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The Night Life: Exodus of Evil

Page 21

by Natasha Davis


  I ran up the trail, not caring if anyone heard me coming. In which, wouldn’t be entirely hard with all the noise that’s coming from underneath my feet, this trail hasn’t been used all that much and the leaves and twigs have almost overtaken it, but I continue on anyways.

  Once, I was well past the cemetery and could see the faint light from the cabin home above, I started to slow down to a steady pace that was much quieter than my earlier bought of escape. I didn’t like the presence that the cemetery gave me, and I didn’t want to stay there any longer than I had to, but now that I have the house in sight, I can feel my body start to relax a little, knowing that I came all this way for a purpose has inspired me not to give up now.

  I could not feel anyone’s presence or smell a scent from this distance, but nor did I intend on things to be that easy. I couldn’t help to think to myself over and over that I’m almost there, that I could do this. My heart speeds up to the thought of holding Ava once again. I’ve longed for her touch, her kiss, and the embrace of her arms. She’s always been there for me, and I know she always will, but I can’t shake this feeling that I have, that something all together is wrong.

  I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary, but since when has anything ever been like, what it seems. I kept walking carefully now not to make any sudden movements or noises that will let someone know where I am.

  I know that cloaking myself may use up more of my energy, but I decide to do it anyway. It’s close to nightfall now, and I know that the humans have changed shifts with the vampires. I was trying so desperately to avoid this outcome, but even I can’t detect what type of problems you’ll run into. If I hadn’t been so damn curious as to what was down in that passageway, then I would have been here much sooner.

  Like the saying goes, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry freaking Christmas. Which, I might add is one of my many favorite expressions of all. Although, Ava didn’t like it that much, especially when I used it to counteract a point she was trying to make. With the thought of one of our many little spats, a smile wide as Texas had covered my features and warming my heart.

  That just goes to show just how much I’ve missed her. Well enough of going down memory lane, I’ll soon enough be in her presence, and then we can catch up together. With the thought of that my groin started to ache and stretch with some of the fond memories.

  Now that I’ve gotten closer to the house I can only see two guards pacing around, I can barely make out their figures from this distance, so I decide to switch my vision to infrared, hoping for a better view of my surroundings. Once my vision had done its switch and my eyes became to focus I looked around the house and was sure there were only two guards. One of the guards would pace from the right of the house to the front and the other guard would pace from the left all the way across the back. I just have to make sure to take one of the guards out while in front and then scurry to the back of the house and do the same. I just hope no one sees me and ruins my plan, but as we know it, plans don’t always work out the way we hoped.

  Before, I decide to let my emotions and fears get the best of me, I decided to move forward still careful not to make any sudden movements or noises. Given that I’m still cloaked they’ll have a little trouble finding me, at least with their eyes. Now, if and when they start to smell me out, then Houston we may have a problem. I smiled at that, I can remember Ava always using that expression from time to time, when she’s realized something she done went wrong.

  Shaking my head at the memories, I continued to keep a close eye on the house. Making sure there are no changes in the guard’s pattern, and surprisingly there weren’t any, after about a half of an hour of watching and waiting went by, I decided to make my move.

  I crouched down, keeping close to the shadows, which in my particular state isn’t necessary, but naturally. A predator on the hunt never lets his guard down, and while he may hunt a lot, he just gets use to his ways and crouching down is just one of them. One of the guards stopped and looked in my direction, but luckily I’m down wind, and those catching my scent would be impossible. Unless, of course their something entirely, and given what I saw today, that could be possible.

  I held my breath, and was careful not to make any movements, the guard finally turned around and continued to pace back and forth as to keep an eye on any danger that might approach, and although I’m not a danger to Ava, they are told otherwise.

  Knowing Patty, she probably made them study and burn the image of my face into their brains, and my scent along with it. I just know not to underestimate the woman, or at least that’s what my grandfather had taught me over the last month. There have been moments today that I’ve wished I were back at his house in the underground basement, but even I can’t live like that forever, and I actually refuse too. My mother on the other hand probably wouldn’t mind it, but I just can’t think of life that way. There’s so much more that nature has to offer, and I’m willing to taste the waters, so to speak.

  I finally, see my moment to pursue the guard out front, and with vampire speed I approached him, when I was right behind him he turned around and started to speak, but before the opportunity had aroused, I snapped his neck like a twig and hid him in the bushes. I’m told that snapping a very old vampire’s neck may not kill them, but will buy you enough time to retreat or finish whatever it is you come to finish. I searched for the footsteps of the vampire out back and could here him turning around to come back to the left of the house, so I walked down the left side and waited for him to turn the corner and finish him off. Seeing the expression on his face as he turned the corner sharp and saw me standing there, put a smile on my face. I almost laughed out loud, but thought otherwise, and just snapped his neck as well. I also, hid him in the bushes out front, placing him carefully on top of his partner.

  I walked up the front steps to the cabin and eased the door open. Thankful that Patty had the wards taken off of the homes once built. Most of the time a vampire has to be invited into a home, but when Patty had the houses built she had wards placed on them, allowing otherwise, permission to enter them all.

  Once inside I really didn’t hear any noises, but in the far bedroom. I could tell that Ava was here, I could smell her aroma, the sent of lavender swirled all around me making me a little light headed as its embrace. I smiled at the memory of it and decided to search the place high and low for any more threats. The last thing I want is to find Ava, and be quickly thrown away. I at least, want the opportunity to hold her and love her, even if it may be the very last time.

  The cabin is a huge home, and I’m sure that Patty and Nick gave it to Ava, being the fact they don’t want to be found, and for good reasons. The home I’ll have to admit is a beautiful one. Tall ceiling beams and a fireplace in the living room, a full fledged kitchen and dining room, a bathroom and three bedrooms. I didn’t look in each of them, because I can tell whether or not someone is in them. I can smell that Ava was in the bathroom not to long ago, and I can smell her scent lead all the way down the hall to a bedroom on the far end. Excitement ran throughout my body, and my groin began to ache and thicken at the thought of love making about to begin.

  As, I walked down the hallway following the scent of her lavender body, I had this feeling that something is all too wrong. I stopped at her door to take in a deep breath and try to gather my bearings. All the emotions that have played havoc on my body, has taken its toll, and knowing the fact that more emotions are to come is almost overwhelming.

  I slowly turned the doorknob, to Ava’s room and slowly opened the door, trying not to scare her. Once the door was opened wide, shock had fallen over me at what I now see. A man that looks just like me and Ava are in bed. I turned the light switch to the bedroom on, thinking that maybe my infrared eyesight was playing games with my head, but as strange things go they hadn’t. Ava startled, looked at me and to the man that shares her bed and screamed. The man that lies beside her smiled wickedly at me
and started to change his shape and features to expose the actual man he was.

  “What the hell?”


  Natasha Davis recently graduated from South College with an Associates of Science; she lives with her husband and dog Gizmo in Tennessee, and is currently working on her next book. She has recently created her own website at She welcomes anyone who wants to visit her there.




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