’ve brought a few things for you to learn with, and if you get caught with these weapons, please remember, I didn’t give them to you. These weapons are frowned upon by all vampires, and you too may not even want to use them.”

  “Just get to the point Damon. You don’t have to worry about me telling anybody anything, because, for one I will not get caught.”

  “Jess, like I said before, don’t underestimate anything or anyone. You getting caught are as much a possibility, as you getting out of this town unscathed.”

  “Okay point taken and remembered. I don’t mean to get all cocky on you. I just want to get this show on the road. And the sooner you get on with the lesson, the sooner I can get this mission over with and behind me.”

  “Okay, what I have here Jess is a stake. It’s a wooden stick that has a sharp carved point on the end of it. If used correctly and pointed into the heart of the enemy vampire, the vampire will die instantly. Another weapon, I have is holy water, but considering that you’re half vampire then you using that weapon aren’t too wise. Okay then.”

  “If a wooden stake can kill a vampire, then how can one live around it?”

  “Well the wood, itself doesn’t harm a vampire, but once it’s penetrated the skin and has entered the body, it becomes deadly. We’ve been researching it for years, but still haven’t found out why exactly it causes that.”

  “Okay, that really doesn’t make any sense, but what does anymore. Show me how to use that thing, and then we get on with the other details.”

  “I brought a made up human, also known as a dummy, for us to use as practice.”

  “Okay, where is it?”

  “I’ll be right back, I left it upstairs, I didn’t want you to think that you had other guests, besides Dalton and me.”

  “Well, hurry then.”

  Damon went upstairs to get the dummy. While I sat down on a metal chair, I looked around for Dalton, to find him reading over some material.

  “What are you doing, Dalton?”

  “I’m going over some plans for us to talk about. I’m going to pick the best route for you to get to the cabin. And once you and Damon are finished with the lessons, and then I will give them to you to remember. Does that sound okay to you?”

  “That sounds perfect, what else are we going to go over?”

  “Well, if you’re going to go before nightfall then that doesn’t leave a whole lot of time to go over anything else. Did you have something in mind?”

  “No not really, I just thought that there were going to be more to it than that.”

  “Well there’s not a whole lot left for you to go over. You already know the knowledge of alchemy and witchcraft. You’ve shown us that you can use your hidden powers when threatened, and now Damon is going to show you some other ways to destroy someone else, if for some reason you need to. I don’t doubt your skills Jess. We just want you to be prepared for anything and everything possible.”

  “I understand what you mean, and I’m very grateful for you teaching me all of these things.”

  “Well, I’m glad that you’ve made such an effort to learn them. You’ve made me very proud Jess. Just don’t get caught. I’d rather find out that you’ve took the easy route than letting them take you captive.”

  I was confused by his words, but didn’t get the opportunity to ask anything further, because, that is when Damon had chosen his moment to come back into the room. Damon had an awful looking dummy strung across his shoulders. The head of the dummy had straw poking through holes in the bur sack that was tied to a stick. And the rest of the body was the same. It barely resembled anything close enough to an actual figure. But I guess when were going to stab it to death, then anything fancier isn’t necessary.

  “Don’t look at it like that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You look at it like it’s the nastiest thing you’ve ever seen.”

  “I’m sorry Damon; I didn’t mean to look at it that way. The thing is just funny looking that’s all. Shall we get started?”

  “Yes, before I change my mind, and slap that look off your face.”

  “When you feel froggy enough to do it, then bring it on.”

  “You boys don’t start this crap again. I don’t want to have to split you up, unless that’s what you want,” Dalton said.

  Damon and I just looked at him and smiled. And Dalton smiled and shook his head at us.

  “Alright Damon, lets get back to work.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  I looked at him and suppressed laughter that was lingering its way to the surface.

  “All you need to know Jess is where the heart is and press the stake into the chest as hard as you can. But not too hard, because if you do, then your hand may go through the body, and well if it was me, then I’d probably get sick.”

  “Well, give me the stake and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “The heart is located on the left side of the body. And as you know your left isn’t there’s. Just aim for it and throw, or if you’re fighting close up then just jam it into the chest hard. And don’t forget that the dummy we’re practicing with is made of straw, and the people that you’ll fight against aren’t.”

  “I think I can manage that much. I can honestly say, though my aiming may be a little off.”

  “Oh, I doubt that, with the new vampire skills you hold.”

  I positioned the stake in my hand, surprisingly its light in weight; I considered bouncing it around in the palm of my left hand. After I got the feel of the stake I positioned it in my hand with the pointed edge facing the opposite direction from my body. I raised the stake in the air and threw it hard, centered at the dummy’s chest. The stake entered the right area of the dummy, but went all the way through and stuck in the wall on the opposite side of it.

  “I told you that it was made of straw Jess, what were you aiming for, the imaginary vampire on the other side,” Damon said with amusement in his voice.

  “Yes, that was it exactly.”

  Dalton chimed in with laughter as well. The way I see it, is if we have to do this, then why not have fun while we’re at it.

  “Are you ready to give it another try, or do you want to do the close up next?”

  “I think I’ve got the throwing with force down packed, why don’t we give the close up a try.”

  “Well, since you can’t use the left side of the dummy, you’ll have to throw at the right side. Just think it’s the left side of the body and go with it.”

  “Not a problem.”

  I ran toward the dummy and jammed it through the chest, but being careful not to go all the way through the straw made dummy’s body.

  “Well, I don’t think you’ll have a problem protecting yourself. Not that I thought otherwise. I just wanted to see what you’re capable of. Well, then if you’re ready then you can go over the other plans and details with Dalton. I’m leaving these with you.”

  Damon placed three stakes in my hands. Now I thought to myself, where exactly am I going to put these things. It’s not like I have a fighter’s suit on or anything. But as if Damon had read my mind, he came back in the room with some clothes buddle up tight
ly and handed them to me.

  “And these you’ll need to wear. The clothes are all black, and there’s even a side holster for you to wear, that’s where you can place the stakes and any other items you may need.”

  “Thanks Damon, I really do appreciate all of this.”

  “Ah, don’t mention it. Just get out of there alive is all I’m asking. And are you sure you don’t want me to tag along and help?”

  “I’m sure, and thank you for offering, even though I could use you, I don’t want you to risk your life.”

  “Okay, well I’ll see you around. I have a class to get too. If I don’t see you again for a while, goodbye Jess and stay safe.”

  “Goodbye Damon, you stay safe too. And remember which side to stay on.”

  “Which side is that?”

  “The good side.”

  He just smiled at me and said no more. Once Damon had left the room, it was Dalton’s turn to lecture me.

  “I’ve read through all the plans and blueprints. Here are the ones that will get you there safer. Even though there isn’t any route here that suggests safety, but you should find that you’ll run into less vampires and guards, by taking this one.”

  I took the blueprints and plans and laid them out on the one of the empty tables. I studied them for a while.

  “Thanks grandfather, this doesn’t look like to bad of a route.”

  “It may not look that bad, but remember there are always eyes looking about in every direction. So, really no route will provide otherwise, just promise me that you’ll be careful, and if you run into much trouble just call out to me mentally. I’ll be here and will come to help if you need me to. I don’t want them to capture you, because if they do, then there’s no telling what will happen.”

  “Okay Dalton, I promise to be careful and watch my back. And if I need you, I’ll let you know, but hopefully I won’t.”

  “You never know son, but if you manage to make it in and out without any problems and get out of this town before I get to see you, please know that I love you and will always love you. I wish you the best. I’ll leave you to prepare yourself, and I hope that I’ll one day soon, see you again.”


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